Would you read it based on the blurb?

Would you read it based on the blurb?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    I would never read pozzed YA genre fiction. I can bang my head on the concrete wall and have a better experience and results for a fraction of the time needed to read about college kids having drama and Hollywood aliens being raycist.

  2. 11 months ago

    IQfy is just bait threads now, I see

  3. 11 months ago

    if you have to talk about yourself on the back of your book. no. the shitty fursona and poorly written blurb are just extras

    • 11 months ago

      >if you have to talk about yourself on the back of your book. no
      Yeah, the right way is to talk about yourself IN the book

  4. 11 months ago

    About the quality I expected.

  5. 11 months ago

    transgender lesbian, excuse me?

    • 11 months ago

      >he doesn't know
      I wish I had all the relevant links and videos, it's easily the funniest thing that has happened in the last 20 years, the funniest product of the current cultural moment. Male transvestites who want to frick women call themselves "lesbians" (because they see themselves as women). Because women and especially lesbian women are overwhelmingly "inclusive" progressive types, they have no way of excluding or expelling these invaders from their communities or even their dating apps. And because of course there are fifty horny transvestite men who want to frick a real woman for every real woman claiming to be a lesbian, all online lesbian spaces and dating apps are 99% bald men in lipstick who are also hyper-aggressive and emboldened by being constantly enabled by everybody, including most of the women on the apps, who are afraid to make waves. The few actual lesbians who even mention how much this annoys them and makes it impossible to meet other lesbians are unironically called Nazis by the others (many of whom also hate it but either suppress this out of fear of becoming "weird" or "bad" too). And there is no way to figure out who is a real woman on most of these sites, so of course, transvestites also post AS women without admitting they're transvestites and further support letting in more transvestites.

      It took me hours to fully enjoy how funny this is. It was like a trip to a new freakshow and circus, set up in the ruins of a formerly secluded museum.

      • 11 months ago

        that is what you must do with these clowns. Become a clown yourself and make fun of it all and throw the pie right back in their faces.

      • 11 months ago

        this runs parallel to the "Degradation of a hobby" meme that's ancient by now, where normies co-opt a hobby and ruin it from within.

      • 11 months ago

        It is indeed funny.

  6. 11 months ago

    >Over two centuries ago, a famous poet who was said to have seen the future and written...
    grammar error in the first line of the blurb

  7. 11 months ago

    Yeah, i'd read it. We read classic literature to expand our knowledge and understanding of times and ways of thinking so why stop there and not also challenge your world views by reading something like this book written by someone COMPLETELY different from you in the way they perceive the world? I think it's good to challenge yourself even if the author is crazy, it's still a person that lives in the same time era as you. That said, it's definitely not my 1st choice of book to read kek.

  8. 11 months ago

    uh sounds like some videogame plot

  9. 11 months ago

    >very first sentence
    cool but no
    not interested in reading someone where the very first sentence contains a bunch of wordcloud tags & labels

    could be a good book
    could be the best book of all time
    maybe should have left the tags at the bottom
    hire a UX person ffs

  10. 11 months ago

    "I shall save the world with a dance!"

  11. 11 months ago

    I almost quit after seeing the furry avatar but I read up to “I am a transgender” and gave up.

  12. 11 months ago

    Honestly, it'd go in the "trainwreck I can't look away from" pile (with all the werewolf novels written by middle aged women and Christian fantasy isekais), to be read someday when I'm bored.

  13. 11 months ago

    >'and his x and his x'
    >gets published

    frick it, I'm writing a novel.

    • 11 months ago

      >frick it I'm writing a novel
      you go for it, but you ain't furry/trans/tolerant enough to get published

  14. 11 months ago

    no but i fw the troony shit i jusg wish it was real gutterscumcore frickin and sucking not generic scifi. need trans de sade

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