Why do you care about being tracked by tech companies? Unless you’re committing serious crimes then you have nothing to worry about

Why do you care about being tracked by tech companies? Unless you’re committing serious crimes then you have nothing to worry about

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  1. 2 years ago

    I never said I did.

  2. 2 years ago

    I am committing serious crimes.

    • 2 years ago

      which crime specifically

      • 2 years ago

        Being white.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        all of them

  3. 2 years ago

    If it weren't for a nefarious reason they would ask for consent. They're doing it without my consent, and thus it must be stopped.
    Yes, greed is also a nefarious reason.

    • 2 years ago

      >If it weren't for a nefarious reason they would ask for consent.
      That's a non sequitur.

      • 2 years ago

        You're a Black person

      • 2 years ago

        T. Non-Brazilian

        • 2 years ago

          Nobody's Brazilian.

      • 2 years ago

        Calm down pseud, it clearly follows.

        Do you everything restated and put into "I" statements like we're in elementary school for you to understand?

        • 2 years ago

          >it clearly follows.

          Sure it does.

          >"Why did you put the shopping cart back? Surely it's for nefarious purposes! You coated the handle with anthrax, didn't you?"

          >"You left a note under my wiper with your name in address after hitting my car in the parking lot while I was in the store? DID I ASK YOU TO DO THAT? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PULL?"

          A corporation tracks you so they can improve the product/service they're offering to you and improve the serving of articles familiarizing you with commercial products that might interest you. (also known as "advertisements")
          They're not tracking you so they can blackmail you over your furry porn addiction. For them to do so would not put you at risk from them, but would put them at risk from you, since such an act is illegal, and they would not only take a hefty monetary penalty from the courts for doing so, but suffer customer backlash for trying.
          The ambiguous "nefarious purposes" you are imagining have already been cut off by the evil liberals trying to destroy the holy Job Creators with their Big Government.

          • 2 years ago

            If these datasets exist you can never be sure what they won't do with them but we can guess what they can theoretically do.

    • 2 years ago

      >If it weren't for a nefarious reason they would ask for consent
      Technically the people are at fault for not reading or understanding the consent forms before agreeing to them. But you can't really blame them and the companies are the ones taking advantage of this.

      • 2 years ago

        >Hey Anon we need you in that Teams meeting
        >no thanks I read the EULA and I didn't like it, can you ask the director and HR to log in my ventrilo server instead?
        >absolutely not you fricking weirdo

  4. 2 years ago

    I don't.

    Time to find out what that is.

    • 2 years ago

      I didn't ask you at all.

  5. 2 years ago

    The people that don't care will be the same people lining up to join the fascist army and believe they're "the good ones".

    • 2 years ago

      Calm down gramps the war is over

  6. 2 years ago

    Why do you care that other people care about privacy? You aren't a tech shill are you?

  7. 2 years ago

    "Why do you care about breaking and entering into your home just leave your doors unlocked"

    • 2 years ago

      This but unironically.

  8. 2 years ago

    Why do tech companies care about having internal documents and code leaked? Unless they are doing something wrong they have nothing to worry about.

    I'm willing to try out radical transparency, but everyone has to participate not just the peasants, and realistically that would never happen.

    • 2 years ago

      >Unless they are doing something wrong they have nothing to worry about.
      They have to worry about losing competitive advantages, as well as a moronic public that adores propaganda.

  9. 2 years ago

    >serious crimes


    >Norwegian feminist faces 3 years in jail for claiming 'trans' males aren't women

    this is a serious crime for tech groomers

    • 2 years ago

      >being conservative
      Deserves what she got.

    • 2 years ago

      Hate speech is a serious crime

      • 2 years ago

        thinking you will ever pass is also a crime

    • 2 years ago

      Clickbait title. Police investigated there is no where in that article that says she is in jail for three years lmao

    • 2 years ago

      Problem is most big companies consider piracy to be a serious crime, as does the US government.

      This. Stating the truth is a fricking crime? Holy shit Europe is pozzed.

    • 2 years ago

      misleading. that is the potential punishment but no is obviously going to jail for that. it just to scare people. calm down chuds

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah right like I'd believe that when even us American can face possible jail time in addition to having our careers and lives ruined because we dared be straight white non-israeli meat-eating men in 2022. Yes I'm pissed.

  10. 2 years ago

    >Why do you care about being tracked by tech companies?
    it's kinda funny to make people seethe when they rely off tracking for income
    takes minimal effort on my part for them to get really angry that they can't make money from me

  11. 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    1. it bloats my pc/phone
    2. i involuntarily generate data for them to sell, and i don't work for free

  13. 2 years ago

    shut up

  14. 2 years ago

    i dont code for free

  15. 2 years ago

    "If you are good you have nothing to hide" is the most overused argument for "spying is ok." It is absolutely wrong.

    Why spying is a bad thing, is a very deep and complex argument. The worst being echoes of Soviet Russia and the Khmer Rouge, among others. But I'll just put out a few points answering "What do I have to hide?"

    > Your bank account(s).

    > Your children. Your family.

    > Your health history. Actuarials can discriminate against you, raise rates, deny service.

    > Your porn fetish, nobody is perfect.

    > Your mental health report, whether or not you have one. Probably wouldn't want that available through Google.

    > Your financial records. Purchase history.

    > Rape. If a rapist can simply google a woman's address, or GPS whereabouts. Not a good thing. Actually, this is already a thing with people search sites, and yes women have been raped by usage of people search data

    > Hate. Someone hates you, finds your address.. GPS whereabouts. Same as Rape.

    > Employer discrimination. I can google that your religion is ..., or your sexual preference is ..., and not hire you.

    But yes OP. We are sure you are a goodie two shoes, and have nothing to hide, and could not possibly be hated by anyone.

    • 2 years ago

      >all those mental gymnastics
      >just an excuse to peep on some undergage dicky

      we all know your bullshit anon. just rope already

  16. 2 years ago

    I don't remember voting to allow mass surveillance on me, by private corporations, or by the government. Frick them both.

  17. 2 years ago

    This was my initial tip-off. I was fine with the pilot until the end when this thing popped out of the TV. Then my eyes were opened and I saw that this shit was literally designed for 12 year olds to get hyped over their favorite youtuber "making it" so they can be mildly enthused enough to go back to their pointless avocado onions boy vapor-economy shit stain of a "job", and earn enough for this months HRT treatment, and be a working boy just like the Smiling Friends! Ever since I watched the trailer(barely saw it, I've been out of the loop since quitting coming to this no taste having dump months ago) I'm certain now that Zach Hadel is a fricking hack. All the janky low FPS animation and lack of cohesion between characters and backgrounds in the trailer makes it clear he's incapable of anything but shit tier doodles. Oney and his friends are the "Odd Future" of the 2020s except instead of a bunch of 15-20 year old Black folk it's a few 30+ white boys which makes it extra weird and pathetic. I'd warrant to say even Tyler, the Creator's forays in animation have more value than this. This show is like a visual pop-up shop food truck instagram experience of a piece of media. The product is SHIT but they'll still lap it up because the twitter echochamber told them to and they need to be apart of it, zoomers can't just consoom they have to participate like reciting their favorite rapper or pop stars lyrics at their shows or donating to millionaires on twitch, and they need to be seen doing it. Adult Swim was always shit even when all they could do was repurpose Hanna-Barbera assets with dogshit scripts and this is just the maggot feeding on its rotting suicidal post-op troony of a corpse. Frick anyone who endorses this embarassing piece of trash, Frick the no effort self-fellating cannibalistic sodomist beast twitter "talent" sphere, and Frick the himalayan salt gamer girl bath water patreon start-up bullshit culture that produced this social media ephemera.

    • 2 years ago

      Wrong board

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Jesus christ you got some internalized shit going on dude.

      I would say "seethe more" but I dont know if that's possible at this point.

  18. 2 years ago

    Why is the onus on me to justify not wanting some random frickwad in a suit to track me?
    Why isn't HE justifying his tracking to ME?
    There's literally no benefit for me here.
    >inb4 but they use that information to provide better goods and services
    Then why is the 3.5mm jack disappearing on phones? SD slots as well? Why are programs getting more bloated and unoptimized? Why is everything I do being ignored or developed against if giving them this information is supposed to "help" me by telling them to make things more relevant to my interests?

    • 2 years ago

      >why peripherals disappear?
      everyday people simply don't use those, and they're the largest consumer base.
      they'll do it to cut manufacturing costs while simultaneously taking advantage of the consumers not noticing the io reduction but still charge the same tier of inflated prices - charging for the perceived premium on hardware that does include it.
      >why are programs bloat?
      abundance of morons means abundance of dummy api codebase.
      also, frameworks are built atop one another. i can't think of any that were rebuilt from scratch using new techniques and improvements.

  19. 2 years ago


  20. 2 years ago

    >still thinking privacy is about you
    each post you look at, each keystroke entered into a phone, each credit card purchase, each google search - all get fed into the PRISM/jedi blue ML system. this system uses billions of data points to build a model of your personality which gets more and more accurate the more data the system ingests.

    with this model it's easy to predict exactly how you'll act in response to any given input. multiply this by 400 million, more data = more accurate predictions, correlate similar profiles, give it more resources. now you have a highly accurate model of *society at large*, a system which can effectively predict the future. feed model hypothetical inputs until desired output is desired, then apply IRL. see: the whirlwind of seemingly disconnected world-changing events in the last ~3 years

    >thinking privacy is about someone snooping through your browser history

    • 2 years ago

      Anybody familiar with these meetings/briefings...
      Do they really use infantile power point slides like that?
      Who would the target of this be...
      it seems like spoonfeeding with just a bit of caution
      I just imagine dumb people that are now forced to act like this isn't real
      Or the alternative: the whole thing is a psyop

    • 2 years ago

      This. By giving them your data, they can know more about us as a whole and thus control us better if they want

  21. 2 years ago

    Advertisement is harmful. This is not conjecture at this point, it's a highly repeatable observation. The more people are exposed to ads, the unhappier they are. The entire point of tracking is to expose you to more targeted ads, i.e. ads that will make you unhappier so you buy the shit in them.
    Anonymity is self-defence.

  22. 2 years ago

    Data is power. Having my data is having power over me. They know your browsing habits and can extrapolate things about yourself that you don't even know. Do you want to give them that power? Right now it might not affect you directly, but what if it does one day? For example, what if we get a dystopia tier government that requests your data to those companies and you get in trouble for posting "inappropriate comments about the government"?

    • 2 years ago

      You wouldn't even need to make divisive comments. The kind of activity and profile that was built could be indicative of a mental illness or dangerous opposition to the establishment.

  23. 2 years ago

    I just dislike most of their products and am tired of their shitty marketing
    Not being tracked is a nice side effect but I don’t really leave my house so idc

  24. 2 years ago
  25. 2 years ago

    The tech companies are no longer just silently tracking, they are personalizing everything you will see. So you may have looked for chocolate cake last week and now they keep showing you pictures/videos of chocolate and cakes. You can click "not interested" a few times, it will reduce this but they will still show you more things related to sweet foods. This change in what you are being shown can persist for months and years. Even if they stop showing cakes and sweet foods, as soon as you search for another cake months later, the recommendations will instantly be at extreme levels due to memory.

  26. 2 years ago

    being israeli was a serious crime in most of europe for most of history

  27. 2 years ago

    I don't want them to tell potential employers my mental illnesses or political opinions, health insurance companies my shitty habits, those kinds of things that come to bite you in the ass.

    I also don't want to have the feeling of being constantly watched. It burns mental energy having to think about each and every action and whether it will put you in a bad light to those that buy the information.

  28. 2 years ago

    Why shouldn't I freely commit "serious crimes"? To commit a crime is to undermine the state which is based.

  29. 2 years ago

    companies dont have to know anything about me but im ok with government spying cause im no traitor

  30. 2 years ago

    Because they can build a profile of you among other things.
    You have to consider that over the course of the previous century many efforts were made to use marketing and subterfuge to push society off a cliff for short term profit and ensuring the possibility of lengthening the duration that the short term profit will last over the lifespan of the current elite (corporations and shit, not even a israeli cabal or Illuminati).
    The emergence of the internet has brought about the ability to drag these issues into the light for the masses and subvert the advertisements that the populace is being fed to keep them complacent or steer them away from alternatives to short term profit schemes which is why for instance copyright law may not see yet another extension.

    If tech companies (and the people they sell your information to) build continuously better profiles of you and exercise increasing amounts of control over mediums of public discourse then they can ensure that you never encounter an opinion they don't want you to have and effectively reduce the flow of "wrongthink" to pre-internet days by ensuring that dissenting opinions quickly die in isolation from a lack of momentum which will allow the current elite to further extend their short term profit schemes significantly past the point of sustainability, effectively fricking everything up for everyone who comes after them with several of these problems already making themselves known.

  31. 2 years ago

    Not caring about privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.

  32. 2 years ago

    I just want to be left the hell alone.

    Why can't you rancid fricking c**ts just accept that? Why do you not understand?

    • 2 years ago

      You are alone. Nobody cares about you, other than hoping you die.

      • 2 years ago

        I care about him, however.

  33. 2 years ago

    Information wants to be free. Now it's time for tech companies share all their information. You've seen mine, now show me yours.

    I wonder why they would be so reluctant to make this be a two way street...

    • 2 years ago

      >I wonder why they would be so reluctant to make this be a two way street
      Because you are a dumb, panicky, dangerous animal.

      • 2 years ago

        Because there is far more power in total information awareness then they want you to believe. This oh whoa is me, I barely scrape by selling ads instead of a service schtick for the last 25 years is no longer plausible. Luckily if we know everything they know we can mitigate their coercion, one way or another something will give in the people's favor. This psychological experiment has gone on long enough.

        • 2 years ago

          you can't escape their coercion unless the rabble are capable of escaping their coercion.
          No matter how resistant you are to propaganda, if the people at your doors are? You're swinging from the trees.

    • 2 years ago

      Google lets court documents be redacted due to "privacy reasons".

  34. 2 years ago

    Why don't you share all your personal data in this thread? You have nothing to worry about, right?

    • 2 years ago

      sure, I'll share my personal data with you if:
      - you provide a service I want that requires this data, or uses this data for a valid reason
      - you can provide me with a list of all the data you will collect
      - you can provide me with a list of the reasons why you are collecting these data, and to what end
      - at my request, you can provide a complete copy within 24 hours of all the data you have on me
      - submit to audits by governmental authorities to prove that you adhere to the previous points

      >wha? huh...? i... but you were supposed to be owned, what... frick you, you fricking... UGH! I hate you! I have to go dilate my troonyhole now...
      As you were, then.

      • 2 years ago

        Most companies that collect your data can't comply with a single point you've made, except maybe the data they collect, since it's their primary business model after all. You've done nothing to excuse yourself from his (bad) argument.

        • 2 years ago

          >companies that collect your data can't comply with a single point you've made
          only in burgarica

      • 2 years ago

        >- you provide a service I want that requires this data, or uses this data for a valid reason
        "I have a problem with sharing my data, but I will do so when the benefit is high."
        >- you can provide me with a list of all the data you will collect
        Personal identifiable and non Personal Identifiable Data is being collected. This includes data you enter yourself, such as name, as well as data that is derived from your usage of the service.
        >- you can provide me with a list of the reasons why you are collecting these data, and to what end
        The data is collected to improve our products, personalize your experience and better understand overall trends.
        >- at my request, you can provide a complete copy within 24 hours of all the data you have on me
        an incomplete copy will be provided.
        >- submit to audits by governmental authorities to prove that you adhere to the previous points
        does not happen

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think people understand what is happening at the intersection of society, technology and politics. People are using mountains of information along with levers of control to influence the world. They have consent, no mandate and worse they have no idea what they are doing. It's a perfect storm for the breakdown of systems we absolutely need to manage this many people. I wish leftists would understand that one person's utopia is another man's hell but unfortunately that lesson will never be learned by those who exist amongst the intangible.
      Imagine how bad it's going to get... Birth rates crashing, hormonal imbalances as a rule, decline of families, rejection of God, rejection of biology, loss of personal autonomy and this is just the bed rock. On top of that you have these feckless people attempting to guide the world with mountains of information but with no understanding. Look how they keep pushing as discontent and rot keeps spreading. We'll either end deeply unhappy but the powers that be manage to prevent war or we end up revisiting world war. It's amazing it's come this far, people just want to be left alone and have something tangible in this brief life, why do they insist we face catastrophe.

      • 2 years ago

        Our current system is most likely doomed to progress like this. One shouldn't look at things like data collection, intellectual property and similar ailments as deliberate, precise moves in an ordered system. It should be likened to the thrashing of a mutant that has grown too big for its cage. Since the companies are only obliged to make money and grow, they push the extremes further and further and with this push, what the minimum amount that is required of an individual increases as well.
        >mountains of information but with no understanding
        A lot may have no understanding, but the ones that understand are by far the most damaging. This is probably the main reason why data collection is terrible for me personally. Humanity has a lot more growing up to do before such experiments become merely reasonable. With understanding comes (among other things) optimization. It's fine if you want to increase the efficiency of an ICE further, but what we see today is optimizing things that directly touch humans and even humans themselves. This is the terrifying part.

  35. 2 years ago

    I'll install a camera in your house, since you have nothing to hide and nothing to worry about

  36. 2 years ago



    >it clearly follows.

    Sure it does.

    >"Why did you put the shopping cart back? Surely it's for nefarious purposes! You coated the handle with anthrax, didn't you?"

    >"You left a note under my wiper with your name in address after hitting my car in the parking lot while I was in the store? DID I ASK YOU TO DO THAT? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PULL?"

    A corporation tracks you so they can improve the product/service they're offering to you and improve the serving of articles familiarizing you with commercial products that might interest you. (also known as "advertisements")
    They're not tracking you so they can blackmail you over your furry porn addiction. For them to do so would not put you at risk from them, but would put them at risk from you, since such an act is illegal, and they would not only take a hefty monetary penalty from the courts for doing so, but suffer customer backlash for trying.
    The ambiguous "nefarious purposes" you are imagining have already been cut off by the evil liberals trying to destroy the holy Job Creators with their Big Government.

    Calm down.

  37. 2 years ago

    Big data sets will undermine free will and someday allow israelites to engineer life itself

  38. 2 years ago

    because they're not paying me

  39. 2 years ago

    Common sense of yesterday is today's hate crime.

    homosexual Black person israelites.

  40. 2 years ago
  41. 2 years ago

    why do tech companies care to track people? unless they are exploiting people they have no reason to

  42. 2 years ago

    >nothing to hide nothing to fear
    Come back when you have a real argument, corporate shill

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