>worst performing major economy last year. >massive farmer protests

>worst performing major economy last year
>massive farmer protests
>massive railroad workers strike, the longest every in Germany's history
What went wrong with Germany's economy?
Is america to blame for this?

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  1. 4 months ago

    as a southern euro I don't really give a shit
    just send more money and stfu

    • 4 months ago

      Slave mentality

    • 4 months ago

      if we go to the shitter, you go down even harder, gay-reek

  2. 4 months ago

    Leftist mental illness is to blame

    • 4 months ago

      Sad but accurate. I don’t think it’s possible to change and will leave Germany behind when I reach 7 figs next bullrun.

  3. 4 months ago

    Green mania and economic suicide.
    They are progressively removing meat and trying to force vegan shit at a higher price instead.
    They are insane.

    • 4 months ago

      >Green mania
      what is everyone's honest take on this, are leftist really that brainwashed that they do all this ecoterrorism on their own or are they bribed/blackmailed by China/Russia fricking epstein list or whatever. I even understand playing with alternative energy sources, why not but why all this aggressive push to exclude electric cars, coal stoves, 90% 'carbon footprint' reduction and so on, so basicly what I'm asking here are these EU morons just stupid, evil or being blackmailed into doing this shit to their own citizens

      • 4 months ago

        *exclude CE cars

      • 4 months ago

        >what I'm asking here are these EU morons just stupid, evil or being blackmailed
        I think it's combination of these + getting bribed

      • 4 months ago

        they are just evil.
        The green voters usually have no financial struggle, and they get off when the middle class evaporates and suffers.
        To calm their remaining conscience they import criminals and terrorists and celebrate themselves for it.
        When i see a left wing supporter i see a servant of the evil.

        • 4 months ago

          All the greens in Europe are recycled leninists/stalinists from the 60s/70s, utter pieces of garbage. They're not human.

      • 4 months ago

        Brainwashed fits, they think them not driving a gas car will save this world, germany makes up 2% of total co2 creation and thats our industry mostly, they dont even know any numbers but got brainwashed that their doing will make any kind of impact, instead the only impact it makes is paying more taxes and corporations (which invest it elsewhere)

        At the same time green politicians, which are proud of having no degree or any kind of experience (they also have a rule to have only women as leaders, the latest being a fat stupid whale) actively want to remove local industry to reduce our footprint (the production will put as much co2 if not more elsewhere), for them a germany that needs to import everything seems to be the goal (paid by that though?)

        • 4 months ago

          *2% of Co2 creation world wide

        • 4 months ago

          CO2 isn't even really the big problem. its microplastics, its chemical pollution, heavy metals pollution. they are focussing on the wrong things.

          • 4 months ago

            Their next big push has been banning the sale of coffee, due to CO2 emissions.

      • 4 months ago

        they typically believe anyone cares what europe does and thus think rushing for net-zero while every other power ignores it or does it without handicapping themselves is "leading the world".

      • 4 months ago

        climate change is an issue, the issue is that neoliberal politicians want to get their cut from expensive "solutions" (electric cars filled with IoT spyware) while not actually solving the problem. plants.

        This hambeast with a bantu woman figure is the political leader of Germany's Green party, who have made Germany's economy their little b***h and now have destroyed all of Germany's nuclear plants by puttin acid into the reactor pipelines.

        Germany is just fricked, they are building windmills left and right, but
        - have no infrastructure to transport the energy to the factories,
        - have no storage capacity, so need to import massive fossil fuel
        - have declared war on Russia and nationalized Russia's fossil fuel infrastructure in Germany, but now lack Russian gas

        There have been estimated the windmill infrastructure will cost 750 € billion until 2030. Yes, that's 125 billion € per year kek

        German's are insane. Utterly lunatic. Let them freeze to death and we buy their factories and women for pennies.

        didn't everyone protest the nuclear plant shutdowns and the gov still did it anyway?

  4. 4 months ago

    must continue to support ukraine! we are at war

  5. 4 months ago

    Soon italian bonds will offer less interest than german bonds

  6. 4 months ago

    >What went wrong with Germany's economy?
    allowing millions of illegal Black person and mutt migrants that don't work and live of welfare

    • 4 months ago

      At least Germans aren't ruled by evil Anti-Semites anymore!

  7. 4 months ago

    >Is america to blame for this?
    Yes and israelites too

    • 4 months ago

      I knew it, I hate them so much it's unreal

  8. 4 months ago

    > what went wrong
    "we" voted for pic related, unironically

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Rainer trooned out and became a politician?

    • 4 months ago

      This hambeast with a bantu woman figure is the political leader of Germany's Green party, who have made Germany's economy their little b***h and now have destroyed all of Germany's nuclear plants by puttin acid into the reactor pipelines.

      Germany is just fricked, they are building windmills left and right, but
      - have no infrastructure to transport the energy to the factories,
      - have no storage capacity, so need to import massive fossil fuel
      - have declared war on Russia and nationalized Russia's fossil fuel infrastructure in Germany, but now lack Russian gas

      There have been estimated the windmill infrastructure will cost 750 € billion until 2030. Yes, that's 125 billion € per year kek

      German's are insane. Utterly lunatic. Let them freeze to death and we buy their factories and women for pennies.

      • 4 months ago

        >puttin acid
        >There have been estimated
        >russia russia russia

        can't we just ban Russia from the western internet they provide nothing of value

      • 4 months ago

        You forgot something, after the EU destroyed their tech industry and as a result made themself irrelevant they are also trying to ban AI now kek
        France, being the only country trying to remain relevant might leave the EU over it

  9. 4 months ago

    >helped to destroy the roman empire
    >had the audacity to create a cheap barbaric clone of the roman empire
    >destroyed europe during ww1
    >started ww2 and destroyed europe again
    >Birthplace of Marx (devil)
    >destroys europe again in the 21st century through mass migration from africa

    germans can only destroy, even their own country.

  10. 4 months ago

    europe kinda stopped innovating after ww2 and just became a puppet of the US tbh. i guess decadence breeds complacency

  11. 4 months ago

    American puppets and libtards in the government, moronic boomer people brainwashed by said puppets

    Our government is actively destroying everything germany worked for the last 80 years, lamposts need to be occupied unironically

    Germany people dont see it though so everyone deserves it

  12. 4 months ago

    >destroys their country to save the world
    >heh, nothing personel wagies

  13. 4 months ago

    we have too many old fricks that want gibs

  14. 4 months ago

    I work for a German tech company.
    This year our budget was cut 50% lmao. They're talking about possible layoffs during the year. Hitler resurection wen?

    • 4 months ago

      Next federal election lmao. The current government has actually managed to just barely have more popular support, than the AfD they're trying to ban

      • 4 months ago

        What is going to happen when AfD win, are you gonna start another war ?

        • 4 months ago

          they wont win. 35% of germans are migrants or related to migrants. the whole media is against them. and the government changes laws monthly now. the goverment just released a law allowing double passports, giving faster and automatic passports and opening the army to non germans. they are accelerating the demographic change.

          • 4 months ago

            >35% of germans are migrants or related to migrants.
            This is a dumb overstatement. In Germant, if you have a parent (or even grandparent) who was foreign-born then you are still considered a migrant. This is how several Germans with roots in Russia get classified as migrants on census.

          • 4 months ago

            >35% of germans are migrants or related to migrants
            I know the migrant situation is bad, but a "migration background" is defined so loosely, that German Russians, folks whose dad is Dutch or Polish, Austrians or Switzers and all other sorts of cultural Germans are considered to have a migration background. Turks and Arabs mostly don't vote and make up "just" 25-30% of migrants, making them some ~3-5% of the electorate

  15. 4 months ago

    They elected a woman who invited millions of brown rapists then shut down nuclear plants for no reason while relying entirely on Russia for energy.
    Never elect a woman.

  16. 4 months ago

    >What went wrong with Germany's economy?
    Decades of Merkel austerity rather than investment domestically, inefficient government that does everything in its power to make business competition impossible, and paying for dumbfricks in the East who contribute nothing to the economy. The reunification was a mistake and so was Merkel, who's from the East (yes I know she was born in Hamburg but that's not where she grew up).
    Germany refused to get on the tech train because of tech-illiterate old farts in Berlin, that's why only morons work in tech in Germany and everybody worth their salt goes to the US. There's zero upward mobility because boomer homosexuals at these dinosaur companies demand you to have specific X certification or a degree to do a job inserting numbers into a spreadsheet. Oh sorry you don't have that certification to do a job that is an entry-level data-entry job for a GED-education moron in the US? Guess it's Harz IV for you!
    I know for a fact that the poorest of the poor probably have it better in Germany thanks to the social system and public housing and general lack of black people, but goddamn for anybody that WANTS to work and WANTS to make money it's like swimming through molasses.

    • 4 months ago

      Oh don't forget the absolute galaxy-IQ move to dismantle nuclear power in Germany so they could continue feeding their cheap Russian gas addiction. You definitely gotta blame Schroeder for that one, too.

      • 4 months ago

        At least Schröder managed to unfrick the terrible economy, which was all the aspects you mentioned before, but a million times worse. Honestly, just abolishing Bürgergeld and cheap gas could get the c**t running again for some years, but at this point, with such terrible demographics, the ship which was already doomed to sink since the 90's has now caught its terminal leak and won't recover in the near future. AfD type isolationism, economic liberalism and >Ausländer raus are the only policies, which even have the chace to build a foundation, on which Germany could ever rise again. Otherwise the Caliphate of Neu-Syrien will be the future destiny of Germany

    • 4 months ago

      Oh don't forget the absolute galaxy-IQ move to dismantle nuclear power in Germany so they could continue feeding their cheap Russian gas addiction. You definitely gotta blame Schroeder for that one, too.

      thanks for the interesting and detailed reply

    • 4 months ago

      politicians are just a front to give the people a person to blame it on.

  17. 4 months ago

    so there is that funny myth where companies claim they have difficultys finding new employees

    instead of telling them to pay better or lower their ridicolous standards (most bullshit they demand is never even needed in the actual job) the government will just mass import foreigners and subsidize "troubled" companies
    meanwhile these companies will overpay literal morons sitting on their asses all day and going full nepotism mode

  18. 4 months ago

    The railroad strikes are mainly down to their union leader.
    That fricking Ossi is going into retirement somet time this year so he just wanted to go out with a bang that will be remembered.
    Besides, that unioin and that guy are well known for this bullshit, they're actually just a tiny part of all the railroad workers (although the most impactful one as it's the train conductors)

  19. 4 months ago

    troonys, Leftists, Commies, Feminists, Gender Studies, homosexuals, israelites, Vegans.

    This country is full of shit.

  20. 4 months ago

    Germans are subhuman. It's that simple.

  21. 4 months ago

    They didn't engage in deficit spending over the last three years averaging more than 11% of GDP in order to gain average nominal GDP increases of 8% in the same time frame, unlike America.

  22. 4 months ago

    As a Croatian IQfy investor, I can confidently say that Germans are in fact, really annoying people

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