Why does programming feel like I'm hitting my head against the wall?

Why does programming feel like I'm hitting my head against the wall? I need to code in my job, but I hate every second of it. How do you enoy programming?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    take hrt

    • 4 weeks ago

      What's hrt?

    • 4 weeks ago

      This probably actually helps, you need to be b***h brained to learn to code. Math and logic stuff is easy but "code" in terms of remembering all the magic words and syntax and little rules about how to make it "clean" or whatever the frick are essentially language learning, which is impossible if you don't have an estrogenically high-social-factor brain.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Its normal to not enjoy bullshit tasks that you have to do on a shit codebase for your job. But if you -never- enjoy programming then it most likely isnt for you anon? I mean, people work jobs they hate all the time so its not that uncommon.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >How do you enjoy programming?
    Thats like asking how do you enjoy basketball. You just do. For me I have seen programming as literal magic ever since I was a kid, the fact that ordered words on a screen can do literally anything is fascinating, as well as all the theory behind computation behind it. When I first heard that C was programmed in C and was introduced to the concept of bootstrapping and PL theory my puny mind was blown and I could not way to learn more about compilers, etc.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >me me me me me


      Why does programming feel like I'm hitting my head against the wall? I need to code in my job, but I hate every second of it. How do you enoy programming?

      choose another career

      • 4 weeks ago

        The (admittedly low-quality) OP literally asked the reader how HE enjoyed programming, anon.

        • 4 weeks ago

          nice blogpost, now frick off

          • 4 weeks ago

            You know what, Black person, I'm going to answer his question and bump his thread now.
            OP, I like math and logic enough that I dedicated a large portion of my life to studying it. Part of why programming's fun for me is that I can turn some of that into something that even normalgays can appreciate. Bigger than that, though, is the sense of accomplishment I get from looking at something that I made when it finally works as intended.

      • 4 weeks ago

        leave more room for H1Bs?

    • 4 weeks ago

      This. You just do what you **want** to do, not what "they" suppose you to do.

      >me me me me me

      choose another career

      >choose another career
      Like that would change anything, you will just change the knife he's being stabbed with.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    literally me but I am 38

    • 4 weeks ago

      Same thing, the job isn't for you. Become something easier like surgeon or airline pilot.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I will become a tradie. I prefer to use tools and be outside.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Picrel literally me.

      At least you enjoyed it when you could


      Why does programming feel like I'm hitting my head against the wall? I need to code in my job, but I hate every second of it. How do you enoy programming?

      Make something that's actually creative instead of generic Jeet resume projects.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    It's not for you. Go into management or w/e.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Because you fall for the meme, you fall for the lie told by morons on social media who can't code, so you've become a programmer just for the money, you didn't join this field for the programming as an end result and a purpose for itself (which happiness is) but your "happiness" was money.

    For me, I started programming and tinkering with computers because I was curious, and I liked the idea of controlling a machine to serve me, and creating a project to help me and others, I saw enjoyment in computers, I saw happiness in just playing with a computer.

    You probably don't know what computer science is outside the corporate satanic field, so I don't blame you for hating "programming." In the end, the people who changed the world, were people responding to their life call, to their purpose. The money, "success," women, career, and everything "they" made you chase, are just a way to keep you a slave to the system, a system designed to benefit "them," akin to a rat in a wheel chasing a piece of cheese, while the power generated from his running used to benefit his master, the rat doesn't know that it doesn't matter how much harder he runs, while he's still in the wheel, nothing will ever change.

    This is maybe harsh to accept, so is reality. It's your life in the end, but remember, you just have one.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This goes for pretty much every single field.
      Most people are fricking miserable because they picked a career for money or status rather than being something they were passionate about

      • 4 weeks ago

        >This goes for pretty much every single field.
        Yes, this goes for life in general.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Is this a copypasta?

      • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          it is now, homosexual

    • 4 weeks ago

      This goes for pretty much every single field.
      Most people are fricking miserable because they picked a career for money or status rather than being something they were passionate about

      >This goes for pretty much every single field.
      Yes, this goes for life in general.

      I'm not guessing you all assume we all have a passion for something right?
      not OP, but the only thing I ever felt passionate about in my 3 decades was a single video game, and that lasted for about 5 years
      I've actually tried a lot of different fields, and didn't give a shit about any of them
      now I've ended up where I think many of my ilk go, data analysis, and I am shit at the job without taking adderall (which is very new in my life at <1 year of taking it)

    • 4 weeks ago

      I love programming and tinkering with computers just as much as you do and I even finished three years of computer science, but i cant afford to get the piece of paper and probably never will in way that's reasonable.

      It's not just about passion, it's who you know and how little you can afford to work while you study

  7. 4 weeks ago

    I just do the needful, push the cards along through the sprint. Sometimes things are drudgery, sometimes I learn a lot.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    I just do. And I think that people like you made the wrong choice along the way, and shit up the industry. No offense.

    • 4 weeks ago


  9. 4 weeks ago

    That's because it is a shitty unfulfilling job. If you dont have a pre-existing passion for it before getting the job, you'll never enjoy it.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    >How do you enoy programming?
    The easy way is to be born a programmer. If you aren't, you should avoid all programming jobs.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Because you don't like it. You literally answered your own question. If you like something it still feels like hitting a wall but you get better because you like it. The real magic happens when you are good at something and like it and you have to for a job.

    Coding is definitely a wall hitty thing but you can use nicotine. Maybe a patch would be best. It's like starting an engine and also keeping it running. The more you like it the more you can enter flow state or analyze it. If you're low level enough you should be imagining the computer in your head just like mechanics imagine their engines.

    I assume other people have that, it's like Tetris brain

    Coding per se though is having a skill set and spitting it out like whatever your goal is like you need to want to get home and frick your wife, motivation. So then you shit out a bunch of code the first way your brain thinks

  12. 4 weeks ago

    write something that makes you feel smart

  13. 4 weeks ago

    A lot of people will reply "skill issue", but that's not true.
    Programming was hijacked by midwits, moving the skillset away from wit and closer to memorization (as any midwit standardization goes).
    There once was a day where you could just ./ a file and that's that. These days you need to set up Flapper to quine the strips of Murg containers before even starting to code. And to do that you must read 200 pages of poorly-written, SEO optimized documentation.
    And don't get me started on modern programming paradigms, OO Clean Code has caused more suicides than we can count.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >closer to memorization
      I beg to differ with that, autocomplete editors won't make you remember anyting, more like complete opposite.

      • 4 weeks ago

        This is correct. If anything the people badmouthing memorization for the past few decades made things worse.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    suck it up and do the bare minimum

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Your problem is that you haven't gotten fluent enough at programming and/or code-writing tooling that you can just design a system in your head without too much friction and then write it out and fix little stuff along the way.
    You have doubts about how stuff works or is supposed to work.
    You don't feel comfortable with designing abstractions.
    You miss the big picture.
    So over-analyze and are generally just lost and lack good intuition.
    People design systems all the time, any time you fantasize about how you'd fix the world if you were a global dictator you are doing this.
    You're just not able to do this formally with code.
    So git gud.
    Read books on software design from low level code-construction to high-level architecture stuff like DDD, try to implement them in practice, focus on just one or two languages for YEARS, and make sure you understand a broad range of ancillary stuff, like advanced SQL/RDBMS stuff, networks, encryption/sec, concurrency/parallelism, etc.
    For practice, you can pick a language that has a smallish community and port packages from a language with a larger community, or figure out how to incorporate the concepts from it.
    Example: port python packages to ruby or clojure, or maybe even rails gems to phoenix for even smaller.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Anon, I think you might not like programming. Why did you start in the first place?

  17. 4 weeks ago

    oh that's literally me

  18. 4 weeks ago

    I get to learn and practice an ever expanding toolbox and so far there's always been something novel in it for me. Exploring and engineering solutions is pretty fun. Being able to program it properly and seeing your shit working is satisfying

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Programming (implementation) is shit boring, correct
    Math isn't
    So do codeforces or atcoder problems if you're bored, they're 80% math 20% impl if you're bored

  20. 4 weeks ago

    The only way to enjoy programming is doing shit you want to do, that's why doing work for mr boss man will never be fun and you'll be miserable.
    Coding should strictly be a hobby

  21. 4 weeks ago

    I'm literally in that pic. Frick my life.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    aw shit that pic is me to a T
    tomorrow I'll do hello world for real this time

  23. 4 weeks ago

    I fit every single thing in that picture.
    I know I need help, I randomly start crying throughout the day with no real reason. I just don't have any willpower left.
    I'm 25 and a dropout, I feel like I've invested all my life power into getting into a top university but after covid hit everything went crumbling down hard. Barely left my home ever since.
    All I think about is suicide but I'm too much of a pussy to do it. I'm sure that if I had someone to talk to things might improve but everyone knows that's a lie, I'd still feel the need to say that in hope that It'll lift a bit about the mental burden I carry for being such a fricking gigantic disappointed to everyone.
    Fricking hate living.

    • 4 weeks ago

      you should do one thing that makes you slightly less of a worthless homosexual. then in the future do one more thing that makes you slightly less of a worthless homosexual. if you do one thousand things that make you slightly less worthless, you might not want to have a nice day anymore. and you have years and years of time that you're not spending on anything else anyways.
      but don't fricking blog in IQfy threads next time

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