Write a short story about this image.

Write a short story about this image.

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    The creature crawled through the existence. It hurt like a motherfricker.

  2. 11 months ago

    The crawler is a happy crawler
    Happy Happy Happy
    He crawls along and his eyes bleed
    Such Happy Happy crawling

  3. 11 months ago

    "where's my fricking juul?"

  4. 11 months ago

    By the early 22nd Century the humans had degenerated somewhat. Even then, the Emperor, long since a cold-clad God would accost the mute creatures and present them with elaborate arguments and become enraged when their simple minds could neither understand his arguments nor argue correctly against them. He told me that this was what he did for fun back in the Dark Age of Technology, as if all the time he was willing them to develop some kind of intellectual capacity.

    It was then I began to have my doubts about him. These were farm animals and the merit of the exercise eluded me, and then he became angry with me as if I should hare in his desire to 'uplift' the maggots and the worms around our feet. It was his own vain egotism. He taught me that word.


  5. 11 months ago

    he is i and i am he (literally)

  6. 11 months ago

    I was waiting behind a rock, I was afraid
    In front of me I saw the stalker crawl in a scary manner and I was frozen in fear for stories had been told about them that were horrible
    It was sniffing about on the ground and I wondered what it thought but it soon began to rotate its head around and I heard a slurping sound coming from what appeared to be its mouth
    My heart became ice
    It slowly turned towards the rock I was behind and so I panicked
    I knelt down and picked up a large rock and threw it as far as I could
    The stalker instantly turned around to the location which the stone fell on and then shook horribly
    It skittered off and so I turned and ran
    I ran as fast as I could until the point that my chest hurt, running from sand to stones across the desolate landscape, dodging the odd shrub that stood in my way as I tried to escape the lurking horror that I knew was behind me
    Eventually I had to stop and so I slowed down and then looked behind me
    The stalker wasn't there
    I began to cry
    It was foolish to have come out here, looking for buried treasure , my mother had warned me so and I had been hunted by one of them
    Truly I had been given my just desserts
    Just as I began to relax, climbing over the stones and rocks that littered the hill I was walking over I heard a slurping sound coming from my right and I turned, my ice heart whitened
    From between rocks I spotted that white head and it let out a horrible cackle
    It laughed and I was afraid

  7. 11 months ago
  8. 11 months ago

    Red. That's about all I could see between the bandages sagging over my head, where once laid the portrait of a... beautiful young man. I wish I could remember every bit, every lost moment, but between trying to walk straight and reminiscing on dead memories, I'd rather the former. How would a sane man even come to a decision like that? To die in agony like an injured dog? Believe me when I tell you this, but in my long trek, the Mermaid's call, from myth, had become truth. Humanity, vocalizations, laughter, happiness. Whether or not I succumb to my injuries, my hands and feet will grind and tear away at the cold stone desert until I connect with my kin once again. I may be sealed underground where the maggots keep company, or maybe the rest have fallen ill as I have, having reached their own Nirvana.

  9. 11 months ago

    can someone post the picture of this with the russian/slav edited onto its face

    • 11 months ago
  10. 11 months ago

    Anyone know the name of this painting

    • 11 months ago

      "I'm a Scatman" by Zdzisław Beksiński

      • 11 months ago

        oldgay reddit humour

        • 11 months ago

          Just search beksinski

  11. 11 months ago

    Chris Chan already did
    this is Sonichu
    Netflix adaptation

  12. 11 months ago

    >inb4 7/10 in bongland
    >inb4 I had that breakup on thanks giving day I didn't really care whom I spent those Christmas with and we had sex only once or twice
    And you didn't love me, you never really cared for me. It was over for us.

  13. 11 months ago

    Ow ow ow
    Everything hurts
    Where am I who put this shit on my face
    SIGH! back to starving to death
    What a second I smells something
    Smells like... MEAT!
    Runs through your computer screen and kills you

  14. 11 months ago
  15. 11 months ago

    me at the zoo

  16. 11 months ago

    The cuck
    He wore the bloodied period pad
    She said it's the least an ally could do these days
    And it's what a real man would do without hesitation
    A real man like Tyrone from next door
    It stank so....
    But he did it and she gave him a pat on the shoulder
    I am really proud of you sweety
    There's still hope for men, huh?
    He said nothing, just crouched and stumbled away
    I am free to say nothing, am I not?
    The stank made him dizzy, he had to lower his upper body a bit
    his mind filled with plans on how next time
    he would put up a bit more resistance
    assert himself within reasonable bounds
    he had to get to the toilet now
    with nausea and no clear sight, it's easier to crawl in all fours
    so you don't hurt yourself. It's only this one time after all.

  17. 11 months ago

    A beast, hideous.
    In torment, sang a hymn,
    Symphony of solitude's prism.

    Voice velvet, wove song,
    Maw unseen, broken minds in throng,
    Unholy siren of a yellow sea,

    > He found flesh.
    > ...
    > She heard his notes.

    Their meeting, paradox of existence,

    His song crept through her mind,
    A melody, cruel and kind,
    > It pierced her sanity.
    Yet she yearned for the tune, her tether to bind.

    > Fallen into the labyrinth of a lullaby.

    One song, once solace, now her bane,
    Echoes within the pink flesh maze driven insane,
    > She was slain.

    Thin claws kissing cold earth, he poised to dive,
    Beneath the piss colored clay crust,
    Tears bled to scarlet, from eyes that cried,
    On white cloth, stained a morose red rust.

    From grave, life arose,
    Form of weed, melody enclosed,
    From time spread, across land,
    Form once a monster, now a rose.

    Voice muted, in the rustling leaves,
    Cold sigh of wind, melody weaves.

  18. 11 months ago

    Crouched behind the only bus seat that hadn't melted away, I watched Sheila crawl along the street in a strange, arrhythmic fashion. These days she resembled more of a flea than a person, her once slender, almost boyish body overtaken by clumps of thick black fur. Her limbs, elongated and bony, carefully tip-toed on the endless dust that covered the asphalt. And of course, the rags carefully wrapped around her face; I told her that when the time was right, she could remove them and she'd be back to normal, like waking from a bad dream. Truth was, I didn't want her to have to see what was coming.

    The Progress was quick, horrible, and I don't like to speak about it. The city is still in flames to this day. I was one of the few who took preparations and was left unaffected, but it didn't matter, because we weren't able to save anybody. Most just didn't see it coming. Sheila didn't. She hasn't stopped bleeding from her eyes, nose, and mouth since the third day, I can see fresh blood in her bandages even from over here. With unfathomable reflexes she grabbed a melon roach, and only a moment after sniffing it, she ripped it apart.

    I don't know how long she'll live for. I thought by now she would've died from blood loss, or lack of sleep, or from hunger or dehydration, but no; Sheila continues to scamper around like a rat without pause, searching. She doesn't speak, growl, or hiss, but every once in a while, she'll scream. Sometimes after ripping an animal apart, or after jumping on a melted car, or after a building finally gives way and collapses. She'll scream for a few seconds, maybe in anger, maybe in pain, I'm not sure. But I think I'm sure of something. Somewhere within those alien screams that haunt my dreams and terrify my days, through all that unintelligible agony and pain, somehow, I can almost hear my name.

    • 11 months ago

      Vivid and evocative. I like the sense of despair and post apocalyptic vibe.
      Melon roach
      Last line is killer.

      Red. That's about all I could see between the bandages sagging over my head, where once laid the portrait of a... beautiful young man. I wish I could remember every bit, every lost moment, but between trying to walk straight and reminiscing on dead memories, I'd rather the former. How would a sane man even come to a decision like that? To die in agony like an injured dog? Believe me when I tell you this, but in my long trek, the Mermaid's call, from myth, had become truth. Humanity, vocalizations, laughter, happiness. Whether or not I succumb to my injuries, my hands and feet will grind and tear away at the cold stone desert until I connect with my kin once again. I may be sealed underground where the maggots keep company, or maybe the rest have fallen ill as I have, having reached their own Nirvana.

      The protag's determination is chilling and intriguing. I'm unsure about his kin but his journey is compelling.

      I was waiting behind a rock, I was afraid
      In front of me I saw the stalker crawl in a scary manner and I was frozen in fear for stories had been told about them that were horrible
      It was sniffing about on the ground and I wondered what it thought but it soon began to rotate its head around and I heard a slurping sound coming from what appeared to be its mouth
      My heart became ice
      It slowly turned towards the rock I was behind and so I panicked
      I knelt down and picked up a large rock and threw it as far as I could
      The stalker instantly turned around to the location which the stone fell on and then shook horribly
      It skittered off and so I turned and ran
      I ran as fast as I could until the point that my chest hurt, running from sand to stones across the desolate landscape, dodging the odd shrub that stood in my way as I tried to escape the lurking horror that I knew was behind me
      Eventually I had to stop and so I slowed down and then looked behind me
      The stalker wasn't there
      I began to cry
      It was foolish to have come out here, looking for buried treasure , my mother had warned me so and I had been hunted by one of them
      Truly I had been given my just desserts
      Just as I began to relax, climbing over the stones and rocks that littered the hill I was walking over I heard a slurping sound coming from my right and I turned, my ice heart whitened
      From between rocks I spotted that white head and it let out a horrible cackle
      It laughed and I was afraid

      The suspense was so immersive, but I wish it didn't cackle. That humanlike feature reduced my fear reading it, but I like the sensory descriptions.

      By the early 22nd Century the humans had degenerated somewhat. Even then, the Emperor, long since a cold-clad God would accost the mute creatures and present them with elaborate arguments and become enraged when their simple minds could neither understand his arguments nor argue correctly against them. He told me that this was what he did for fun back in the Dark Age of Technology, as if all the time he was willing them to develop some kind of intellectual capacity.

      It was then I began to have my doubts about him. These were farm animals and the merit of the exercise eluded me, and then he became angry with me as if I should hare in his desire to 'uplift' the maggots and the worms around our feet. It was his own vain egotism. He taught me that word.


      > degenerated somewhat

    • 11 months ago


  19. 11 months ago

    There was man and he fricked it all up.

  20. 11 months ago

    mum found the holocaust drawer

  21. 11 months ago

    For sale: Degenerate art, never sold

  22. 11 months ago

    >"Ayo get ahol this lil homie," now letting off the gas, the '64 easing into a creeping pace along the Martian Gulch service road. Something small crept along in the devil strip.
    >"What's wrong yo head cuz?"
    >Terrance brought the car to a stop. D-Money kept on. "Cuz, yo mug look like a tampon." Terrance geeked, put the car in park, lit a Black and Mild. "Huh, Huh. Get em D."
    >"This homie...This homie ass wearin a capuchin swimsuit," turning the radio down, "this homie built like a slim jim"

    • 11 months ago

      best one yet

      • 11 months ago

        thanks : )

  23. 11 months ago

    In the incomprehensible stygianopelagic etherinterstices, betwixt the indiscernible abyssanospheric nebulousness and the unutterably abysmoplutonic transmundanitude, there existed an unfathomably ineffable and enigmatical extraterrestrialiform entity, its manifestation an amalgamation of unfathomably unfathomablated onyxanodal obscuriosity and immeasurably serpentinatious undulating sinuousness, sinistrorsely meandering in an enigmatiform labyrinthoserpiginous fractaliformity. Hitherto concealed beneath an indiscernibly translucent incoheral drapery, akin to the cryptoglyphic polysealations of multianalogously ancient and unfathomacryptic exegenomonic cypherologies, a cryptolethean semblance of a formless phantasmagorical countenance diaphanously materialized, an enigmamorphous conflux of hyperdimensional geometrical enantiomorphs and indescribably incomprehensibiliographical hieroglyphicognostic picturizifications, evocatively evoking the supralingual synecdochic enigmatrophic evanescence of apocalyptopoeic preternatupersuperexcaliferentially ephemeropictiprimordially primogordial aeonosculptural ekphrasis. This serpenigmaestigmatical spectrodynamo traversephemeralized the impalpable astralabysmalscape, unextricatably ensnaring the cognitascinatory perioptic spheres of haplosensorifutilous serendipitants adventitiously transireverieing upon its inexplicacomplicated and abstruse enigmamation, obdurating them within the impenetrable inenigmaed abyssodimensional recessitations of cryptoarcana enthralliteromanticaciphersplendidufarious loreolusion, where cogitometaphantasmagoric resplendentillusions deliquesced and ultraconscioomnirevelatory precipitantatiously perimencapparitivevanescephenomenonendititated.

    • 11 months ago

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