Will this help me be social?

Will this help me be social?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    >hows you
    >Hows you family
    >what yo do
    >oh wow
    >oh is tha righ
    >ok well talk you later
    Wow, such influence, many friend

    • 2 months ago

      i mean its literally that simple, yet by judging the responses in this thread, you all could learn a lot from ole dale

  2. 2 months ago

    no it'll help you look like a stiff, inauthentic, autistic ass kisser though. the book is made for autistic car salesmen who want to have their foot in 1000 doors and not have anything deeper than that.

  3. 2 months ago

    No, it's shit and was made purely for early 20th century american businessmen. If you want social skills read Models

    • 2 months ago

      that book is just how to stop worrying and turn into a bugman to get laid with single moms

    • 2 months ago

      >how to be a nice beta boy and hope she will like you: the book

      mark manson is a beta homosexual

  4. 2 months ago

    just go out bro

  5. 2 months ago

    >just bee u'reslelf

    • 2 months ago


  6. 2 months ago

    I think a lot of people on IQfy probably come across like arrogant, argumentative and hostile pricks when they communicate with strangers, so Carnegie’s advice of “Smile, show interest, and avoid arguments” would unironically vastly improve their social skills.

    • 2 months ago

      This is true for me at least.
      I only like talking about myself and the things I like. If people let me, I will fricking talk to them about whatever I care and I will hardly ever ask for their opinions because if they say something I don't like I will get fricking unbearable, because I like being right, in fact, I can't tolerate being corrected or asking for clarification. I must always be right, I must always be talking about me me me me me. I also didn't like smiling, or having people smile at me. I don't like touching them, I don't like asking them how's their fricking day because I don't care. I hate people because I don't get them. I don't get what it means when they smile at you, or when they ask you how are you, I don't understand simple social cues because I always FEEL like people just want to frick me over. I hate people. I wish I didn't have to see or interact with another fricking human being., but I have to. No matter what the frick I do, I have to. I have to talk to them, I have to listen to them, I have to speak like they do, I have to understand their god damn fricking social cues and jokes because I can't tell, I really can't tell, when they laugh with me or at me. Frick people
      So yeah, this book was a life saver.

      • 2 months ago

        Kinda sucks being surrounded by shitty people but you should learn by now how to gauge trust/interest.

        Nothing wrong with being corrected if someone has the right intentions in mind no? Like honest positive criticism is fricking necessary in life, pointing out mistakes just for the sake of it without even giving a solution is moronic. I gotta say being honest (that is not going out of your way obvious things with a insulting manner) really makes life way easier coz you just can tell who is a manipulative weirdo that fakes interest.

        • 2 months ago

          Good takes, good takes everywhere

    • 2 months ago

      No. I enable people because I don't want to deal with anyone's bullshit. And enabling people is probably so much worse, although more admirable, than not enabling people.

    • 2 months ago

      See, my problem is I value truthfulness and authenticity too much. This whole act of smiling, lying to people's faces, and avoiding conflict at all costs, disagrees with me at a gut level. I can't do it.
      I don't do it to me mean. I actually do it because I respect other people too much to lie to them, because I hate being lied to. It's a thing that's very deeply embedded in my psyche.

  7. 2 months ago

    Watch some Robert Greene on YouTube. “How to” is behavior copying. The art of seduction alerts you to your innate abilities you’re not learning. Using your empathy neurons is key and any philosopher, influenced, or self help writer who can’t make empathy clear is a hack fraud.

  8. 2 months ago

    Read Hagakure

  9. 2 months ago

    I mean I think it brings up some decent points on how you can manipulate people into liking you more. If that is social, no not really. I'd say it's more so a book for proper conduct in the business world

    • 2 months ago

      Is it all about manipulation and zero sincerity?

      • 2 months ago

        We all want some level of control outside of ourselves, look at the world we’ve made we are fricking control freaks through and through. Accept that we all try to influence each other. It’s just being human.

      • 2 months ago

        We all want some level of control outside of ourselves, look at the world we’ve made we are fricking control freaks through and through. Accept that we all try to influence each other. It’s just being human.

        Speak for yourself. These self help books were made by effeminate men on trying to test a whole generation of men how to be effeminate. How to win friends and influence people more like how to suck israeli wiener and balls and prostrate yourself for Big Satan. Who gives a frick if some homosexual boomer didn’t like that you didn’t have good enough grip on that handshake you gave or don’t practice social scripts to a T. That shit is for slaves. But if you want to be a slave, be a slave. Don’t even try to attempt to rationalize it here.

        • 2 months ago

          He thinks he understands Nietzsche after one read and limited life experience. Protect him he’s so cute.

  10. 2 months ago

    just go out and talk to people.
    go to the mall, enter a random store and talk to a clerk.
    small talk, ask about a product, whatever.

  11. 2 months ago

    Yes, but only if you are a complete autismo. It's level 1. Level 2 is to be honest. Level 3 is to learn to lie again and tell the truth strategically. It helped me gain a lot of friends, but they were fickle friendships, and once the initial ego boost you get fades away, you realize you actually have zero actual friends and you hate the act that you have to put on to keep them happy. After that, I became completely honest about everything and it was like a breath of fresh air, but people start to hate you for it, and I, at least, became overly emotional. The correction came when I realized that you can't make people happy, and that most people are just dead weight, especially if you are an autismo, with no innate ability to connect with people. Finally, you learn that honesty, flattery, white lies, and social strategy is how most socially successful people operate anyway. They're all soulless manipulators, with sometimes good and sometimes bad intentions. It's only simpletons and the naive that manage to have meaningful and deep relationships. As soon as they achieve a bit of sophistication, they enter our realm. The underground realm. Are there any kindhearted people that have social mastery? They seem to have existed yesteryear.

  12. 2 months ago

    Seriously guys Robert Greene is unmatched and he shares your pessimism give him a chance on yt. I’m honestly trying to help.

    • 2 months ago

      but hes a trustfund israelite with an ugly feminist art wife and never did anything, i read a bit of the art of seduction and its just a bunch of garbage about womanizer archetypes and for women to detect them

      • 2 months ago

        I’m shocked you think that, he’s actually very easy to understand. Try observing without judgement for once in your life you dumb c**t.

        • 2 months ago

          i'm not saying i didn't get it, im just saying it seemed shallow, it didn't provide any kind of insight to me and was just meme psychology that some people cant even identify with, its useless for a lot of people

          • 2 months ago

            You either read the art of seduction and say “yea no shit” or you learn the meta game. Secret third option is to call it too dumb for you ig.

          • 2 months ago

            don't really understand what you're saying, but i read (partly) the art of seduction (which isn't even about social skills like this thread), and found it shallow and useless.
            i also read a bit of 48 laws of power, which isn't anything profound either, its just a manual on how to be a c**t by things like always being slightly late, always taking opportunities to have someone else fail, etc.
            his books unironically don't seem very useful and he just sells a lot because every other celeb namedrops them and gets meme status like "BANNED FROM PRISON BRO", art of seduction in particular is just a bunch of obviousness + basic-tier game packed in a fancy delivery package for normies who never really read.

          • 2 months ago

            It’s too simple and boring for you bro, that’s all you’re saying. You don’t have to be such an annoying c**t about it. The art of seduction and the 48 laws of power map on perfectly to my world, and I would guess most peoples world, considering the crises of loneliness and narcissists. But maybe you’re in a different country and culture than America.

          • 2 months ago

            ok i don't want to be annoying but i found it hard to get anything from art of seduction besides shit like "some chads are mysterious, and some chads are contrastingly innocent and wise, some chads are adventurous..." and i can't imagine many other people would, real game would be more applicable unless you are a child or something.
            i've yet to find a book about actual social skills that isn't 10k words telling you to be confident.

          • 2 months ago

            What is real game and social skills then?

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