Write What's On Your Mind

AI edition

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 8 months ago

    whiskey echo whiskey. lima alpha delta

    • 8 months ago


  2. 8 months ago

    No money tonight so I guess it’s just slapped together tacos.

    • 8 months ago

      To be honest I'd rather have king crab or lobster, though when it comes to tacos I suppose slapped together standards are pretty nice. First world problems.

      • 8 months ago

        >first world problems
        Reddit term

        • 8 months ago

          Where do you live?

          • 8 months ago

            None of your business, stalker

          • 8 months ago

            Boring troll.

          • 8 months ago

            Please tell me how I can excite you, master

          • 8 months ago

            Rather obviously, answer my original question, where do you live?

          • 8 months ago

            Nope. Nice try, fed

          • 8 months ago

            Paranoid c**t. To be fair I kind of like the feds, but have a lot of contempt and hatred for speed trap kind of cops.

  3. 8 months ago

    Covid came from lab mice. It was an industrial accident and covered up.

  4. 8 months ago

    I'm tired of people talking to me about getting a girlfriend. I'm having this conversation every day because my friends are obsessed with this shit. I would be minding my own business and they'll come and talk to me about me getting a wife or something. It's not like I'm a gay or being asexual, I've had very long relationships before : it's simply not a priority anymore. Why do they even care? I'd rather talk about anything but that. There are more interesting things in life than wasting our time in relationships that have a 50% chance in ending in divorces.

  5. 8 months ago

    I'm always tired lately.
    Also, it feels as if companies have been using AI pics a lot recently. Even if they don't, the ads I've been getting always have that uncanny valley vibe to it. Vague backgrounds, fuzzy skinned people. I hate AI.

    • 8 months ago

      AI screening js making it impossible for me to get a job.

    • 8 months ago

      Why are you looking at ads?

  6. 8 months ago

    ---- Solaria ----
    Placid Avenue

    Venus incandescent in the predawn mild grey-blue.
    The faint blue strobe of a jet

    Free above all weather, if there were any here,
    Haughty and Tranquil to any human eye.

  7. 8 months ago

    The shriek-hens outside by bedroom window are keeping me up again sticking their heads where they shouldn’t right in my face. Every time I grab one it multiplies into two or three. I can’t live like this. Fricking shriek-hens

  8. 8 months ago

    Is it possible to reconcile Gassets “mass man” with Herders’ classicism?

  9. 8 months ago

    Getting tired of my atheist friends. All the Muslim friends I have manage to keep themselves away from atheists and homosexuals but I somehow cannot do the same. I wish I could reset my social circle and call it a day.

    • 8 months ago

      Dear God you're a passive c**t.

    • 8 months ago


  10. 8 months ago

    >two Berkeley threads in one day, neither of which are from me
    I will be in Tlön soon enough

  11. 8 months ago

    I broke a heart yesterday, it was in the cleanest most direct way possible. This way was much better than the previous time. That was a long 6 years for the both of us, enduring everyday together knowing we broke each other's hearts long ago and everyday even more.

  12. 8 months ago

    My family owns a multi-level home. My parents live in my grandparents' basement, and I live in my parents' basement.

  13. 8 months ago

    How do I learn Old Akkadian, Classical Nahuatl, and Early Modern English in 3 days?

  14. 8 months ago

    Should I become a comfort woman? I was always interested in hospice.

    • 8 months ago

      Don't even try, unless you can abandon 4chud without a qualm.

    • 8 months ago

      A what?

    • 8 months ago

      comfort woman is slang for either captured or paid sex worker that usually is employed for armed forces occupying or invading a country

  15. 8 months ago


  16. 8 months ago

    I sleep next to the Remy 870 I plan to use for self-deletion. In a strange way, it's keeping me here as a constant reminder that I can leave at any time.

  17. 8 months ago

    IQfy is in the midst of a perpetual raid and I don’t want to take it anymore

  18. 8 months ago

    I'm wondering how the fertility crisis is going to get resolved. The boring answer is that mass immigration continues and it offsets population decline in America/Europe just long enough for lab-grown fetuses to become a viable replacement to live birth, and we wind up in a genuine cyberpunk hellscape of 2-3 mega corporations being responsible for growing the next generation of taxpayers due to patents and regulations eliminating all the competition.

    The other solutions don't have happy endings but they're more "interesting", in the sense that mega corps and career politicians don't get exactly what they want. I see two general scenario paths for things to play out. I don't consider either of these particularly likely to happen, but I would say the first is more likely than the latter, at least.

    In scenario "A", mass immigration stops or ceases to be an option (why this happens is a whole can of worms unto itself) and population decline sets in for most of the developed world. This will cause major upsets to the economy of pretty much every developed nation. Pension systems will collapse, welfare schemes will fall apart. There will be widespread unrest, there will be labor shortages and eventually shortages of necessities and food caused by breakdowns in supply chains. All this because the demographic pyramid inverts and there are too many dependents on a system with too few supporters.

    In scenario "B", mass immigration continues, but the powers that be miscalculate the rate of influx and the newcomers overtake the native population too fast, and are never culturally assimilated. This means the underlying cause of low fertility, namely feminism, never gets to them or their women, and a major cultural shift occurs within first world countries where this happens, a cultural revolution, of sorts. A great leap backward. Women are effectively stripped of a lot of the rights and privileges they'd gained since the mid 20th century and many developed nations regress a bit. A lot of women would probably flee in this case, while they still could, but the number of nations available to shelter them would dwindle and the underlying cause of it would remain: low fertility, which would just kick off a new cycle of decline and mass immigration in whatever nation they moved to.

    In any case, women are shaping up to be the political majority in my lifetime. In my generational cohort, and the younger ones, women are way ahead in school and in their careers. We will probably see congress have gender parity once all the boomers start dying off in earnest, and more than probably flip to female majority in this century. This will, in all likelihood, hasten the decline into the scenarios described above, but most probably the holding pattern of mass immigration and funding lab baby research, since that's the outcome that appeals the most to women, especially once those women are running the place.

    • 8 months ago

      Our future will obviously be scenario "B". Though I'd argue that elites won't flee but rather live in segregated communities, far away from the white proles and the brown majority, sort of like Brazil or the more immigration-heavy but otherwise affluent urban centers of western europe right now. The world is fated to become a globalized South Africa sooner or later.

    • 8 months ago

      Mutts have no agency.

      • 8 months ago

        Surely more than you, Pierre

    • 8 months ago

      >newcomers overtake the native population too fast, and are never culturally assimilated.
      Already happening but many of those newcomers also hate eachother.

  19. 8 months ago

    A set of four pimples have arranged to create a perfect square on my forehead, above my left eyebrow. I'll be wearing a hat in front of other people for the next two weeks or so.

    • 8 months ago

      Want to know the secret of acne? No one sees it or cares about it as much as you do

      • 8 months ago

        I notice really bad cases of it but I don't care about it beyond briefly thinking to myself "wow I'm glad I don't have that acne". It will also make me second guess before fantasizing about an otherwise attractive girl I see in public, if she has a couple zits on her face, but it's nothing some soap won't fix.

        • 8 months ago

          You might just be superficial

    • 8 months ago

      My face almost always looks decent and almost exactly the same, same for my voice. That I look a little ridiculous from the neck down hardly seems to matter: In general, people care much more for entertaining company than for sex.

  20. 8 months ago

    I really, really don't understand how being pro-immigration became THE defining trait of being left-wing. Historically it was always the capitalists who supported immigration the most, how did having the same opinion as them become such an integral, no ifs or buts aspect of being left-wing? I suspect it has to do with the ideological and literal third worldification of western left wing movements but I'm not well versed enough in lefty history to really know.

    • 8 months ago

      Literally corporate propaganda. It doesn't take a genius to notice how grotesquely overpopulated the planet is now, but not everyone is half that bright. .

    • 8 months ago

      1) money
      2) social climbing via virtue signaling
      2) leftism really does assume the inherent goodness of all people and it exalts the exotic virility of the other while at the same time getting whipped into a frenzy over their sorry social and economic state - it’s the same feeling you get when you see an abused dog - you don’t see a beast with fangs capable of shredding you apart, you see a potentially fun and innocent puppy that just needs to be brought into a good home to be a good boy. That’s literally have leftists feel about immigrants. They’re just giving away a piece of their home to the very good immigrants who just need some charity.

      • 8 months ago

        >social climbing via virtue signaling
        I have never seen this happen irl

        • 8 months ago

          The way I saw it virtue for them is more like air, it's not that you need massive amounts of the thing but when you don't have enough, it becomes a problem. For them it's not about being virtuous but rather not being perceived wicked by their liberal peers.

    • 8 months ago

      Remember how in the 90s left wing types were heavily anti-corporation?

    • 8 months ago

      It's a sort of fetish.
      They want to ruin European countries, they want to enact reverse. It's like when a leftist laughs at how a rich man lost it all. They want to cause pain and they see that mass immigration brings it to the formerly powerful Europeans.
      They get a sexual pleasure from tearing down statues during the Summer of Floyd.

  21. 8 months ago

    My girlfriend mogs me in reading and it’s making me resent her. At first I liked that about her but now I get angry about it for some reason. I wish she would just read normie woman books.

  22. 8 months ago

    My neighbor sexually assaulted me again. But I don't really want to deal with exposing it. I guess she's going to get away with it.

    • 8 months ago

      >I guess she's going to get away with it.
      *rim shot*

      • 8 months ago

        No but I actually got sexually assaulted by her. When I was in the living room and everyone else was outside she grabbed my arm and was rubbing herself on it, and this happened so fast that it took me awhile to process what was happening, then I pushed her away. It doesn't bother me that much to be honest considering she's just a high school girl. She's too aggressive and extroverted for me. The other time I was there she was groping me while I was watching TV and the others were outside. I go there with my family because they're friends, but I don't really interact with them too often and stay in the living room.

        • 8 months ago

          And by rubbing herself, I mean she was humping it like a dog.

  23. 8 months ago

    I want to be the most prolific creator of all time.

    • 8 months ago

      what's your plan?

  24. 8 months ago

    Praying to God all week that I will establish a relationship with this girl I'm talking to. I've never wanted anything more, I am so tormented by the though that she won't be into me

  25. 8 months ago

    It’s been a good reading day today. Started and finished both the Tao Te Ching and Siddhartha, read a few poems from Leaves of Grass, and still a few hours left before bed time

  26. 8 months ago

    Art is in such a bad place right now. It's just so so bad. When this generation of artists die out, there will be no one notable in the future. Everything will just be content. Nameless authors and film directors, AI generated music acts. Worthless.

  27. 8 months ago

    I feel like I’ve lost the game of life.

  28. 8 months ago

    A large dark woman's skin is glowing intensely from the surrounding sodium vapor lights. Despite her ugly frame, I enjoy the beauty between her, the night, and the aforementioned light. The car she's walking to resembles her perfectly, as if it were a fetish passed down through her family. I notice a car driving faster than it should.
    The large woman's perspective seems directly in the car's path, for a moment I hope the two make contact. This is an ample spot for a joke about what gets damaged most. In an instant the woman is overlapped by the sedan.
    A husky who seemed out of control a moment ago, returns with its owner. The dog had previously ran past me in a neurotic way. At least as neurotic as a dog can seem. The lack of stimuli in an apartment must run rampant on a dog. This feeling must be similar to a delinquent filling a bottle with hydrogen chloride and aluminum foil. My contempt for the two grows as the dog carelessly keeps running into the street, with its owner nonchalantly walking towards it. As the two return side by side my contempt lessens. The large woman returns, and several people also return.
    A woman with burnt hair sporting a pink tee and shorts just short enough to stop any spillage. The other two I can't get a good recall of them.

  29. 8 months ago

    At a friends house for the night. He went to pick up his gf from work. They came in fighting. He handed me his car keys and said "go for a drive." I was drunk. Ran out the door without shoes on. Drove down to the 711 to buy beer. Some Black person was looking through the car windows as I was buying beer. He ran away as I came outside. Went back. Drank a beer on the porch as I listened to them fight through the door. Went inside when they settled. He told me to go smoke a cigarette while they finsihed the conversation. Here I am IQfying now.

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds like a good time

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah I'm having some fun

    • 8 months ago

      >phoneposting while drunk
      yeah I'm calling bullshit on this one

      • 8 months ago

        Whats unbelievable abour that

      • 8 months ago

        >he doesn't phonepost while drunk

      • 8 months ago

        Depends how drunk. Ive definitely phone posted on here drunk before. Its possible

      • 8 months ago

        Whats unbelievable abour that

        Forgot pic

        • 8 months ago

          Your fingers unease me

          • 8 months ago

            Good. I hope they haunt your dreams

          • 8 months ago

            It's a possibility

          • 8 months ago

            Your mom's a possibility

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah she's very possible, unlike my Chad necessary

          • 8 months ago

            The virgin contingent vs the chad necessary

      • 8 months ago

        I do it all the time but I struggle to complete the captcha. It was easier when it was pictures.

    • 8 months ago

      the fight was clearly about you, sounds like his gf wanted to frick you and for you to frick him, why don't you ask her about this next time you're drinking?

  30. 8 months ago

    Seems like its a law of nature that no matter what job, shitty or professional, new people always like to try and test your knowledge. And snoop around about how much work you're doing.
    I always find it incredibly annoying. Some newbie who has only been there a week, will start asking if I know that I am supposed to do X

  31. 8 months ago

    I have constant urges to grope my sister's ass and breasts and to rape and impregnate women in the park at night. I don't act on these urges but how do I combat these intrusive thoughts? I can feel the madness slowly chipping away at my mind day by day. In my dreams I grope and rape against my will

    • 8 months ago

      Stop being a Black person

    • 8 months ago

      Stop watching porn ffs and don‘t even try to tell me, that you don’t watch porn

  32. 8 months ago

    Mods have to do something about Gardner/COC. It’s out of control. Word filter, IP range ban, something. No clue if it’s him spamming or a funny guy or two but this shit needs to stop

    • 8 months ago

      Your outrage is likely the unconscious point of it all. You are supplying the currency for what they are selling.

      • 8 months ago

        Them threads keep coming no matter what

  33. 8 months ago

    It's kind of interesting how the historiographical judgment of the ottomans did a complete 180 in barely two decades or so. What used to be thought of as the most static and reactionary empire of the modern world alongside the tsardom is now thought of as more liberal than contemporary western liberal countries, as an example for western countries should learn from. Though I suppose this shift ties back to the general revaluation of most empires in general, since contemporary western countries need examples and lost paradises of multiethnic cosmopolitanism to point to. The general takeaway from this is that historians will find whatever it is they want to or are asked to find in the past.

  34. 8 months ago

    The last time I had a conversation outside IQfy and with a non-family was 10 years ago when I had 2 sessions with a therapist. She said I should see an autism specialist.

  35. 8 months ago

    Boomers will really just work the same wagie job for 15 years, and yet somehow seem inexplicably happy

    • 8 months ago

      I gave up on a career or a fulfilling job long ago. Variety in lifestyle is overrated by zoomers and likely just a consequence of their destroyed attention spans making it less obvious to them that the variety in their 'chaotic' lives is really only skin deep and any real satisfaction of life can only come from within which a routine simple life can provide. The final nail was me losing my somewhat decent job over the covid vax, I now work a very menial job driving a forklift at night, but there is little stress, adequate pay, no office politics and I don't let the freedom to have hours of paid time a day away from a screen to be able to focus on my thoughts or read/write. I don't know if I could do this for 15 years but if I can't, the only reason would be that I couldn't keep my own mind occupied.

      Do you really feel one job is much different to another? It's all just being paid to be a certain place and using varying degrees of mental /physical effort and what they pay you to focus on.

      • 8 months ago

        >Do you really feel one job is much different to another? It's all just being paid to be a certain place and using varying degrees of mental /physical effort
        To an extent. Different jobs have more status, money, comfort, and the task you are doing can differ in complexity.
        I don't dislike the boomer type who works the same shitjob for decades, i just couldn't personally do that without going crazy. They seem to live a very simple existence.
        It's a certain archetype you find in lower / blue collar work. They say things like
        "Oh yeah me and him we go way back"
        And bloviate endlessly exaggerating the small job they do into titanic feats of strength

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, the job itself is a simple existence but there is always endless complexity to be found in any life. The less mental effort you spend on your job (either the job itself or moving around, learning new jobs and people) the more you can spend on other things such as yourself or treating those you care about better. To each their own, if you value material goods and mastering complex isolated systems then go get on that ladder.

          • 8 months ago

            >To each their own, if you value material goods and mastering complex isolated systems then go get on that ladder.
            We are all on that ladder anyway.
            I don't necessarily value material goods.
            I just can't imagine working the shitjob i currently work for the rest of my life.
            Because it's exceedingly dull and make me feel as though im wasting my life away. .
            At the very least if i never have a job i enjoy, at least I'd like (someday) the comfort and security that a well paying one could provide

          • 8 months ago

            >Because it's exceedingly dull and make me feel as though im wasting my life away. .
            All in your mind (obviously) the only reason it bothers you is because you keep focusing it likely out of narcissism and thinking you deserve better (and maybe you do) because you somewhat find your self worth in the perception of others. Maybe your job does suck but if it's boring and dull you can easily reframe your mind to use that time to think about whatever, your relationships, stories, your own writing etc. It sounds like more of an issue with your mental health than a boring job itself. Virtually everyone has a boring job, that's why they get paid for it and eventually everything besides your own mind and relationships/kids become 'boring' anyway, no job can ever fulfill the thinking man long term.

      • 8 months ago

        yes and no, any job even a menial job requires mental effort and concentration, so yeah while you have no stress, it still sucks your mental energy out from you, good luck working on anytging else that requires thinking, mental effort and imagination after your wagie shift.

  36. 8 months ago

    Spent the weekend on addy and acid and now I pay the toll.

  37. 8 months ago

    I kind of like to read WWOYM threads, even though many posts are quite sad or even outright disgusting. But reading them i feel like the Bruno Ganz character in Wings of Desire. I get a glimpse into the innermost life of a stranger without them even noticing me. I really should rewatch Wings of Desire sometime. Maybe when I have less to do or am back in Berlin again. The film gave me a feeling that no other film has given me. I think it's the feeling of how beautiful it is to be human on very basic level.

  38. 8 months ago

    I was born at a very young age.

  39. 8 months ago

    Didn't sleep at all last night, but spent the last thirty minutes on the floor closing my eyes in the darkness because I figured a bed was too comfortable and I wouldn't be able to wake up if I fell asleep on the bed.

    Mind wandered to when I was homeless in New York City for about a month sleeping on some cardboard I scrounged up with a stoner and two meth addicts I made friends with playing the guitar I spent my last 150 bucks (about the cost of a hotel room in NYC for a night, if you have a card to put a deposit on, which I didn't) on. I slept underneath a bridge with no blankets and the only thing I could do to keep warm was to put my hands between my thighs and try to remain as still as possible, I figured out that was the only thing you could do in such a situation by passing out drunk outside a few times in Ireland a few months before.
    While I was sleeping the most strung out of the meth users in the group who the stoner just referred to as "Psycho", came to put a jacket on me and stroke my hair a bit while I was sleeping; earlier he was telling me that I was sexy as frick and that he'd love to frick me during one of his frequent meth induced tourettes like fits. I just sat there trying to choke back tears and pretended to sleep while he put the coat over me. I never felt cold like I felt that night before or since, every part of my body ached and the jacket was really the only thing that I wanted right then in that moment, I would have done anything for a little bit of warmth right then. He didn't wind up doing anything to me, he actually just put his jacket over me because he saw me shivering.

    • 8 months ago

      That's some pretty wild stuff. No one is ever prepared to become homeless.

  40. 8 months ago

    If there's a genre of YouTube history content that I hate, it would be what I have termed "A redditors History of X"
    This is basically the snarky pseudo-leftish revisionist (and by that I mean 21st century) retelling that shits on narrative conventions except when it's brown people. Also, it pretends it's subversive.
    Examples are Jack Rackham and DJ Peach Cobbler.
    Intersects with ironybro/dirtbag left type shit.

  41. 8 months ago

    Sleep deprivation increases serotonin receptors and increases serotonin, lasts for a couple days after. It's a treatment for depression actually. You wouldn't have thought, and you don't hear it often because it goes against standard healthy lifestyle knowledge. But it got me thinking about it and yeah, pulling a 24 hours once in a while seems like something people should do throughout their lives, even semi regularly. I was in my countries military reserves for a bit and it changed my whole view on sleep. Everyone in the military is specifically trained to be able to function for a long time on no or very little sleep. It's so common to just not have slept the night before and be fully expected to act completely normal, maybe looking for an opportunity for a quick nap.
    After I left I retained that attitude and will once in a while just stay up all night watching movies, reading, browsing the internet, listening to music etc, just having a nice time and then I'll just go to work the next day and it's no fuss.
    The only other people I've met who have the same attitude to sleep are crackheads.

    I don't know, I think it might actually be good for you, I personally recommend it, like you can stay awake for 36 hours doing stuff the whole time and go to sleep the day after you had woke up. It gives you a lot of time.

    • 8 months ago

      I read that book by Matthew Walker and according to him this is basically the worst thing you can do to yourself.

      • 8 months ago

        I don't really have a leg to stand on compared to an actual scientist in the relevant field like him, but I could still be right. It just seems like a fussy way to live, always trying to get tons of sleep and never breaking that rhythm.
        Another thing I think of is how animals sleep, specifically my dog, I observe when he sleeps and it's pretty much just whenever he's not doing anything. He sleeps more at night but he'll wake up easily and with tons of energy and we'll go on a 3am walk.
        Maybe people are overstimulated throughout the day so we have to put all our sleep in one time that we set aside. But maybe it's possible to have an alternate sleep schedule where you are able to just sleep in smaller chunks at different times. That's what I do, but the kind of work I do lets me be very flexible most of the year long so not everyone can do that.
        Idk, I love the night and don't want to give it up, but maybe it is terrible for me.

  42. 8 months ago

    No job is taking me so I'm eventually gonna have to start applying to fast food places, the only problem with this is that fast food places in the surrounding suburbs to me don't attract the best people (I live in a pretty shitty, feral area) the type of people that love to make a scene and yell (not black people, fat white people) and I don't do well with those types of scenarios due to my upbringing, any sort of confrontation makes me shut down and fricks me up for the rest of the day, I don't know what to do, bros.

    • 8 months ago

      go stack shelves in a supermarket? Or in some factory/warehouse moving and packing stuff? Any one of these is better than working in a fast food joint

      • 8 months ago

        >go stack shelves

        • 8 months ago

          are you white? Surely you can find a job in healthcare, if not an actual doctor then maybe some other administrative position

          • 8 months ago

            >are you white? Surely you can find a job in healthcare,
            believe it or not I'm actually white but they refuse to give me a job as a doctor anywhere, as for working in administration, huh forget it, I'm the wrong gender.

          • 8 months ago

            You are a white in Australia? Christ, why are you still wasting your time there, get your documents ready and emigrate to some asian country asap(preferably Japan). You are educated, a doctor, you will find no issue finding a job as an English teacher in all girls school.

          • 8 months ago

            That's a different guy, anon, that's not actually me. Also, the whole "I'm a doctor" is a meme from a show called Good Doctor, the guy is just playing a character.

          • 8 months ago

            i'm a doctor not a girls school teacher ... why would you recommend this

            That's a different guy, anon, that's not actually me. Also, the whole "I'm a doctor" is a meme from a show called Good Doctor, the guy is just playing a character.

            huh, australian? that's just a meme, you're just playing a character.

          • 8 months ago

            Because being a girls teacher beats flipping burgers that's why you dumb moron.

          • 8 months ago

            what part of "I am a Doctor" don't you understand? I'd never be hired for low level without omitting my resume and then never be hired for having no work history.

          • 8 months ago

            You need to find a job, any job, otherwise you will end up on the streets

          • 8 months ago

            i dont understand why they won't let me practice medcine, i'm white! what more they want!

      • 8 months ago

        >go stack shelves in a supermarket?
        Already applied to all the ones near me, they didn't bite.
        >Or in some factory/warehouse moving and packing stuff?
        Applied to all the ones near me that don't require a driver's licence, and they didn't take me, I even applied to one that my brother works at and he even put in a good word but they still didn't take me.

        • 8 months ago

          You don't drive? you should get a license, all wagie jobs these days ask for a drivers license.

          • 8 months ago

            Driving scares the shit out of me because I know how moronic I am and how bad I act in high-pressure situations and no one else in my family has their licence and driving lessons are too expensive so I have no one to sit next to me while I drive. Also, how am I meant to pay for a car, a licence, registration or fuel without a job?

          • 8 months ago

            You only have to pay for the driving lessons and a test. Wage jobs ask for a license not a car. If they ever ask you to drive they will also provide a car for you.

            >Driving scares the shit out of me because I know how moronic I am and how bad I act in high-pressure situations
            if you are rerarded and can't handle even non high pressure situation (like driving) then that may be the reason for your unemployment, I am sorry I don't think any fast food joints will hire you because operating kitchen equipment can be more dangerous than a driving a car.

          • 8 months ago

            >You only have to pay for the driving lessons and a test. Wage jobs ask for a license not a car. If they ever ask you to drive they will also provide a car for you.
            Not in Australia.
            >if you are rerarded and can't handle even non high pressure situation (like driving) then that may be the reason for your unemployment
            I can handle non pressure situations, I've been employed in the past, I just know that if a situation comes up i.e. having to do certain things to avoid an oncoming car crash, I know I won't be able to do them, I'll completely shut down.

          • 8 months ago


            go stack shelves in a supermarket? Or in some factory/warehouse moving and packing stuff? Any one of these is better than working in a fast food joint

            >go stack shelves in a supermarket
            I tried this once, I went into a Wallermart and cleared off the shelves with a mop i found and i then i started stacking them up again to impress the manager. Do you know what happened next? POLICE.

            Trust me now, stacking shelves ain't easy to get into.

  43. 8 months ago

    The HMS Yawnbough was nearing the port of Potterstown, many of the locals were arming themselves in preparation.

  44. 8 months ago

    Tried watching kingdom of heaven and only made it around 40min in, absolute hollywood hogwash, can't believe it was recommended to me as a 'serious' and 'great' movie that deeply explores religion and morality. Who the frick are the people that watch this tripe and think to themsevles 'This movied made me learn so much and made me THINK as well!'. Fricking idiots. Had some good costume though.

  45. 8 months ago

    I don't know if that anon is here that semi-lectured me on suicide a couple of threads ago, the anon that told me the shit like "In order to commit suicide you need not be attached to life but if you're suffering that means you're attached to life, therefore you cannot commit suicide because of suffering" in more or less words. All that shit has been on my mind non stop since you wrote it, this was a couple of threads ago and nearly a week ago but I can't stop thinking about it. I just wanted to say that.

  46. 8 months ago

    Am I the only one that believes the death of the novel has allowed for a renewed interest in lyric poetry? That’s not to say the poetry being written is any good. I’m simply noticing that there is a renewed interest in poetry as a literary art.

  47. 8 months ago

    Moving from the office to being more on site. Got a laptop because of it.
    I'm going to be spending a lot more time doing nothing and no one to keep an eye on me.

  48. 8 months ago

    Got complimented by an older woman today.

    • 8 months ago

      Take it. Hook that up.

  49. 8 months ago

    are you trying to impose meaning onto a chaotic universe once again geometry man of numbers?
    give up shekelberg, the only reason it worked before was because of fervor of nationalism and you killed that
    now all you have is a withering empire you hollowed out and your golems have gone offline, you got nothing left but slow decline and the worlds most powerful unmanned army

  50. 8 months ago

    good luck getting the blacks and the mexicans to die for you and to beat their family members with batons for stealing your shit because they're too broke

    • 8 months ago

      >What are da bloods n da crips
      >What are cartels
      They will do it on their own, for free.

      • 8 months ago

        the best part is that you inherited an empire at its peak, ran it down to the ground for quick buck after you bought it from moronic boomers, gutted all the fervor that made the people want to fight for that country, ripped every industry that wasn't nailed to the ground and outsourced everything to china propping it up as world power and then flooded the country with culturally incompatible immigrants, then you turn around and wonder why no one is making babies to fill the boots that you need to man the military you built to protect you from the ideological enemy you propped up by being greedy, your kind is so moronic and greedy you don't see the noose tightening around your own neck and you're celebrating over the death of your vanguard and the fall of the walls
        your kind deserve to see how east deals with your kind

        >oy vey i will just let them kill each other
        ah yes and all those black and mexican police officers will camp in front of your house with machine guns on minimum wage and shoo back their families that you impoverished while you tell them to buy cake

        • 8 months ago

          Good thing theres no blacks and mexicans in my country. Or arabs. God bless.
          I'm just saying nyega, they do be killin themselves off ya knumsayon?

          • 8 months ago

            sounds like some radical trucking boomer, give your cultural advisor a raise for their up to date and groovin slang my brotha

          • 8 months ago

            dankenschoon and a bang bang to you

          • 8 months ago

            yo yo yo my name's LaQuad
            wearing my pants low is my job
            the man pays me a monthly check
            because he knows the word Respect

          • 8 months ago

            yo yo yo LaQuad, my name LaKeith,
            check out my electric teeth;
            see them flash as I pass you by
            I know you wish
            that you were I.

  51. 8 months ago

    Some anon earlier wanted "chuddy" books about German/Aryan ancestry and I forgot to recommend the most obvious, H.S. Chamberlain. Avoid Rosenberg though.

  52. 8 months ago

    >only death ww2 era german regime doesn't like israelites

  53. 8 months ago

    I wish I could stick to my hobbies. That's a sentence I've written countless times without any change in behaviour on my part - which doesn't feel great. It would feel great to write regularly and to be good enough at it that I could feel comfortable fining a community of other writers. The same goes for anything else I try to do. Countless dropped hobbies. Anything that requires effort gets dropped within a few months. It's kind of exhausting at this point.

    • 8 months ago

      Have you considered getting a hobby?

      • 8 months ago

        I would try stand up but you make being funny seem hard

        >want to lend some of my books to my dad
        >remember that he has this habit of writing, underlining and making notes in the book

        Someday he'll be gone and you'll enjoy looking back on those notes

        • 8 months ago

          >Someday he'll be gone and you'll enjoy looking back on those notes
          You know what? You're right. I hate my dad's guts sometimes, he even pisses me off. But I still love him. What's a few ruined pages anyway?
          At least, he's not ripping the book in half or tearing it apart like how I've seen with other's family members

          • 8 months ago

            Yep. Make it a book about father son incest.

          • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            Mother/son incest only if he’s Italian

          • 8 months ago

            forgive me o' father for i have sinned
            i lusted after my mothers quim
            i remember it fondly from when i was a boy
            when i stumbled upon her with a sexual toy

            "go on my son," the priest exclaimed
            as he shook in the box and apparently came

  54. 8 months ago

    >want to lend some of my books to my dad
    >remember that he has this habit of writing, underlining and making notes in the book

    • 8 months ago

      tell him not to do that?

  55. 8 months ago

    Just, lol. What the heck janny? You wanted to wipe the Gardner spam, but you hit my post first?

  56. 8 months ago

    october 3 2023
    my homosexual son gave me a stupid book, "here pa," he lisped, "i want you to read these" and i said "what's it aboot? MAKE-UP FOR BOYS" and i laughed, i took the books and put them aside

  57. 8 months ago

    sounds like somebody's dad wasn't around

  58. 8 months ago

    Sometimes it's like I like it I really like it it feels good I want it yes yes YES Im gonna keep doing it yes YES AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and then right afterwards it's like why did I stoop so low what have I done is this really who I am?

  59. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      You had that url on your mind?

  60. 8 months ago

    In my writing, I name the villains after people I hate and want to see humiliated. They're crass, violent, ignorant, cowardly, and the audience is supposed to take great pleasure in seeing them beaten and humbled by the main characters.

  61. 8 months ago

    Collapse is imminent. People sleep, deny it, say nuhh bro it ain't gonna happen, they already collapsed, living without a reason to live, working without a reason to work, relaxing without a reason to relax, everything around us became stale, and boring. 50 years ago people still had a life outside staring at the screens. We don't stare at the screens because the screens are around, we stare at the screens because doing things like playing chess, going on a hike have become too demanding; and those who still do those things do them in plain solitude. Everything is falling asleep, but not in some ideal isolated village type of way, more like some sort of continual withering away.

    • 8 months ago

      dumb doomer talk, first time I heard this shit was 20 years ago, and didn't that moron have same ideas in his manifesto lol, hes dead now

      • 8 months ago

        Not gonna happen

        Your lifes collossally suck, it's just the denial that makes it seem worthwile.

        • 8 months ago

          Nah I enjoy the pursuit of knowledge. Things could be worse, things could be better. Not gonna spend my life worrying about externalities. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

          • 8 months ago

            Ahh, the pursuit of knowledge. The pursuit of the knowledge of the reality of the imminent collapse.

          • 8 months ago

            Determinism isn’t real. Most addictions are a choice, including the addiction to pessimism

          • 8 months ago

            I'm not addicted to pessimism, I'm just a realist. Singularity won't happen. Technology hasn't advanced since 2010. People don't do shit anymore except pretending to do things, and stare at the screen all day. Now you might say muh but you don't have to stare at the screen just because other people do it. What's sad about this is that even if there is people who do something else they do it in solitude. I wanted to go hike up a mountain with the skis and one friend said muh but we don't have equipment (except we both had skis). The rest didn't even reply.
            The ongoing wars from 2nd World War and maybe even 2nd World War itself weren't wars about gaining any objectionable goals, they are veridic collapse wars.
            Eastern Conflict is a collapse War.
            Russia-Ukraine conflict are collapse conflicts.
            Earth will be a shithole in 2050.

          • 8 months ago

            >I wanted to go hike up a mountain with the skis and one friend said muh but we don't have equipment (except we both had skis). The rest didn't even reply.
            I wouldn't mind going on a hike but with skis? Frick no. Have you ever considered that maybe your friends just do not like hiking with skis?

          • 8 months ago

            That's the fricking joke of skis. You climb up the mountain with the skis and then you enjoy slopping down. Cheaper too. But going up a mountain with the skis demands too much energy and efforts, ain't it? It's too tiresome.

          • 8 months ago

            this. Going up is too hard then after finally reaching the top you quickly come down.
            Slow hike to the mountain is also a way to spend time with others, talk and socialize, doing it with skis makes it almost impossible

          • 8 months ago

            You say this because you don't know how to sky.

          • 8 months ago

            >words, words, words

          • 8 months ago

            > no argument
            Give one reason why civilization will still exist in 2050.

          • 8 months ago

            because the crops have to be brought in somehow, the elite of that "somehow" will call itself civilization, like at every point in history

          • 8 months ago

            > ecause the crops have to be brought in somehow
            They don't, people can starve and die too. If food becomes scarce, and people gatekeep it, for example, gas and oil shortage, or wars ongoing in food exporting countries.
            > elite of that "somehow" will call itself civilization, like at every point in history
            Why do you believe there's going to be an elite? What if there's too many disagreeing forces for a true elite to emerge?

            moreover, that civilization will consider itself to be the end of history and believe themselves to be the apex with nothing but decline ahead of them, like at every point in history

            > civilization will consider itself to be the end of history and believe themselves to be the apex with nothing but decline ahead of them, like at every point in history
            When no one makes records, there is no history.

          • 8 months ago

            My point was that mankind has been under the heel of shit-for-brains for centuries, from one time to another, and the populace suffering under them have always believe two things, especially in the west:
            1) the world is ending for real very soon
            2) history has ended
            needless to say things go on and the defacto elite will never declare 'their civilizations' to have fallen.

            point is: the attitude of the coomsdayer today is an identical mentality throughout time.

            Speak English

            see the above; the delusion of the coomsdayer is temporal blockage; they think they live in the now

          • 8 months ago

            Yet there has never been a time that looked more ripe for a global Armageddon, I speak of some Finno-Korean hyperwar tier shit. It will happen in the 21 Century because the questions of the 21 Century are global. Currently the cooking pot is just right for the utter verge of civil discussion to go on in global politics, but a few more minutes on the burning stove and stuff will go kaboom real quick.

            >When no one makes records, there is no history.
            and au contrair to this

            i believe that today and everything tethered to it is just a footnote in the history of whatsoever humans pick up the planet and begin the first space empire. this is inevitable so it is true.

            > first space empire
            Have fun inventing space rockets when there's wars going on and food supplies are short.

          • 8 months ago

            >Have fun inventing space rockets when there's wars g
            If anything that's an impetus.

            >Yet there has never been a time that looked more ripe for a global Armageddon,
            Sure there has, people have been weighing the technology of their current year and declaring it to be the big killer every single year. We won't be so lucky to see everything come down, I'm sorry to say. We'll be forced to beg for wages long into the future and take our clownworld very seriously or face excommunication. Same as it has been for the last 1400 yrs

          • 8 months ago

            The West in itself might go on for a long time thriving with some minot changes, minor conflicts for several centuries yet to come.
            If it wasn't for non-Western nations actively aiming at dismantling and demoralizing it, beginningly in secret, now openly and without raising an eyebrow.
            Remainder that the night before Putin started the Russia-Ukraine war Macron visited him begging him not to start the war on Ukraine.
            You may not realize it, but Putin's plan of destroying Ukraine is only his first step in dismantling the West.
            'It's the beginning of a new era, the end of an illusion', he said before sending the first troops. With 'new era' he could mean anything, with 'illusion', he meant the West.

          • 8 months ago

            >Putin Putin, dismantling the west, started the war
            insidious propaganda

            You know, creating these hitlers all over the place to jutify perpetual enmity with 1/2 the world, on our part, is a hallmark and cause of the deathgrip holding things as they are... status quo, cold war culture

          • 8 months ago

            Yet the West couldn't put pressure on Russia before they started the war. They did nothing about it, then waited until the war started, then put sanctions on Russia, and went back to doing nothing about it.

          • 8 months ago

            the Ukraine thing... the coup in ukraine was western backed because they'd elected a prime minister (or whatever they have) who had run on a ticket of reopening economic and security lines with russia, he was ousted and replaced with a tv actor, the azov brigade had been attacking the crimeans for around 5 years (who had wanted to return to russia and voted for it, since they're russian like 1/2 of ukraine) and then they got artillery from their new leader and ramped it up ... the west had ignored this utterly all that time, no mention of it in our press, though it was being 'negotiated' by the UN (merkel later aid that they had no intention of honoring the negotiations and returning to the original border agreement which would have had crimea is a sovereign nation) that was the cause of thing.

            sad thing though that from the pov of the americans and euoropeans it's just about propaganda for them for their domestic audience, nobody really cares for the loss of life or the ramifications...

            russia being a sleepy european nation never would have, for example, been motivated to strengthen its economy externally from the EU-US, if the US hadn't put sanctions on it, now it's stronger than it was, that was dumb ... as well as for the misery we're all suffering due to fuel interruptions, which the US has been responsible for, refusing to allow europe and england to buy gas from russia, and mass starvation due to food shortages in india and africa, who buys their grain russia ..

            no reason for any of this really as there's no objective going on apt from a kid of cultural holdover in western intelligence which formed during the cold war and just need russia as an enemy to rally around.

            ... so the west have been doing lots... hahaha

          • 8 months ago

            You have to see the bigger picture.
            Russia has violated international law and the West can't do nothing about it
            What are laws if they aren't enforced? Empty words.
            Putin has single-handedly ended the political relevance of the UN and day by day it's power becomes smaller.

          • 8 months ago

            NATO violated international law in Yugoslavia and UN lawyers agreed. They said it was illegal and yet justified so therefore effectively legal. So in so far as the West can’t maintain its own laws, it’s because we broke them and not Russia. Russia is just along the United States.

          • 8 months ago

            I'm not even taking sides but this looks like:
            >I know you are but what am i?
            Political debate

          • 8 months ago

            Jesus, this is a typical deflection from russian supporters. Why do you attack Ukraine? Because the west has attacked many countries. But what does Ukraine have to do with the west and those countries? Nothing.
            also so what if Crimeans or Donbas voted to become independant or join russia in fake elections. Foreign people living outside their countries have no right to demand a piece of land and independance from their hosts. If that wasn't the case we might as well give parts of Germany to Turkish, southern France to Moroccans, London to Pakistanis etc. Now thousans of russians fled to Georgia and Kazachtan, quite a few are also in Thailand, start demanding a fricking independance in Thailand, Kazachstan and Georgia (already stolen a chunk in Georgia).
            What a fricking joke, if you don't like living outside russia then piss off back to russia

          • 8 months ago

            >georgia, crimea, ukraine
            All Russian btw., Keivan Rus historically was the better part of Russia, all settled by the same people with the same language, largely true for Georgia as well though it's obviously far older than Russia - Stalin was Georgian for instance, these 'countries' are more like county states in all reality with the Russian Federation being basically the same legal framework as the American Federation over its states.

            The notion of disintegration into nationalism is not something that west practices at home (see: northern ireland, scotland, US civil war) but has encouraged in its former colonies to break up and divide large regions and populations into scattered fragmented dependencies; Africa is a good example of this, or India, things like Kashmir.

            Ukraine knows it's got to join one empire or the other, that's what the elections and the coup was all about from their point of view; Russia or NATO. Crimea on the other hand is a Russian port town, it's entirely Russian and has been for centuries. France declaring it supports the independence movement of Miami or York is the equivalent.

            In a way both are looking to use and exploit Ukraine for their own reasons but from a historical cultural and geographical point of view, obviously Russia has the better case ... but Russia says it's not interested in reabsorbing Ukraine and just wants it to go back to being a neutral party or free trade zone or weapons free zone (i.e. no American missile batteries).

            It's pretty obvious anyway, regardless of better claims, that the west has been the aggressor; they politically could not allow Ukraine to unify economically with Russia and overthrew that election. It's an Imperial power game and is just that simple.

            It would nice for Ukraine to actually be independent but it's unlikely to happen. Even if Russia wins and arranges this the west will ignore it and declare that Ukraine has been annexed and now has a government-in-exile with Zelenksy 'governing' from Las Vegas or something. Again though it's not a 50/50 thing in terms of imperialism, the western intel has been the primary aggressor to prevent Ukraine from being friendly with Russia; if both empires left them alone completely, hypothetically, it wouldn't be long before Ukraine had strong ties with Russia due to shared interests economically and culturally.

          • 8 months ago

            moron, going by your argument, any country that russians even invaded or even sent their people to enrich (numerous invasions and annexations over hundreds years and subsequent russan migrations to those countries) now belongs to russia by default. moronic af. The day when nuclear missiles are flying towards moscow and other russian population centers will come, if not during this war then next war.

          • 8 months ago

            >moron, going by your argument, any country that russians even invaded or even sent their people to enrich (numerous invasions and annexations over hundreds years and subsequent russan migrations to those countries) now belongs to russia
            Well yeah? What do you think a country is lol - every nation ever has formed and perpetuated by doing this.

            This is not a realistic thing you're arguing from since it would invalidate all nations existence. If you're sincere you should begin at home and, like, get nowhere with it duh, but you're not doing that of course; strangely your grand sentiment on this matter begins and ends with places like russia or china or palestine, falling into the category of 'useful idiot' in the foreign policy of other entities if you're sincere.. but i doubt anybody is sincere in this as I can imagine no realistic way a person would arrive at the notion and then not begin lobbying their own country to dismantle its own government and borders, etc.

            Coomsdayerism, sadly this is not going to happen but we all wish for the complex mechanics of geopol to no longer exist. I know.

          • 8 months ago

            >Well yeah? What do you think a country is lol - every nation ever has formed and perpetuated by doing this
            Only if you are some colonial or imperialistic mut.

          • 8 months ago

            As opposed to who? If you're a Ukrainian you already know, or should do, that the region was settled along with Crimea and the Volga and the Don riverlands, by Norse-Norman-Anglo-Russ-Gothic Varangians from the Byzantine Emperor on the land of the Avars and Huns, who themselves were migrants from Central Asia who had invaded the region probably displacing the Celto-Greeks who lived there before; at least on the east and north of the Euxine, with the Scythians to the north-west.

            Who's native to that region? Nobody really.

            That's what makes the nationalism of Ukraine such a joke; they're literally Russians.

          • 8 months ago

            People who settled in Ukraine are not the same people who settled present day western russia, they may have been similar thousands of years ago (just like many Europeans were) but over time each group formed their own identity, Ukrainians more or less stayed the same while russians with their constant expansion to the east mixed with central and far east asians and those cultures.

          • 8 months ago

            >over time each group formed their own identity,
            >Ukrainians more or less stayed the same while russians with their constant expansion to the east mixed with central and far east asians and those cultures.
            Oh I see, the racialism narrative; the russians aren't white enough says the modern liberal westerner lol

            Come on, come up with a good reason that make sense for why the west hates russia. You won't really find one, then you've got face facts that's just cynical /misc/ on the part of the governments themselves. Same for China. At any cost 'some people' do not want a unified planet where everyone's happy and rich with good business and natural resources being traded freely.

          • 8 months ago

            You misunderstand me, while race is important, in regards to russia culture is the main thing. russian culture is the very opposite of western culture and I don't mean just modern globohomo, but also more traditional interpretation of the west. The main thing is western notion of freedom, free speech, human rights, freedom of expression, the society based on law, and so on, not all of these are perfect but in russia none of these concepts exist. I have experienced russian culture and their way of life and I do not miss any of it, going back to that culture would like becoming a slave (voluntarily or not)

          • 8 months ago

            Most of those are products of the enlightenment and subsequent political revolutions, not of western culture proper. If this topic interests you, you should read Oswald Spengler. Oswald Spengler identifies the original western culture as the gothic world feeling that arose in NW Europe c. 900 AD and was being suppressed by the Renaissance.

          • 8 months ago

            regardless, most of those products are not present in russia

          • 8 months ago

            They are though. It’s just that they’re present on one hand as an imposition by Westerners and on the other by educated Russians with an affinity for these things. People like Navalny exist in Russia, and they’re heavily influenced by liberal-progressives and they accept all of their political and legal mandates as well.

          • 8 months ago

            meh it's a myth, nobody is watching over you oppressing you daily, nobody can be bothered; the thing's that oppress you are more often your own parents trying to stop you, kak-handedly often, from making mistakes.

            if anything today the west is back to theocracy days where they have some made-up ideology which anybody with a brain realizes is untrue and then they form a political class out of denialism toward reality. what bad culture comes is usually a directive stemming from that, which is to say government.


            regardless, most of those products are not present in russia

            honestly i see russian movies and tv shows and i see england in the 90's, nothing greatly special just a normal western nation.

          • 8 months ago

            Incomprehensible reply. The main political class was centered around the precise opposite of denialism. It gets off the ground with a king who christianized people by the sword.

          • 8 months ago

            hm, denialism. figured.

          • 8 months ago

            I don't understand; the USSR doesn't give you a job anymore, what's the problem? Tht was the main complaint russians had about russia back in the day wasn't it..

            >free speech, expression
            absent in the west circa censorship

            in theory

            idk man, the novelty of the liberal anarchy wears off pretty quickly in my experience. I hear the same thing about russia and china as i hear from people over here about england or france... we have some 'idea' of what the state should be like and it doesn't measure up, thats a universal human thing, some people like to weaponize sentiment and make out like the local country is some heinous place rather than normal people just trying to make a living.

          • 8 months ago

            >idk man, the novelty of the liberal anarchy wears off pretty quickly in my experience. I hear the same thing about russia and china as i hear from people over here about england or france...
            People in west who complain about laxk of freedom simply have not experiences life in russsia or china.

            They are though. It’s just that they’re present on one hand as an imposition by Westerners and on the other by educated Russians with an affinity for these things. People like Navalny exist in Russia, and they’re heavily influenced by liberal-progressives and they accept all of their political and legal mandates as well.

            Navalny has been jailed for 20 years for literally nothing. Even if his jail time was fair and justified(it wasn't) , he was targeted due to politics and people who have done same things or worse but are close to the regime will never even have charges pressed against them, such law selective use(abuse) of law essentially means there is no law.

          • 8 months ago

            >targeted due to politics and people who have done same things or worse but are close to the regime will never even have charges pressed against them, such law selective use(abuse) of law essentially means there is no law.
            it's the same all over the world; you're taking this and selectively applying it to russia.

            >china russia
            I just don't buy it anymore, I see the precise same thing being claimed by Alex Jones and paranoid schizophrenics about the west all resembling the things we hear from more authoritative sources about russia and china... if it's a psychosis when Jim from Arkansas believes the government are watching him with black helicopters and spiking his toilet water, why is it deathly serious when we're told this by Wang or Navalny in China or Russia? It's the same type of person making the claims in either place.

            BUT I'm more inclined not to buy it at all because it's being told to me constantly by the western press who have a terrible record.

          • 8 months ago

            >it's the same all over the world; you're taking this and selectively applying it to russia
            it might as well be outside of the west, and probably occasionally happens in the west too just mean just because it's happening daily in all the shit countries we should disregard and abandon the rule of the law in the west.

            Muh I can't be a gay homosexual
            Muh I can't show off my breasts on the streets

            putinbot, you wouldn't know freedom if it hit in head, you're goddamn slave

          • 8 months ago

            > putinbot, you wouldn't know freedom if it hit in head, you're goddamn slave
            I might have a lower income, but I own 600 acres of land without need to elaborate further on them, a big, three-roofed mudhut all for myself without need to elaborate further, and I pay no taxes, without need to elaborate further. Meanwhile you work for a israeli overlord while still having to elaborate further on it when he asks you.
            We are not the same.

          • 8 months ago

            if you pay no tax in russia you are a destitute, complete alcoholic drug addict, or you are some big shit in putins mafia gang or one of the countless smaller gangs. You have a boss, and your boss can come anyday and anytime and take your land and your mudhut and shoot you in the back of head for any reason whatsoever and absolutely no one will even bat an eye.
            that is not freedom you dumb slave

          • 8 months ago

            Explain how a non-Black person nation can achieve such a social debasement that you falsely accuse on Russia with no evidence whatsoever, while still competing with the top ranked countries of the world?
            You probably got caught out at working for a israeli overlord and because you have no own land, you project onto Russia that they have no notion of private property. This idea is ahistorical, from the 5th Century BC at the very latest private property has been respected as an institution in now Russia.

          • 8 months ago

            Muh I can't be a gay homosexual
            Muh I can't show off my breasts on the streets

          • 8 months ago

            But you don’t deny that there are many people living in Russia who share his worldview and politics. But it was already demonstrated above how the West abuses the law. They’re doing it right now against a political candidate. They did it Yugoslavia. They do it all the time. That’s what countries do because law isn’t power. It‘s merely justified by power.

          • 8 months ago

            That there are many liberal progressives in russia? I highly doubt that.

            >They do it all the time
            they don't. It is russia who does it all the time.

            Explain how a non-Black person nation can achieve such a social debasement that you falsely accuse on Russia with no evidence whatsoever, while still competing with the top ranked countries of the world?
            You probably got caught out at working for a israeli overlord and because you have no own land, you project onto Russia that they have no notion of private property. This idea is ahistorical, from the 5th Century BC at the very latest private property has been respected as an institution in now Russia.

            >you project onto Russia that they have no notion of private property. This idea is ahistorical, from the 5th Century BC at the very latest private property has been respected as an institution in now Russia.
            yes the law protects the private property of citizens but no one really cares about the law. Also are talking about private property and russia? have you forgotten of ussr?

          • 8 months ago

            Just thought: are you arguing for the national sovereignty of Cheddar Man against the entire human race?

          • 8 months ago

            Who is the Cheddar Man? Trump?
            No, I supported him in 2016 and in 2020 even though his 4 years in the office were pretty much a waste of time(muh draining the swamp lol), but Trumps friendly attitude and complete disinterest in handling russia properly made me question the old conspiracy theories about russian interference.

          • 8 months ago

            >No, I supported him in 2016 and in 2020
            hahahahaha a trump enabler AND a russia-hater; did you fall for the democrat propaganda against trump that he was an evil war monger?

            frick man, that's like the neo-nazis burning black churches because they're told that's what hitler was all about.

            no the native indigenous whatevers who no longer exist, your point was about nations being nations, i said all mankind is the product of rape babies and land theft.

            I'm sure there are some untouched populations on remote islands still, but you get the idea.

          • 8 months ago

            I still hate democrats but now I also hate turncoat republicans.

          • 8 months ago

            There're all characters of the whacky races cartoon, frick 'em.

          • 8 months ago

            >Russia has violated international law and the West can't do nothing about it
            We did the same, the Iraq War was illegal and knowingly fabricated, Libya was unlawful, the US ignored the IAEA when it suited them, etc., and the UN has been ignored over israel/palestine for ages; technically the US is guitly of doing 10x what they claimed Saddam was doing, on that front lol

            It's easier to blame the latest outsider for being suddenly responsible for everything, but it ignores the track record at home.

            NATO violated international law in Yugoslavia and UN lawyers agreed. They said it was illegal and yet justified so therefore effectively legal. So in so far as the West can’t maintain its own laws, it’s because we broke them and not Russia. Russia is just along the United States.

            >So in so far as the West can’t maintain its own laws, it’s because we broke them
            that's an easier way to say it yes

            Jesus, this is a typical deflection from russian supporters. Why do you attack Ukraine? Because the west has attacked many countries. But what does Ukraine have to do with the west and those countries? Nothing.
            also so what if Crimeans or Donbas voted to become independant or join russia in fake elections. Foreign people living outside their countries have no right to demand a piece of land and independance from their hosts. If that wasn't the case we might as well give parts of Germany to Turkish, southern France to Moroccans, London to Pakistanis etc. Now thousans of russians fled to Georgia and Kazachtan, quite a few are also in Thailand, start demanding a fricking independance in Thailand, Kazachstan and Georgia (already stolen a chunk in Georgia).
            What a fricking joke, if you don't like living outside russia then piss off back to russia

            We're not 'supporting' one side or the other, we're disagreeing with the war narrative which omits all of the context as to why the war began.

            If on our news and government tv there is none of this context being discussed or even mentioned then it becomes propaganda, as: the context being omitted cannot cast our politicians in a positive light... the whole "they attacked us for no reason" is just bullshit, it's not even a novel claim, it's always the claim when the pentagon wants to bomb somewhere.

          • 8 months ago

            >and the West can't do nothing about it
            Also, I mean, you're presupposing that what's going isn't entirely what 'the West' wanted. It gave them an excuse to cut Europe off from Russian gas and end that German pipeline deal for the US to step in to take those markets, it allowed Europeans to get rid of their surplus and outdated weapons to be filled up again by the arms manufacturers with assured government contracts paying for it.

            It's fairly safe to presume, on their/our part, that Russia won't use nuclear weapons so there's no risk to the West and only profit coming out of Ukraine. Much needed money in this economy.

          • 8 months ago

            >When no one makes records, there is no history.
            and au contrair to this

            i believe that today and everything tethered to it is just a footnote in the history of whatsoever humans pick up the planet and begin the first space empire. this is inevitable so it is true.

          • 8 months ago

            I don’t need to, because neither you nor I will be able to witness it

          • 8 months ago

            law finalism

            naught but TEMPORAL FRICKING BLOCKAGE
            Raleigh T. Saker

          • 8 months ago

            Speak English

          • 8 months ago

            Meaning: life will go on regardless of the opinions of you or I. We do not hold the key of civilization. Sexhavers do. And neither you nor I have sex.

          • 8 months ago

            > life will go on on
            What makes you so sure about that?

          • 8 months ago

            What makes so sure it won’t?

            Anyways I noticed with ~~*Reddit*~~, is that one principle that is never swayed is “women can do no wrong”. Are these people brainwashed or something?

          • 8 months ago

            Because the West gas lost the supremacy over the globe.
            Meanwhile all the other states of the world that have any meaningful power in their hands exist for no other reason than to destroy the West.
            Once the West collapses, the other remaining nations will follow soon too.
            These are our greatest politicians to hold out against the Russians and the Chinese, those are our strongest soldiers to defend the border.

          • 8 months ago

            because the crops have to be brought in somehow, the elite of that "somehow" will call itself civilization, like at every point in history

            moreover, that civilization will consider itself to be the end of history and believe themselves to be the apex with nothing but decline ahead of them, like at every point in history

          • 8 months ago

            Determinism isn’t real. Most addictions are a choice, including the addiction to pessimism


    • 8 months ago

      Not gonna happen

    • 8 months ago

      Obviously it's all collapsing and that's a good thing. If the machine doesn't collapse the future of humanity looks worse than if it does.

      They are clearly a small minority

      Plenty of "readers". The type that keeps referencing ideas they read about but don't understand on any level. They keep reading but never gain anything from it.

      • 8 months ago

        I’d bet the amount of anons who consistently read books cover to cover, and don’t use books as a means to an end (aka gaining “knowledge” for engaging in debatelord threads), or an aesthetic to define themselves, is less than you think. IQfy has gotten too ideological and tribal over the last few years. Zoomers have killed this board and site

        • 8 months ago

          >Zoomers have killed this board and site
          And that is a good thing!

  62. 8 months ago

    My next project is to disprove Dunning-Krueger once and for all

  63. 8 months ago

    >Shitting in the troony bathroom
    >realizing there's no toilet paper

    • 8 months ago

      There's such a thing as a troony bathroom?

      • 8 months ago

        They're technically labelled "all gender" restrooms. Theres a state law that there has to be non gendered bathrooms. They're usually private single person bathrooms and are stocked with better toilet paper. I enjoy shitting in them.

  64. 8 months ago

    As if everything I did not once but did thrice.
    Anyone else?

  65. 8 months ago

    I sharted liquid gold, and I've been sitting in it for hours. I'm just tired of having to change every time.

  66. 8 months ago

    IQfy and IQfy are the dumbest boards. Reading too much causes brain damage. IQfy is the smartest board so video games make people smart.

    • 8 months ago

      >Reading too much causes brain damage
      The readers left years ago.

      • 8 months ago

        They are clearly a small minority

    • 8 months ago

      Whoa, just take it easy man

  67. 8 months ago

    I ate old shredded cheese that smelled foul but didn't have mold that I could see, and my farts have never been worse. Even my shorts smell bad now.

    • 8 months ago

      that's why you look, sniff, and taste a bit before you throw it down your pie-hole.

  68. 8 months ago

    Anyone here at MSU?

    • 8 months ago

      Michigan or Missouri?

      • 8 months ago

        Or Montana

      • 8 months ago

        Or Montana

        I'm stupid, I meant Michigan.

    • 8 months ago

      Anyone here at CSUSB?

  69. 8 months ago

    how does one deal with having been blessed ?

    • 8 months ago

      say thanks or give praise

  70. 8 months ago

    I hate how bad my chin is. Everything else wrong with my body can be fixed with better hygiene and working out, except my chin. If I just had a decent chin, I would probably be an incredibly "ugly" handsome person, like I easily would mog people like Adam Driver or anyone else with that type of look. And of course surgery is expensive asf, and I have other stuff I sadly have to save for first

    • 8 months ago

      there's chin workouts, special diets (food you have to chew), and there's that guy who was on Joe Rogan's podcast saying he split his jaws over a period of time for a better jawline with some sort of device.

      • 8 months ago

        >s that guy who was on Joe Rogan's podcast saying he split his jaws over a period of time for a better jawline with some sort of device.
        i could have helped him with that with my fist.

      • 8 months ago

        Doesnt matter how he copes. He has bad chin genes and his children will be born chinlets too. Unless he copulates with a bulldog jawed woman like pic rel

    • 8 months ago

      Have you seen that father/son doctor duo on youtube that says you can fix your jawline in a year or a couple years by retraining where you rest your tongue

      • 8 months ago

        there's chin workouts, special diets (food you have to chew), and there's that guy who was on Joe Rogan's podcast saying he split his jaws over a period of time for a better jawline with some sort of device.

        I've done it most days for about 8 months, barely any difference (I naturally have a somewhat square jawline), and nothing changed my chin to be pointer. Maybe the fault is I have face fat, since the flesh below my bottom lip makes my slightly medicore chin look way worse, since its more extended.

        If I flex my mouth very slightly, I look great, my chin doesn't look like it's pushed down, and I look really freakin good, top-tier ugly, handsome looking guy. I'll do more research and put more effort into mewing, but I think surgery is the only way to fix it. Not even a drastic surgery, just a 1.5 cm extension would make face look amazing

        • 8 months ago

          if you're a man that's disgusting, you should be covered in scars and have black broken teeth.

          • 8 months ago

            I probably have more scars than most of the male population. So I have that going for me Ig

        • 8 months ago

          You sure this isn't some gay body dysmorphia? Sometimes terminally online guys get the gayest fricking delusions and they typically sound like this. I've seen guys obsess about their weird nipples.

          • 8 months ago

            > gay body dysmorphia
            nta but it obviously is

            he has south korean womans syndrome which where his lies will be unmasked by his rat looking children who bear his genotype.

          • 8 months ago

            > gay body dysmorphia
            nta but it obviously is

            he has south korean womans syndrome which where his lies will be unmasked by his rat looking children who bear his genotype.

            >"This is gay body dysmorphia"
            >"I bet his chin do be looking fricked up tho"
            Nta, but it's one or the other

          • 8 months ago

            dysmorphia is usually la delusione, mon anone

          • 8 months ago

            Oui messere but the later anonette mentioned his bad genes passing on to his children. That's why I said, it can be either one but not both at once.
            If he does have a weak chin though, I feel sorry. Ain't nice to feel insecure about something you can't easily change.

          • 8 months ago

            Probably is just straight body dysmorphia, but it does look medicore to me

  71. 8 months ago

    brothers, i have devised a most ingenious scheme to finally combat masturbation once and for all without having to resort to castration (you know who you are, castrationposter). you see, because i am a glutton for punishment, i shall also fast and only eat one meal a day. i mean, i need to lose a lot of weight anyway. the longest fast on record is 382 days by a scotsman: if a scotsman can do over a year and then some, i regularly do clean 24 hour fasts. this is a win-win, two birds with one stone. i imagine it must be hard to have dirty thoughts when all your thoughts are of food!

    we shall see how this goes

  72. 8 months ago

    Sitting in my car in the student parking lot drinking warm beer. Preferable to the student bar because it's cheaper and I like drinking alone

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds comfy. Red pill me on having a car. Is it like a fort? Do you ever sit in the back seat with your pants off and watch a movie and eat $30 of Taco Bell?

      • 8 months ago

        No I'm only in the passenger seat if I'm too drunk and someone else is driving. It's very nice to have though. I like to just drive around aimlessly listening to music. It is like a private room.

      • 8 months ago

        When I was working the graveyard shift I would in fact eat taco bell in my car at midnight. Only 10 dollars worth and my pants would stay on

  73. 8 months ago

    Now that I have access to almost the entire Disney/Pixar/Fox catalog can y'all tell when did
    >the Disney Animated canon stop being good/became pozzed
    >Pixar stop being good/sovlful
    >the Simpsons stopped being good
    Please list the last good movie/episode after which I should stop watching

    • 8 months ago

      When the you-know-whos took over Disney in the '80s, but talented animators and storytellers continued to think Disney was about enchanting children until about the late '90s. It's downhill after Aladdin but doesn't become precipitous until the '00s.

      • 8 months ago

        Probably shouldn’t mention it here but my grandpa caught me beating off to MLP in 1993. I guess I was the first brony.

    • 8 months ago

      >the last good movie/episode after which I should stop watching
      probably TTS Special RPG Episode

      their new series is cool but i'm not sure have the patience to wait for a decade ... i watched TTS over a couple of months without the waiting period.

  74. 8 months ago

    I went to the doctor for a yearly checkup. It was a young woman about my age. She said I looked ugly.

  75. 8 months ago

    I think I should kms. Yeah, I should kms. I keep thinking of all these things to do and strategies to undertake, basically to escape the reality of my life and achieve my imagined life, but I could just walk away from the game.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't think you should have a nice day because it makes me uncomfortable to hear news of people killing themselves. Why would I want to hear about that? Let's talk about tasty food, forests, science fiction short stories and computer city-building games.

      • 8 months ago

        Prettt certain you’d never hear about it

      • 8 months ago

        >people killing themselves
        Why? You don't know them on any other level except for that they're dead. They should hold the same meaning to you as someone dying in a movie. A little bit of dramatic spectacle. You feel sad for one, but excited for the other. Yet, you know neither. They're words or images with passing relevance. What "is" becomes what "was" - and then you move on with your life.

      • 8 months ago

        You want to talk about Sim City or Cities Skylines then? Okay…

        I probably have more scars than most of the male population. So I have that going for me Ig

        Context is important

    • 8 months ago

      What's your imagined life?

      • 8 months ago

        I wouldn’t divulge it here. Talking about it always makes it less real anyway.

  76. 8 months ago

    I decided to put down my fatalist pessimism about the future. Perhaps there will still be civilizations after the 3rd World War, although much more crappy than Middle Age feudalism.

    • 8 months ago

      Nice. I haven’t.

  77. 8 months ago

    Thoughts on becoming a priest?

    • 8 months ago

      I couldn’t deal with not being able to have a girlfriend or a wife or not smoke so that’s probably not something I’d like to do. But I’ve humored the possibility.

  78. 8 months ago

    Will this supposed upcoming collapse, or war simply become another meme? Another "Two weeks!", perhaps? I sure hope not.

    • 8 months ago

      What's considered too late for self improvement

      • 8 months ago

        Shit, dude, I wish I knew.

  79. 8 months ago

    Update: I have been driving the rental car I accidently put 2.5 gallons of diesel fuel in without any issues. Crisis seems to have been averted and I saved myself a massive embarrassment by concealing my error and letting it ride.

    • 8 months ago

      You’re not serious…

      • 8 months ago

        I am and it's fine. the full tank had a 18% diesel mixture. it's running fine. a little diesel in a petrol car isn't the end of the world, petrol in a diesel engine is the real issue. it wasn't worth the hassle, embarrassment, and cost to get my fuel tank drained. so I'll just keep topping off the tank and decreasing the diesel percentage and not tell a soul.

        • 8 months ago

          It practically is the end of the world…for the car. Even a little bit of diesel fuel can clog the filter and seize the engine.

          • 8 months ago

            wanna bet? I'm about to go drive around and drain the tank so we'll find out in about 2 hours.

          • 8 months ago

            My associates degree ccame in the mail today. I am officially college educated

          • 8 months ago

            Good goy!

          • 8 months ago

            >t. Doesnt have an associates degree

          • 8 months ago

            its not even that. colleges are indoctrination centers. what Misc Pot did was justified, no question about it.

          • 8 months ago

            Then just put your head down, put up with it, and have better access to careers after a few years

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah. Right. Not.

            So you're a salty drop out or what?

            Your average academic hates lower class white people. And that’s why they have to die. Line em up against a wall and paint it red.

          • 8 months ago

            So you're a salty drop out or what?

          • 8 months ago

            They were trying to make me a troon and nig lover so I stopped going

          • 8 months ago

            What do you do now

          • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            My associates degree ccame in the mail today. I am officially college educated

            Didnt mean to quote you my bad

          • 8 months ago

            got me excited for nothing. anyway I just drove another 100km no issues. I think I'm in the clear.

  80. 8 months ago

    Spengler thought that cultural arts were finished, but this would be a time of practical arts for the West. He thought that greatness in political, legal, and commercial arts would be achieved, that hard intelligences would reach for greatness, and that the equivalents of Dante, Rembrandt, Rodin but for politics, law, and commerce would reveal themselves in our time.

    Clearly, he didn’t foresee just how fake and gay things would really get.

    • 8 months ago

      Spengler wasn't around during the development of rock music so how would he know?

  81. 8 months ago

    Never wrote a poem before so I know it sucks, but it's just something I'm feeling right now

    I always felt on the outside of something
    I felt outside of my closest friendships
    I felt like an outsider to my own family
    I felt outside of my relationship with the girls I loved
    Wherever I was I felt like an ugly anxious rat in the corner of a room
    What I felt may be true and it may not be
    But it doesn't matter
    I believe it, and I will until the day I die
    And everyone in the room can see the shivering of the ugly anxious rat in the corner

  82. 8 months ago

    I got my flu and COVID-19 vaccine shots 30 minutes ago.

    • 8 months ago

      Have fun croaking. It's your choice, though, so it's not my problem.

      • 8 months ago

        >3 more weeks….

      • 8 months ago

        The government put experimental viruses that will give me superpowers. Have fun dying in the apocalypse while I can survive and meet cute girls who have sex with me while going on adventures and battling mutant insects.

        • 8 months ago

          >this homie let someone shove something into him

          • 8 months ago

            Thats hot. Was he lubed or did it go in dry?

  83. 8 months ago

    I feel stuck in my career. I should’ve gotten a graduate degree when I was younger.

    • 8 months ago

      Aww 🙁

  84. 8 months ago

    My problem honestly is that I increasingly don’t believe there’s a way to overcome or redeem the way my life’s turned out or the way I’ve lived for these last few years. I’ve totally wasted the most important years of my life, my second chance years, and now that they’re over I just feel like I’m completely fricked. Sure, I could get to a point where I’m no longer a loser, but I could never truly win. At least, that’s how I feel. How I feel right now anyway. I get mood swings now.,.

  85. 8 months ago

    The weird open wound on the top of my foot is finally healing. I still don't know where it came from. I'll miss its radiant colors. Even as it dies, it still puts on a show for me by turning into the weirdest scab I've ever seen. Looks like it's turning into toothpaste. Goodbye old friend. Come back any time.

  86. 8 months ago

    I'm eating Grape-Nuts.

  87. 8 months ago

    So instead of waking me up normally, my brain, when its time to pee, decides to give me 3 dreams of me pissing my pants.

  88. 8 months ago

    I think I've realized that I want a woman who is 100% female except mentally and emotionally

  89. 8 months ago

    If I go more than a few days without milking my third leg, I start fantasizing about giving BJs. I would never actually do it though because it would disgusting, but the fantasy pervades my faculties.

    • 8 months ago

      Why do you think that is?

  90. 8 months ago

    I didn't think I'd get accepted. The website says it's a small convention, only around 50 writers. I have zero experince with agents and conventions so no clue if that's exclusive or not.
    I'm excited. This is into the unknown for me. It's an adventure. Even if I don't get picked up and published, it's the journey, not the destination.
    I hope I don't come off as too much of a wreck. I think I like to come off as a little bit of a wreck because I can also be pretty firm and demanding when I think it's proper. But I also think I might not come off as a wreck at all. I might have all my shit down. Who knows if that's a recipe for success, though. That might just be the bare minimum, with inherently untrackable random luck being the deciding factor. Maybe I'm unlucky.
    Or maybe I'm lucky.

  91. 8 months ago

    I hope you are all supplementing your diet with fish oil, vitamin D, and magnesium. It's very good for you.

  92. 8 months ago

    Ive come to the conclusion that college should only be for STEM and vocational training.

    Anything else can be done by buy or downloading books and using a little critical thinking skills.

    • 8 months ago

      college ain't about learnin kid

  93. 8 months ago

    It’s so funny this


    guy thought he was talking to a Britbong. Instead it’s a diaspora living in bumfrick Ohio.

  94. 8 months ago

    I can't take this anymore. I haven't kissed girl in 4 years. I haven't had sex in 4 years. I am forced to be around young women that get touchy with me all the time because of my job but I can't get them to go out with me. I am going insane AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    • 8 months ago

      hang in there, anon, one day Micah or Mary will get really drunk at an office party and you'll be there for their tongue to fall on.

  95. 8 months ago

    Should I give up my very easy and comfortable remote job for harder job that pays more money?

    • 8 months ago

      How much of a difference does it make at the end of a year, taxes included?
      I had an offer like that once where after taxes the better paying but harder job didn't really seem worth it.

      • 8 months ago

        Probably $25k or more. But I’m thinking about going to graduate school as well. If that works out, it could be more like $10k to $150k. Impossible to pin down.

    • 8 months ago

      No, harder, better paid jobs will always exist, but easy comfy remore jobs that suit you and that pay slightly less are exceptionally rare.

      • 8 months ago

        I wouldn’t say it suits me. I actually hate the job and I don’t particularly like the people I work with. I got a new supervisor and I find her insufferable. The thing is though, the time commitment is practically nothing. My working hours are 9 to 4 and that’s with about an hour in the middle of the day allotted for lunch. And since I’m remote, I can really spend that time how I please as long as I’m not working with a deadline, which only happens a few times per week. In any given week, I might have one full day of meetings, two full days of work, and two full days where I do nothing at all but read and sit by my computer. The aforementioned supervisor is making it more difficult, but for it’s that more or less for now.

  96. 8 months ago

    >Dad just called me.
    >We have a good chat, close to two hours of just talking about aliens, UFO's, bigfoot, Loch Ness, shit like that.
    >At the end he reminds me that it's his and my sisters birthdays soon.
    >Tell him I can't get anything for them cause I'm dead broke.
    >He asks me if I have credit for my phone.
    >I tell him no, it's been a useless brick for a little over a month now.
    >Asks me if I want credit.
    >I say nah, I'll probably borrow some money off my mum tomorrow.
    >He says alright and we hang up.
    Frick, I should've asked for credit, I just remembered that my mum doesn't have spare money to lend me.

  97. 8 months ago

    I was just looking at my maps application somewhat zoomed in and saw in Greece what I thought Italy, but I'm so used at daily catastrophes by this day and age that seeing half of it sunken into the Ocean would have gave me no cognitive dissonance whatsoever.

  98. 8 months ago







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