Why isnt gender determined by chromosomes anymore?

Why isnt gender determined by chromosomes anymore?

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  1. 2 years ago

    A couple botched practices from corrupt borderline pedophiles with medical degrees wouldn't help.

  2. 2 years ago

    He/She/They/Them?Shme/It? whomever spends the most $ determines what chromosomes do.

  3. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Okay and? Very rarely people are born with six toes. So what, we should start referring to humans as either gives toed or six toed?

    • 2 years ago

      Humans dont have two hands. Humans do not have two kidneys. Humans do not have two eyes.

  4. 2 years ago

    You're gonna call me a troony leftypol cuck but I swear I'm not. My view is that sex and gender, initially, were entirely synonymous terms. Namely, they are refer to entirely biological concepts: your chromosomes. There are of course outliers due to extremely rare mutations, and we classified them as such (intersex), but even then it was based entirely on the biological status.
    Then as society and science began to acknowledge the existence and experiences of people who did not feel that they matched "society's standard" of what it means to be one sex/gender or the other, we had a dilemma of terminology on our hands. In what I consider an unfortunate (misguided, but possibly malicious) turn of events, people began to distinguish between sex as a biological concept, and gender as a sociological one. The fact of the matter is that they should have come up with an entirely new word for it (essentially, what we call "gender expression" now). Gender was already established as a synonym for sex, which scientists took as an opportunity to leverage that redundancy to be used for a different, but related, concept. Bad move.
    Granted, it was an understandable move, since sex and (what is now called) gender are so incredibly closely correlated. Like, <98% correlated in the population. Trans and nonbinary people are the extreme outliers so it seemingly made sense to co-opt the established jargon such that it remained working for <98% of the population. But to the general public, this was an attack on language, an attack on established colloquialisms. And I fully agree - it was incredibly stupid to try to rework "gender" when another term would have been just fine.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry, should have written >98%.

    • 2 years ago

      English-speaking countries were fricked the moment they accepted the term "gender" in place of sex in the 50's; you've just been going through the motions ever since. In Spanish, there is not an accepted term for "gender" beyond "sex." It's impossible to talk about female nor male without specifically talking about chromosomes and genitals. Yeah sure, Argentinians are trying cuck us all but we hate them anyway so we're good for the indefinite time being. Idk how many other cultures do the same but it also seems to be the case for Japanese and Farsi. English is israeliteed beyond belief.

      • 2 years ago

        english is israeliteified asf

        • 2 years ago

          Are either French or German as israeliteed? I don't speak either, just asking for a friend. How do you refer to "gender" in either language?

          • 2 years ago

            There's no need to refer to gender because no one gives a shit

          • 2 years ago

            No such thing as gender in German. We literally say "gender"

          • 2 years ago

            French forms, for example, correctly say "sexe".

        • 2 years ago

          holy fricking shit, it's Lee Smolin's "Trouble with Physics" acknowledgements.

    • 2 years ago

      An actual sane take, good on you.

    • 2 years ago

      sane take
      rebranding an established synonym was a mistake

  5. 2 years ago

    chromosomes are not an entirely accurate indicator of gender.
    androgen insensitivity causes babies with a y chromosome to still develop (though not completely) as a woman.
    the full answer for what causes gender would naturally include the y chromosome, though. and the reason people are doubting that right now is because some people are too soft to accept the truth of who they are.

  6. 2 years ago

    Politics + Science = Politics

  7. 2 years ago

    Sex is biology
    Gender is culture
    Culture doesn't have to follow biology. It was expedient when sex aligned with gender but it is not a requirement. If still confused request your caretaker to open crayons for you and trace the dots.

    • 2 years ago

      >culture doesn't have to follow biology

      it does if you're a naturalist. you will never be a woman btw.

      • 2 years ago

        I am more cis white male than you'll ever be, junior.
        >it does if you're a naturalist
        You swapped one moronic world view for a different moronic world view. Congratulations, what a sick play.

        • 2 years ago

          >I am more cis white male than you'll ever be, junior.

    • 2 years ago

      But culture and biology can still influence each other, so culture isn't entirely arbitrary either, as some leftists would like to claim.

    • 2 years ago

      >Sex is biology
      >Gender is culture
      >Culture doesn't have to follow biology. It was expedient when sex aligned with gender but it is not a requirement.
      Mentally ill groomer talk.

  8. 2 years ago

    White folk leftists be GROOMING kids now yo!

  9. 2 years ago

    The real weird question is why is something that affect ~0.05% of people get this much attention when we have tremendous social issues that affect all of us?
    I feel like the whole 'pick your junk and how you feel about it' movement it this divisive non-issue that is brought to the forefront
    exactly because it enrages so many and fractures us into various camps that get in one another's throat.

    They get to pretend like they're progressive doing nothing since they give various rights to approximately nobody on the cheap in implementing trans-rights.
    While everybody progressive get distracted and golf-applaud instead of protesting how the system funnels resources to the tiny elite in the top of that spike shaped pyramid.

    How can anyone even get emotionally invested in the plight of someone who hasn't figured out exactly how to deal
    with whatever the frick is in their pants by the time they're old enough to read and write?
    Like exactly what world problem is it these people are gonna solve for us if they haven't got that one under wraps by then?

    • 2 years ago

      it's a cultural "division of labor." these gender activists have about the same amount of scientific acumen as a the goup of kids polaying minecraft that they're trying to indoctrinate. They aren't skilled enough to tackle real-worldwide problems such as renewable energy - they spent all their skill point on the shitposting tech-tree, so that's their specialty. For example, yesterday my neice was talking about playing football against they boys (she throws a good spiral). Then my other neice told her that girl's football protective gear is worse than boy's because of misogny. I have no idea whether that is true or not, but what I do know is that 8th graders don't have doctorates in sports medicine or industrial science. People act their skill level.

    • 2 years ago

      Well I have no way to evaluate the extent that other issues are being ignored in favour of trans issues and I'm not sure how you could quantify it
      I think one problem is that conservatives and the right wing have tried to make trans people into a culture wars issue and therefore that's shaped political debates to be about trans people
      Here in Australia the right wing government picked a candidate who's entire thing was about raising discussion around trans people in order to get more centrists who they thought would be appalled by trans people to vote for them instead of the 'insane left who supports child mutilation'
      It didn't work but it was a distraction from the real issues in my country
      Also as far as why people care it's because they're socially conservative and/or Christian

  10. 2 years ago

    Given there were exceptions, it never was.

  11. 2 years ago

    Good question Bill. I don't know how these people tick but they are really hung up on the aesthetic qualities of the ride they where given to traverse this mortal coil.
    Like they're these 'ricers of humanity' trying to make their vessel look like something it can never be.

    Like if I woke up tomorrow and Descart's Demon in conjunction with the ghost of Franz Kafka had transformed me into a woman i would be like "ok.. wtf, but cool I guess?"
    And I'd entertain myself by figuring out how the V worked. I would not go "nooo I'm really a man!" and start taking testosterone and benchpress
    while using expensive duct-tape level surgery to superficially gain something that on the surface looked like the dick and beard I'd identify with.

    I'd not be severely traumatized by having a mind/body mismatch and try to genetically re-engineer myself with crude tools.
    I'd make do with the fully functioning body I had.

  12. 2 years ago

    Males that transition to female is way more common than the other way around isn't it? So that makes it even more mysterious why people give a frick about these people.
    Like weak males that identify as males absolutely nobody gives two shits about, they're like the trash of humanity in the eyes of men and women alike.

    So how come people care when they pretend to be women? Are the MTF transsexuals in fact these brilliant life-hackers who discovered a glitch in human psychology?

    • 2 years ago

      i thought the same but i did a deeper analysis than any sane person should and it's almost equal between trans men and women (in america, at least). but that's not all:
      trans women were once significantly more common (or at least survived much longer on average) than trans men in previous generations. only recently has that begun to change.

      go to page 44 for the section on identity.

      • 2 years ago

        Does anyone ITT know how being 'non-binary' actually works? Like how do one even go about it.

        Is it based on deception by not letting anyone know what you actually are and act in such a way that you can't be described as either?
        And if so how does one even behave in such a way? Like I met people that have claimed they where but they where blatantly easily categorized.

        Like no girl you're not a non-binary you're just a tomboy with short hair. Like if that counts and it's just something you need to state
        isn't it infact equally moronic as if I got a tan during summer and started trolling people by calling myself 'non-white'?

        >Yes, I'm an recluse/autist. No, these things did not exist back when I where around people and I have no clue how they're supposed to operate.

        • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        At the risk of seeming like a troll, can the gap in 18-24 be explained by the high trans suicide rate?

    • 2 years ago

      Used to be that way. Back in the '70s there were thrice as many male transsexuals as female transsexuals. This made perfect sense as transsexualism is literally a sexual perversion, and such perversions are more frequent in men. In the 2010s now, that ratio has completely flipped. Now there are about thrice as many (gen Z) girls identifying as boys as the reverse. The fact women are flocking to this disease should be a big warning flag.

  13. 2 years ago

    Gender was never determined by chromosomes. Sex is determined by chromosomes. When did they start referring to sex as gender? My dad says they used the word sex when he was a kid. In french, it's still normal. They say sexe et genre. And in German it's normal too. In fact they just say Geschlecht und Soziales Geschlecht. Gender is the way one represents onesself socially, and sex is whether your male or female.

    • 2 years ago

      >When did they start referring to sex as gender?
      In the 15th century.

      • 2 years ago

        No, they were talking about social expression of sex. There is nuance there.
        Sex = male or female
        Gender = masculine or feminine
        Plenty of masculine females and feminine males, but it doesn't change their sex.

        • 2 years ago

          That is an interpretation that just didn't exist in any sort of mainstream use til the ~2010's.
          All my life 'Gender' was synonymous with 'sex' as in you filled in a form that asked your 'gender' it meant M/F.
          You played a videogame/rpg up until very recently and you got select/roll your 'gender' as either male or female.

          'Gender' in English was specifically referring to what set of reproductive organ you had. Not how masculine or feminine you where.
          Think about it, nobody back then knew jack shit about any hormone treatments cosmetic surgery etc, none had even heard about 'gender dysphoria'
          Unless you where born a hermaphrodite there was no 'nuance' as to what your sex/gender/genitalia was back then.

          • 2 years ago

            >All my life 'Gender' was synonymous with 'sex' as in you filled in a form that asked your 'gender' it meant M/F.
            Yeah idk how old you are, but I think that started in the 90s. People felt icky about saying the word "sex" so they substituted gender, which has a close, but not identical meaning.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, no shit there was no reason to that's the expedient part. The only constant in life is change, keep up or get out of the way.

            Why do trannies use the terms MtF and FtM if sex and gender are different concepts?

            Why do you keep saying bowling balls and apples are round when they're different concepts? This is the level of your challenge.

            god your fricking moronic, just kys

            Keep up that energy and I'll pound that tight little hateful ass into the ground. I love me a feisty moron.

        • 2 years ago

          Why do trannies use the terms MtF and FtM if sex and gender are different concepts?

          • 2 years ago

            They are trying to merge them as concepts. That's the whole problem.
            A MtF is a feminine male, but they want you to believe that it's actually a female. If we could keep the concepts seperate, then we would be fine with people expressing themselves differently, but we wouldn't get confused and think feminine males are actually female, which they obviously aren't and never can be.

        • 2 years ago

          god your fricking moronic, just kys

  14. 2 years ago

    Semántica changed, not much else really

  15. 2 years ago

    Where I live, it is. Stop pretending the great west is the only place people live.I have never saw a troony in my fricking life(36). Nobody talks about them here, and nobody gives a shit about them around here.And certainly nobody will give them any privileges when it comes to law, the media, or in everyday life. A man have a penis. A woman have a vegana. A man with an axe wound is still a man.A woman without breasts is still a woman.And according to this we use two pronouns: he/she. Some people really need to crack open a biology book. Its not rocket science, and certainly not some philosophical, ethical, or moral question that needs to be answered.

  16. 2 years ago

    >Why isnt gender determined by chromosomes anymore?

    Modern gender 'problems' are all about sexual partners.
    Women do NOT want to be judged for their sexuality so they go out of their way open up sexual norms as much as possible.

    Straight men are NOT pushing this gender freakism.

  17. 2 years ago

    It's phonetics. Chromosomes determine sex, we used gender synonymously at the time. Now gender means identity relative to sex. It's about people who want to have an identity that falls outside of the social normality of their sex. It's not that crazy but people blow it way out of proportion and frick it up.

  18. 2 years ago

    sex is determined by production of ovum or sperm gametes.

  19. 2 years ago

    Imagine if the medically accepted solution to childhood insecurity about your appearance was plastic surgery

    • 2 years ago

      And this would be bad because? What other chance is there for black ops kid?

  20. 2 years ago

    NPCs even believe in germ theory

  21. 2 years ago

    Never was. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes and only one pair are the sex chromosomes. Sex isn't even determined by your chromosomes. Sex is partially determined by sex chromosomes. Sex chromosomes help determine what your genitalia will differentiate into in utero. Sex chromosomes have nothing to do with gender. Gender is the collection of beliefs, roles, and values society ascribes to individuals and is thus subjective and varies from culture to culture. There is no gene that makes pink a girl's color and blue a boy's color. There is no gene that dictates that women can't hold positions of power in society and that men can't play a supportive role in a marital relationship. Or that a man can't take his wife's last name. The word "gender" is valuable in helping us identify and analyze these social constructs and ultimately question them.

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