Why is Canonical very interested in potential-employee high school life?

Why is Canonical very interested in potential-employee high school life?
Will this filtering process stop backdoor situations?

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  1. 3 months ago

    i wanna suck a Black person dick

  2. 3 months ago

    to make sure that they can deny anyone they simply don't like even those who are good enough.

  3. 3 months ago

    >exactly how unbiased is it when every person I interviewed with was exactly my demographic? (White, female, American/western European. The fifth interview, had I reached it, would have been in that demographic too. My hiring lead was a woman of colour, but my only non-automated contact with her was one brief response to an email I sent her early in the process.)
    Guess the point was to pretend being diverse and other shit. In reality, they only wanted to hire very obedient people who have many good boy points.

  4. 3 months ago

    You have to be kidding me... Mark himself replied to that post. He was fricking MAD, but of cours:
    he's so full of himself that he'd rather answer with random bullshit rather than admit the whole thing is bullshit LMAO
    Speaking of which, I'm still wondering, what has Canonical contributed to open source beyond maintaining a Linux distro? Hell, practically all of their other projects failed to gain traction.

    • 3 months ago

      Nah, Ubuntu is influential, even though their projects not always gain traction, they give a lot of exposure to the issue at hand (upstart vs systemd, Unity vs gnome, snap vs flatpak, etc.). I like that they don't follow the grain, so to speak.

      • 3 months ago

        They just copy trends and try doing their own thing.
        Read the thread, some posts show you will see how much they've changed. Upstart was a good thing but that's the past of Canonical. Snap fricking sucks and there's no point in using it, so they literally FORCE it's use.

    • 3 months ago

      >C'est la vie. I am certainly sure that we're hiring a more interesting crowd from more countries with more passion for what we do, and much better writing skills 🙂
      Why do people write these long, say-nothing posts, and then include little pieces of snark that will only hurt you? There isn't an audience that's going to appreciate the CEO calling someone an ESL. And he didn't address anything OP said.
      The winning move is don't play. You don't see governments going on twitter and justifying their shitty decisions, because it'll make them look worst.

      • 3 months ago

        Guess the guy is narcissistic but also moronic.

  5. 3 months ago
  6. 3 months ago

    That actually helps put into perspective why Snaps happened. I always thought there was some 4D chess that Canonical was playing because it can't possibly be as moronic as it seems. Guess I was wrong lol

  7. 3 months ago

    Canonical likes to force all kind of shitware. I recommend skipping their gimmicks and just use debian.

    • 3 months ago

      No, we need something that just works. Debian is fine, perhaps, we adults needs something better like Ubuntu.

  8. 3 months ago

    isn't american highschool just drugs, sex, and holocaust class? is this just to filter out DEI hires or will they still have to hire unqualified Black folk?

  9. 3 months ago

    Why does he look like an inmate?

    • 3 months ago

      He went to Jail university

  10. 3 months ago

    As someone who had a weird upbringing but is now a capable engineer, I'd struggle to answer many of those questions. Particularly the ones about high school.
    It really feels like a filter intended to find people who are reasonably smart and good communicators, maybe mildly nerdy, but more-or-less normies.
    (That might actually be a reasonable filter for an Executive Assistant role, but apparently they use similar quizzes for technical roles.)
    If it works for them, fine, but they should be under no illusion that they're getting the "exceptional, one in a thousand" people they claim to be looking for.

  11. 3 months ago

    I applied to Canonical and got an immediate rejection approximately five minutes after sending the initial application, explicitly because I'm a college dropout. Never mind my 8 years of experience in the exact role they were hiring for.
    I dropped out of college because I started doing the job at 17, and did dual enrollment (college courses at a university to finish high school and get credits for both), so by the time I was in college I had 1.5 years of working in the field I wanted.

  12. 3 months ago

    >4 in person interviews for a rejection
    >would have had 4 or 5 more had she continued
    Where the frick is Canonical getting the money to fund this bullshit? Aren't they mostly kept afloat by donations?

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