Windows = Devil's spawn

>download ISO
>dd to usb
>stick in computer
>download ISO
>dd to usb
>stick in computer
>"oh no, you don't have [INSERT DRIVER]
>driver apparently some proprietary oem garbage
>have to use Lenovo's recovery tool
>which only runs on windows
>set up windows vm in order to run their shitty program
>download ISO
>install windows in vm
>"No I don't want your shitty telemetry, no I don't want your shitty cloud service, no I don't wnat to give you my soul, no I don't want some xbox crap"
>finally in windows
>download Lenovo recovery tool
>Use it to download ISO and make installation media
>except program is buggy as shit, repetedly does not want to make the media
>no console output, no useful error messages, just "oh frick, shit didnt work"
>for some reason works the 4th time I try running it
>insert USB into computer I originally wanted windows on
>"no I don't want telemetry, no I dont want you to spy on me, no I will not give you my firstborn"
>finally into windows
All so I could sell this fricking machine to some idiot who is going to use the crappiest OS on planet earth. Frick Microsoft, frick Windows, and frick anybody that says Windows is "easy" and "just werks". It is fricking shit, also as a user. Even if you want to fix shit yourself, you can't, because the error messages are fricking non-existent, or crap.
People complain about Linux being difficult, but goddamn, Windows is damn near impossible to work with

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    what were you expecting?

  2. 2 years ago

    I had a very similar problem with Windows recently OP, frick em. I get that it just werks but the fricking recovery tools don't werk at all

  3. 2 years ago

    Based op

  4. 2 years ago


    Sounds entirely like a list of (You) problems.
    Try not being a moron.

  5. 2 years ago


    What did i see today? Hmmmm oh wait its
    Paytard everywhere

  6. 2 years ago


    not having iso backups or any backups is (You) problem and you are moronic

  7. 2 years ago


    >download ISO
    >download etcher/rufus
    >flash USB drive
    >restart computer
    >mash F12
    >boot into live session
    >click "next" five times

  8. 2 years ago


    Werks in my machine

  9. 2 years ago

    >install dvb card
    >install drivers from CD
    >it just werks
    >install dvb card
    >no linux drivers on CD
    >Get instructions from some oscure wiki
    >clone gigantic repo to build drivers
    >takes 5 hours
    >kernel panic
    >boot into working kernel
    >google how to fix other kernel
    >blindly paste commands into terminal
    >both kernels broken
    >have heart attack
    >can't call for help because pc doesn't work

    • 2 years ago

      It's feels like your last interaction with a computer was at 2002

    • 2 years ago

      >can't call for help because pc doesn't work
      anon, you can't use voip for emergency, you can only use your mobile phone

  10. 2 years ago

    what kind of shitty machine you must have to have a problem with generic drivers

    i have a 10 years old machine and the only driver that did not work was the wifi card

    • 2 years ago

      >generic drivers
      You mean those things they stripped out with O-O or some other memescript because another braindead freetard told them it was "bloat"?
      Never underestimate the ability for freetards to shoot themselves in the leg six times in a row, and then, with a straight face, try to sue Colt.

  11. 2 years ago

    >Be you- The future: 2030
    >computers have compulsory cameras and fingerprint scanners
    >want to install SatyaOS 13
    >download ISO
    >Boot PC, UEFIx requires face scan to auth boot
    >heckman holds photograph in front of camera.
    >face scan PASS, boot continues
    >"Loading Windows... (spinny circle.gif)"
    >"Please scan your fingprint to verify your identity"
    >ERROR: You are not fully vaccinated, setup cannot continue. Press any any key to exit."

  12. 2 years ago

    Linux is midwit, dimwits and topwits only use Windows

  13. 2 years ago

    I try to not use windows when I can. Working in IT for so many years, I learned to hate it with a passion. All the little things that would take me hours of digging through Windows forums to find a fix for... No thanks. I have windows on my main PC but am a freetard on all my laptops/media machines

    • 2 years ago

      Wow, freetards are getting desperate.
      It's like watching shitlibs - everything they say now is an easily-proven lie.
      No wonder nobody wants to use your shit OS.

      • 2 years ago

        No refutation, just coping.
        Enjoy your shit spyware OS

      • 2 years ago

        >only now realising that freetards are just another kind of worthless commie
        Welcome to IQfy
        Enjoy your stay

        • 2 years ago

          I guess every megacorp is commie then

    • 2 years ago

      JavaScript and thumbnails

    • 2 years ago

      wait, you have to pay for windows?

  14. 2 years ago

    yeah but dd is scary
    Like literarily it can wipe your entire drive

    • 2 years ago

      just lsblk and write of=/dev/sdX as the first part. That way you can be 100% sure before proceeding to type the rest of the command

  15. 2 years ago

    >try to run mission critical program on Loonix
    >program was made 5 years ago
    >doesn't work anymore because GTK tards broke everything
    >have to hope the sources are still somewhere in git
    >have to resolve new dependencies and do weeks of bugfixing to get it working again
    Meanwhile, on windows
    >copy .exe from 20 years ago
    >double click
    >it just werks

    • 2 years ago

      >extract .exe
      >program becomes portable

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