Why is the current generation so obsessed with this man?

Why is the current generation so obsessed with this man? Is he the philosopher that has the most logical and reasonable view of existence? Nihilism seems true each day, everything is so meaningless and time keeps moving on.

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  1. 8 months ago

    >Nihilism seems true each day
    Lol in many levels

  2. 8 months ago

    He wasn't a nihilist, nor was he trying to be logical and reasonable.

    • 8 months ago

      what the frick was the homosexual trying to say? No one fricking understands him and he's misunderstood so much too the point that he just seems like a bored wackjob, no one gives that much of a frick about him. People look up to trump and pragmatism now

      • 8 months ago

        You have to actually read the guy in order to understand what he is saying, and I mean read a full book. He is regularly taken out of context by people who can't be bothered to read 200 pages. I recommend Beyond Good and Evil.

        The issue with boiling him down to a few "positions" in religion or politics or whatever is that so much of his critique of where we were headed(and where we have now found ourselves to be today) is directed at this very idea that you have the right "position". If this post is what you know his works by, then he will come across as a nihilist.

        • 8 months ago

          there are different kinds of nihilisms, and some do apply to Nietzsche's thought

        • 8 months ago

          another part of the problem was his growth over time and his fundamental inability to escape socratic thought at any time. In the end, having done a complete reading of the works of Nietzsche I was left with a feeling of his corpus being an artfully executed decades long thrashing tantrum which ultimately amounted to nothing in the field which he aspired to. Some great bits and pieces but the overarching project was a failure.

  3. 8 months ago

    Nietzsche is not famous for asserting that life has no ‘ultimate’ meaning — that is an elementary observation and one that has been discussed since man first began to philosophise. He is famous for his responses to this, and for his grappling with the problems of modernity. Personally I don’t think it is possible to appreciate Nietzsche without already being conversant with the philosophical traditions he is criticising. There’s no catharsis in reading him if you don’t know what he’s talking anout. Just confusion.

  4. 8 months ago

    >current generation
    He always was popular. He only was unpopular during his lifetime. Genealogy flopped harder than Stella Maris.

  5. 8 months ago

    hes always been popular with annoying teens

  6. 8 months ago

    Laziness, ironically I can't be fricked explaining to you why so many default to worshipping an overly rational view of reality.

  7. 8 months ago

    He's the summation of all of the centuries between now and the Renaissance, and the herald of the new millennium. Anti-globalists (read: communists, socialists, anarchists, Christians, and now Muslims) fear Western civilization and the superior will to power and technological prowess of its authorities.

    • 8 months ago

      i wonder what nietzsche would think about his troony followers

      • 8 months ago

        Probably that they're weaklings who hide their cowardice behind word games.

  8. 8 months ago

    >Nihilism seems true each day, everything is so meaningless and time keeps moving on.
    Holy shit get a life and stop shitting up this place with your lazy posts.

    • 8 months ago

      Think I collected them all

      • 8 months ago

        It's been particularly bbad this week.

        • 8 months ago

          It's been this bad for a month by now. Nietzche, Kant, Hegel and Schopenhauer have been shitting up half the board almost this entire year

          • 8 months ago

            If nothing matters why do you care about any of these philoshopers and waste your finite time on earth on them? Nothing is absolute and there isn't a "true each day" life is just life. You need to live it and move on from this place or find better interests instead of doomposting and wasting your time. Happiness, depression, it all leads to death anyways.

            They all fricking suck, Nietzsche sucks on schoppy dick and didn't really bring anything new besides "god is le dead". Kant is just a schizophrenic this whole time and Hegel is weird man, no one understands what the frick is he saying, bad translation or some shit. Last but the father of pessimism, my old favorite philosopher schoppy was right about the world but it's not the absolute truth, we can always make life better, just takes ton and ton of work and time.

          • 8 months ago
            Strange Love

            >just takes ton and ton of work and time

            Better get to work then, kiddo ... got only one shot at it. 😉

          • 8 months ago

            I hardly ever see threads on Lessing, Schleiermacher, Hooker or Grotius, or even moderns like Barth or Santayana

      • 8 months ago

        New kino just dropped

  9. 8 months ago

    he is the closest thing there is to a "prophet" in the a modern world where spirituality is no longer attainable. he is on the same level as jesus, buddha, zoroaster, mohammed but translated to a world that senses that spirituality is ultimately finite, a world that seeks further and further to dissect, analyze, categorize the universe it finds itself in. all the spiritual prophets of old sought to give a society answers, a society that was still deeply entrenched in the spirit world, according to values of its time. nietzsche does the same thing but to a modern world, according to modern values. nietzsche is guiding a society that has, in its endless pursuit for growth and knowledge, discovered the cold dead logic of the universe and ourselves. he was the pallbearer of spiritual life, the flagcarrier of possible alternative ways of living, he foresaw a brighter future, ubermensch etc, but he also saw the other side of the coin, the last man, hedonism, full on nihilism. 2 possible alternatives that a world without inherent spiritual values can take.

    the same reason why people look toward nietzsche is why people looked toward jesus... answers in a confusing world, the 2 world of these men were confusing in vastly different ways, and nietzsche figured out the modern world... nobody listened though and that motherfricker didn't predict global warming lol

    • 8 months ago

      >he is the closest thing there is to a "prophet" in the a modern world where spirituality is no longer attainable.
      This anon gets it.
      >The pupil takes the same delight in subordinating every thing to the new terminology as a girl who has just learned botany in seeing a new earth and new seasons thereby. It will happen for a time that the pupil will find his intellectual power has grown by the study of his master’s mind. But in all unbalanced minds the classification is idolized, passes for the end and not for a speedily exhaustible means, so that the walls of the system blend to their eye in the remote horizon with the walls of the universe; the luminaries of heaven seem to them hung on the arch their master built.

      • 8 months ago

        >so that the walls of the system blend to their eye in the remote horizon with the walls of the universe
        "Spirit is life which itself cutteth into life: by its own torture doth it increase its own knowledge,—did ye know that before?
        And the spirit’s happiness is this: to be anointed and consecrated with tears as a sacrificial victim,—did ye know that before?
        And the blindness of the blind one, and his seeking and groping, shall yet testify to the power of the sun into which he hath gazed,—did ye know that before?
        And with mountains shall the discerning one learn to build! It is a small thing for the spirit to remove mountains,—did ye know that before?"

  10. 8 months ago

    >Nihilism seems true each day, everything is so meaningless and time keeps moving on
    you are not an intellectual. you are not a tortured soul. you are a boring, mentally weak person whose too lazy to create their own meaning and too neurotic to just not care.

    stop whinging over things you dont understand or control. go outside and have an ice cream.

  11. 8 months ago

    >Is he the philosopher
    >Nihilism seems true each day, everything is so meaningless and time keeps moving on.
    "The present and the bygone upon earth—ah! my friends—that is my most unbearable trouble; and I should not know how to live, if I were not a seer of what is to come.
    A seer, a purposer, a creator, a future itself, and a bridge to the future —and alas! also as it were a cripple on this bridge: all that is Zarathustra.
    And ye also asked yourselves often: “Who is Zarathustra to us? What shall he be called by us?” And like me, did ye give yourselves questions for answers.
    Is he a promiser? Or a fulfiller? A conqueror? Or an inheritor? A harvest? Or a ploughshare? A physician? Or a healed one?
    Is he a poet? Or a genuine one? An emancipator? Or a subjugator? A good one? Or an evil one?
    I walk amongst men as the fragments of the future: that future which I contemplate.
    And it is all my poetisation and aspiration to compose and collect into unity what is fragment and riddle and fearful chance.
    And how could I endure to be a man, if man were not also the composer, and riddle-reader, and redeemer of chance!
    To redeem what is past, and to transform every “It was” into “Thus would I have it!”—that only do I call redemption!
    Will—so is the emancipator and joy-bringer called: thus have I taught you, my friends! But now learn this likewise: the Will itself is still a prisoner.
    Willing emancipateth: but what is that called which still putteth the emancipator in chains?"

  12. 8 months ago

    If the entire human race felt like it was all meaningless, we would not have lasted for thousands upon thousands of years, working hard towards preserving our experiences and this planet in order to pass them to the future generations, hoping they could make more out of it than we did.

    No, nihilism is mind rot and utter bullshit, everything has meaning and it is worth caring for!

  13. 8 months ago

    Most disciples of Nietzsche are attracted to him simply because of his disavowal of Christianity. But existentialism in general is a powerful drug. When you wake up to the meaninglessness of modernity, it can take years of reading Nietzsche and Heidegger before have to confront the reality that they’re ultimately dead ends, if they even ever get to that point. History demonstrates that faulty presuppositions can take generations to show cracks.

    • 8 months ago

      Well yeah that’s why it’s taken a long time to throw these religions in the dustbin of history and replace it with something better. Though it’s indeed a rough beginning, that is the price to be paid for recovering from such a sickness.

      • 8 months ago

        You don’t actually know why you accept Nietzsche’s presuppositions.

    • 8 months ago

      >But existentialism in general is a powerful drug.
      eugenics and cognitive neuroscience

      "What suggestions does the scientific study of language, especially etymological research, provide for the history of the development of moral concepts?
      —On the other hand, it is, of course, just as necessary to attract the participation of physiologists and doctors to this problem (of the *value* of all methods of evaluating up to now). Also for this task it might be left to the faculties of philosophers in this single case to become advocates and mediators, after they have completely succeeded in converting the relationship between philosophy, physiology, and medicine, originally so aloof, so mistrusting, into the most friendly and fruitful exchange. In fact, all the tables of value, all the “you should’s” which history or ethnological research knows about, need, first and foremost, illumination and interpretation from physiology, in any case even before psychology. All of them similarly await a critique from the point of view of medical science. The question “What is this or that table of values and ‘morality’ *worth*?” will be set under the different perspectives. For we cannot analyze the question “Value for *what*?” too finely. Something, for example, that would have an apparent value with respect to the longest possible capacity for survival of a race (or for an increase in its power to adapt to a certain climate or for the preservation of the greatest number) would have nothing like the same value, if the issue were one of developing a stronger type. The well-being of the majority and the well-being of the fewest are opposing viewpoints for values."

  14. 8 months ago

    >he thinks it's just the current generation
    He is The Philosopher of the age. Everything else from here on will just be footnotes and goofs

  15. 8 months ago

    I wish soijack nietzsche poster was still here instead of you.

    • 8 months ago

      >Wishing for the plague to return.
      Why not go back instead.

      • 8 months ago

        It's better than current OP making even lower effort nietzsche threads and then calling everyone an idiot before making another one. At least soijack nietzsche would make funny jokes about leftovers in his fridge.

        • 8 months ago

          fricking all you gays care about is LE FUNNY XD, funny useless homosexual low attention span Black person, you will all see your lives will be a boring pit always looking for entertainment to fill your immature soul

          • 8 months ago

            I honest to God have never seen one philosopher incur so much butthurt. Nietzsche has caused more butthurt than all the communists of history, who notably did real world damage mind you, but one pencil neck with a compensatory mustache just absolutely causes fits. It will always boggle my mind.

          • 8 months ago

            not sure, in mainstream academia everyone tried to appropriate him, whether left or right.

          • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago
          • 8 months ago

            This makes you guys seethe because you’re scared. But this is a necessary stage to get somewhere better.

          • 8 months ago

            you could tell us where it got you

          • 8 months ago

            I'm trans now

          • 8 months ago

            what do you mean?

  16. 8 months ago

    He created the most feminine philosophy and the humans of today are the most feminine they have ever been. There's nothing complex about it.

    • 8 months ago

      >He created the most feminine philosophy
      "Let the beam of a star shine in your love! Let your hope say: “May I bear the Superman!”
      In your love let there be valour! With your love shall ye assail him who inspireth you with fear!
      In your love be your honour! Little doth woman understand otherwise about honour. But let this be your honour: always to love more than ye are loved, and never be the second.
      Let man fear woman when she loveth: then maketh she every sacrifice, and everything else she regardeth as worthless.
      Let man fear woman when she hateth: for man in his innermost soul is merely evil; woman, however, is mean."

      • 8 months ago

        A poster here once said that Nietzsche was the kind of guy who could early on in the day help out a beggar and then later on in the day beat up the same kind of beggar- even if said beggar acted no differently than the first one. He called this being a "complete human being". I call it being a woman.

        Nietzsche and women share the same spirit. They experience literally no disconnect between saying X when it feels good to say X, and completely betraying and contradicting X five seconds later when it feels good to do that. women like to "try on" male-centric morals and virtues like children playing dress-up, but they don't actually know what it means to set up a virtue as an objective principle for oneself and then resist the temptation to break it in future moments when it stops being convenient and pleasant.

        so if you ask a woman what kind of guy she values, she will blab on and on for hours about how noble she is and how she sees through superficiality and only wants sweet genuine men and etc., etc., etc. then five seconds later she'll completely contradict everything she said. the key thing to understand about women is that they don't perceive any difference here. from a man's perspective, you are thinking "but she said 'I only do X' and two seconds later she did 'non-X'?" this is because the fundamental modality of male consciousness is erecting principles and trying to follow them - even if you're a shitty man, it just means you're shitty and weak at erecting principles, not that the FUNDAMENTAL modality of principle-erection is absent. a woman's fundamental modality is "doing what I feel like." to a woman, that behavior is completely consistent: in the first instance, she did what she felt like. then she did what she felt like again. only a man perceives that the CONTENT of the actions was contradictory, i.e., would be contradictory if performed by a man. but for a woman whose primary stream of consciousness is "what do I want to do right now? perhaps I'll wear a ribbon in my hair tomorrow, trala la!," no such contradiction occurred, or indeed is even possible.

        • 8 months ago

          >Nietzsche and women share the same spirit. They experience literally no disconnect between saying X when it feels good to say X, and completely betraying and contradicting X five seconds later
          Learn to read scriptural texts, homosexual.

    • 8 months ago

      define feminine

      • 8 months ago

        claws sounds feminine

        • 8 months ago

          if that is what claws associate with you then maybe you're the feminine one?

          • 8 months ago

            i didnt call n's work feminine
            thats giving him too much credit imho
            women are far too practical to be seduced by this kind of myth-making, that's why his readers are usually angsty white teenage boys.

        • 8 months ago

          Male and female lions do use their claws to hunt.

          • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          "And be on thy guard, also, against the assaults of thy love! Too readily doth the recluse reach his hand to any one who meeteth him.
          To many a one mayest thou not give thy hand, but only thy paw; and I wish thy paw also to have claws."

    • 8 months ago

      define feminine

      The christ cult has feminized European history ever since it infected them. Though it still isn't fully dead yet, the new infection is an iteration of it. It is as Stirner and others described. The state fashioned elites and rule of expertism. No masses of people follow Nietzsche enough to make much of a dent in this "feminism".
      "Current generation" reads him to look for clues to cure the ailment of the last 2000+ years

      • 8 months ago

        Tibs fedora to you, good sir

  17. 8 months ago

    He's becoming to the right what Harry Potter used to be to the left. Nietzsche is obviously far more insightful, but you wouldn't know it by reading the so called Nietzschean on twitter.

  18. 8 months ago

    Idiot zoom zooms who lack meaning in their life due to self-fulfilling prophecies. Meaning, they bring it on themselves.

  19. 8 months ago

    the death of god he denounced in his time was still confined mostly to a certain upper class, the masses could at least unconsciously/subconsciously pretend otherwise for a while, still have at least some myths/ideals/centers to look for as reference, but now the effects have very much permeated everywhere, nihilism isn't just a state of things for those who would reach a certain level of intellectual exposure but the average young man in the west today is pretty much losing contact with any serious grounding, bourgeoisie myths are becoming more and more meaningless especially since they can't polish and cover the whole castle with post colonial wealth anymore to make up for the void

  20. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Not so ugly, but ugly

  21. 8 months ago

    His writings are very liberating compared to the others who either engage in mental masturbation, or wallow in their own miseries.

    • 8 months ago

      Schopenhauer was right, Nietzsche was not. He fell too hard for the stoic meme

      • 8 months ago

        It's funny how much Nietzsche seethed at Wagner even after his death. Buckbroke him so hard he still couldn't escape his shadow even to the end, and you can still detect Wagner's influence in Nietzsche's later works. Too bad that Wagner was everything Nietzsche wished he could have been.

        • 8 months ago

          Nietzsche is the closest thing we had to a modern prophet and he is still relevant, I would say more so nowadays, while Wagner is only talked about when people talk about Nietzsche.

          • 8 months ago

            >atheist prophet

          • 8 months ago

            >Dionysian prophet

        • 8 months ago

          Much of Zarasthustra is just musings on and critique of Parsifal and Wagner/Schopy in general

  22. 8 months ago

    He argues that an enlightened aristocracy should brutally rule over the masses and enjoy art and consumption and creation and all the beauty of creation and that anybody who can't hang with the elite should be exploited, tortured and otherwise disregarded as long as it serves this end. Just like epic antiquity. This is how humans have always broadly behaved of course, but religion put a barely-effective moratorium on this impulse for a good several centuries and asked:

    >what if we didn't have to live in hell and didn't subject human beings to constant horror and tried to take the entire human experiment somewhere less shit?

    But religion is dead now and that question died with it so we are back to "only money matters, the average person is worthless and morality is a mental illness" so it's no surprise everyone sucks off their prophet of money and will and power dynamics. Nietzsche is the god of the tiktok zoomer who thinks a cheeky robbery and a spot of elder bashing at night is just a good ol' party with the lads, but would never accept that because those lads aren't posh enough.

  23. 8 months ago

    >Nietzsche Thread
    >Nihilism seems true each day

  24. 8 months ago

    He simply is to modernity what Plato was to antiquity

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        NTA, but like Plato, his works are a merging of many others, while appearing separate from them, and speak to the heart of the new millennium

  25. 8 months ago

    How underread and uncultured are you boomer homosexuals that you seriously think this is some new phenomenon? Nietzsche has been incredibly popular and influential for a long time now, long before any of us were even born.

  26. 8 months ago

    manlet based
    says truth about world and doesn't afraid of anything
    except women, which is funny

  27. 8 months ago

    He's relevant to the zeitgeist because he was among the first to sense the anxiety of our age and describe it. History ripples through time like a wave, and he was particularly in tune to the vibrations coming from ahead. We're just now catching up as a society.

  28. 8 months ago

    >Why is the current generation so obsessed with this man?
    I don't know about the 'current generation' part...

  29. 8 months ago

    He was redpilled

  30. 8 months ago

    Because (d)zoomer "culture" revolves around self-pity and apathy. Thus, pretending to not care when you constantly claim the world is meaningless inevitably leads to glorifying Nietzsche.

    • 8 months ago

      >Because (d)zoomer "culture" revolves around self-pity and apathy.
      No wonder there was a brief resurgence of christianity among them then

  31. 8 months ago

    I see no evidence that the current generation is obsessed with Nietzsche. What are you talking about?

  32. 8 months ago

    obsessed? posting out of context Nietzsche from AZ quotes on ig and social media is not obsession. That happens cuz he seems edgy, life's meaningless existentialist type to them and kinda fits in their nihilist outlook to the world, they are all the last men. Never have they actually tried to get the gist of what he meant or actually engage with him.and nihilism isnt bad to nietzche, in one way you can characterize him as a nihilist, its necessary being a nihilist.

  33. 8 months ago

    its not just the current generation old authors cant stop mentioning this guy either

  34. 8 months ago

    Because he's fricking awesome, I mean, have you read his work?

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