Write What's On Your Mind ?

flirting edition

previous ramblings

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 11 months ago

    it happened again

  2. 11 months ago

    I want want to engage in unfathomably cruel combat on the Eastern Front (1941-1945).
    I want to fight in Operation Barbarossa, In Battle of Moscow, In Stalingrad, At Kursk, In Korsun–Cherkassy pocket, during Dnieper–Carpathian offensive, In Kamenets–Podolsky pocket, & die defending Pomerania from the Red Army during Operation Solstice.

    • 11 months ago

      >Reading Beevors Stalingrad
      >all the 6th army talking about how they were going to become farmers on the Volga
      Bit sad when you look past all the fricking barbarism, why couldn't they just be normal and I could pursue my Wehrmacht interest without worrying about being fricking blacklisted down the line.

    • 11 months ago

      You'd be dead within minutes

  3. 11 months ago

    I have figured out le sex.

    • 11 months ago

      what is le sex?

      • 11 months ago

        It is right here, right next to you, can't you see it?

        • 11 months ago

          I cant. maybe its because I'm a virgin.

          • 11 months ago

            How? It is there. Stretch your left arm to your sides.

          • 11 months ago

            Still nothing.
            Its over

          • 11 months ago

            Now, gradually insert your index finer in you anus.

          • 11 months ago

            Okay. Now what?

          • 11 months ago

            Maybe I'm crazy and seeing le sex where there isn't shit.

          • 11 months ago

            sex has abandoned me

  4. 11 months ago

    Sex mit einer Frau unter fünfzehn Jahren.

  5. 11 months ago

    It's not enough to know I have said many cringe things to people in the past, but what haunts me is that I will inevitably say even bigger cringe things to more people in the future. I can't seem to help it, it just happens.

    • 11 months ago

      Why do you honestly care? Everyone is kinda doing their best, don't feel guilty about existing. This is ridiculous, just try to do things and that is basically it.

      • 11 months ago

        you're very candid anon and i appreciate that. but you see we are social creatures and thus social interactions are given a lot of meaning. or at least to me they are... consider this, that if you were given a car and you, through experience, know that every once in a while this car will give out when you need it most. and you will not know the time or the hour, but it will such that an accident is quite likely to occur from operating such a vehicle. and yet one is supposed to drive it with a smile every day knowing this periodic inevitability? what difference does it make you might again highlight, the car is doing its best. and yet if such a car had knowledge of itself, truly, it cannot do much else but exclaim similarly: woe is me, for i will inevitably fail when i am needed and bring about unnecessary risk not just to myself, but to my driver, the passengers, and other cars, and i must be okay with this!

        of course i joke with you but perhaps this illustrated a bit of my plight and why some cars are best left in the garage for having been factory defects

        • 11 months ago

          Yes, but cars are things, people aren't always the same, people change, that is kinda what "doing your best" somewhat means, you are thinking about changing, and so on.
          Look at this, this was taken from a nutrition textbook, but it concerns behavior changes. You just realized that you have a problem, this is great, this is it, you are starting. I'm not saying that you should neglect it, but don't beat yourself over it. You are past pre-contemplation, you can give yourself a pat on the back. I would, but I'm on my house.

          • 11 months ago

            ah yes i admire your optimism, you seem quite youthful. but let me ask this, surely you must agree that alhough people change yes, sometimes there are aspects of people that simply do not, cannot, and never will change? these things, within them, are of their being, a kind of inflexible nature inherent to them as a person no more seemingly benign than say a lazy eye or a slur in speech. those are physical impairments you would reply, and quite rightfuly so, but consider if such impairments were utterly cognitive in nature! a few more screws loose, some hard wiring criss-crossed, this is what i describe, a factory defect no more resolvable than a factory recall

            by now i trust i have tested your patience enough by my negativity so i will let you go, but it is a cruel reality that for certain people there can be no fate but endless lamentations in the puddle of their own feces. better to point and laugh and move on, oh yes here we are in the electronic latrine after all

          • 11 months ago

            Yes kinda, but still, what is left for you to do? You can complain about it or find ways to get around it. It is what I ended up doing, I couldn't write shit even if my life depended on it (and it fricking did a lot of times before I was able to start figuring my shit out), and after a lot of shit, drugs and whatever, I somehow ended up solving something that I thought it was impossible. I'm not that young, I'm 35 yo, it is just that I have dealt with so much shit that even though I'm in definitely the worst spot that my life has ever been, I'm feeling the best I have ever felt about myself, this is kinda crazy, but things just are what they are. I don't beat myself over being "slow", or taking a long time to figure that shit out, you have to do what you have to do, now you start doing it.

          • 11 months ago

            I don't blame other people either, even if they are responsible for certain things, it doesn't really matter. Because things are fricked and that is basically it, now it is up to me to fix it, I can't expect people doing things on me for myself.

          • 11 months ago

            Oh anon you sound so tired. I feel this strong urge to to pull you into a warm embrace..

  6. 11 months ago

    >start putting chocolate milk in my coffee

  7. 11 months ago
    People are cheaper than snakes/apples, afterall

    Just let me do glass.

    ...even tho most things arent translucent anyway

    Why am i stuk on this

  8. 11 months ago

    >walking around mall buying new clothes
    >notice two girls constantly following me
    >they followed me all over the mall, I keep noticing them in peripheral vision
    >finally ask them if they want anything
    >they spill their spaghetti and ask for my number
    >tell them "no" and ask how old they are
    >mfw both highschool kids
    They even asked me to take a pic with them. What is up with kids these days? Literally no shame. If a guy did the same thing they'd be calling the cops.

  9. 11 months ago

    AI is going to take all of our jobs

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, we are fricked, it will take over shitposting too. Now, what is the sense of being an anon? Even shitposting will be replaced by an AI.

    • 11 months ago

      if you want to not be replaced by AI for a long time, do a physical job that is highly complex and changes on a day to day basis. Plumber for example is probably one of the very last jobs that will be replaced because that work is very situational, there is barely any datasets on it and you would need some insanely advanced robotics to even try.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm a techgay who works in AI . Let me just say that's not happening any time soon except for a few really dumb jobs like copy editing . AI is a lot dumber than the layman realizes , especially in situations where you trust it where money is at stake. The play will be to work while using AI. Because to get the most out of it you need a knowledgable user + the AI .

      Agent models are another thing, but they're going to frick a lot of shit up and not know what to do about it. AI can't be trusted to do important business on its own.

      • 11 months ago

        The "AI is going to take our jobs" thing you see nowadays isn't really that there will be no more jobs, but that a lot of the things that would require 5,10, 15 or more people now will need only a few experts and most of the work will be done by AI, thus the jobs of the rest are gone.
        Take design for an example, there will still be designers, but they will either be experienced ones that are already working in the field or they had the right connections to get a job. Most of the simpler stuff, both in big companies and in local ones will be replaced by AI adn one guy who is hyper productive thanks to it.

        • 11 months ago

          Not exactly. Data shows that it's not experts who benefit most from AI but newbies. Inexperienced workers can perform as if they have more expertise using AI. Meanwhile experts get only marginal increases in their capabilities because they already know how to do their job well. So really this will not led to a reduction in jobs, but Total Expert Death, a collapse in expert salaries. A company that hires more newbies that perform like experts and reduces costs on experienced workers will outperform one that cuts the inexperienced ones and keeps the well paid experts.They'll be jobs, but they won't pay as much. And we'll eat bugs and live in pods and you will be happy.

          • 11 months ago

            Data said the polar ice caps would be gone by now and we’d all be centenarians. Data is rarely right.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm finishing up my first semester of CS, and I think I'm starting to make peace with all of this? AI is kind of like the sun exploding, programming is far from the only thing that will get affected, and damnit I'm sick of not being sure what I want to study and picking other options just because they're "Safe". For anyone in school, do your best to stay out of debt if you can, because if this all blows up, at least then you'll be at give or take square one, and well, so will a lot of people because again, this will likely affect all desk jobs. I'm going to keep moving forward with it because I enjoy it, at this point I just want to enjoy what I'm doing in life and not try to 300 IQ plan out everything in the future to be as safe but boring and miserable as possible. I'll have to accept that this life will be a bumpy ride, I'm still nervous, but that's ok.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm unemployed

      • 11 months ago

        They'll take that away from you too.

    • 11 months ago

      god, i hope so

    • 11 months ago

      I'm actually amazed no one's "written" a book yet by giving a prompt to something like Novel AI and touching it up. Given the kind of shit that gets published I'd bet no one would even notice it was AI written.

  10. 11 months ago

    >Punch the wall in anger
    >Hand hurt

    • 11 months ago

      Was it a drywall?
      I once punched brick wall out of rage and broke two bones.

      • 11 months ago

        Brick wall, but I didn't punch hard enough to break my bones. You must have been pretty angry.

        • 11 months ago

          It really was a blind rage. I took me 3 punches to break the bones.
          I guess I do have some anger in me.

  11. 11 months ago

    One one hand, I’ve carefully planned my career and my life such that I have a comfortable job and income with a lot of leisure time, which is nice. On the other hand, I’ve had basically nothing at all going on in my life for a while now at an age where I definitely should have things going on and I feel a little bad about that.

    • 11 months ago

      are you me? I've arranged for a comfy life, only problem is I have no idea what to do with it

  12. 11 months ago

    I’m really struggling to find a fitness/activity routine that works for me. I like to go for long walks, but I’m up to like 3 or 4 hours in the middle of the day and it’s just not practical.

  13. 11 months ago

    My newly arrived coworker is extremely beautiful and I find it hard to concentrate. This is further amplified by her coming up to me and asking to hang out or just plain laughing whenever I make a bad joke. It's too soon to decide I have a chance. I don't want to do anything with her as I just want to work in peace and avoid dramas but she's so attractive it's becoming awfully distracting.

  14. 11 months ago

    Words are stupid. I'm a writer and I'm sick of words. It takes too many of them to get any point across, and it's laborious to both read and write it. Getting knowledge from reading will one day be seen as a quaintly antiquated, even primitive method. Something's got to replace it. Maybe we'll beam information directly into our heads.

  15. 11 months ago

    I fricking hate women and they shouldn't be allowed to write or talk in public.

    • 11 months ago

      You shouldn’t be allowed online.
      Go live somewhere you can’t see another woman.
      For your own sake, but mostly so we don’t have to suffer your whining.

      • 11 months ago

        Your hysterical reaction is hysterical.
        Check your uterus for cysts.

        In all things outside domestic affairs and very rare exceptions aside, women are big children. Charming in small doses and the right contexts, otherwise annoying and even dangerous when left to their own devices, let alone treated as adults.

        I'm iffy on whether we should even let women drive. Have you seen them? They do okay when everything is normal, just like a child can be trained to do. But when a crisis or difficult decision comes up, they spazz out in an immature way and then instead of getting control of themselves and the situation they spazz out in reaction to their own spazzing out and start making excuses and saying things like "I'm just really stressed right now, okay??!!? Do you have to be so MEAN?!" b***h you almost just killed an entire family. Imagine being so coddled and so naive that you receive criticism about something as serious as that, as high stakes as that, and you feel instinctively entitled to sulk and demand special treatment.

        This is charming in small doses like I said. Their entitlement is fun and weirdly attractive sometimes. But I avoid woman drivers like I avoid Black drivers.

        I don't care for female behavior, but I have been tricked one too many times into reading books written by women.
        It is one of the few things that can make me feel full anger at this point.
        The absolute annihilation of anything and everything that make literature what it is.
        There are bad male writers, no question with that, but female writers have a way to make their words disgusting, mind numbing, you can feel when something is written by a woman, because it has a toxic aftertaste. Like even the act of writing itself was done out of bitterness.
        I hate women who write.

        • 11 months ago

          You’re a moron, and can say only moronic things we don’t need to hear.

    • 11 months ago

      In all things outside domestic affairs and very rare exceptions aside, women are big children. Charming in small doses and the right contexts, otherwise annoying and even dangerous when left to their own devices, let alone treated as adults.

      I'm iffy on whether we should even let women drive. Have you seen them? They do okay when everything is normal, just like a child can be trained to do. But when a crisis or difficult decision comes up, they spazz out in an immature way and then instead of getting control of themselves and the situation they spazz out in reaction to their own spazzing out and start making excuses and saying things like "I'm just really stressed right now, okay??!!? Do you have to be so MEAN?!" b***h you almost just killed an entire family. Imagine being so coddled and so naive that you receive criticism about something as serious as that, as high stakes as that, and you feel instinctively entitled to sulk and demand special treatment.

      This is charming in small doses like I said. Their entitlement is fun and weirdly attractive sometimes. But I avoid woman drivers like I avoid Black drivers.

      • 11 months ago

        I fricking hate women and they shouldn't be allowed to write or talk in public.

        homies havent you already read Weininger's Sex and Character? Time to level up

      • 11 months ago

        >b***h you almost just killed an entire family.

    • 11 months ago

      I skipped my woman-hating phase thanks to having based as frick sisters

  16. 11 months ago

    I'm happy taking drugs
    Don't take them away from me
    I'm happy feeling free
    Drugs drugs drugs
    Give em all to me

  17. 11 months ago

    I’m going to be thirty-five and just starting my PhD. I really fricked up this timeline.

  18. 11 months ago

    It must be nice to be handsome.

    • 11 months ago

      Have you applied any philosophical ideas in your own life, anon?

      Why don't you become handsome and try it out so you find out if it's really as nice as you think it is?

      Should I become a scholar of golden age piracy?

      Yes, and share your findings with us, please.

      • 11 months ago

        >Why don't you become handsome
        Sorry but I have an ugly face. There nothing I can do.

      • 11 months ago

        >Have you applied any philosophical ideas in your own life, anon?
        no, i’m too moronic

      • 11 months ago

        >Have you applied any philosophical ideas in your own life, anon?
        Yes, that is the point of it, isn't it? You haven't learned it for the sole purpose of shitposting on IQfy and understanding memes, have you?

        • 11 months ago

          >Yes, that is the point of it, isn't it?
          In theory, yes, but I'd argue a lot of people don't do it and just read it and discuss it (which could count as applying it, because at least they're possibly helping other people who'll apply the knowledge to their lives) or are unable to apply this in their lives.
          >You haven't learned it for the sole purpose of shitposting on IQfy and understanding memes, have you?
          No, but my goals when I started reading were not to apply whatever I learned to my own life, that was accidental and a consequence of it.

          I'm curious as to what other people have applied to their lives, especifically.

          • 11 months ago

            Ok, this can get nasty, there is a lot of things that changed me after I got into it, and I might even reread the textbook that I used, because I haven' t done the exercises of it, so in a sense I "cheated" my way through it.
            I think that the main problem is that people here, literally start with the Greeks, I mean, Plato is influential and important, so is Aristotle, but they won't take you that far. Those two would end up being around 60-80 pages of a 500 page philosophy textbook? So yeah, it makes things harder to considering that you want to learn philosophy as a whole thing.
            Other than that, it definitely helps you build "intellectual muscles", you can also reuse some things from certain philosophers (some kind of metathinking, and copying structures of thought), as in using their methods to think through things to think your things that doesn't necessarily relate to theirs. Reading Descartes Discourse de la Methode helped me dramatically to solve a bunch of personal issues relating trauma and so on, that ended up on myself with the aid of some introductory psychology classes that I had in uni to develop my own "therapy" that would end up on me solving some issues that tormented me throughout life.
            Then after you start investigating yourself, you become more adaptable, in the sense that Viktor Frankl quote from Man' s search for meaning:
            “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
            or this one:
            “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
            A philosophical knowledge gives you some kind of inventory to work with, fundamental concepts to become yourself more adaptable to whatever that you are facing in your life.
            I could write more things about this, but I don't know if you want to know about it.

          • 11 months ago

            Also, expanding a bit on it. This is the exact reason why I think that Estoicism as a " single thing" is something really fricking stupid to adopt if you haven't bothered studying the whole history of philosophy. You are limiting your inventory to a single thing that isn't even that cool.

          • 11 months ago

            are you me? I've arranged for a comfy life, only problem is I have no idea what to do with it

            As for stoicism, yes. Stoic metaphysics have also helped me very much in accepting my own lot in life, but I wouldn't have learned it from the more dilluted form of stoicism which came to us in the form of Ryan Holiday's work or youtube videos. In fact, youtube videos on philosophical and literary topics are something I've abandoned completely some years ago in favour of reading the actual books.

          • 11 months ago

            Also, expanding a bit on it. This is the exact reason why I think that Estoicism as a " single thing" is something really fricking stupid to adopt if you haven't bothered studying the whole history of philosophy. You are limiting your inventory to a single thing that isn't even that cool.

            It was very helpful. I also have the feeling that I've cheated trough a lot of books, also due to not doing the exercises in them, examples being No More Mr. Nice Guy and Prometheus Rising, despite both having helped me a lot and changing the way I saw things. I want to go back to them someday and do the exercises; emphasis is even put on them.
            I congratulate you for having "solved some issues that tormented you throughout life". Although I haven't read Descartes, his way of problem solving came to me somehow, probably through someone else's books or videos, and I use it for everything. I even use it in written form (McLuhan's conception of media as extensions of man made me see writing as a very powerful extension of thought) to solve more complex or serious problems, such as financial planning or presentations on topics I care a lot about.
            The two quotes you posted were very useful too. Thanks, anon. Have an apu.

          • 11 months ago

            There are other things that I got out of philosophy, because getting in touch with other people's thoughts also makes you a more understanding person yourself. It absolutely made me a better listener and I'm more attentive too, but considering what I saw from people here this can go both ways, if you adopt a somewhat "better than thou" attitude, then yeah, philosophy will turn you into an self-absorbed butthole.
            And the whole being challenged thing too, because there is no way you go through a history of philosophy book without having to deal with philosophers and systems of thought that completely contradict everything that you think. This is not something that would end up happening in any other field of study, you are literally being challenged by in some sense the best mind of its time. I think it is a privilege to be able to engage in a discussion with someone like that. So this is another thing that I got out of it.
            I can probably think about more stuff, I'm going to make dinner, I might come up with more things.

            As for stoicism, yes. Stoic metaphysics have also helped me very much in accepting my own lot in life, but I wouldn't have learned it from the more dilluted form of stoicism which came to us in the form of Ryan Holiday's work or youtube videos. In fact, youtube videos on philosophical and literary topics are something I've abandoned completely some years ago in favour of reading the actual books.

            Yes, that is somewhat the point of metaphysics too. Even if it is "fake" or whatever, you can't truly adopt an ethics system without getting into it first, there is simply no way, you are just fooling yourself. I definitely agree with it.

          • 11 months ago

            I understand and aggree with all that you have said. I don't believe that metaphysics is fake, by the way, but I don't have much to defend this.

            I hope you were eventually able to come up with more things, because I also had to deal with something urgent but unimpactful - my brother came to my home drunk, very late, when he was supposed to be in his home, with his wife and 3yo baby. Since my mother knows this, she was bothering me to try and find out where he went, because he wasn't picking up the phone. I know that he's just out there, in the night, in the street parties that the people of this neighborhood hosts every weekend. He's 36. I'm 20. I love him very much, but sometimes he's very irresponsible.

            If you come back, I'd like to hear more from you. But if you haven't come up with anything yet, I'd like to ask you if you have ever applied philosophical ideas to your own work.

          • 11 months ago

            It is not that it is fake, it is just that you need to have a certain cosmovision to be able to adopt a certain ethics system. At least, this is what I think because if you are a monist, dualist, pluralist, idelist or materialist, this changes dramatically your outlook on things and especially other people, I can't really explain how this works, but as someone who have studied history of philosophy, I would definitely feel differences on derivative stuff because of those fundamental level changes of concepts. I think that monists tend to be somewhat more chill than other people. And so on, I don't want to talk too much about this, because it is not like I have been thinking about, I just started writing because I just read what you said.
            What I actually wanted to say is that, it made me have more appreciation for other thought systems, because I had a "non memey" exposure to it, considering that I had a textbook, so it was a didactic but absolutely serious approach, not some pop stuff or anything like that. And it made me respect more other things that I disagree with, because I ended up getting in touch with plausible arguments to believe on such things. Not only that, but also the implications of it and why would even I adopt such things.
            And something else that it also helped me a lot, is to understand other people, which is somewhat a consequence of this previous idea, but having a "thought school" learned and having a name and so on, it gets easier to make "sketches" of how other people think, even if they don't align perfect with this or that philosopher, you can maybe mix the ideas of one with the ideas of the other. And you can even help understand them in the sense that if you can remember how they formalized their own ideas, you can go through with it with whoever you are trying to get to know to make sure that you are both on the same page, this is very interesting.
            Also, I think this is the last one, it allowed me to have a philosophical vocabulary, I was clueless when people said certain things about philosophy, and having read a textbook made things clear, I can understand a lot of what people are saying when they are talking about philosophy.

  19. 11 months ago

    Should I become a scholar of golden age piracy?

  20. 11 months ago

    I'm absolutely sure we all feel the same these days, the global ''mood'' is not changing no matter of location. How we feel? Demotivated, because all the values that kept generations moving are all destroyed and dead now, family, friendship, love, ideology, religion, parenthood, life goals, any sort of belief, honesty, kindness, love, morality, everything is absolutely dead. Nothing brings satisfaction the way it did before, there's abundance of everything one can dream of, but no one can feel the joy from consuming, and owning things. That's why many try hard to show off what they eat and wear, because the only way they can feel something is by reacting to a reaction. How else do we feel? There's the scent of last times in the air, like something is about to happen. The society is no longer seen as a community of civilized people, but rather as a flock of egocentric, greedy, mercantile, selfish scumbags. Everything is driven and evaluated by money, wealth. Everyone, no matter how wealthy and happy he looks, is desperately trying to escape the reality, silence, oneself, by getting busy with tons of activities, gym, running, hobbies, shopping, constantly being plugged in social media networks. we truly live in the worst times ever

    • 11 months ago

      Anon.. You romanticise life too much. It's boring as shit. And it used to be so in the past for the majority people. You might think old kinda families were so based but its no fun popping out 9-10 kids from you teen years and spending the rest caring for them. However people's instinct to rely and rest on a transcendent figure and find strength and solace from it is the great missing thing from modern people. But who's gonna believe in that now? No one does when they are not exclusively brought up in it in a certain way, for example muslims. Do you believe in God like old people used to?

  21. 11 months ago

    If you ignore the lyrics this is a really nice song. I like it better than the kpop original, which is somehow more gay.

  22. 11 months ago

    I’ve got to get out of mom’s house.

  23. 11 months ago

    I was walking around my place naked and I caught my neighbor and her friends peeping in on me. They are like 10-13. Scared the shit out of me

  24. 11 months ago

    Using "low IQ" as a slur is good indicator of actually being low IQ. People have no influence on their intelligence, it's all genetics and a little of environment made by people who were taking care of you as a child

    • 11 months ago

      >believing in IQ
      Seriously, it is a fricking written exam, I believe on mass, height and so on. IQ means shit.

  25. 11 months ago

    I'm reading a book about art novou and I find it very similar to how I feel about modern times
    the book says the reason for it was artists boredom with grey colors, simplistic/practical designs and general mundane of world in furniture, paintings and architecture which sparked the pursuit to beauty and color
    I find it all very simmiliar to my feelings towards what's popular now in terms of architecture, grey furniture made into simple rectangles, dominance of white, grey and bleak colors particularly when it comes to interior design
    I think whole world is ready and waiting for new style to come and save us from what's happening right now

  26. 11 months ago

    almost thought i was having a depressive episode for a moment, thankfully i remembered that depression isn't real and it was invented by the pharmaceutical companies to sell SSRI's and now i feel fine

  27. 11 months ago

    Y’all ever just get that feeling? When your mojo kicks into overdrive?

    I don’t know what happened. I went to the gym (chest day, obviously) and got a nice juicy pump. I hit two plates for a few reps and by the time I finished I was basically busting out of my wife beater. I even peeled it off on the walk home and got a little sun on my shoulders. When I got home, I grabbed a beer, jumped in the shower and lathered up the soap on the rug I have on my chest. The pump just wouldn’t go away. Even my pecker was plump. I didn’t have a hard on but almost. You know when your schlong is looking heafty but still soft, and it tricks your brain into thinking you possess an absolute hammer? I had that. Nickleback played on the macbook and I continued to soap myself down, taking swigs of beer in between lathers. I even thought about a nickname and started calling myself “the Gipper” for some reason. I thought about my job, how much work I have. While usually I doubt myself, and think anxiously about Monday, I just felt a silent assuredness. How could any of those pencil necks I work with get the Gipper down? Ain’t no way they can. When I got out, my girlfriend was just leaving to visit her mother. I slapped her on the ass and kissed her on the mouth. She left blushing.

    Anyways, I’m still semi-erect (uncircumsized) and eating a can of sardines with tobasco. Can anyone else relate?

    • 11 months ago

      while i can't, i wish i could.
      godspeed, gipper, ill try my best too.

    • 11 months ago

      Godspeed Gipper

  28. 11 months ago

    Interest in marriage among RW/Conservative men is just a reaction to the bawd regime. Fertility rate obsessives are trying to patch a galaxy sized hole with a bandaid

  29. 11 months ago

    Can anyone be blamed? How much of any one person's sins came about because of their own willful desire to do evil and how much can be seen as the product of others' sinful actions waroing their worldview? Are we all links in a chain of abuse and sin going back to Cain or are we all innocent creatures intoxicated by temptation borne on the air like the smell of a flower? What is the sum of one man's life - his average, his lowest point, or his highest crown? Why did God bring Himself down to suffer along with all of us? After all the hurting and backbiting and ugliness will there be something which was worth suffering for, some rushing sound, some blinding beauty? How long must we crawl through thorns in the dark to reach it? How can one find meaning in suffering?

    • 11 months ago

      human beings are incapable of being anything other than sinners and are born this way through no fault of our own. nonetheless, we are personally accountable for our every sin, and every sin is, in itself, an infinite transgression against God, and we are capable of making no atonement for ourselves. that's why we need God's grace to be forgiven
      >How long must we crawl through thorns in the dark to reach it? How can one find meaning in suffering?
      patiently waiting, remaking our faith from day to day, never ceasing, is of the utmost importance. we must never be contented. we must never rest. Christ said "be you perfect". this is an impossible commandment to follow but we must try nonetheless

      • 11 months ago

        Where's the line between fatalistic acceptance of one's future damnation and continuously striving for the kingdom? If one has never done enough, one quits and accepts the outcome, no?

  30. 11 months ago

    It feels like I'm close to death and I have been collecting bizarre medical conditions lately so maybe this is the case. I don't exactly have close relationships with my family or my friends so I don't really know if anything in my life was worth it. I think right now is the moment I can die and cause the least harm and this is pretty sad.

    I want to sleep in a girl's arms. I think that would be great

  31. 11 months ago

    I think I ruined my chances with a girl I'm infatuated with. She used to literally run up to me when she saw me and be so interested but now she practically ignores my existence. She's going on a trip overseas for two months and said bye to everyone except for me. It's my fault because I got nervous and weird and it probably turned her off. And now she'll be gone for so long and I probably wont ever get a chance to be around her again. It's over bros.

    • 11 months ago

      the 'tism strikes again. a tale as old as time.

    • 11 months ago

      You sound like me, this has happened to me like 3 times. In general I've backed out of pretty much every chance of an intimate encounter in my life.

    • 11 months ago

      Get over her. There's so many girls in the world that if one you like doesn't lie you back, you can ignore her from now on. Really, if a woman or someone doesn't like you for who you truly are, they really aren't worth the headache. I've had a woman call me too rational and then she's dating some dude wotking at a chicken shop after dating some sperg that was into theology. She's a stupid ass arthoe if she thinks that. Love yourself and the people that love you for who are despite your faults. That's all you can do in life. Someone that loves you can appreciate your more benign flaws for what they are and will iron out the actual vices. This woman ain't that and she ain't shit.

  32. 11 months ago

    Thinking about becoming a subway driver. No office, working on your own, speeding through underground tunnels. Seems very dull though. Not something that keeps you on your toes intellectually, and within 10 years you might slowly transform into a button-pushing idiot.

  33. 11 months ago

    I don't talk to my family, I don't like my friends and I hate my job. What do I do

    • 11 months ago

      Why is that?

      • 11 months ago

        I never had deep relationships with my family when growing up and basically left the house at 18 for the family part. They don't really care even if they say otherwise. Every time I talk to them they talk about the time I was 7.

        I grew with my current friends and never burned bridges when I should've. We see each other a few times a year
        Job sucks

        Make a new family, make new friends, get new job 🙂

        If it was this easy I would've done it already. I can't make a family, GF is gone. I tried to make new friends but everyone is avoiding me because I am weird looking. In the process of finding a new job. These things juste take time... and I'm tired of all this bullshit, I'm not even sure changing those will help me enjoy life

        Thanks anons

        • 11 months ago

          You could try getting a new gf and adopting her social circle. But if that doesnt work out, the reclusive hermit life isnt that bad either.

    • 11 months ago

      Make a new family, make new friends, get new job 🙂

  34. 11 months ago

    M want to kms a bit but am nervous. It feels like there's a wall, I sit in the bathroom sometimes and contemplate but I am afraid of being found or having scars from such an occasion. The method I'd like isn't very reliable but everything else sounds scary. I bled out once before, not on purpose, and it was very peaceful. One moment dizzy and then very confusing black, but I wasn't upset at all just "oh, hey, there it is". I wish it could be that easy. The circumstances were mostly painless and hard to replicate. Now I feel a bit stuck because my life isn't happy for me and I don't provide anything, I feel like a waste even though the person who put me in this situation said it was OK to give up any effort. Now they're stressed because of the responsibility and seem to be frustraited at me. I dont have much else. I just want to be gone but it's frightening to imagine. It's be nice if I could bleed out out again and the circumstances were out of my hands, but there's no way to replicate. What a tease...

    • 11 months ago

      I heard the helium hood method is very effective

  35. 11 months ago

    i have just learned that at some point in the past two weeks, i had vomited into my laundry hamper. interesting decision on my part. black mold had engulfed an old t shirt

  36. 11 months ago

    What's up with my bf? When he is drunk he always seems scared of me or looks at me weird then suddenly wants to cuddle or be affectionate.

    Last night though he did the same thing but then admitted he thinks that I hypnotise him and asked what I do to do it. I played along and asked what he means and he said because he is supposed to only dates girls whose name starts with A or J, but then he admitted he hasn't even dated a J girl. Just A ones but it always made sense to date a J girl but ideally A girls.

    I thought he was joking but he was dead serious but then just wanted to cuddle saying it doesn't make sense why he loves me and that I must be hypnotizing him then started laughing asking if i do potions on him and that it still freaks him out that my name doesn't start with an A. Then he just falls asleep.

    How am I supposed to feel about this and why would he have such an issue that my name doesn't start with an A or a J? Why would that even matter or be such a big deal? Whats so special about girls whose names start with A or J?

    • 11 months ago

      Dude he's drunk and moronic. Dont think too hard about it

  37. 11 months ago

    I like to slap girls and I like that they enjoy it.
    I like that everything I dislike in boys girls dislike and they give me a way out lengthy minecraft conversations.
    I like that they are cruel and that they never repent like boys do.
    They always seem to enjoy when I am cruel, when boys chastize me, girls do that, but they don't mean it, and I know, I won't ask them to not lie, it would be a waste of energy.
    While boys drain me, girls energize me I love them so much.
    Not a troony, never in a million years, yet I feel I understand girls more than I do boys, maybe even it's because I'm an outsider, with a vue d'ensemble.
    I love girls, and some like me, and I like that they like me for the bassest of reasons, like animals in heat, instead of some stupid made up platonic love, I hate Plato anyways.
    I guess I'll write it here, so that it's fixed somewhere, because I think this often, but I often also hate women, at least when it happens again there will be proof that on a lot of occasions, I actually love them, but never bother to express it.

    • 11 months ago

      You're a troony, Harry.

  38. 11 months ago

    I ranked every book I've ever read. At least the ones I recall reading

    • 11 months ago

      is this a meme? christ

      • 11 months ago

        No, it's my true opinion

    • 11 months ago

      Damn that's good. My tier is different but I respect you for standing up for your tastes.

      9.9/10 post. Glad I stroll around here today.

    • 11 months ago

      Why do you like Frankenstien?

    • 11 months ago

      Oh man I remember House on Mango Street in high school. What shit.

  39. 11 months ago

    The Age of Exploration is about mobile bases on the sea. The Industrial Revolution is about mobile bases on land. WW2 is about mobile bases in the sky. The Age of Space Exploration will be about mobile bases in space.

  40. 11 months ago

    >last day on the job
    >ask for female work friend's number
    >wait 8 months before texting it so I don't seem too eager
    >"who is this?"
    >block number
    >delete conversation
    I don't know why I bothered. I always get so annoyed when people text me. I'm always trying to deeply attend to my activities and these people keep perforating my attention. I should just watch strangers at the bar when I get a hankering for human contact.

  41. 11 months ago

    I kissed a woman for the first time recently and I was just watching a trailer of a show where people frequently kiss as the climax of romantic tension and because the kiss I experienced is loaded in my recent memory I had a moment of understanding why women watch romantic media. They feel the kiss when they see the characters on screen kissing. I suppose I knew this rationally but I really felt it for a second, I saw the characters kiss and felt it "through" them and I felt a split second of caring about these characters, because they experience what I experience, and it's important. Now it's gone again and I'm going to jerk off to feet though.

  42. 11 months ago

    Starting to hate these threads because they're the only active ones on this board

    • 11 months ago

      /wg/ is somewhat active

    • 11 months ago

      This board has a serious problem with too many threads being made. Back in the day jannies used to prune. The only threads that don’t die within a day or hit their bump limit are these threads, bait threads, and extremely general threads. There should be a limit to threads and posts made. That would back off most of the shitposters and maybe the old crowd would come back, but it’s clear mods and jannies have given up. Anyway, these threads are repetitive with the same old doomer circlejerk. I get the impression it is the same anons as well

      • 11 months ago

        Jannies are really bad on this board, yeah. So many threads are made and they all die right away. This is a slow board yet nothing is given the time to gain traction, hence why political shit and generals are always the most popular

        • 11 months ago

          This is why democracy is bad. We need strict janitors like we need a monarch.

          It has a snowball effect too as demoralization takes effect; political and general threads thrive, most other threads die or get derailed, anons leave or become gun shy about making threads. IQfy held out for a while but the ambiguity and grey zone loopholes were always going to be exploited at some point. I get the feeling Hiro wants a hands off approach because he knows who’s buttering his bread. An iron fisted janny is much needed even if there is collateral damage

      • 11 months ago

        This is why democracy is bad. We need strict janitors like we need a monarch.

      • 11 months ago

        Jannies are really bad on this board, yeah. So many threads are made and they all die right away. This is a slow board yet nothing is given the time to gain traction, hence why political shit and generals are always the most popular

        It has a snowball effect too as demoralization takes effect; political and general threads thrive, most other threads die or get derailed, anons leave or become gun shy about making threads. IQfy held out for a while but the ambiguity and grey zone loopholes were always going to be exploited at some point. I get the feeling Hiro wants a hands off approach because he knows who’s buttering his bread. An iron fisted janny is much needed even if there is collateral damage

        I've been watching this get worse across a few boards that I frequent and it feels like there's no safe board to run to anymore. Back in the day, there used to be a few boards that were always safe and managed to maintain a personality even through some of the roughest times, but now every board feels like this. The old crowd has been pushed out by the onslaught of dumb frick normalgays and they are slowly killing IQfy and any identity it used to have. The rules are dead (and I don't just mean the sites 'official' rules) and seemingly so are the mods and jannies. It used to be that boards were self-moderated for the most part, but now that lurking before posting is a dead tradtion, we're left with this shit and it can only get worse. Hiroshimoot has zero interest or presence so there's no hope there.

  43. 11 months ago

    i need to chill out

  44. 11 months ago

    I don't miss him, I just worry about him. To me I understand his feelings but what's in there for me to save him?

    That's when I got up and left.

  45. 11 months ago

    Just completely fricked up my education the past year. Transferred to a university pursuing a useless degree. Got extremely depressed and decided that I should switch to something more valuable. In order to switch and apply for the Fall semester though I need to complete an exam for a required course. And I haven't even begun to study because I'm just so depressed and anxious. I fear even checking my course registration because it's a guarantee that all of the spots have been taken. Now I'm just stuck with no courses and no desire to pursue my current major either. I missed out on every opportunity and now I have nothing. I have no direction in life at all. I've been living in purgatory for the past 3 years and it's too late to escape.

    • 11 months ago

      Where do you study? Why does this sound so oddly familiar?

      I've been there too, it's not a fun spot but just try, ok? Whatever's depressing you, I hope it'll go away!

      I've been in uni, it was culture shock for me, I grew up sheltered and conservative and being in a liberal condition made me cringe a lot, it's not without basis either as I read a lot of what can cause a society to collapse. As much as hedonistic tendencies disgust me, l focus on myself and my goals and this attracted enemies and in my case, sometimes they won. However, one of the best solution to handling this turbulent times is an advice from my dad, he told me to control my anger - no matter what, I can fight back but never ever show anger.

      My coping mechanism is simple, it's believing in God. I don't say it out loud but I believe there's entity there even bigger than all of us no matter how powerful combined.

      Just check that course registration and if it's all full, just take some other class that you like, maybe you can make a career out of it.

      • 11 months ago

        I go to a mediocre college and I commute. I have no social life whatsoever.

    • 11 months ago

      Get in touch with admin and say you had a major tragedy or some shit

      On the other side of every stupid bureaucracy thing there's always a real person who can just change something a stupid computer, or rubber stamp some exception like you making up a semester some other way

  46. 11 months ago

    You guys ever feel like no one really listens to you, or understands you, or cares about you at all, and they never will.

    • 11 months ago

      I will pray for you, Anon.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, that's the typical life of an ugly/unattractive person. The real pain is knowing how much of the world feels the same way. Some people say that you can take solace in the fact that other people are going through the same things, but I find it's exactly the opposite. It's like being in a slaughterhouse and trying to take solace in the fact that it's not only you who is being butchered.

      • 11 months ago

        Shut up you stupid incel. Pretty people have problems too.

        • 11 months ago

          Never said they didn't.

        • 11 months ago

          I don't see how admitting to the basic reality of the human condition makes someone an incel. Is that a kneejerk reaction or something? Why do you react so aggressively to a simple remark about how human beings function, that no one really disputes?

          • 11 months ago

            It's bait

      • 11 months ago

        Tell what's attractive, Madame

    • 11 months ago

      I noticed that whenever I talk with other people they dont stop and ask about me. I wonder if its normal.

    • 11 months ago

      Why do you want them to care about you? Honestly, not being sour grapes here but like, think about it? So what?

      Unless you're a celebrity, a model, a performer or some sort that requires attention from others to rise up then maybe it's just that. Like, yeah when people are attracted to you they'll treay you so well, so do you! Sometimes people have other things in their minds like debt or missing dead family members to care about you.

    • 11 months ago

      Maybe it's good we can't feel each other's pain.

  47. 11 months ago

    I was reading about the Poe and Chivers debate and decided that Chivers is just a jealous prick and that Poe may have been inspired, but in the lines compared there aren't enough similarities to call anyone a thief.

    I think one of the lines reads a bit like a rap diss, and this is the source of the 'plagiarism' accusation. Both poems are pretty good, but overall The Raven is a more interesting read while Chiver's poem comes across as melodramatic. The line about the broken egg is very lame and cheapens the whole thing.

    It's possible that Poe wrote The Raven drunk and simply forgot that he had read a similar poem at one point.

    What constitutes plagiarism to these old writers isn't enough to be considered plagiarism anymore. I would give Poe a pass for stealing these premises and changing plots and characters and expressions. Really just a premise for a poem or story isn't the actual plot or character motivation, or tone.

    Chiver's was jealous and angry about the way Poe, a more successful writer, borrowed ideas. That's my take on it. It could just be a coincidence though. You can't read everything published everywhere and have that background knowledge....

    • 11 months ago

      I was wrong about this somewhat. I think idk frick I hate being dumb.

      It turns out that Poe probably did borrow some ideas from Chivers but I mean idk I'm on a Poe thing lately I like Poe rn don't ruin my goth boi

  48. 11 months ago

    I don't know why it's controversial when people say that an author being israeli completely recontextualizes their work when even most israeli authors would agree that their israeliness is something they can only learn to deal with one way or another, but never something they can run away from. I mean I know it is because what the former group means by that is reading malice into every word a israelite says, but in a technical sense of there unavoidably being a significant recontextualization of what that author says in light of the knowledge of their israeliness, they are not wrong.

  49. 11 months ago

    Is he an accelerationist?

  50. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      hell ya bro ur getting me pumped LETS FRICKING GOOOO

    • 11 months ago

      KEK have you consider that maybe you don't like that? I kinda like those things, but I don't think I would enjoy working with it.

    • 11 months ago

      This but unironically
      You think this shit happens in a week?

  51. 11 months ago

    "Lesbians could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this bedroom before. There could be lesbians anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his waistcoated chest. "I HATE LESBIANS" he thought. Ave Maria reverberated his entire cranium, making it pulsate even as the £-/1s/6d wine circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of sapphistry after dark. "With a sword, you can murder any women you want" he said to himself, out loud.

  52. 11 months ago

    I should just start to serialize the first book of my big story online, and post it here on IQfy among other places.

    My main hesitation is that this would involve me releasing my real name onto IQfy, and I have always HATED namegayging and tripgayging. I have been on IQfy since 2007 and revealing my real name on here has always been a thing I have recoiled from. It is a betrayal of the spirit of the site.

    But I do think the average IQfy Anon would like what I'm writing. So what am I to do?

  53. 11 months ago

    Low key, but kinda high key, but mostly low key, I hate myself

  54. 11 months ago

    I don’t know where to move. My idiot brother makes everything so damn complicated.

  55. 11 months ago

    I never have anything to say
    I feel like I have no personality

    • 11 months ago

      You have a personality even if its a boring one.

    • 11 months ago

      You just have low social skills (like me). I talk with myself for hours at night without stop, but irl I feel like I'm the most boring human on earth

    • 11 months ago


      ok moreover i've finally escaped a four year long toxic relationship and i've never felt better in my entire life and i feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders

  56. 11 months ago

    The worst stuff one could find on the street used to be cigarette butts and dog crap, maybe a used condom if it was a parking lot next to a bar. The last thing I ever expected to see on my way back from the store is a purple dildo right next to a children's playground. It's not even a secluded spot.

  57. 11 months ago

    >talk with another human for 30 sec
    >mind goes blank so we stop talking and do our own thing
    >right after we stop talking my mind bursts with eloquent, thought-provoking dialogue we could have if my mind didn't sperg every time I talk with other human being
    I hate myself for this so much

    • 11 months ago

      That is how it goes when you don't "practice" enough conversations, you should stick to it and eventually you will "shake off" the "rust".

  58. 11 months ago

    Is cheating less severe if she has been doing it only with other women?

    I always knew she was bi and only dated girls before me. I'm the first and only guy she has been with and she keeps assuring me I'm the love of her life and that it was only sex with the other girls. She majorly broke down begging me not to leave her and the family/life we built and has been extremely controlling not wanting to leave me alone or go anywhere without her ever since.

    Could I have married a lesbian? If so why is she still so possessive over me? Do you think she really means it when she says stuff about me being the love of her life?

    • 11 months ago

      First of all, let me recommend the book Quicksand by Tanizaki.
      Second of all, she probably loves you but the only way is to see if she will let you frick other women. If she thinks she is allowed to but you are not then leave her. Or just frick whoever you want on the side. Use your will to power to take advantage of your situation and conquer both love and lust.

      • 11 months ago

        It's not that she's allowed to. She wants it to be just us.

        Honestly dude why are you even mad about this? Perfect setup for a 3 way

        Ive always known her as bi. Heck she only dated girls before me and I am the first and only guy she's been with.

        We've tried a 3some kn our youth a few times at her suggestion, it will start off good with them doing stuff to each other but as soon as I touch the other girl or the other girl would touch me she would freak out and put an end to it and be crying and stuff after . So much that she will stop being friends with that girl. She would get insanely jealous but then i find out it was her who would hook up with a girl here and there

        • 11 months ago

          Dude, run. Save your soul please.

        • 11 months ago

          I agree with

          Dude, run. Save your soul please.

          Run from here. Never come back to IQfy. Save yourself

    • 11 months ago

      Honestly dude why are you even mad about this? Perfect setup for a 3 way

    • 11 months ago

      She's doing it because she doesn't give a shit about you. Sorry, that's the hard truth. She isn't thinking about you when she's kissing those girls, and she's definitely doing more than what she's telling you. Cheating is still cheating. Who cares about a 3some I would dump her ass. Desperate people really go through that kind of and think it's okay, FRICK this is making me sick in my stomach.

      A good advice for the future I guess : don't waste your time dating bisexual Black folk with cheating tendencies (and even without). There are tons of normal women in this world and none of them would take kindly to that kind of shit. Don't let anyone gaslight you into thinking everyone has the right to intrude in your relationship. I sound like a redditor but you look like you need some help. I've been through that shit before. Never date bisexuals, never date horsegirls, never date girls with colored hair nor witches. You're welcome

  59. 11 months ago

    can one of you autists start a thread on hinduism/bhuddhism or whatever shankacharya nerd contest?
    i started reading bhaghavat ghita and have some questions for chapter 1 to 3.

    • 11 months ago

      I might be able to help but also maybe not what is your question?

  60. 11 months ago

    Today in my state is the first day where anyone regardless of "immigration status" can get a driver's license. They say that 100k more people will be driving this year. They also say it will make the roads safer.
    All I'm trying to figure out is what exactly is my "immigration status" and how much more money I can get for my ten year old car.

    • 11 months ago

      >All I'm trying to figure out is what exactly is my "immigration status"
      How do you not know? Are you a citizen or not?

  61. 11 months ago

    having the intelligence required to be aware that you’re unintelligent is painful. how do i cope with the fact that i’ll only ever be able to achieve mediocrity at best, that i’ll never be truly comprehend anything in this world? i’m doomed to the position of a glass jellyfish floating along the sea until i break. i would give anything to have a high iq

    • 11 months ago

      You are stupid. Just saying, if you were reasonably smart you would know that people around you who are "high iq" aren't that smart to begin with. They just happened to work towards doing those things. You act as if everything were the olympic games or something, when it is more like just a bunch of amateurs doing things. There is hardly any place for an "epic person" nowadays.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm going through this same thing right now. I am just now realizing I'm a midwit. I don't really have the aptitude for serious math or anything like the above capspost about computers or something.

      Although I think it may be a matter of interest. I think a lot of these famous philosophers are just saying stuff that I have thought independently at some point. Philosophy is like poetry though, it's a gentlemans' game and not an actual smart person thing.

  62. 11 months ago

    In the 1999 bombing of Serbia, why did the US (and perhaps France) decide to officially do it as "NATO"? Afaik, NATO's role is to counterattack once a member-state is attacked. No member state was attacked here.
    Or more generally, why are any of NATO's operations (or rather those not provoked by a member state getting attacked, so all that caused bloodshed so far) even called "NATO operations"? Why can't they just do it as "the US" or "the US with France"?
    Seems like this only gives NATO a bad name for no reason rather than anything.

  63. 11 months ago

    I’ve got some arrested development of the soul. I think I’m bipolar and might be brilliant. But I’m very sad.

  64. 11 months ago

    I hate myself for being a fool and believing in people just to be disappointed.

  65. 11 months ago

    I really like Adam Curtis.

  66. 11 months ago

    Six million really isn't that many.

  67. 11 months ago

    Am I bad person because my 30-something brother’s work embarasses me? He works in fast food and at stores like Wal-Mart, Target, etc.

    • 11 months ago

      What do you do? What do your parents do? How did he end up like this?

      • 11 months ago

        I’m a civil servant in the federal government. My father and mother are executives at small to medium sized companies, but my parents are divorced and it’s really just my mother who raised us. I don’t know how he ended up in this position. He didn’t go to college and basically just NEETed until he was about 25 or so. He ended up going back to school, but he’s just been sort of taking his time, taking semesters off here and there, that sort of thing, and worked odd jobs in between, mostly in fast food and retail like I described. He’s had some pretty severe health problems in the past so it doesn’t really bother me that he’s not a career hustler or even a college graduate yet. But this sort of work just seems so beneath him. He still lives with my parents and doesn’t even have to work. I’ve even moved back home just so he could come live with me if he wants more independence, totally rent free, cost free.

        • 11 months ago

          He is fricked

          • 11 months ago

            Do you mean he’s fricked in the long run or he’s fricked in the head because he does some dumb things. He’s definitely not long run fricked because he’s intelligent, will eventually have a bachelor’s and probably a graduate degree. He can also just rely on me if he wants to. I would happily support him. My only wish is that he had a larger sense of dignity for himself.

          • 11 months ago

            >My only wish is that he had a larger sense of dignity for himself
            This is really vague.

          • 11 months ago

            I think he’s better than some of the things he does and I wish he’d have the sense of self worth to choose for himself the higher things, the things that look better, and not do things that are undignified. Like I think working at McDonald’s can be a good job for some people but it would be sort of undignified for someone with means. Is that sort of elitist? Yeah, it is but that’s how I feel.

            Man my brothers suck. They havent even come to see their nieces and the older one is almost 4. He’s lucky to have you anon.

            I’m sorry to hear that. Most of my siblings are very close. But we went through a lot as well. So it’s not like it’s been all sunshine and rainbows for us.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah I hear that. Our shit was fricked too.

          • 11 months ago

            I’m sorry to hear it then. Maybe you could reach out? What’s your relationship with your parents like?

          • 11 months ago

            Its okay I guess. My mom was an alcoholic drug addict with severe bipolar disorder and my dad was simply a grumpy functioning alcoholic, very smart but unhappy. They each have good sides though so its whatever. My dads sick now and I should see him before he dies but I’m also a functioning alcoholic with two kids of my own now and havent found the time. My mom now raises my mentally moronic nephew in alabama. I talk to each of them sometimes but its been a while since Ive seen them.

          • 11 months ago

            I think one of the things that’s made maintaining a relationship with my siblings easy is that we’ve all committed to spending a lot of time with parents. I only see my father a few times per year, but my siblings see him all the time and we all see our mother all the time. It’s helped, I think, because that’s one tie that binds us all. Maybe you could consider some sort of family thing at your mother’s? I made it a point to live nearby but I think just regular visits might work. I’m sorry about your dad by the way. That sounds, well, hard.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah if I went to see my dad id see one of my brothers but he hates the other one more than anyone in the world so that’s also put me off the whole idea. Dont want to decide which one I make time to see. He also hates my mom (very understandably). My sisters just a leftist prostitute out in cali so no desire to see her. But we will see what happens at my dads funeral. It will be interesting to say the least. I’m sorry about your dad enabling your brother btw, I could have sworn you were my friends brother until you said siblings, plural in your last message to the other anon.

          • 11 months ago

            Well, all I can is this. There was a time where one or the other of us had bad blood for the other. But I noticed that when I started going around making amends and re-establishing relationships, the others followed suit. I think sometimes everyone I secretly hoping for the same thing but people just lack the courage or discipline to make it reality. If you can initiate it and make it so that it doesn’t take a lot of courage or effort, then it might happen. There are no guarantees at the end of the day though. Whatever you do, I would go see your dad before he dies if you haven’t recently. I evaded seeing someone like that before they died, and I’ll always regret that.

          • 11 months ago

            I saw in one of your other posts that your mum and dad divorced and you were raised mostly by mum.
            This is probably the heart of the issue. He may hate his dad, or not have anything worth aspiring to since his own family disintegrated. Or he never had a wise male figure in his life. Or he had a setback along with all of this underlying stuff and adding the two together is basically the perfect recipe for giving up on normie ambition.

            Are you a girl btw?

          • 11 months ago

            He actually has a fairly close relationship with dad now. So I don’t think that’s it. I think that may have been the case once, but not now. I think he partially does this sort of thing to sort of satisfy our father actually. I’m not a girl. I’m an adult man lol.

          • 11 months ago

            Whatever character flaws your dad has may influence his behavior. It seems like your dad was an ambitious guy since you said he's an executive. A lot of times sons do the opposite thing of their dads, and there isn't exactly logic to it, it just comes down to whether or not a son feels the need to model his own behavior after his father. If a father isn't worth modeling then the kid goes off to something else.
            A lot of it I think comes down to a lack of wisdom in from adults to children.

          • 11 months ago

            I definitely agree that is happening. I would not say he was ambitious, almost the opposite actually. His position can be explained largely as right place, right time, and simply holding on but that’s neither here nor there. I think he treats my brother like he’s a moron and encourages him to aim low, and I think this job is partially about satisfying his desire to just have a job, any job. My father is one of these old school boomers that thinks it’s wholesome and shows good work ethic for a young person to have shitty jobs (despite not having to do it himself) and he thinks my brother is mentally twenty I guess. I don’t resent my father for this, but I always point out the way he influences people. I’m very skeptical of my father’s influence and advice, and I suspect that’s one of the reasons I’ve had more success than my siblings.

          • 11 months ago

            Man my brothers suck. They havent even come to see their nieces and the older one is almost 4. He’s lucky to have you anon.

    • 11 months ago

      Me again.
      What makes you have the idea that you could be a bad person? Do you feel uneasy about judging him negatively?
      By normie standards you are in the right, but the question I have for you is whether or not you agree with normie standards.

  68. 11 months ago

    Why can't I get a job? I have two Bachelor's degrees, one in Neuroscience and the another in Computer Science. I have two years of experience in Data Science fields. I keep sending my resumes but am getting no job interviews. 1 year ago, I was getting far more job interviews. Is the tech field just fricked up? Also, my passion changed more to ecological conservation later in life.

    • 11 months ago

      >Computer Science
      >data analysis
      Language models have BTFOd you. My condolences.

      • 11 months ago

        Language models are made out of deep learning models. I have a lot of experience with deep learning, which a subfield of Data Science...

        • 11 months ago

          You are among the first to be replaced. Cope.

    • 11 months ago

      >Is the tech field just fricked up?
      The money is drying up, everyone is trying to run a skeleton crew. Job listings are kept up to keep their current employees from grumbling too much about being overworked, but a lot of the time they really have no intention of filling those positions.

    • 11 months ago

      Tech is fricked up. Where are your degrees from and what were your grades? With 2 years of experience, this might still matter in tech jobs.

      Is your bachelors biology with a neuro focus or is it really neuro? Have you considered going after the ecological thing?

      • 11 months ago

        >Where are your degrees from and what were your grades?
        In GA, Computer Science from KSU, and Neuroscience from GSU.
        >Is your bachelors biology with a neuro focus or is it really neuro?
        It is really Neuro.
        >Have you considered going after the ecological thing?
        I'm not sure if there are any job opportunities for that outside of academia.
        I did recently read an ornithology textbook in full and complete an online class for it.
        I can't move from my state because I am planning to inherit my dad's properties.

        I'm considering to go for a MBA in the future. Accounting and finance seem more stable than tech.

        • 11 months ago

          >Accounting and finance
          Holy shit bro how are you in data analytics and ml without knowing the first kinds of jobs on the butcher block?
          The highest paid and mostly easily replicated by llms are the first to go. It won't take them all sure, but there will be a massive contraction in highly paid data and financial analysis jobs in this decade.

        • 11 months ago

          I think an MBA would be a bad idea. I think you should do more research on the ecology/environmental thing. See if there’s anything sort of adjacent that you can do there. Not saying you should do it’s only that it’s worth investigating. But yeah, those are decent enough schools. It’s hard for me to say why you’re not getting jobs. Maybe you’re not casting a wide enough net. I would say financial services is about as stable as tech, but corporate finance is more stable. I work in finance now actually, but at a non-profit.

          • 11 months ago

            >I think you should do more research on the ecology/environmental thing
            morons do exist on IQfy then. Please cite one job that pays well in ecology.

            As for you,

            Why can't I get a job? I have two Bachelor's degrees, one in Neuroscience and the another in Computer Science. I have two years of experience in Data Science fields. I keep sending my resumes but am getting no job interviews. 1 year ago, I was getting far more job interviews. Is the tech field just fricked up? Also, my passion changed more to ecological conservation later in life.

            You're not getting a job because a Bachelor doesn't teach you anything, especially in Neuroscience. Also don't even think about doing a PhD if you aren't able to commit and willing to suffer years of getting unstable jobs. If you want a job you should focus on web development. Just take a few courses online or do a bootcamp and you'll be ready to go.

            I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. Almost fell for the science meme too with a Bachelor in Biochemistry. Ended up in unqualified jobs and fell into webdev, which is not what I wanted to do but is easy and pays well.

          • 11 months ago

            Said the moron. Try reading the whole reply. I specifically said I’m not saying you should do that but it would be worth researching.

          • 11 months ago

            Then don't say it. It doesn't take a genius to know ecology is a dead end, why would you waste somebody's time? I understand where you are coming from but it's still baffling that you wrote something you knew was fruitless and still kept it. Science is dead and only the rich and the incredibly tenacious can get a job in the industry.

          • 11 months ago

            If it’s really his deepest interest, he’s doing himself a disservice by not thoroughly investigating possibilities. My brother is an environmental scientist btw. I don’t know anything about the field but it seemed to have worked out for him so it must be possible.

  69. 11 months ago

    Damn. The Tates and the Daily Wire people made cigar smoking cringey. I have to find a new vice.

    • 11 months ago

      You could always switch to pipe tobacco lol

      I’m a civil servant in the federal government. My father and mother are executives at small to medium sized companies, but my parents are divorced and it’s really just my mother who raised us. I don’t know how he ended up in this position. He didn’t go to college and basically just NEETed until he was about 25 or so. He ended up going back to school, but he’s just been sort of taking his time, taking semesters off here and there, that sort of thing, and worked odd jobs in between, mostly in fast food and retail like I described. He’s had some pretty severe health problems in the past so it doesn’t really bother me that he’s not a career hustler or even a college graduate yet. But this sort of work just seems so beneath him. He still lives with my parents and doesn’t even have to work. I’ve even moved back home just so he could come live with me if he wants more independence, totally rent free, cost free.

      Do you mean he’s fricked in the long run or he’s fricked in the head because he does some dumb things. He’s definitely not long run fricked because he’s intelligent, will eventually have a bachelor’s and probably a graduate degree. He can also just rely on me if he wants to. I would happily support him. My only wish is that he had a larger sense of dignity for himself.

      Some people just don't have ambition. Nothing wrong with that. But also he might want to work these crappy jobs so he feels like he's contributing in some way, or just to pass the time in a 'productive' manner. I have an acquaintance who comes from a lot of money, he doesn't have to work at all, his mom just pays his rent and everything else. Yet he drifts between these shitty cashier and food delivery jobs that wouldn't cover his expenses anyway. I think it's just something to do, a way to kill 8 hours every day that he would otherwise probably just spend making himself miserable on the internet. I also suspect he doesn't want his parents to know how much money he spends on booze and kratom

      • 11 months ago

        I can respect that somewhat. I actually talked to him about it and he says he likes it and wants to do it, at least for a little while. He’s his own person and can make his own decisions, so I’ve reconciled that this is something he’s doing and I don’t really need to understand his motives. I’m more concerned about my own feelings about it. I find it somewhat embarrassing and I worry that makes me a bad brother or bad person generally.

      • 11 months ago

        I can imagine that the celebrities of pipe tobacco are even cringier. Zoomers came for vapes. Fedoras came for pipes. Now the red pillers and coninc are coming for cigars. Cigarettes are that’s left.

        • 11 months ago

          You should care less about this sort of thing and focus more on the actual experience of smoking. When I smoked a pipe I loved the ritual as well as the buzz. Didn't really care that some neckbeard in a fedora and cape did it cuz it fit his steampunk gentleman aesthetic or whatever. When it comes to vices they should be pursued for their absolute pleasure rather than any social or aesthetic considerations.

  70. 11 months ago

    So is the immediate post high school experience a societal filter? Like, the ages 18 to 23 determine whether or not a person is fit to partake in society

    • 11 months ago

      In large part yes. I sometimes wish I hadn't gone bald in this time period. Maybe things would have worked out better.

    • 11 months ago

      Definitely not. But your twenties generally might be. I’m not sure.

    • 11 months ago

      Part of growing up is figuring out who you are, what’s important, what sort of life is worthwhile, and where in broader society you belong. You’re pretty much just figuring that out until your late twenties at least. The chances that you have some certitude about that especially in modern times is basically zero. So no, it’s definitely not the determinant period and it’s certainly not going through a filter so much as it’s you building your filter. When you’re young, everyone wants the same thing. That’s why it appears otherwise. But that’s a symptom of youth and not age-independent objectivity.

    • 11 months ago

      Maybe 50 years ago? Now they go by in a flash and and most people are still mentally children "figuring things out" by 30+ or 35+. Most people also go into massive debt during that period now.

      If you hit 25 with anything like a 60k+ USD income and reasonable career options/room to grow, plus minimal debt, you've won at life by today's standards. The only real ways to fail miserably are debt, not setting yourself up for success going into your late 20s (still "deciding on a career" or "getting a second degree" type shit), and wasting all your time on ephemeral socializing/relationship garbage or attaching yourself to dead weight sorts of people.

      If I were that age I would just prioritize getting skills that are useful in any economic situation, ideally multiple skillsets, and establishing myself in some business or industry, while avoiding parasites and immature behavior. I would mostly not care about sex or dating, but put myself out there as best I can without sacrificing my dignity, even if that meant long periods without sex. I'd probably also go to an occasional escort or strip club with my excess money though. I'd also learn two languages, work out moderately but consistently, and purge bad habits like using social media, Youtube, watching trash TV shows and movies just to have something to do, almost all video games (some rare exceptions can be made if you really love certain things), etc. I'd start attending church regularly and take up at least one outdoor and/or physical hobby. Stop eating any processed foods except once a week, and if you can't cook, at least invest $200 in an Instant Pot, blender, maybe an air fryer, and learn to prepare basic meat and potatoes meals and fruit/vegetable smoothies with frozen berries when you are fiending for sugar.

      You can always bounce back in your later 20s but the idea is to minimize the amount of damage you do to yourself during 18-23. Financial and career security prevents stress and multiplies options, eating well and socializing and exercising to a reasonable degree decreases stress and multiplies options, and not cultivating bad habits or shitty hobbies (addictions and coping mechanisms) makes it so you don't have to deprogram yourself later. You can do all this and still be a IQfy autist. Detox yourself from electronics and internet addiction and train yourself to enjoy reading and learning now. Get a hands-on hobby that involves "doing projects," something you like that also has profit potential, like engineering, coding, or learning languages or researching subjects. If you can get pussy great, if you can't don't sweat it.

      • 11 months ago

        I disagree with you on the still deciding on a career part. I agree that jumping from degree to degree, career path to career path is a huge mistake but only because careers are more or less dead for everyone under 35. I certainly don’t agree that a second degree is a huge mistake if it’s low cost or free. Considering there is basically nothing at all to do, you may as well spend your twenties as a student. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to go to school until I was twenty-five, maybe thirty, and only leave to do a stint in the military so it’s even cheaper and more beneficial than it would’ve been otherwise. Now, obviously that’s not good advice for everyone but for many I think it would be.

        • 11 months ago


          I agree with you as long as you're 100% sure it's right for you and you know the risks. Being an eternal student has a lot of hidden downsides, obviously financial ones, but there's also opportunity cost, and know tons of people who used it as an excuse not to experience life. It's very very situational, it's kind of like joining the military actually, where it can be advisable for people who know how to game it, but for a lot of people (normies and non-normies alike) they should NEVER be advised to do it because it will game them instead.

          But yeah I agree if you are some kind of bohemian with really good self-discipline, and you can get a series of universities to pay you to do shit you want to do anyway, go for it. Just remember you're messing with a monster whose whole raison d'etre is lulling people like you into a false sense of security and absorbing them.

          I also agree, nothing wrong with getting a second degree if it's actually smart. I think I said above, you can always bounce back, it's just ideal not to have to. Also it's like I was just saying now, there are lots of people who go back and get a 2-year degree in web design or coding and still suck at web design and coding at the end of it, and it turns out all they were doing is soothing their panic about being a loser by being "back in school" for 2 years (that went by in a flash), and now all they are is deeper in debt. So it's all situational.

          I think my biggest regret at 24 years old is my failures in academics. I wish I had lived a student lifestyle from 18 to 23. I'm starting my junior year of university, pursuing a philosophy degree of all things. I have to commute to the campus and work part time to sustain my self. It leaves me no time to really do anything. I wish I could live on the campus, be around people my own age, join clubs, and just do all that stupid shit. And then at 22 or 23 I could start some kind of post graduate education that would actually set me up for life.
          I feel like I missed out on a lot by dropping out to start low paid, full time work at 21. And then having the pandemic make it even worse. I feel so stunted and behind in life.

          That being said, I do know people who did exactly that and are now miserable office drones, dead inside at only 26 or 27. Maybe I was right to abscond from the formula to figure myself out, but I feel a void regardless.

          Like I am saying just above, I think it's all situational. College at this point is extended high school, and postgrad is extended extended high school for rich kids. 95% of the people doing it shouldn't be doing it and they certainly don't learn anything from it. There is no "college experience," most of these people report being depressed and a surprising number of them report being celibate.

          I think a lot of autists make the mistake of comparing themselves to normies whose only option in life, as generally non-thoughtful people, is to "enjoy youth while it lasts" and then to live forever in the shadow of their early 20s as a fatter older slower stupider version of their 21 year old self. That is not a life worth envying, most of them are hopelessly drifting at best, some succeed by sheer luck, but even many of the "success stories" still end up paying triple alimony or working themselves to death in a dead end job just to afford a new car or pool because they don't know what else to do. A lot of these people did everything right on paper, with X milestone by age Y, and A milestone by age B, with all the right accolades and accreditations, etc., only to be thrust into the open ocean as the reward for playing life's tutorial level immaculately, and then getting immediately devoured. Most people slump into a kind of unconscious recapitulation of their 20s after 30, whether it's seeking accolades or prestige, or money for the sake of money or as a proxy of prestige, etc.

          • 11 months ago

            I really don’t think you’re messing with a monster. The typical 30-something has basically some savings and some investments but a lot of debt and thus a negative net worth. The picture is even more grim for a 20-something. The small minority that have anything positive have minimal savings and investments. So on the path, I suggested, you’re more or less the same as long as you avoid the debt as much as possible. That is the single biggest problem for 20-something’s in my opinion. There is basically nothing for them to do. No good jobs, certainly no careers, no political offices, a destroyed economy, and since culture is dead or dominated by progressive baby boomers there’s nothing for young people to do outside of the military and universities anyway. I’ve had a “good” career from about 23 to 30, but when I look back on it, I realize it was just a waste of time. There was no reason to be serious until I was the age I am now.

          • 11 months ago

            I agree with you I think, and I'm even more pessimistic. I think you should do shit like try to get EU citizenship, if you have something like a grandparent from Ireland (or whatever the requirement is). Maximize your ability to bug out of regions and ideally whole continents if you can. Cultivate a minimum level of worldliness, learn to drive even if you live in a city with good transit (tip, take lessons in a more rural area and just never drive in the city). Do a road trip once or twice, learn how to rent a van, do your own moving once or twice and minimize reliance on others, master your finances early, avoid debt at all costs unless you have an exceptionally good reason.

            I think whole regions are going to become no-go zones in the next 10-20 years. Also as you get older, things like the fact that the best neighborhood in "your" city is still a fricking shithole and every package sent to you gets either stolen or damaged by the moronic post office etc. starts to grate on you more. A big part of my above advice is just maximizing your ability to CHOOSE where you live. Simply not having to commute anymore was the difference between suicide and happiness for some people in my family.

            He's very clearly talking about the boring, near meaningless social interactions and functions you typically have with the vast majority of people, not actual social connections that exist with true friends and family members. And I agree with that sentiment: at some poiny t, it becomes very clear that you can't be friends with most people if you don't share goals and values in life in addition to interests. So why bother with empty interactions and not just focus on people who are like minded and love you for who you actually are, not who they think you are or what they can get from you.

            I'm in a similar situation as well at 27. I'm honestly praying for a like-minded posse like I had in high school and undergrad and a woman that I'm interested in not only in terms of physical attraction, but also meshing well with her mentally and in terms of life goals and values. I'm only here to do my EE Ph.D but it's so fricking lonely here. Thankfully, I am able to find some people to talk to here and there but I wish I could talk to them more often though.

            Also yep this exactly, thanks for clarifying what I meant. Ultimately it's like I said above about skillful coping: if you are the kind of person who DOES enjoy hanging out with grungy bohemians forever, by all means do it. But know what you're doing.

          • 11 months ago

            Honest to God, dude. I think there are only 4 things worth doing when you’re young. Those are school, military service, some sort of physically hard job outdoors, and just being an impoverished bohemian poet or artist or the like. Everything else is a waste of time. Yeah, it would be good to get EU citizenship or whatever, but that’s not really like an essential thing in my opinion.

      • 11 months ago

        >you've won at life
        Can you tell me more about this

        • 11 months ago

          You are never stunted or behind in life as long as you 1) treat your mind and your body like a temple, with due respect, so that you become the best meaning-pursuer you can be (mens sana in corpore sano), 2) adorn the temple by cultivating thoughtfulness and mindfulness, so that you become the best meaning-detector/meaning-finder you can be, and 3) when your meaning finally dawns on you bringing it into your temple and beginning your real adult vocation. #3 almost never happens in your 20s (except retrospectively, when you look back and see how all your searching was leading up to it, sometimes even by searching in the wrong directions entirely), and it can happen very late too, but when it does happen, the most satisfying thing is when #1 and #2 "flowed into" it naturally. A lot of living well in your 20s is just "if you build it, they will come."

          tldr freedom is everything past a certain age and as you get older you realize the world is not a clear-cut game-board, with set rules and paths and milestones, but a jungle made up of overlapping territories staked out by hostile entities, with messy, conflicting, and overlapping rulesets, and plenty of traps, and dead rulesets that don't even serve a specific entity anymore but have taken on lives of their own by ensnaring/enslaving people who then perpetuate them. If you can maximize your ability to "cope skillfully" (phronesis + sophrosyne) with all aspects of life, come what may, you can survive and thrive by selectively engaging with only the games and territories you want to engage with, or relocating altogether. The more of your inner life that is "conditioned" by reflexes and assumptions, the more susceptible you are to being ensnared by and absorbed into some game somewhere, like being a lawyer BECAUSE you want to prove your dad wrong that you're a loser / you feel like you're stunted and "5 years behind" the "other people" / etc.

          Some of the most sobering and sometimes most depressing moments in life come when you base your life decisions on certain assumptions, not even consciously but (for example) just on the unconscious feeling of "I'm older than everyone here; I'm a loser; all these other people are hitting their milestones before I am; I'm always playing catch-up...", mental images of yourself on a scale or timeline "behind" other people, and then five or ten years go by and you're committed to the decisions you made and the person you've become, and suddenly all the people against whom you were comparing yourself start to do things that defy your own world-interpretation. Like they start doing second and third degrees, or unwisely taking years off and stagnating, or simply dropping out of the game altogether to get married, or accepting a lower quality of life (but probably being happier for it).

          • 11 months ago

            (5/5) I fricked up it isn't 6. Sorry for longposting, I ended up writing things I wish I had heard when I was younger.

            And you realize, I over-committed to being the top dog at the law firm BECAUSE I thought I was competing with Steve and Steve somehow knew this; but Steve just revealed how little he cared, how little "competing" with me he ever really was to begin with; etc. Or you realize you did all this to spite your dad but he never really thought that way about you - or he dies and the spite actually prevented your reconciliation - or you simply matured more as a person, and realized that your dad was the loser, but now it's too late to undo the things you did to spite him.

            The more "robust" you are spiritually, the more sophrosyne and phronesis you have, the more you can fold all the things you learn and the opportunities that come up into your internal dialectic of "living well," and the more easily you can smash through or navigate around obstacles or recover from a nasty fall when it happens. Little things add up - getting a pizza every night for a year because you were depressed and couldn't cook savory food for yourself because you didn't do the bare minimum to learn how to cook ground beef in a skillet; gaining 20 pounds because of this; coming to "identify" as a chubby guy because of this, and always feeling self-loathing when you see yourself naked; missing out on an opportunity to go to the beach with those new friends; missing the opportunity to meet that girl; etc. etc.

            You'll never know how your life trajectory was changed because you couldn't just cook up some ground beef and throw it on some mashed potatoes when you were depressed and needed something hearty - you'll never know how that self-loathing of seeing all those dirty pizza boxes in your apartment seeped into your unconscious image of yourself, how it made you unconsciously identify as a loser, which made you self-deprecate more and hang out with a certain set of self-deprecating losers more, etc., etc. Conversely, the more maluses you avoid and the more bonuses you have, the more opportunities will exponentially pile upon opportunities and odd little things will happen. Little shit matters and adds up, like always assuming you'll run into an old friend and want to put your best foot forward whenever you go out.

            >If you should put even a little on a little and should do this often, soon this would become big.

            >At harvest time, at the most priceless time, collect like a slave girl, eat like a queen; my son, to collect like a slave girl, to eat like a queen, this is how it should be.
            Instructions of Shuruppag

      • 11 months ago

        This shit is so formulaic. It reads like one of those “how to be an alpha male” YouTube channels. Life isn’t a to-do list or a race, guys.

      • 11 months ago

        I don't know man.
        The past years I've done a lot of what you advised. Dropped gaming, stopped smoking weed, go to the gym regularly, stop eating sneed oils and most other trash etc etc.
        I am not at all convinced this made my life better (except for the gym).
        I'm not even sure I'm happier now than when I was smoking weed and playing some video game multiplayer till late at night.
        Now I'm a boring homosexual who goes to bed on time and I'm pretty much straight edge.

        • 11 months ago

          Because all that self-improvement red piller shit is only half true. Yeah, you don’t want to be a slave to porn and alcohol or video games. But if you don’t have something worthwhile to spend your precious finite moments on, it’s all for nought. The only thing you should focus on when you’re young is figuring out what you want to do.

          • 11 months ago

            >The only thing you should focus on when you’re young is figuring out what you want to do.
            Big disagree. The only thing you should focus on at that age is finding an older person who is wise enough to guide you.

          • 11 months ago

            Good luck with that. That’s a hopeless endeavor in my opinion. The most admirable people I know are loners and never had any mentor at all. The whole “get a mentor” thing is imo red piller trash. None of those people had mentors, so any mentoring, or are even admirable. When it’s not coming from them, it’s advice people repeat basically because they heard it but have no experience with it themselves.

          • 11 months ago

            Okay then keep telling young people to figure out what they want and assume that this exact advise doesn't lead to an existential crisism.
            Just keep assuming things friendo. It seems to have worked for you.

          • 11 months ago

            You’re going to have to decide what to do with your finite life. There’s no way around it. My advice was to simply realize this earlier rather than later.

          • 11 months ago

            >My advice was to simply realize this
            You are taking on a mentor role, offering advice, and this is the exact thing you said should be avoided. You called it red pill bullshit.
            I said he should spend that time finding a wise person to be guided by. Without this anon will spend his 20s and 30s bouncing around to all of the different people offering advice because there is plenty of this. All I'm saying is spend time looking irl for one because they are hard to come by.

          • 11 months ago

            A single tidbit of anonymous advice does not make for a mentor. I can agree at least that finding a wise person to receive advice from would be good. I just don’t think that’s likely. Keep a look out sure. Don’t have a nice day looking.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not even that young, 28 now.
            But I think people often forget that it's worthwhile to enjoy yourself. For me I pretty much did what the standard advise would be. However my life has not improved for it. Maybe I need a gf again. I've dated the past few months and it's fricking grim out there. I'm at a loss what to do. Financially I'll be fine but with everything else I'm lost.

          • 11 months ago

            28 is young, but sure fun is important. What I’m talking about isn’t really fun per se though. The only descriptor I can offer is “worthwhile”. Worthwhile things are sometimes fun but not always. Sometimes they’re very not fun. I think this is partly the problem. A lot of guys wake up to this “I did everything I was supposed to do and I don’t feel good thing” and so they switch to doing what they want, or what’s fun rather than what they thought they had to do. While it is important to fit those in, they should really ask what’s worthwhile over what’s fun.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not sure what's worthwhile then.
            The only things I would still want is
            >financial independence
            >starting a family
            Both are hard and the latter locks you into a mode of living so limiting, there's no way back.
            I don't know, I'll continue trying to find a worthwhile girl but other than that I'm clueless.
            All I know is life has been less fun by doing the 'right' things.
            I miss being a degenerate and playing video games all night while high with friends.

        • 11 months ago

          The key difference between your life now and your life if you were a fat prediabetic frick addicted to watching streamers comment on other streamers' drama about eachothers' commentary on a video essay about the brilliance of Elden Ring's gay bathhouse level design, is that you are not mired in spiritual filth and disease and you can choose any path from here, while the fat moronic version of yourself who needs streamer friend simulation to fall asleep can barely wake up on time to be at a job interview. To be healthy in a sick time is not in itself happiness, because you're still surrounded by decay and suffering, but it is at least a precondition of getting the frick out of bad situations and trying to find the rare good ones that still exist. Even just the ability to relocate from an economically dying area is a huge asset at this point, let alone the ability to responsibility put a down payment on a property during an opportune moment in the housing market, and then re-sell if you change your mind later and move on to something else. These things are going to become much much more important in the coming decade.

          As you get older you will realize that financial security and general mental/physical wellbeing are the difference between a single bad year, or bad couple of years, wiping you out for good, and them sliding off of you like water off a duck's back. Maybe your destiny is to be an itinerant artist who rides out his society's death throes and writes a great novel or memoir about it, or maybe it's to open a bookstore that barely breaks a profit but becomes a fixture of your local community and leaves you spiritually satisfied, or maybe you'll drop everything and join a Trappist order, or maybe you'll fall in love with a woman and, to your own surprise more than anyone else's, simply become an amazing dad and family man when you're 31, the kind of guy who moves to Alaska with his family and builds their first home with his own hands.

          Either way, being able to just DO what you want to do, because you CAN make that down payment, get that initial capital, afford the moving/setup costs, afford to take the time off to work on an initially unprofitable idea, or simply afford enough downtime and enough vacations to not go mad, is more than most people can claim these days.

          The rest is up to you obviously - there are plenty of regretful family men, failed businesses etc. out there. But being able to bounce back from such mistakes/downturns and not be defined by them is also vital. There are people who can walk away from a divorce or a failed business and say "well, what now?" with basic optimism and their sense of freedom and possibility still intact, and then there are people (the majority) who kill themselves or stay in dead end scenarios forever because there is no other option.

          • 11 months ago

            The latter types tend to accumulate more problems the deeper they get, like marrying a terrible person to get over the previous bad marriage or developing an alcohol or drug problem just to cope.

            Ultimately you won't know who you are or what you want to do as a man until you're 30+. The one thing you can do until then, that is universally valid for all young men, is maximize your options and minimize the amount of dead weight around your neck. Honestly just being able to drive a car is an asset most people take for granted. I know people whose whole life trajectories were changed by this small thing, if they had just been able to rent a car once every two weeks for the first few months while getting set up somewhere, their whole lives would have been different. Think of it his way: being a fat frick or a depressed pothead or a "gifted underachiever" etc. is going to kill as many opportunities, and cause as many life trajectory changes, as not being able to drive is. And the more maluses you have attached to you, and the fewer bonuses, the more doors will be closed when you finally get to them - which is almost always going to be in your 30s.

            You have to find meaning beyond this of course. That's why I say to do lots of reading and learning, and have hobbies that require you to do projects and meet people, because these will develop your innate tendencies and talents into things that flower around the same time your resources and personal freedom reach a critical mass. You don't want to finally find out your destiny is to do something which you now need to wait 3 more years to do because you're not in the right financial/physical condition for it.

            I know someone who makes $150k a year doing work from home shit he phones in for a couple hours a day, but his real mission in life is pioneering some new kind of math technique I don't understand, and he has a whole community built up around him that also cares about this. And this is just the first "phase," you can tell he sees this as just the beginning of a larger mission. But he also went through slumps where he didn't know what his calling was, or forgot it and got discouraged. If he had developed drug problems or become fat and unhealthy in those times, he might have missed the boat when it did arrive / when it came back around for him.

            But also there are a lot of people out there who are just going to hit 35 and realize "you know, I was an angsty guy when I was 20, but I've got a wife and kids, I've got a cottage, I've got these things I love doing and people I love seeing every weekend, this is just fine, if this is what living is and this is my baseline, I could do it." For those normies or surprise late-bloomer normies, it's best to have realization and then look at themselves in the mirror and see an already healthy, happy, fit, well-adjusted guy, with no neuroses and personality disorders and no addictions to cope with.

          • 11 months ago

            I was not fat and I did not watch video essays of games.
            I did not have 'streamer friends', I had actual friends I knew irl who I was playing games with.
            I always had a job even while smoking weed and gaming. I woke up at 05:00 to do physical labor.
            Your tl;dr story would be better if you didn't make up facts about me.
            Not reading your second one, learn to be more concise.

          • 11 months ago

            I was talking about a hypothetical "you," as in the impersonal pronoun. If you're the sort of person for whom this isn't clear from the context, not much else I can say. Maybe stop smoking weed.

            That you jump right to people "making up facts about you (personally)" is odd. Why/how would I do that? I don't know you. It's just generic advice for average cases. You're entitled to disagree with it, or read/not read it, like any other person.

          • 11 months ago

            The latter types tend to accumulate more problems the deeper they get, like marrying a terrible person to get over the previous bad marriage or developing an alcohol or drug problem just to cope.

            Ultimately you won't know who you are or what you want to do as a man until you're 30+. The one thing you can do until then, that is universally valid for all young men, is maximize your options and minimize the amount of dead weight around your neck. Honestly just being able to drive a car is an asset most people take for granted. I know people whose whole life trajectories were changed by this small thing, if they had just been able to rent a car once every two weeks for the first few months while getting set up somewhere, their whole lives would have been different. Think of it his way: being a fat frick or a depressed pothead or a "gifted underachiever" etc. is going to kill as many opportunities, and cause as many life trajectory changes, as not being able to drive is. And the more maluses you have attached to you, and the fewer bonuses, the more doors will be closed when you finally get to them - which is almost always going to be in your 30s.

            You have to find meaning beyond this of course. That's why I say to do lots of reading and learning, and have hobbies that require you to do projects and meet people, because these will develop your innate tendencies and talents into things that flower around the same time your resources and personal freedom reach a critical mass. You don't want to finally find out your destiny is to do something which you now need to wait 3 more years to do because you're not in the right financial/physical condition for it.

            I know someone who makes $150k a year doing work from home shit he phones in for a couple hours a day, but his real mission in life is pioneering some new kind of math technique I don't understand, and he has a whole community built up around him that also cares about this. And this is just the first "phase," you can tell he sees this as just the beginning of a larger mission. But he also went through slumps where he didn't know what his calling was, or forgot it and got discouraged. If he had developed drug problems or become fat and unhealthy in those times, he might have missed the boat when it did arrive / when it came back around for him.

            But also there are a lot of people out there who are just going to hit 35 and realize "you know, I was an angsty guy when I was 20, but I've got a wife and kids, I've got a cottage, I've got these things I love doing and people I love seeing every weekend, this is just fine, if this is what living is and this is my baseline, I could do it." For those normies or surprise late-bloomer normies, it's best to have realization and then look at themselves in the mirror and see an already healthy, happy, fit, well-adjusted guy, with no neuroses and personality disorders and no addictions to cope with.

            You are never stunted or behind in life as long as you 1) treat your mind and your body like a temple, with due respect, so that you become the best meaning-pursuer you can be (mens sana in corpore sano), 2) adorn the temple by cultivating thoughtfulness and mindfulness, so that you become the best meaning-detector/meaning-finder you can be, and 3) when your meaning finally dawns on you bringing it into your temple and beginning your real adult vocation. #3 almost never happens in your 20s (except retrospectively, when you look back and see how all your searching was leading up to it, sometimes even by searching in the wrong directions entirely), and it can happen very late too, but when it does happen, the most satisfying thing is when #1 and #2 "flowed into" it naturally. A lot of living well in your 20s is just "if you build it, they will come."

            tldr freedom is everything past a certain age and as you get older you realize the world is not a clear-cut game-board, with set rules and paths and milestones, but a jungle made up of overlapping territories staked out by hostile entities, with messy, conflicting, and overlapping rulesets, and plenty of traps, and dead rulesets that don't even serve a specific entity anymore but have taken on lives of their own by ensnaring/enslaving people who then perpetuate them. If you can maximize your ability to "cope skillfully" (phronesis + sophrosyne) with all aspects of life, come what may, you can survive and thrive by selectively engaging with only the games and territories you want to engage with, or relocating altogether. The more of your inner life that is "conditioned" by reflexes and assumptions, the more susceptible you are to being ensnared by and absorbed into some game somewhere, like being a lawyer BECAUSE you want to prove your dad wrong that you're a loser / you feel like you're stunted and "5 years behind" the "other people" / etc.

            Some of the most sobering and sometimes most depressing moments in life come when you base your life decisions on certain assumptions, not even consciously but (for example) just on the unconscious feeling of "I'm older than everyone here; I'm a loser; all these other people are hitting their milestones before I am; I'm always playing catch-up...", mental images of yourself on a scale or timeline "behind" other people, and then five or ten years go by and you're committed to the decisions you made and the person you've become, and suddenly all the people against whom you were comparing yourself start to do things that defy your own world-interpretation. Like they start doing second and third degrees, or unwisely taking years off and stagnating, or simply dropping out of the game altogether to get married, or accepting a lower quality of life (but probably being happier for it).

            (5/5) I fricked up it isn't 6. Sorry for longposting, I ended up writing things I wish I had heard when I was younger.

            And you realize, I over-committed to being the top dog at the law firm BECAUSE I thought I was competing with Steve and Steve somehow knew this; but Steve just revealed how little he cared, how little "competing" with me he ever really was to begin with; etc. Or you realize you did all this to spite your dad but he never really thought that way about you - or he dies and the spite actually prevented your reconciliation - or you simply matured more as a person, and realized that your dad was the loser, but now it's too late to undo the things you did to spite him.

            The more "robust" you are spiritually, the more sophrosyne and phronesis you have, the more you can fold all the things you learn and the opportunities that come up into your internal dialectic of "living well," and the more easily you can smash through or navigate around obstacles or recover from a nasty fall when it happens. Little things add up - getting a pizza every night for a year because you were depressed and couldn't cook savory food for yourself because you didn't do the bare minimum to learn how to cook ground beef in a skillet; gaining 20 pounds because of this; coming to "identify" as a chubby guy because of this, and always feeling self-loathing when you see yourself naked; missing out on an opportunity to go to the beach with those new friends; missing the opportunity to meet that girl; etc. etc.

            You'll never know how your life trajectory was changed because you couldn't just cook up some ground beef and throw it on some mashed potatoes when you were depressed and needed something hearty - you'll never know how that self-loathing of seeing all those dirty pizza boxes in your apartment seeped into your unconscious image of yourself, how it made you unconsciously identify as a loser, which made you self-deprecate more and hang out with a certain set of self-deprecating losers more, etc., etc. Conversely, the more maluses you avoid and the more bonuses you have, the more opportunities will exponentially pile upon opportunities and odd little things will happen. Little shit matters and adds up, like always assuming you'll run into an old friend and want to put your best foot forward whenever you go out.

            >If you should put even a little on a little and should do this often, soon this would become big.

            >At harvest time, at the most priceless time, collect like a slave girl, eat like a queen; my son, to collect like a slave girl, to eat like a queen, this is how it should be.
            Instructions of Shuruppag

            10/10 word salad, will read when sober.

      • 11 months ago

        I disagree with you on the still deciding on a career part. I agree that jumping from degree to degree, career path to career path is a huge mistake but only because careers are more or less dead for everyone under 35. I certainly don’t agree that a second degree is a huge mistake if it’s low cost or free. Considering there is basically nothing at all to do, you may as well spend your twenties as a student. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to go to school until I was twenty-five, maybe thirty, and only leave to do a stint in the military so it’s even cheaper and more beneficial than it would’ve been otherwise. Now, obviously that’s not good advice for everyone but for many I think it would be.

        I think my biggest regret at 24 years old is my failures in academics. I wish I had lived a student lifestyle from 18 to 23. I'm starting my junior year of university, pursuing a philosophy degree of all things. I have to commute to the campus and work part time to sustain my self. It leaves me no time to really do anything. I wish I could live on the campus, be around people my own age, join clubs, and just do all that stupid shit. And then at 22 or 23 I could start some kind of post graduate education that would actually set me up for life.
        I feel like I missed out on a lot by dropping out to start low paid, full time work at 21. And then having the pandemic make it even worse. I feel so stunted and behind in life.

        That being said, I do know people who did exactly that and are now miserable office drones, dead inside at only 26 or 27. Maybe I was right to abscond from the formula to figure myself out, but I feel a void regardless.

        • 11 months ago

          You probably were, but I think it’s important to note that this uniformity and progression oriented sort of life that is so common in modern times is historically abnormal. Life isn’t an industrial process on a conveyor belt (like at phase 1 you have to do stage A and at phase 2 you have to do stage B) so you shouldn’t beat yourself up for not pretending like it is.

        • 11 months ago

          Comparison is the death of Joy my friend, just keep walking your path. I'm an older student myself who got screwed by the pandemic as well, lost someone dear to me during that time and had to repeat a year and differ for another. Feel stunted as well. I try to embrace the void as best I can but it gets too damn cold sometimes.

      • 11 months ago

        >and wasting all your time on ephemeral socializing/relationship garbage
        Yeah at the moment of death everyone wishes they spent more time on the grind instead of with their friends and family

        • 11 months ago

          He's very clearly talking about the boring, near meaningless social interactions and functions you typically have with the vast majority of people, not actual social connections that exist with true friends and family members. And I agree with that sentiment: at some poiny t, it becomes very clear that you can't be friends with most people if you don't share goals and values in life in addition to interests. So why bother with empty interactions and not just focus on people who are like minded and love you for who you actually are, not who they think you are or what they can get from you.

          I actually live in a college town. I almost feel like it’s worse than a small town sometimes. I like it here and the people really important to me are here, but I’ll never get those things here. Are you going to leave?

          I'm in a similar situation as well at 27. I'm honestly praying for a like-minded posse like I had in high school and undergrad and a woman that I'm interested in not only in terms of physical attraction, but also meshing well with her mentally and in terms of life goals and values. I'm only here to do my EE Ph.D but it's so fricking lonely here. Thankfully, I am able to find some people to talk to here and there but I wish I could talk to them more often though.

          • 11 months ago

            >So why bother with empty interactions and not just focus on people who are like minded and love you for who you actually are, not who they think you are or what they can get from you
            The guy I responded to only talked about making money and "developing skills." In my experience, you're much more likely to meet people who only see you as a means to an end when you approach life in such a way.

            I think a lot about what I want to do, but I always end up wanting to do so much that it’s overwhelming and I do nothing. That, and money is always prohibitive.

            I got a little miffed hearing RFK on JRE talk about how he just decided to become a high powered environmental lawyer after spending his entire youth on drugs and working on fishing rigs. I mean, the guy got arrested for drug possession and didn’t even go to jail. I guess you can do that when you’re American aristocracy. And this idiot probably attributes his success and privilege to being white.

            Don't be fricking moronic. He's a Kennedy, he knows what that means.

          • 11 months ago

            I think you’d be surprised at how susceptible these people are to elite narratives. “It’s not because you’re a Kennedy. It’s because you’re white” or at least “…because you’re a Kennedy and white” is something someone from his circles is totally likely to believe.

  71. 11 months ago

    Taking my university's title IX sexual violence training. I'm learning a lot about how to be sexually violent

    • 11 months ago
  72. 11 months ago

    Does anyone know of any good YouTube channels focused on poetry?

    Any fiction that touches on romanticism or the enlightenment?

  73. 11 months ago

    >one chance at life
    >born in a world without the possibility of having a cute vampire girl bite me
    I hate it

    • 11 months ago

      You're not dead yet. There's still a chance.

      • 11 months ago

        Unless you possess proof that cute vampire girls actually exist I'm not seeing it.

        • 11 months ago

          If I had proof, why would I show you? I wouldn't.

          • 11 months ago


  74. 11 months ago

    I feel like now that I’m turning thirty I have to move to the city if I want anything resembling a social or dating life.

    • 11 months ago

      Sounds like my situation.
      t. 30 year old who lives in a small town.

      • 11 months ago

        I actually live in a college town. I almost feel like it’s worse than a small town sometimes. I like it here and the people really important to me are here, but I’ll never get those things here. Are you going to leave?

        • 11 months ago

          Its a complicated situation for me, Im able to live much cheaper by living in the small town than big one and I want to save the money for the rainy day (or maybe even downpayment) when it would be paycheck to paycheck in a bigger city. However I have 0 social life here, like nothing (WFH). So thats a dilemma.

          • 11 months ago

            More or less the same dilemma here. I didn’t care when I was 26 but now I’m 30 and I feel like I’m losing time.

          • 11 months ago

            Can we even form a new social circle at 30? It seems like everyone is just content by having old friends, relationships or family. No new connections.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm 23 and wonder the same. My brother has had the same set of friends since childhood.
            I imagine even if I managed to make friends it will never be as deep of a connection as those who have childhood/lifelong friends.

          • 11 months ago

            I don’t see why not.

          • 11 months ago

            Elaborate on how to get into inner circle?

          • 11 months ago

            Oh. I don’t know. I just think it’s possible.

            He's very clearly talking about the boring, near meaningless social interactions and functions you typically have with the vast majority of people, not actual social connections that exist with true friends and family members. And I agree with that sentiment: at some poiny t, it becomes very clear that you can't be friends with most people if you don't share goals and values in life in addition to interests. So why bother with empty interactions and not just focus on people who are like minded and love you for who you actually are, not who they think you are or what they can get from you.

            I'm in a similar situation as well at 27. I'm honestly praying for a like-minded posse like I had in high school and undergrad and a woman that I'm interested in not only in terms of physical attraction, but also meshing well with her mentally and in terms of life goals and values. I'm only here to do my EE Ph.D but it's so fricking lonely here. Thankfully, I am able to find some people to talk to here and there but I wish I could talk to them more often though.

            I think a couple of close friends and a romantic interest is the most we can hope for nowadays.

        • 11 months ago

          >the people really important to me are here
          Is that not a "social life?"

          • 11 months ago

            They’re family.

          • 11 months ago

            How close is the nearest city? Doesn't have to be huge

            I’m so tired of everything. I think most people are ugly. I think most of art is ugly. There’s nothing worth anything here. I’m supposed to be impressed by dostoevsky or plato? This is it? Really? Kubrick? Rembrandt? Is there anything worth anything here? I want to kill myself daily but I can’t seem to bring myself to do it. Idk what’s more horrifying, living out the rest of my life or killing myself.

            Bro this is depression

          • 11 months ago

            Other side of the state. But it’s one of the bigger ones in the country.

  75. 11 months ago

    I do not quite get the Parable of the Talents. How can you not waste your talents if you dont even know what they are or even if you have them in the first place.

    • 11 months ago

      This parable is confusing as frick to me as well and I've heard various interpretations.

  76. 11 months ago

    I believe I’ve had a very boring life and that bothers me a lot. It feels like it’s over honestly. People who do remarkable things are remarkable from the beginning.

  77. 11 months ago

    I'm a frickup and not even the fun kind.

    • 11 months ago

      Well you fricked up your comment by being vague, though it was sort of clever. Elaborate.

      • 11 months ago

        There's nothing to elaborate. I'm a loser but not the interesting kind that does crazy shit. I'm the lame kind that browses IQfy all day, no social life, and stuck in a shitty job.
        That's all.

        • 11 months ago

          Well youre on lit, do you read? Because nowadays that itself in an interesting quality to have. If youre fat then, le gym. If not then you cant be too big of a loser. Give yourself some credit. Go to technical school if youre stuck in a rut. I make 100k a year after one year of school and im an alcoholic piece of shit.

          • 11 months ago

            >Well youre on lit, do you read? Because nowadays that itself in an interesting quality to have.
            I enjoy reading but it's a pretty lame and passive hobby. Even just saying "I like to read" somehow comes out sounding pathetic.
            But yeah I've been reading more lately just to escape from my shit life. Recently read through "Civilization and its Discontents" and before that a small collection of Buddhist texts.
            I don't know how to fill my time. Vaguely aware that my presence alone frightens people. They look at me and I can tell they don't know what to make of me.
            >If youre fat then, le gym. If not then you cant be too big of a loser.
            I'm in okay shape, if anything I'm probably too thin. I can never put on weight. I look a bit ridiculous: lanky body, long legs, short upper half, big head, and bulging wide eyes like a Martian.
            >Give yourself some credit. Go to technical school if youre stuck in a rut. I make 100k a year after one year of school and im an alcoholic piece of shit.
            I would kill for that kind of money. I'm currently making 20/HR working overnight security at a crisis center. First job I've been able to get after months of unemployment, so even though it's soul sucking I don't want to lose it.
            I've started to join the military. They bumped me up to officer recruiting but I'm not sure I'm cut out for it. Not even joining for $ but just because my life is at a dead end, and I want to see more of life than imageboards.
            I'm an alien, I have no contacts at all. All the numbers on my phone are from old jobs. Past few months I've lived in my car camping out at various state parks.
            Didnt know what to put for references, so just put old managers from places i worked and teachers in college who probably don't remember me.
            Worried that might raise red flags.

          • 11 months ago

            Im currently fighting of some kind of obvious mental illness so sorry for the shitty answer here but you seem to me like a really interesting person. Im a familygay so just work and kids no friends, just by your basic ass auto I can tell you’re a cool dude. I believe in “empath” and all that schizo shit. Idk man. I feel you on hating everything. Almost everything and everyone is stupid as frick. Just dont feel like theres something weong with you.

          • 11 months ago

            Thanks man, easy to sound interesting in text. A lot of people irl find me interesting at first that is until they get past the exterior and realize it's just a guise.
            I'd love to have those normal boring things like a family but they seem out of reach. Grass is always greener I guess.
            There's also a fine line between interesting and scary. If you don't have any of those normal markers, people assume the worst.
            I've posted on here before about this but my old roommates threw me out cause they thought i was stealing (I wasn't) and was anti-social. I think the 2 tracfones and the late night drives made them think i was some kind of criminal. The truth is far more boring, but people follow their imagination more than reality. You leave a few gaps, a few things unexplained or unknown and they'll fill it in with whatever excites their imagination. I learned the hard way it's not always good to be "interesting", normies just read it as a threat.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah that makes sense. People police behavior in all the wrong kinds of ways cause theyre fricking stupid. In a sense the best cope is gaining the sigma attitude which is what ive done but I do feel that it brings a sort if mental illness with it. Idk about you but Ive started romanticizing the idea of being the isolated soul and when it comes to creating art that might be great but in your utilitarian life it only breeds catastrophe.

  78. 11 months ago

    I seriously don't know what to believe. High-ranking government officials are coming out and saying aliens are real, that they've been working with world governments, that they've abducted humans and shit.
    A ton of people adamantly believe the earth is flat, that Einstein is simply wrong, that quantum mechanics is totally fake.
    With the advancements in AI tech, I can't confidently believe pictures or videos are authentic rather than completely fabricated. The media is probably lying about everything. I don't trust my governments election system.
    It's all very overwhelming. How do I pick and choose what to believe and what not to believe?

    • 11 months ago

      >High-ranking government officials are coming out and saying aliens are rea
      Can I get a link?

      • 11 months ago

        Oh wtf just looked it up, you're not crazy. That's wild. i wish the article had more detail as to what "non-human materials" specifically means.

        • 11 months ago

          here's a link to the full interview:

          i don't know if i believe this shit man. what if it's some kind of psyop or something?

      • 11 months ago

        Pretty sure it's a case of compartmentalized institution members not having total access to information so believe in dumb things that any dumb ordinary person might believe. Fighter pilots think they see aliens when it's something that a camera technician can explain.

        • 11 months ago

          That’s a pretty high IQ observation, and I’m a borderline schizo

  79. 11 months ago

    I’m so tired of everything. I think most people are ugly. I think most of art is ugly. There’s nothing worth anything here. I’m supposed to be impressed by dostoevsky or plato? This is it? Really? Kubrick? Rembrandt? Is there anything worth anything here? I want to kill myself daily but I can’t seem to bring myself to do it. Idk what’s more horrifying, living out the rest of my life or killing myself.

    • 11 months ago

      You need a different passion then, if literature doesn’t interest you. Try hunting maybe?

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


  80. 11 months ago


  81. 11 months ago

    I’ve noticed that political rhetoric commonly includes disparaging neocons now, but even the word neolibs is still taboo.

  82. 11 months ago

    I think a lot about what I want to do, but I always end up wanting to do so much that it’s overwhelming and I do nothing. That, and money is always prohibitive.

    I got a little miffed hearing RFK on JRE talk about how he just decided to become a high powered environmental lawyer after spending his entire youth on drugs and working on fishing rigs. I mean, the guy got arrested for drug possession and didn’t even go to jail. I guess you can do that when you’re American aristocracy. And this idiot probably attributes his success and privilege to being white.

  83. 11 months ago

    I'm so bored and dead inside that nothing seems worth doing.

    • 11 months ago

      even if I fail I will try again. I go through this shit every day.

  84. 11 months ago

    I am 30 and can no longer claim to be a young anything. My goals stand accomplished yet unsatisfying. I don't regret the wealth; I regret the lack of direction beyond it. Comfortable success is a deadly opiate. My partner would like to have children soon. It's not that I am against this, but that children and marriage foretell that same comfortable stagnation. I miss the camaraderie in the struggle towards lofty goals and personal wealth. Next, I would like to struggle for power.

    • 11 months ago

      What goals? I achieved my dream career and was making a whole lot of money when I was 25 but quit when I was 26. In the end, I’ve accomplished nothing yet.

      • 11 months ago

        What did you mean by this post?

        • 11 months ago

          I thought I was clear. I asked what his goals were and then shared my own experience.

      • 11 months ago

        Why did you quit?

        • 11 months ago

          I hated the job, where I worked, where I lived. I hated everything about to be honest. This was in the financial services industry. I still have a lot of regrets about it because while I was making a lot of money, it was a very boiler room type of shop out in New Jersey and not in New York City, so I still feel some sort of shame about it and also like I didn’t even get the proper experience. Sometimes I think about trying to get back into that industry just so I could say I really did it and not some amateurish hack job.

    • 11 months ago

      Turn your wife into your become rich partner and then train your kid in all the concepts required for pragmatism.

    • 11 months ago

      Travel, if you haven't.

  85. 11 months ago

    My girlfriend makes me wash my penis before she sucks it

    • 11 months ago

      Be grateful she doesnt just stop doing it because shes too shy to tell you she wants it clean and fresh.

  86. 11 months ago

    I fricked a masseuse last week and while I was banging her Runaway Train by Soul Asylum was playing and if you watch the music video for that song it’s about missing children so a part of me felt like she was trying to send clients a message that she was being trafficked. It wasn’t worth the money and I felt guilty afterwards. I have all sorts of problems with sex. First off I have a 7 and a quarter inch dick and literally ever woman I’ve been with (including the masseuse) complains that it’s too big. On top of that I just become very disinterested after the first few minutes and just want to stop. Every time I banged my ex I couldn’t care any less.

  87. 11 months ago

    I guess a Master of Science in Politics would be a waste of time.

    • 11 months ago

      But that's like philosophy, how is it a waste of time. If you're serious about it you're gaining top tier cognitive skills.

  88. 11 months ago

    I can't come to any logical conclusion.

  89. 11 months ago
  90. 11 months ago

    90% of religious mystics throughout history would be atheists if they were born today. I know because I am one.

    • 11 months ago

      Not to be ahomosexual but this comment is exactly why I love this place

  91. 11 months ago

    I can't believe what aliens did to those people 160,000 years ago.

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