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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 11 months ago

    Why do people tend to feel that 28, 29 is a fine age to do things but 30, 31 is too late all of the sudden?

    • 11 months ago

      maybe it's the hitting the 30th milestone.

      • 11 months ago

        So do you think it’s true or strictly psychological? Some biographical details do seem to leave greater or lesser impressions at different ages so it stands to reason it works the same on the person in question. For example, I wonder if like a NEET who gets his act together for the first time at say 30 can ever really get their act together like someone who did the same at say 20.

        • 11 months ago

          That largely depends on a person. If you manage not to fall into "I've wasted all my 20's for nothing" self-pity then you can make it but that's a minority of people. It's something like going against the current when people around your age are already jaded and settled in.

    • 11 months ago

      same reason why products are priced $999.99

  2. 11 months ago


    live streaming is the new format for "story"

    • 11 months ago

      I think what people miss when they talk about things taking the place of literature is that literature isn’t merely media. It is media but it’s not only media. Literature is also a product of culture and articulates a culture. It’s used to culture people. Our culture corresponds to literature and only literature. In this regard, nothing can replace it. So it’s entirely possible that the creation of literature just whithers and dies but literature as a culturing device either remains in the background or it comes to the forefront. A lot of our problems in our culture stem from the lack of literature’s importance in modern society.

      • 11 months ago

        There are all kinds of ways to "culture" people. A lot of our problems in our culture come from all kinds of places.
        I ask myself, what would Cervantes use as a medium today to tell his story?

        • 11 months ago

          No. There’s only one. It’s literature.

          • 11 months ago

            okay fine. Talk to you later anonkun

    • 11 months ago

      No, watching youtube style documentaries about e celebs and streamers is. The Chris Chan docuseries for example, or when Brittney Venti does an expose like with shoe0nhead or that asiatic recently

  3. 11 months ago

    Welcome to the new thread, same as the old thread.
    Can't wait to post with you *clink*

  4. 11 months ago

    Met some old buddies after a long time. We talked and talked for hours about other old buddies, about school, about future everything. I really miss when I used to have friends and used to do thing daily. Sigh. A fine day, today. Absolute godsend. I was feeling like I was going insane.

  5. 11 months ago

    Do you ever look at your loved ones, and you feel a great lurking contempt for whatever reason?

    • 11 months ago

      >t. Mr Anime

    • 11 months ago

      No, if you do that's really sad and you should try to figure out why and stop it

  6. 11 months ago

    I ended up cheating on my girlfriend (made out and got a bj) and now I feel like unironically kms. She doesn't know and would never find out unless I'd tell her myself. Any words for me? Condemnation or otherwise?

    • 11 months ago

      slave to his own body
      you are no different than an animal

      • 11 months ago

        how can i emancipate myself?

        • 11 months ago

          cut off your dick

          • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Absolute moron. I hate cheaters so fricking much. If you hate your wife or girlfriend that much that you would cheat on them, then just break up with them.

        >B-b-but I love her
        No you don't. Love is spoken through actions, not words. Cheating is vile animalistic behavior whether men or women do it. Tell her and allow her to break up with you. If you love her, she at least deserves to know the truth of what you did to hurt her trust in you.

        Why do Abrahamists (Christcucks, Mudslimes, and J*ws) always point to ignoble behavior as being "animalistic". Read a book on animal behaviorism, you stupid desert demon worshipers.
        Also, it's worse when a woman cheats on a man. Women should be stripped of all rights and privileges and put into harems. That would be better for them. Polygynous species tend to be, paradoxically speaking, more peaceful.

        • 11 months ago

          you are underage
          I don't need a dead israelite on the stick or some random hippie's secret knowledge to reach to this conclusion
          you are no different than the people you hate

    • 11 months ago

      We all make mistakes anon. The heart is a a son of a b***h and the balls arent any better. Don’t tell her. Just learn from it. Remember the vast majority of people who will condemn you have done things at least just as bad. A stronger man would have resisted but a weaker man wouldn’t be even have the heart to feel his own bad conscious.

    • 11 months ago

      Read the Flashman Papers

      • 11 months ago

        What am I supposed to gather from that?

        If it were me, I would confess and ask for forgiveness and then commit to never doing it again.

        If I confess, I know I'd lose her forever. I'm well aware that I should have known that beforehand, yet I still did it. I really do think the urge was brought on by a serious addiction to porn and masturbation, where I use it as a crutch when I'm anxious. I was a slave to an urge.

        We all make mistakes anon. The heart is a a son of a b***h and the balls arent any better. Don’t tell her. Just learn from it. Remember the vast majority of people who will condemn you have done things at least just as bad. A stronger man would have resisted but a weaker man wouldn’t be even have the heart to feel his own bad conscious.

        Kind words. Maybe kinder than I deserve, but thank you nonetheless. All that's in my mind to do aside from festering away and kms is to try to be better. To be a better man on all fronts, as a lot of my sins and vices are tied together. What I'm terrified of is the insincerity I'm pulling.

        • 11 months ago

          I think you’d be surprised but losing her forever is something you should’ve considered before you cheated. You’ve already failed the relationship. At this point, the goal is forgiveness. That’s my opinion.

        • 11 months ago

          Im forgiving because I’m a decent but also severely fricked up person. Just remember if you let this stir up a great depression in you it will drive a wedge into your relationship.

        • 11 months ago

          >was a slave to an urge.
          >It's not me, it's the urges
          Black person it's you

    • 11 months ago

      If it were me, I would confess and ask for forgiveness and then commit to never doing it again.

    • 11 months ago

      Absolute moron. I hate cheaters so fricking much. If you hate your wife or girlfriend that much that you would cheat on them, then just break up with them.

      >B-b-but I love her
      No you don't. Love is spoken through actions, not words. Cheating is vile animalistic behavior whether men or women do it. Tell her and allow her to break up with you. If you love her, she at least deserves to know the truth of what you did to hurt her trust in you.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, why don’t you confess the worst thing you’ve done and I can tell you why you’re such a fricking piece of shit.

        • 11 months ago

          >Says the fricking cheater
          I'm not perfect but I'm not a fricking scumbag that betrays the trust of my girlfriend to the point of endangering my relationship. Stop being a queer and admit your wrongdoings to her if you love her. She does have a right to know you fricked up, especially if you are sleeping with one another since tou coukd be putting her at risk for an STD/STI. Don't be such a woman about it and do the right thing.

          Why do Abrahamists (Christcucks, Mudslimes, and J*ws) always point to ignoble behavior as being "animalistic". Read a book on animal behaviorism, you stupid desert demon worshipers.
          Also, it's worse when a woman cheats on a man. Women should be stripped of all rights and privileges and put into harems. That would be better for them. Polygynous species tend to be, paradoxically speaking, more peaceful.

          Even Aristotle calls such behavior animalistic, you braindead, idiotic, subhuman, unlearned Internet pagan (but I repeat myself). Read the Nichomachaen Ethics before you post such stupid bullshit ever again. You are a brainlet LARPing about shit you don't know.

          • 11 months ago

            My views are humorously enough closer to Evola in this regard.
            Greek philosophy became logocentric nonsense after the Pre-Socratics. It's still better than Abrahamism though. Granted, I don't care what Aristotle had to say. I'm a better visionary.
            Better than being a Christcuck simp who gives excessive moral consideration towards women who are better off submissive and in harems. Emasculating a man is far worse than cheating on a wom*n.
            >You are a brainlet LARPing about shit you don't know.
            Like it or not Christcuck, we're primates, and we're closer to b*nobos and ch*mps who are polygnyandrous. They are pretty much always cheating, having extra-pair copulations, and both the males and females have multiple mates.
            However, gorillas and orangutans are much more peaceful and polygnyous. The women are submissive and do not cheat on the alpha males. However, the males do lean more towards bisexuality and mate with multiple submissive women. There is little to no extra-pair copulations with them though.
            I know it's hard for a Christcuck to accept how human beings did not evolve for monogamy or heterosexuality. I highly recommend suicide if you're unable to accept basic evolutionary facts.
            Also, I'm not as bad as the liberal degenerates promoting polyamory, gender blurring, and other shit. I would prefer to become more like gorillas or orangutans. Social monogamy is mostly present in many bird species, and extra-pair copulation are very prevalent among most species.

            BTW, your mom was a prostitute and so are you.

          • 11 months ago

            >My views are humorously enough closer to Evola in this regard.

            Cool. Now I can ignore the rest of your post seeing you confirmed that you are an actual moron. I'm not reading your blogpost about how you a mentally stunted homosexual that fell for unironic memes btw because you were too moronic to read Aristotle.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm pretty sure Aristotle was a misogynist, but I am not sure what his views on monogamy vs. polygyny were.
            Just kys, simp. It's much worse for a woman to cheat on a man. Women should know their place in the harem, and it's obvious you're not an alpha male like Silverbacks.

    • 11 months ago

      What am I supposed to gather from that?

      If I confess, I know I'd lose her forever. I'm well aware that I should have known that beforehand, yet I still did it. I really do think the urge was brought on by a serious addiction to porn and masturbation, where I use it as a crutch when I'm anxious. I was a slave to an urge.

      Kind words. Maybe kinder than I deserve, but thank you nonetheless. All that's in my mind to do aside from festering away and kms is to try to be better. To be a better man on all fronts, as a lot of my sins and vices are tied together. What I'm terrified of is the insincerity I'm pulling.

      So you're feeling really shitty because you did a really shitty thing and now your relationship is over.

      That sucks, Anon. I would say I feel sorry for you--because in a small way, I do--but you knew that what you did was wrong, yet decided to do it anyways. Now you need to accept the consequences of what you decided to do.

      As an aside, I will say that there are degrees of being unfaithful. Let's just say, hypothetically, >you were intoxicated to the point of significant incapacitation--why that would be the case in such a risky environment as being alone around a girl who is not your girlfriend being its own issue
      >nothing about what happened was neither your intention nor desire
      >you freaked out when it occurred and had absolutely no way to process the infidelity that was occurring and just allowed it to happen
      >you then spent the rest of the evening in a fetal position in the shower for an hour until the water ran cold.
      Aside from how that scenario came about in the first place, that's basically the only kind of situation in which you have any amount of flexibility in parsing what occurred in that way that isn't completely and utterly your fault.

      Given the way that you wrote this post, however, it doesn't seem like any of that, at all.

      It reads like you were at her place or she was at your place and then you maybe had some drinks or not and then you started putting your tongues in each others' mouths before she decided to put your wiener in her mouth. Did she take her breasts out for you? Did you both undress to any degree, or get completely naked? Did you cum in her mouth? Did you touch her while she was doing it?

      I'm not trying to rub it in as much as I am hoping that you can see how bad what you did really is, and that spinning it in any way (at least we didn't sexo!) is turbo-cope.

      You've hurt and degraded yourself. That sucks for you. You're going to have to accept that you did this thing and live with it for the rest of your life. However, that can be be made easier or completely soul-destorying depending on what you do now.

      You need to accept that your relationship, as it was before this event, is now over. Completely over. Not telling her simply keeps a sham of a relationship alive and will poison your soul throughout.

      Conversely, you can tell her. You will still feel awful, but you know that it is the right thing to do, and you can be assuaged that while you did something bad and wrong, you also did the right thing afterwards, and that counts for something.

      If you tell her, and she leaves you, NOTHING CHANGES. You have already ended your relationship as it was. It is already over. However, if she decides to stay with you, then guess what? Your relationship begins anew; it's Day 1 again; you both can try to move forward.

      • 11 months ago

        >But it won't be the same!
        You've already destroyed the relationship yourself. It's already NEVER going to be the same.

        >What if she cheats on me?
        Then she's shitty too, and you both can live together in your shittiness or not.

        Lastly, consider NOT telling her. Imagine living a married life with this woman, having kids, waking up EVERY DAY FOREVER UNTIL SHE OR YOU DIE OR DIVORCE OR WHATEVER saying "I love you so much."

        Don't kill your soul. Don't be a fricking coward. Don't put this on her, because on way or another, your shame and guilt and pain will spill out over her anyways.

        The best thing you can do is tell her and then end the relationship yourself. If she wants to try again and you both decide to start a new relationship, you can decide if Round 2, never to be Round 1 again, is worth the risk.

        Good luck, Anon.

        Hopefully you will learn from this experience why you should never cheat, and you never do it again.

    • 11 months ago

      love em then leave em.

  7. 11 months ago

    Homosexuals seem extremely attracted to me and are constantly hitting on me. Sometimes I feel like I’m almost having fun leading them on. I have a very feminine body. I also have very homosexual tastes in art and literature, the idea of having taste is honestly kinda gay. However, I’m mostly straight and in love with a girl I slept with once almost 10 years ago. She’s married now and we’ve studiously avoided each other since she moved to my city last year. I’m probably reading too much into it, she’s likely less avoided me and more just not cared enough to reach out at all. I’m desperate for a girlfriend because the isolation is getting pretty crushing, but I fear there’s something immensely wrong with me, and women can smell it from a mile away.

    • 11 months ago

      st body pleaaseee

    • 11 months ago

      gays are into everythjng that moves. You're like some young girl thinking she's special because teenage boys drool over her

  8. 11 months ago

    I'm always so impressed by professional interpreters. I was in a technical class recently given by a Japanese guy and the interpreter was translating complex technical information without a background in the field and I think its fascinating.

  9. 11 months ago

    I feel like my book is too contrived. Even with all the themes of patterns and reoccurrence there is too much going on that will make a reader say "what a coincidence" and the story will feel too artificial or forced.

    • 11 months ago

      There is a sort of shakespearian irony to life that Spengler talks about in DOTW and he said a good story has to be coincidental to some extent. If that makes you feel better. Try to sort it out in bullet points or something and try to make the coincidences into a cosmic irony. If that makes sense. Dont ask me how to do that though. Its your story only you can do it. Unless you have a friend whose willing to read it and give suggestions but unless hes a litgay like us hes just going to give stupid advice anyway.

      • 11 months ago

        Oh yes I have every intention of committing to my story anyway, it's rife with irony to begin with and I won't shy away. If someone tells me it's too contrived I won't bother arguing but I won't apologize. Thank you for the rec though I'll check it out.

  10. 11 months ago

    Why did I become mentally ill and why did i let it define me?

  11. 11 months ago

    I went to a church sermon + bbq/fireworks thing last night, but the sermon was about Creation vs Evolution. I was extremely disappointed with how bad the Creationist presented his arguments because he used a faulty understanding of how fossils are formed, how radiometric dating is done, ignored that the Big Bang Theory can be construed as creationism, didn't say a word about abiogenesis, and pushed Biblical literalism too hard. I think people like these do more damage to Christianity than they do to protect the faith by using poor understanding of science as "counter-arguments" because as soon as they get exposed for doing it wrong, everything falls apart. All they really do is make a case against taking Genesis literally.

    • 11 months ago

      Thats a shame thats what they focussed on. Thats such a tired debate which really doesnt need so much emphasis anymore.

  12. 11 months ago

    There are fanfics out there better than seriously published books.

  13. 11 months ago

    Why did I become mentally chill and why did I let it define me?

    • 11 months ago

      Mentally chill sounds pretty good bro

  14. 11 months ago

    you know no one reads "in search of lost time" because if people did women on twitter would never shut up about how much they hate Proust

  15. 11 months ago

    I wonder what everyone else is doing that they believe doctors are smart.
    >tfw managing to cheat death by self medicating
    It really shouldn't be this way but the majority of people die from the same condition because doctors can't interpret basic tests well. The people who survive are a kind of accident who lucked out by having a vitamin regimen or a bizarre diet, and by refusing to be hospitalised. It's not that medical science hasn't solved this problem; the problem is doctors genuinely can't in2 medicine.

    • 11 months ago

      Its our credentialism culture. Muh doctors make more money than you! If you're so smart why aren't YOU a doctor huh?

      • 11 months ago

        Probably, but I think if I had the credentials I'd be offended by my so-called peers being that stupid. Most disciplines with that long of training period will drum you the frick out of the profession on the suspicion you're damaging their professional reputation, but I think doctors know there's a problem and rely on nobody snitching to the public or licensing authority about anything but the most egregious cases. You have to be moronic and dangerous enough you took several of the wrong arms off the wrong patients for other doctors to think there may be a problem with you being licensed.

    • 11 months ago

      The majority of people die due to degenerative diseases that are untreatable, it’s still inevitable.

      • 11 months ago

        >degenerative diseases that are untreatable, it’s still inevitable.
        I'm talking about the death rate for a very treatable disease being extraordinarily high because doctors and coroners generally only work out what the disease was when the patient dies. In cases where they're given treatment, full recovery is generally to be expected, and the only times you get any degeneration is when inadequate treatment is given. It's a case of very evitable deaths and disability.
        Ideally the answer would be better training. But if you fired everyone who was poorly trained, you have a major shortage of doctors, so undertrained doctors will continue, and the deaths and disability will continue also. The deaths are inevitable because fixing licensing and training to prevent evitable deaths and provide a better standard of care would be damaging to the parts of the industry which are not patients. Basically, it could cost doctor's jobs or patients's lives, and one of those is likely to be a better option for GDP, and it is not the option where nobody holds a funeral.
        The cost of evitable deaths from poor training is having an impact on medicine's overall effectiveness and death rates beyond the specific set of diseases I'm talking about too. Most of the life expectancy drop from the US can't be accounted for without bad doctors for a wider ranging example.

  16. 11 months ago

    It’s pretty obvious that they want to foment chaos within Russia and use the unrest as a casus belli to go in and “secure the nukes”. It’s the same strategy as Iraq really.

  17. 11 months ago

    I would like to say I believe in transcendant intellection. I want very badly to say that there is an ultimate truth, a highest reality, an ontological ground of being, which man may hypothetically reach through pure intellection alone, even if no one ever does. The idea that the wings of my mind may take me to the greatest heights fills me with energy and a desire to study, to understand as much as I am able before my time expires. And yet I recognize that some things lie outside the abilities of pure intellection. I have at times experienced these myself. I have seen reality become thin.

    • 11 months ago

      Thats when you have to accept divine revelation and take a mystical step

  18. 11 months ago

    How does one deal with self-hatred? I'm only happy when I'm in a purely intellectual space and forget who I am.

    • 11 months ago

      Why do you hate yourself?

      • 11 months ago

        Well for starters, why do you hate yourself?

        I’m brown

        • 11 months ago

          Skin complexion is not a reason to hate yourself.
          Frizzy hair, brown/black eyes and a nig nose are.

          • 11 months ago

            The pig you ate last night had blue eyes. How do you feel?

          • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            >blue eyes only matter in human beings... but they don't matter with pigs!
            moron. It's just a mutation of a gene, nothing special.

          • 11 months ago

            It was yummy!

          • 11 months ago

            I have T40 eyes but I’ve never cared much about that. Tesla had brown eyes. It’s not about looks or muh dick, I’m fairly handsome and don’t have trouble getting a gf. I hate being brown because brown people don’t create anything worthwhile, they only parasite and destroy. White people make the world a better place. If I could press a button and wipe out my whole race including myself I would. I support TNWD.

          • 11 months ago

            >White people make the world a better place.
            With the cancer of industrialization, which is also to their own detriment?

          • 11 months ago

            Industrialisation is not inherently bad, and the vast majority of the world's pollution comes from Asia. Pic related is the world's most important graph; its consequences will be of biblical proportion.

          • 11 months ago

            >Industrialisation is not inherently bad,
            Yes, it is. From the loss of autonomy, to destruction of biodiversity, to increasing pollution of both and body earth from heavy metals, pesticides, and much more. The human mind cannot adapt to such a vicious system, but rather man is forced to adapt to it, hence why depraved lunatics like Yuval Harari want to now set the stage to Human 2.0. And because you are such cucks, you will reading accept the dangers of the normalization of genetic engineering, brain-cloud interfaces, and other heinous things. I am presently writing a book on this and *many other things* and have discussed it elsewhere on here. You are a complete soulless piece of shit for not seeing into the dangers of industrialization, a completely unprecedented and dangerous stage of humanity. Mankind has never lived like this. Why not read some Klages, Linkola, Kaczynski, or (even) Evola? Or that's right, you are a completely stupid, soulless piece of shit.
            And FYI, Mao was backed by Goldman Sachs and literal israelites so they would open their markets to exploitation.

          • 11 months ago

            Do you like Ernst Jünger? He has the most interesting opinions on technology that I’ve come across. At least, they really resonate with me. Jacques Ellul and Bernard Charboneau I also found interesting.

          • 11 months ago

            >nooo you can't have kids!!!
            >stop breeding! you're a bunch of Black folk >.<

          • 11 months ago

            low iq response.

    • 11 months ago

      Well for starters, why do you hate yourself?

  19. 11 months ago


    Im not the homosexual youre arguing with and I pretty much agree with you though the institution of marriage allows us to be higher than Black folk and im far too sensitive for the harem mentality. But anyway, that cuck view is plato’s thats what aristotle is opposing. Plato was literally cuck mentality idk why people like that homosexual. The other anon is right about aristotle but he probably lacks experience and doesnt know how difficult relationships are.

    • 11 months ago

      I can't tell if Plato was polygynandrous or polyandrous. I don't like either one of those. It's polygyny for me.
      >im far too sensitive for the harem mentality.
      Because you're a dumb dysgenic feminized c**t. I doubt you would have even survived childbirth without modern medical intervention.
      Also, I bet you don't even know how to properly raise a woman. When you marry a woman, you're supposed to make her emulate you in a relatively controlled setting where, when she evolves in a certain direction, it's done based on the constraints a man imposes. From the perspective of a woman, a man should be seen as a god. Like the based Silverback gorillas.
      Honestly, the best thing a gynocentric cuck like you can do is to offer your sisters and girlfriends to a much more alpha looking male of your own race. Do your race a favor and don't procreate. Thank you.

      • 11 months ago

        Your worldview is almost entirely a side effect of homosexual repression.

        • 11 months ago

          It can lead to interesting things.

      • 11 months ago

        >wanting to be gay married this badly

        • 11 months ago

          I have no homosexual or bisexual inclinations. I just think it's fine to treat women as submissive and beneath men. Most ancient cultures did.
          Why are you defending women so much? Most of them are barely sentient anyways unless they have the guidance of wise men like me.

          • 11 months ago

            That’s different from what you described. It’s weird to be overly interested in managing your woman to basically be your clone. She’s not a male, she cannot emulate you.

          • 11 months ago

            Women just become inferior copies of men.
            You're just a simp. Real men are misogynistic.
            It's just one very small part of my based worldview.

          • 11 months ago

            homosexuals like you are why the company if women is far superior to that of men. Most men are douchebag larpers too stupid to navigate their own feelings about others and so develop either blindly narcissistic or pussified character traits.

          • 11 months ago

            >women can be inferior men
            Who’s the simp now? You’d make a great bottom btw

            Why are you both defending women so much? Is it because you're women yourselves?
            List your top 10 favorite films, books, or whatever else. I bet it's all trash like your womanly minds!
            You people are such simp pseuds.

            I am far wiser and contemplative than you.
            I have better taste in literature, art-house films, and more than you.
            I have had far more awakening experiences than you.
            I have far more creativity, contemplative depth, metacognitive awareness, and much more than you.
            You're just a woman.
            Me, I am a man.

          • 11 months ago

            How is pointing out women are different from men defending them? You just constantly crave wiener and think of dicks on chicks to cope.

          • 11 months ago

            And all I was arguing is women should be submissive and in the harem. Problem?

          • 11 months ago

            >women can be inferior men
            Who’s the simp now? You’d make a great bottom btw

  20. 11 months ago


    I'm pretty sure Aristotle was a misogynist, but I am not sure what his views on monogamy vs. polygyny were.
    Just kys, simp. It's much worse for a woman to cheat on a man. Women should know their place in the harem, and it's obvious you're not an alpha male like Silverbacks.

    >Using memes to say Aristotle is shit instead of actual logic
    >Can't read or do basic ass research when Aristotle is criticising Plato's belief that all women belong to all men in a community
    For frick's sake stop outing yourself as a /misc/ack refugee that is too moronic to do anything but cite other morons his terminally online brain saw on the top 10 most based and redpilled authors (who were all frickups in life and mentally ill or grifters). You're embarrassing yourself.

    • 11 months ago

      I can't be expected to read every writer, and I have my own weltanschauung.
      Just offer your girlfriend to an actual alpha male of your own race. Don't spread your shitty cretinized genes. It's obvious you will not properly raise and mold her, so it's for the best.
      Feminism and women's rights is one of the roots of modern societal decay.

      • 11 months ago

        It says that in the page you posted, you absolute mong. It's basic reading comp 101, something I thought Aryan warriors would have mastered more than hood rats. Seems I was wrong.

        Also, don't project your cuck fetish onto me or anyone else. It's always the Black folk without girlfriends or any female friends that say such weird stupid shit and it's no wonder people thing you bunch are group of mentallly invalid LARPers prete ding you are saving the West by typing on your keyboards all day instead of doing anything productive. This is the second time you have brought up a cuckold fetish and it's very evident there's some undelying neurosis associated with your sexual deviance, like how all of alt-right (from Nick Fuentes to BAP to Jacl Murphy, etc.) is full of unironic homosexuals.

        • 11 months ago

          Most ancient civilizations were highly patriarchal with women rightly put in as submissive role. Being a homosexual also played an important role in male bonding, especially for war purposes. For example, look into Hans Blüher.
          Anyways, I don't have any homosexual or bisexual attraction, but it doesn't bother me when men do. I just want women to be stripped of all rights and forcefully made submissive. I think it's better for them too overall.
          My point is simple: A woman cheating on a man is much worse than a man cheating on a woman. This is because most men have far richer internal mental lives, aspirations, metacognitive faculties, and more than women.

    • 11 months ago

      >terminally online
      You are posting this in /wwoym/

  21. 11 months ago

    Just don't be sad.

  22. 11 months ago

    Been chainsmoking and drinking for two days straight. I don't know where to go since I was rejected by the girl I am really in love to. I spent two weeks with her, and now she's gone saying that we must stay close together.

    • 11 months ago

      Whatever feelings youre covering up are going to rise up stronger whenever you sober up. Try and face them even though its hard. There are other girls out there dude.

  23. 11 months ago

    If I were an ancient Chinese peasant, and I had a d*ughter, I would be honored if I were offered to give her to the emperor, who sometimes had a concubine up to the thousands!
    The ancient Tang and Song dynasty rightly treated women as submissive. It's thanks to gynocentric Christcuck influence this is all changing.
    Even practices like foot binding weren't bad.

    • 11 months ago

      We get it youre a gay edgelord

    • 11 months ago

      I agree. If you want an idea of how sick our culture is consider that male circumcision is actually homologous to female circumcision in both process and effect, and that their different treatment is entirely down to extreme amounts of propaganda. Nietzsche once said if you ask a chinaman how many kids he has he’ll only count the sons.

  24. 11 months ago

    Does Amazon do the 3 books for the price of 2 deal on Prime Day?

  25. 11 months ago

    I'm considering quitting my job and dying in a ditch. As a lazy man, it is more or less what awaits me anyways, might as well set the date myself.

    • 11 months ago

      Why die in a ditch? I'm 29 and never had a job in my life.

      • 11 months ago

        >parents aren't rich
        >my country's government isn't gonna give me money for simply existing
        >I have no other skills, nor the discipline to acquire them.
        I don't know, you tell me.

        • 11 months ago

          All of those are the same for me.

  26. 11 months ago

    My relationship was going so well and now I feel right on the verge of a breakup. It all started when my girlfriend got drunk on the 4th of July and accused me repeatedly of thinking she was stupid (I didn't.) I haven't reacted great. I haven't known how to react. She's been sobbing every day since and saying that she feels like she can't do her art around me because it's "too naive" and "unresearched." I haven't really been eating or sleeping. I'm not even that smart, or smart at all. I think she's more clever than me. Frick this, anons.

    • 11 months ago

      Write her a letter telling her how you feel. You obviously put your foot in your mouth when you speak. So write to her instead.

      • 11 months ago

        Good idea. I just have the sinking feeling that she's right. I hate myself too much not to believe it tbh. Most of her friends liked me but one called me arrogant and that one seemed especially to stick

    • 11 months ago

      >she can't do her art around me because it's "too naive" and "unresearched."
      Accuse her of procrastination and trying to blame you for her lack of output.

      • 11 months ago

        She straight up did stop producing almost the instant we got together. I fear she's right and it's my fault. I feel awful.

        • 11 months ago

          You guys are pulling each other down by the sound of it. You probably love each other too much. Too much love and you each start to lose yourselves in each other. Love can be a very destructive force. I pity the hell you could be in for if I’m right.

          • 11 months ago

            If she's pulling me down, I haven't noticed how yet. My life is going quite well and I have a real, on-the-books job for the first time. And we on normal occasions love each other dearly.
            I fear you're exactly right. What do I do?

          • 11 months ago

            Never mind that. She has been hiding my books. She's been getting mad at me reading around her. I don't know what to do.

          • 11 months ago

            Lmao resentful child. There's really no solution here. She has to let go of some resentful egalitarian ideal, start becoming more like you or just drop this whole relationship. If you find her really special and so on you can try putting up with these hysterics otherwise it will only get worse.

          • 11 months ago

            Idk man. You dont seem too possessive so youll probably be better off than I was. Try not to become giddy and overexcited. Its like a fire you cant smother it but you have to feed it too. I wish I could be of more help to you. Love makes us obsessive self conscious paranoid and jealous. At least knowing the signs is a good place to be.

          • 11 months ago

            Well, she "forgot to mention" she'd been talking to her ex for awhile. She also broke up w him by cheating w a different ex. I'll give the benefit of the doubt for now.

          • 11 months ago

            Oh then my diagnosis was wrong. You need a new gf

          • 11 months ago

            I don't think it was wrong either. I think it was a self destructive thing last time.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah but you’d be better to get out now before even more emotionally invested

        • 11 months ago

          >it's my fault
          Bullshit. Unless her practice is getting you to use her as a marionette, you're not responsible for her output. That's all her. Stop falling for her bullshit, because she is a bullshit artist and nothing more.

  27. 11 months ago

    Just realised that the people giving advice to stop gaming/drinking/smoking/social media etc etc are people who are weak and prone to addiction.
    I have stopped these 'addicting' things many times and for long periods with 0 problems.
    Yet a lot of people online pretend like if you just knock off this one thing it will change your life completely.
    No it didn't, Black person. Maybe if you're a slob spending 12 hours a day doing it and are such a weak pussy that you're completely captured by it. But for me, a normal not addicted person? It will change little.
    Same with people who whine and b***h about how IQfy ruined them as well. Grow up, baby.

    • 11 months ago

      I bet your taste in games and cigarettes were trash. Most people smoke crappy cigarettes full of additives and other harmful ingredients. I only smoked Organic American Spirits, Dunhill, and Nat Sherman. That's because I'm patrician, unlike you. I bet you smoked Malboros because you're a homosexual.
      Your taste in alcohol was most likely equally as appalling as your face.
      It would appear you are the baby, not me. For 200 dollars per hour I shall LARP as your father because it is obvious you never had a real father figure in life.

      • 11 months ago

        I used to smoke Lucky Strikes but I barely smoked at all. I also rarely drink alcohol, I was more into smoking weed.
        You are an actual baby marvel onions nerd. Ciggies are like Marvel movies to you. You've chose to the wacky zany route (Organic American Spirits *opens mouth wide*)
        Get a real personality you bum

        • 11 months ago

          Pot actually shrinks the hippocampus and disrupts short-term memory, emotional regulation, and leads to a lack of motivation. I smoked to have the energy to read and watch enriching films. That's because I'm patrician and based. You smoked pot because you were too weak to deal with any emotional discomfort or whatever childhood abuse you faced. However, not all is lost. For 200 dollars per hour, I can be your dad and offer some real guidance in your life.

          • 11 months ago

            >Pot actually shrinks the hippocampus and disrupts short-term memory, emotional regulation, and leads to a lack of motivation
            This is you in the image
            I have noticed no improvement in any of those things when I stop smoking. I also don't notice any of those issue when I do.
            Maybe you're just too much of a beta b***h boy to handle it? Just don't smoke too much. I did a week with 1 gram of weed. No issue. Are you one of these degenerated that smokes 2 grams a night cause you're so not in control of yourself?

            And i didn't ask about what you do, gayboy. If you want to brag to me about how epic and intellectual you are you're barking up the wrong tree.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm just trolling. I like to troll wwoym occasionally.

          • 11 months ago

            I won

          • 11 months ago

            Black person thinks his personal experience is an objective truth.

          • 11 months ago

            I told you I'm better than the people who cry online about how bad weed or video games or whatever is.
            Why, are you having twouble quitting the big bad weed 🙁
            Are you incapable of not smoking too much ;'(

  28. 11 months ago

    >deus ex conversation theme starts playing
    >immediately feel more confident, become more productive

  29. 11 months ago

    I regret my career choices a lot. I ended up in the wrong career, quit, and simply never recovered or found a new one.

    • 11 months ago

      I think the problem wasn't so much you taking 50 dicks a day up the ass, as it was only charging $1 and "a song" for it

  30. 11 months ago

    The last 3 years feel like a blur. Since the COVID lockdowns, I’ve settled into doing basically nothing. I do a bit of work here and there and otherwise go for long hikes and read poetry. That’s been my loser life for 3 whole years.

    • 11 months ago

      That sounds like an amazing life homosexual.

      • 11 months ago

        It’s also a complete waste of time.

        • 11 months ago

          That's the best part.

          • 11 months ago

            How is that the best part? I think I would find it nice if I were still 20 but after a certain age, there’s nothing good about it. At least, I don’t think so.

          • 11 months ago

            There is nothing finer than to be alone with nothing to distract you.

          • 11 months ago

            you have never been alone

          • 11 months ago

            You don't know shit about me homosexual.

          • 11 months ago

            You don't know shit about yourself either

          • 11 months ago

            I know enough to not listen to self-admitted losers. Have a (you).

          • 11 months ago

            If that alone time is pointless, it’s all the same. I have this thing inside me that tells me what I really want is to be successful or something. Having alone time and leisure while I’m poor doesn’t seem to make me happy.

          • 11 months ago

            >If that alone time is pointless, it’s all the same
            The maxim of one stifled by artifice.
            >I have this thing inside me that tells me what I really want is to be successful or something
            If you truly wanted something you would be able to name it.
            >Having alone time and leisure while I’m poor doesn’t seem to make me happy.
            Who said anything about 'happiness'? Fricking moron Westerners with their moronic expectations. You aren't entitled to being happy until you master just being, Black person.

          • 11 months ago

            Just because I didn’t name it doesn’t mean I can’t name it. You come off like a holier than thou pseud to be quite honest. You’re clearly imcapable of reading between the lines or parsing rhetoric in any way other than strictly literal.

  31. 11 months ago

    I'm going to complain.

  32. 11 months ago

    Had this in my mind this morning and thought it would make for some decent IQfy oc, but after executing it I realized it doesn't really make as much sense I thought it did.

    • 11 months ago

      I chuckled

    • 11 months ago

      It's in that liminal space between Heidegger Lowdigger and What's up, dyke? Maybe add a butterfly panel for mid lesbian

  33. 11 months ago

    The universe is pleased with the way things have turned out, and will be pleased with the things to come.

    • 11 months ago

      I'll be pleased when you're in the ditch, c**t.

  34. 11 months ago

    I know what things I want to do but I can’t do all of them. I wish I had knocked out a few of them years ago.

  35. 11 months ago

    Didn't want to create new thread for this. Recommend me some books written by English authors between 1800-1870, it can be fiction or some sort of (auto)biography of some famous person (explorer etc) or even a journal/travel log etc, it just has to be good.

    • 11 months ago

      The Stones of Venice by Ruskin

      • 11 months ago

        Journal of a West India Proprietor Kept during a Residence in the Island of Jamaica by Matthew Gregory Lewis
        The Warden by Anthony Trollope
        Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women by George MacDonald

        Confessions of an English Opium Eater.

        Ok thanks, I will check these out

    • 11 months ago

      Journal of a West India Proprietor Kept during a Residence in the Island of Jamaica by Matthew Gregory Lewis
      The Warden by Anthony Trollope
      Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women by George MacDonald

    • 11 months ago

      Confessions of an English Opium Eater.

  36. 11 months ago

    what is the relationship between beauty and strength?

    • 11 months ago

      They're close friends with a lot of sexual tension but both are too shy to act on it

    • 11 months ago

      Women have beauty but desire strength. Men have strength but desire beauty. pic related.

  37. 11 months ago

    i find it much easier to socialize with women than with men. with girls it's easy, i'm even experienced in talking to them from my endless cascades of (failed) dates. It's like flirting. I crack jokes, I discuss anything and everything, I'm charismatic, they shower me with attention
    with guys, idk what to say and how. it's always awkward
    i know this sounds like a humblebrag but i legitimately dont know what to do
    i dont wanna be friends with only women

    • 11 months ago

      how old are you ?
      many of the guys will be much easier to banter with as you age up, while the woman will become more and more reserved as they age

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      You need to do goal-oriented activities with men where you can work together and depend on each others' mutual competence to reach an explicit point of completion, or at least struggle together to stop sucking at whatever it is you're attempting. This is why so many men make friends through lifting, work, and team-based video games.

      • 11 months ago

        my friends just do nothing and look at memes all day argh

    • 11 months ago

      I find it easy to socialize with old women, there are few older women, past their 50s at work and I can have a conversation with them, but young women are fricking moronic, if she is in relationship then she might be somewhat bearable but singles literally have nothing on their mind but going out and looking for boyfriends, at work, at friends gatherings, family gatherings, there is nothing on their mind but finding bf, if I ever have to work with such a woman then I might suicide

  38. 11 months ago

    I have to open my arms if I ever want to participate, to play

  39. 11 months ago

    i can't seem to calm down at the moment. a lot of momentum without a direction. it's not necessarily bad, but a little uncomfortable. i believe i know the reason for this, but i am embarrassed about it. at least i admit it to myself, i guess.

  40. 11 months ago

    I've been vigorously denying to myself that I have autism but recently I became interested in something and quickly realized everyone also interested in it is a troony or autistic and now I'm questioning myself again

    • 11 months ago

      Autism isn't real. Man the frick up.

    • 11 months ago

      What is the hobby just out of curiosity?

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          Is it fun?

          • 11 months ago

            nta but it can be, it can also be time consuming and drains a bit of money (you gotta shave), but it's nice, I made some money on onlyfans a couple of years ago but then felt embarrassed and stopped

  41. 11 months ago

    There isnt any point in striving for a goal is there? Ive worked hard always struggling since adolescence and haven’t found happiness. Ive read a ton but am still not intelligent or fulfilled. I have a lot to be grateful for but Im not.

    • 11 months ago

      You're the anon who read Tagore's Gitanjali on Google books via your iPhone, right?

  42. 11 months ago

    My life somewhat resembles that of a Houellebecq character, except less succesful educationally.

  43. 11 months ago

    Is there any book better than Don Quixote?

    • 11 months ago

      Blood Meridian

  44. 11 months ago

    My mind is a constellation of emotional issues all pulling each other one way or another. The fear that strikes and paralyzes me when I realize how I truly feel about my life and mom and dad, the grotesque funhouse mirror that distorts my image to prevent me from seeing me as I truly am; to prevent others from seeing me as I truly am. I can't exist and make decisions, dad will start screaming again and I'll quake and act like it doesn't bother me but really I hate it with a white hot passion. I need a father but can't have one and be happy.

    In a shadowy corner I shiver and wait for rescue and monsters try to coax me out of hiding as I cry and wet myself and the purple house crumbles around me. I need to leave but I know what it's like out there. Debt to people who can't love me, feeling tiny and invisible and ashamed, the ugly brother who feeds off the scraps of the cool one, the gay who dances, the homosexual who likes to read. I'm dad's tampon and mom's fleshlight. I've given everything for these people and of course wound up with nothing.

    The pain is just surreal and I lie about it and make it worse for myself. Mom can I please come out now? Dad do you like me yet? The dread and misery seep under my skin and rot me from the inside out, they shear away layers of my sanity and I'm left with a claustrophobic mirror, series of mirrors reflecting back upon each other, impossible at this point to make out what I'm looking at... FRICK this is my fricking life man.

    Yes I have issues and need to grow up.

  45. 11 months ago

    Damn, I have absolutely nothing to do for the rest of the night nor tomorrow. Its extremely hard to not start drinking

    • 11 months ago

      you could read a book

  46. 11 months ago

    Why did you do it?

  47. 11 months ago

    Do you ever walk around the city and realize how ugly most people are? How they are trying to wear clothes idealistically but they don’t even fit them. How they’re all self conscious or completely unaware of this. How dreadful to have yo see this daily while you have to go to work.

  48. 11 months ago

    My band is going to play live soon.

  49. 11 months ago

    I’m on call for work but I’m risking it all drinking because I can’t stand to hear my own thoughts right now.

  50. 11 months ago

    I went from lit to kino amd now I’m trying vidya. I’m regressing. But when can I do? I’ve read everything worth reading. I’ve watched everything worth watching. I’m bored again. What should I play?

  51. 11 months ago

    I never had my coming of age moment

    • 11 months ago

      You did you just didn't notice

      • 11 months ago

        How the frick do I miss that kind of thing

  52. 11 months ago

    My family has always viewed me as lazy. But when I'm on my own, I'm more productive than ever. I guess being around them I revert back to being that youngest child who gets taken care of inadvertently.

  53. 11 months ago
  54. 11 months ago

    Saw this tweet. Been thinking about it all day. I see where he's coming from. It's no secret that literature is pretty much obsolete now and has no influence but this is not just because of the medium, it's one of the problems with art in general. Art is too absorbed into the world. Most art is a reflection of mass culture and production than a real interrogation of society. That's why Hollywood blockbusters, YA fiction, romance novels and pop music are the most dominant forms of art. I don't see a point to art that isn't transformative -- something that genuinely changes people and influences the trajectory of our societies in a constructive manner. If art doesn't take that form then it's either meaningless slop or an exercise in narcissism. Nobody really wants to create art for themselves, we're always looking for an audience. Every artist wants influence, every artist wants to reach others. And that's exceedingly difficult to do in the modern world where art has merely become Content.

    • 11 months ago

      "I no longer have the desire or strength to commit myself to a project for two years that barely anyone sees," Dolan explained. "I put too much passion into it to have so many disappointments. It makes me wonder if my filmmaking is bad, and I know it's not." He revealed his frustration with having not earned anything with his series The Night Logan Woke Up after investing his own money in the production and accepting loans from his father to pay for it. He described it as a thankless process that left him tired and discouraged. He plans to completely retire, including not directing any more music videos for Adele. However, before the pandemic, Dolan promised to shoot an English-language series for HBO, which he described as "still in an embryonic state. I'm going to keep my word and then I'll quit." He also discussed his fears of a "civil war caused by intolerance" and went on to say, "I don't understand what is the point of telling stories when everything around us is falling apart. Art is useless and dedicating oneself to the cinema, a waste of time." He concluded, "I want to take time to be with my friends and family. I want to shoot commercials and build myself a house in the country one day when I have enough money saved. I don't say that in a sad way at all. I just want to live something else, other experiences."

      Art != "art" != "content"

      It has always been this way. You think otherwise because of the selection bias when reviewing works from the past--whole decades or centuries reduced to the sum of several works.

  55. 11 months ago

    I've accepted that I'm never going to get to be a sad but it still kinda stings.

    • 11 months ago

      I meant "dad," not "sad."

  56. 11 months ago

    Im afraid to lose my martyr complex.

  57. 11 months ago

    Don't read short story collections unless it's part of the same setting.

  58. 11 months ago

    Too terrified/indolent/self loathing to go after what I really want. Too capricious to instrumentalize what id settled for in a pragmatic way.

    • 11 months ago

      What do you want?

      • 11 months ago

        Too depressed to know.

  59. 11 months ago

    I smoked a cigarette and browsed the board. A thread about jannies, written by a janny, talked about how jannies needed more et. cetera. The needs of a janny are endless. A janny on every board, a janny in every thread, nothing but janny posts for jannies and those who wish to be jannies. That is almost worse than being a janny. At least a janny does not want to be a janny. A janny does not want to be a janny so badly that he will ban everyone who is not a janny just so that he might not be reminded that he is a janny. I was glad to be alone again in my thread, where no janny had ever been. There are few threads like this left on the catalog. When the janny was freed the world became the janny's shitpost.

    On injection day the jannies come out, brave in the absence of testosterone, as if the Female were an accomplice to the jannies, lending pity to the misdeeds of the deleters. Beneath the luminescence of the gaudy monitor the gangs of jannies, in feral janny discords, would scroll and ban, trooned out on cheap janny anime and enthused by the seldom posting jannettes. During puberty these jannies were more docile. The tumult of jannies grew tedious and I decided to leave IQfy, to click perhaps on a site where no jannies ever went. To do this I needed to click on the janniestained social media and wait in the discord overrun by jannies. Every janny looked at me as if waiting for me to post about what they, as jannies, knew that I, as not a janny, knew them to be. Most of the accounts were jannies or janlets. Each janny dm-ed at the other jannies with the suspicion that infects every janny due to the perversity inherent in each janny and no one knows what a janny is capable of more than a janny. That is why jannies always seethe as they do, for jannies assume that everyone has a propensity for banning equal to a janny's.

    In the fresh blossoming night Theology thread after I had risen from the stench of the jannysoiled server I felt a peace that can only be knows when all jannies are absent. Perhaps this is why jannies are so disgruntle, they never have a chance to leave jannies behind. Perhaps these types of free and fresh threads are not available to jannies who must cope with jannyhate in their jannyheads and jannyhearts all the days of their janissarial lives. But now the catalog was clean, vacant of all jannies and the dilation of jannies. I had come out of that janny-Gehenna where the posts of the jannyloving trannies waste and writhe. I was lost in coolness of a Philosophical exchange devoid of deleters.

    It was almost ruined, knowing I would have to return to the jannies. Knowing that everywhere else, jannies were banning everything with their jannysocks and their jannyAPIs. But for now there was a peace of no jannies.

  60. 11 months ago

    I’m torn between the Catholic and Orthodox faiths. I had a brief flirtation with Calvinism, but I realize now that’s not right.

  61. 11 months ago

    Would like some feedback:

    I am watching roses waiting– waiting for their meaning,
    to be a rose-like flower, fed by humus, in the basilfields.
    Their sweet breath building– building up their meaning,
    as vines lick the crumbly brick wall, under the sun.
    Smitten by the sun, they sweat, parched, patiently
    praying and praising, for their sustenance.

    I smell the grass in the breeze.
    With the springwater chiming aside us,
    We sway together, in the breeze.

    Before me is a robin chirping– chirping is its meaning,
    to sound like a robin, led by God to its feed.
    Their sweet sound rising– rising to the hearers,
    As I stand, swaying in the breeze.

    The water draws down my arms,
    taken from the spring,
    I clean myself for the Loved, with
    water taken from the spring.

    My hands are rough and calloused,
    caustic; I did not loaf.
    Leaves surround as I think

    I didn’t stand on soil: I was Soulful Soil,
    I was Adam’s son:
    Yea, I did tread under the sun, adorned.

  62. 11 months ago

    Lost all respect for some dude that told me his favorite show is The Bear.

  63. 11 months ago

    Sometimes I feel like I already lost the life game and should just quit.

    • 11 months ago

      How old and why?

      • 11 months ago

        30. Just not happy with how things have gone or how they’re going.

        • 11 months ago

          What happened? Or rather, what is going on?

          • 11 months ago

            Nothing really negative in particular. But nothing in particular is in itself the problem. I just have this sense of where I want to be, but where I’ve been and where I am makes that seem not possible. It’s not like I had some profound tragedy.

          • 11 months ago

            My profound tragedies and white trash family make my modest achievements the star of the family. Only one of my family to hold a degree (it's an associates degree)

          • 11 months ago

            So where do you want to be and what keeps you from getting there?

          • 11 months ago

            I’d rather not be specific here.

          • 11 months ago

            I promise I won't make fun of you.

          • 11 months ago

            I don’t care if you make fun of me. I don’t want to share personal details or ambitions on anonymous website. That defeats the point.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not asking for you address you dummy, I just wanted to know what you expected and got.
            But fine.

          • 11 months ago

            I mean, it’s a lot. We’re talking about life in general here. It’s career, it’s friends, it’s family, it’s health and appearance, all of that. I just want all of it to be 100x better. It bothers me because I didn’t know what I wanted then so I didn’t know what to work for. And the work gets done now but it’s sort of like you are who you are at that point. I think anyone who is in their 30s or 40s and wants things they don’t have knows what I mean. There’s this sense of “this is how it’s been so maybe that’s how it’s going to be” and it’s suffocating.

  64. 11 months ago

    I saw a read/expected/got picture of The Baron on the Trees a few weeks ago. Looked through the archives but couldn't find it. Does anyone here have it?

    • 11 months ago


  65. 11 months ago

    I’ve gotten so fat and I just keep getting fatter. I change my diet. I change my exercise routine. I drastically up my daily activity in general. Nothing seems to work.

    • 11 months ago

      Post diet

      • 11 months ago

        I eat oatmeal in the morning and then whatever is for dinner at night and that’s it.

        • 11 months ago

          That's odd. I'm on one meal a day and my BMI dropped from 26 to 23 in a few months

    • 11 months ago

      do you count calories? if you burn more than you consume, you will necessarily lose weight, no matter how fast or slow your metabolism burns calories on its own. also, you might get your thyroid checked, pretty common problem w/ easy treatment

      • 11 months ago

        I used to but I stopped after I didn’t see results. I did all the calculations for what I should eat to maintain my weight, reduced by 500, then 1000. Nothing. I just found the method really suboptimal in general as well. It’s pretty difficult to know the calories of everything you eat if for example you didn’t cook or didn’t eat all of it or whatever. I thought it sucked. I eat two meals per day now. One is just a cup of oatmeal in the morning and the other is whatever is for dinner and it’s a big dinner but not like an outrageous dinner. It’s like a normal big dinner. And in between I walk as many as 10 miles per day so I have really no idea why I can’t lose weight. I look worse than I ever have. I even went to s doctor recently expecting to hear I was hypertensive or pre-diabetic or something, but no. I’m perfectly healthy in every regard but my weight. Hormones they said were normal.

        are you on any kind of pills? there's a professor at my school who in one semester went from tall and relatively thin to obese and i my guess is he's on some kind of anti-depressant. no way that kind of weight gain is natural.

        I haven’t taken anything for probably 7 years now. I take advil sometimes because I have a nagging back injury.

        • 11 months ago

          What do your dinners look like?

        • 11 months ago

          sounds really sus man. i guess you're going to have to start running instead of walking. getting your heart rate up and sweat pouring definitely is better for you than just walking. i walk extensively, probably five miles a day (just my commute is three round trip) but i still try to run and get my heart rate up because while walking is good, it's not nearly as good as aerobic exercise. that said, are you drinking sodas or lattes or any other kind of shit? every time i'm on a zoom meeting with a fat guy he's sucking on a gigantic coffee or soda the whole time.

          • 11 months ago

            I drink black coffee in the morning and that’s it. Otherwise, I drink water or unsweetened tea. I don’t even drink alcohol. When I tell you, I don’t understand why I’m not losing weight I really mean it’s mind boggling. As for running, I’m not sure if I should be running at my current weight.

          • 11 months ago

            >too fat to run
            yikes, you're gonna have to get a bike. then you can get your heart rate up without killing your knees and back. or you can try swimming, but if you're that heavy you're probably not in a hurry to get in a pool.

        • 11 months ago

          >did all the calculations for what I should eat to maintain my weight, reduced by 500, then 1000
          This isn't optimal for weight loss. 250-500 is. I also have doubts about if you were strict with calories because normally opting to go 1000 below only happens in people who severely misunderstood the process.

          • 11 months ago

            Well you’re wrong. I did it right. But nobody is all that accurate when they count calories because the only way you could be accurate is if you only eat what you personally prepare, carefully weigh and measure all of it, have reliable sources, and eat all of it, which nobody does. This was my 3rd time trying to lose weight by counting calories and every time it struck me as moronic for these reasons.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not wrong, because eating 1000 below tde should not be expected to result in healthy weight loss and can frick your metabolism

          • 11 months ago

            If CICO were legit, then it would. But regardless, you would know if you read more carefully that I scaled down to a 1000 calorie deficit only after I had scaled down to a 500 calorie deficit.

          • 11 months ago

            >the only way you could be accurate is if you only eat what you personally prepare, carefully weigh and measure all of it, have reliable sources, and eat all of it, which nobody does
            >which nobody does

            If CICO were legit, then it would. But regardless, you would know if you read more carefully that I scaled down to a 1000 calorie deficit only after I had scaled down to a 500 calorie deficit.

            You mean you didn't, not nobody else does it. That's de rigueur for even a lot of amateur fitness people, let alone professionals. It's also normal for weight loss among people who are being strict with their diet.
            The fact you scaled it down makes it more likely you retrained your metabolism to keep your set point. You did something where you shouldn't expect weight loss because a) you admitted you didn't track calories because you think nobody can when that's untrue and b) you reduced calories by such a margin that it's more likely to stop or slow weight loss than consistently lose weight.
            I'll also note you adjusted your calories without any tdee recalibration. Out of curiousity, when you were marking your exercise levels, what did you chose?

          • 11 months ago

            The only way you can accurately count calories is if you measure and weigh every single thing that goes into your mouth and log it accurately. If you eat food prepared by someone else, don’t eat all of your food, or get the calories per weight or size wrong, then you’re not accurately counting calories. Virtually nobody does this and call me crazy but I don’t think people should have to approach their meals like a chemical engineer to reach a healthy body weight. I mean, even the admission that a reduction of 1000 calories will have adverse effects admits implicitly that CICO is insufficient.

          • 11 months ago

            >I don’t think people should have to approach their meals like a chemical engineer to reach a healthy body weight.
            It only seems like chemical engineering because you have probably been eating a chemically engineered diet for long enough you think it's normal to be fat. It isn't. Calorie counting does work and part of why it works is because it starts to inform your choices and you realize how you were eating to get fat was making you sick because it's either so large or so calorie dense and makes you conscious of what you're putting into your body to get sick.

          • 11 months ago

            If calorie counting works at 250 calorie deficits, it should also work at 1000 calorie deficits. Admitting that it doesn’t implicitly admits that calorie counting does not work. The implication there is that there’s a confounding variable which renders it unproductive, meaning that variable is what works, not the calorie counting.

            You have to be a complete freak to spend your whole life weighing and measuring every chicken breast and only eating what you personally cook. That’s just unrealistic.

          • 11 months ago

            >250 calorie deficits, it should also work at 1000 calorie deficits
            You're misunderstanding what your metabolism does and how your hormone production is regulated. This is like saying if one Advil kills pain then 50 must really make you absolutely pain free, when your internal organs shutting down is going to be 11/10 on the pain scale. More is not better, that is how you got fat dummy

          • 11 months ago

            How am I misunderstanding? If I could optimize my hormones for fat loss and increase my metabolic rate, I would lose weight whether I decreased my caloric intake or not. Therefore, it’s not as simple as merely adjusting calories. This should be obvious.

          • 11 months ago

            >You mean there's an optimal range?
            Yes, 250-500 calorie deficit like everything on cico and tdee will tell you everywhere.
            Tldr- RTFM

          • 11 months ago

            Use your brain for a second. If a 1,000 calorie reduction causes a change in metabolic rate rendering the deficit useless, does it not stand to reason that other things which cause changes in metabolic rate can render a 250 calorie deficit useless? Of course it does. All you’re doing is assuming everything is healthy and optimal universally for everyone for no reason at all.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm assuming you didn't follow the diet because you said it was impossible and I think you're refusing to show proof you did like cico logs and tdee calculations. You're saying not following the experimental protocol disproved the protocol working, which is simply not how science works.

          • 11 months ago

            I have a few calories to put in and out of you 😉

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not into people who lie to themselves and everyone else, thanks.

          • 11 months ago

            I got something very calorie dense for you to suck on 😉

          • 11 months ago

            Your brain? No thanks, avoiding prions rn

          • 11 months ago

            They say to avoid drinking your calories, but I got some delicious calories for you to guzzle

          • 11 months ago

            You’re assuming wrong. I said that I think counting calories is a bad way to diet. I did not say that I didn’t count calories. I really couldn’t be any clearer about what I meant because I said it in plain English. I never said counting calories was impossible either. I said that people are not that accurate when they count calories, which is true.

          • 11 months ago

            You said it was impossible to do and "nobody does". That means you did not follow the diet. Enjoy being fat and lying to yourself.

          • 11 months ago

            I said nobody does count calories accurately and what I meant by that is that when people count calories they are typically not very accurate. I did not say it was impossible. You just want to assume things I didn’t say. Your “advice” was useless.

          • 11 months ago

            You explicitly also went outside the protocol because you thought more=better. Get better at lying, you're already good at the being fat part.

          • 11 months ago

            Can you not read or what? Are you trolling me?

          • 11 months ago

            And no I didn’t admit I didn’t track calories. I also accounted for tdee. Just read what I wrote in plain English please.

          • 11 months ago

            You're going to have to show your logs because you said nobody tracks calories, and that rules out you doing it along with everyone else.
            You haven't told me what you rated your exercise level or any other variable in your tdee is. You're just saying
            >Trust me on the math! No I won't show you the math!

          • 11 months ago

            I didn’t say that. You’re wasting my time and your time.

          • 11 months ago

            Show the cico logs and your measurements for your tdee or you're just bullshitting yourself and us.

    • 11 months ago

      are you on any kind of pills? there's a professor at my school who in one semester went from tall and relatively thin to obese and i my guess is he's on some kind of anti-depressant. no way that kind of weight gain is natural.

  66. 11 months ago

    i just had the weirdest dream, it was long but the IQfy related part was i was at the end fighting bowser from the super mario brothers movie and all the guns i kept finding were nerfed, so we were trying to come up with something, and so we took a copy of eyes wide shut which in this dream is a thick novel by nabakov with a picture of some medieval shit on the cover and filled with a spicy mix from one of those expensive packs of chinese ramen from 99 ranch, and the plan was when i got close to bowser i would slam it shut and spray the ramen mix on him. it all dribbled out long before we got back to his level, and then i woke up.

  67. 11 months ago

    The only god that is worth giving your life to is money. That is the true master and ruler of the world. Everything else is a load of coping homosexual crap or a means to manipulate idiots and get their money.
    Money will give you the keys to the kingdom, money will move mountains, money will one day raise the dead. If you have money you have everything.
    But money is an extremely unforgiving god that does not promote any kind of union among it's children. It's a bloodthirsty thing that makes brother kill brother. Dedicating your life to money means becoming half a machine and half a beast. No heart, no emotions, nothing.
    Not all of us are ready for that, most of us aren't. Even among the people who give themselves into money most will fail.
    There are families, dynasties whose entire purpose is money, and they are the ones who rule over us right now.
    The church needs money, the Nazis and the commies needed money, nothing can exists without it.
    You don't have money, you ain't fricking shit.

  68. 11 months ago

    Just came back from attending Moldbug's London meetup. It was surprisingly white pilling. You guys should go if you can.

    • 11 months ago

      wow i really hope u didn't pay money to meet an e-celeb especially a male one lmao

      • 11 months ago

        I did. What are you gonna do about it homosexual

      • 11 months ago

        It would be better to pay to meet a female e celeb?

  69. 11 months ago

    A podcast I listened to had Richard Dawkins on. They ended up talking about gender and the erosion of truth since it's fricking 2023 and no one can even define what a man or woman is anymore. He compared transgenderism to transubstantiation in Catholicism- that the substance doesn't change but its essence changes. Basically he argued that that declaring that some wine is now the blood of Christ is the same thing as a man declaring himself a woman. I kind of agree with the comparison and mentioned it to my liberal philsophy grad student roommate. He didn't like it because he thought the distinction between sex and gender were clear, that you don't change chromosomally but you "work towards passing as a female" I wasn't looking to argue so I didn't really push back, I just wanted to hear his take on it, though the expression "You can put lipstick on a pig" came to my mind as he said it. I told him I think gender is nonsensical and unfalsifiable and that's why no one can agree on it. He said that the point of gender is that it's unfalsifiable. This makes me think it's a useless concept, though I don't really know how to articulate as to why.

    I don't "feel" male, I just am one. I don't "feel" masculine by my actions and I don't really care if my clothes are blue or pink- I have multiple pink shirts. I wish I was taller or I wish certain things about my body were different, but I don't really feel like "oh man I gotta go get leg lengthening surgery to make my body match my ideal image." I just accept the hand I was dealt in life and make the most of it, I don't know why others can't cope with it, or why it is that those that can't cope never have active fathers in their lives.

    • 11 months ago

      >This makes me think it's a useless concept, though I don't really know how to articulate as to why.
      I mean you're absolutely correct. Generally speaking concepts are valid through their usefulness. In this case the concept is useless because it produces no new insights, can't be used in any kind of engineering or academic context, does not represent a better way to organize existing knowledge, etc.

    • 11 months ago

      I think Westerners have this mode of being that enables them to believe they can technologically dominate the Western world. I think that now extends even to biology. Transsexuals and their circles basically believe you can engineer the human body into another sex/gender and even a different life altogether. Why this desire exists in the first place? I really don’t know, but I think the delusion that they can change nature is definitely a Western phenomenon. I mean, we all feel this way to greater or lesser degrees and it’s been remarked by many a philosopher at this point.

      • 11 months ago

        Where do you live? Just curious. In general I think of the control of nature more in terms of things like buildings and climate control. I am happy with myself as is, but know perfectly well that nature is completely indifferent to my needs and wants. Do you know that?

      • 11 months ago

        Doesn't help that transitioning people is an invented multi-billion dollar industry out of a non-problem. And you get to double dip on detransitioners.

        • 11 months ago

          Right, but it doesn’t explain why Westerners would want this or even think it’s possible. I mean, could you attribute it to corporate brainwashing? I guess, but I don’t think you can brainwash people into accepting things that are obviously unthinkable.

    • 11 months ago

      Also, are you moronic? How are they alike at all? The wine is transsubstantiated into the blood in the sense that the substance is transcended. There’s nothing at all like that in changing the physical body. Dawkins is a pseud and you’re stupid for not seeing right through that word game.

  70. 11 months ago

    I'm a total pussy, I'm terrified of confrontation, and I cry at the drop of a hat, but I could still watch you suffer without skipping a beat. You took everything from me and I hope you are miserable until you die the most agonizing death possible.
    I hope you die.
    I hope you die.
    I hope you die.
    Die. Die. Die.

  71. 11 months ago

    ---- Solaria ----
    Two Exemplary Aesthetes

    Edith Farnsworth

    Kind of hated it and one can tell why
    Given how many better ways he turned the idea

    Of a conservatory inside-out, never mind how much better
    The whole extended site looks and feels

    from bridge elevations, how beautiful it is from there
    Only in person, if never picturesquely,

    Never in paint, too strange for all that,
    Impossible to appreciate

    Without engineering
    That so completely disregards

    The wants or needs of violent men
    And stupid women.

    Of course it's a pretty trivial set of distinctions as design
    And implementation goes overall:

    Over the the decades the proportion of my furniture
    Made of steel and glass has steadily increased,

    While enormous forests disappear
    Apparently into nowhere.

    Any feeling expressed with too overt a heat is hardly there.

  72. 11 months ago

    Hate is a greater motivation than love, as is indifference.

  73. 11 months ago

    Do you think some men are just fated to be the driftwood of history? What if someone doesn’t think they have any early life influences, remarkable events, background story, anything like that?

    What got me thinking about this was hearing RFK Jr. talk about his childhood and young adulthood and how that even still matters for what he is doing now. That was kind of depressing to think about.

    • 11 months ago

      >Do you think some men are just fated to be the driftwood of history?
      Yes. The destiny is real and theres nothing we can do.

  74. 11 months ago

    The birds are gone now because the workers are back and using excavators to do something he didn't know about, or care about, the idea is they're doing what you'd expect them to do, to dirt and to gravel, and he cared because it was beautiful, framed against a beautiful set of mountains. But if you were to see them performing their movements slowly and heavily, but not deeply, in, say, the neighborhood you grew up in, tearing down and apart a fully adult business, one that has faltered behind the pull of dark, massive currencies, good for them... Because it is an evolution, we are moving towards something, it is definitely not moving towards us... well if you see that, it is doing nothing, it is stirring up dust. But they really are evolving, in a general sense, and some things aren't meant to be timeless, some features of the self, too...
    As it was he didn't even care that it was beautiful anymore, but since he worked there he wouldn't mind knowing what it was all about. He should know things, after all. The birds weren't there anymore and he wished they were. He was still looking out of that window. It was just like he had written in one of his songs: "There is poetry/inscribed on the windowsill/inscribed on the tree trunk/inscribed on the sky/broke the surface of the ice with a lit cigarette/broke the sky with a lock of your hair." But "all I can see is this window, except for what's in this room. So the content of the window is written there in blue ink, instead of red blood, which of course washes away, unlike blue ink, which, of course, stays. But then the birds, written there in "blue ink", fly away. I didn't know something so hard to erase could just fly, and get away from you, and your memory, easily, forever", he thought.
    Jesus, it was so much better to think about her.
    He walked across the bridge to the field where different machines were turning the grass to hay. This was something he understood, not that he cared, except for that fact that the people in those machines were going to be paid with a portion of that hay, which seemed very fair, in a mystical sense, never mind. That was too underdeveloped to think about, and what would developing it even do? And what could he say about her, he thought next, changing the subject. And what is she saying to herself about me? "Well if I knew that I wouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning!". That could be sort of true. He was speaking out of anger. I mean of course he would have gone to work: it's work. But it seemed like everything he did was to the end of having something to say at the end of it. He would say it to her, if he found something, but that was a coincidence. He had also begun writing again. There were different ways of dealing with the end of a day. He walked a few feet to the right and dropped down into the stream that ran underneath the bridge and bordered the field. He felt like he was performing the events of a novel, or worse, (he is detached) a poem.

  75. 11 months ago

    Why has Marxism descended into libertineism? In the past, Marxists sought to liberate the working class. Today, leftoids want to liberate people from normative ethics, they are now basically followers of De Sade, and any enthusiasim for the workers has been replaced with an LGBT fetish. The contemporary right simply invert this paradigm. Political thought has degenerated.

    • 11 months ago

      The workers revolution never manifested, so the Frankfurt School tasked itself with discovering why. Combining Marxist theory with sociology and freudian psychology, they decided that normative constructs, like the nuclear family, perpetuate Capital and must be deconstructed to actualize the Worker's revolution. Thats the conclusion of claiming that Marxism is a science

      • 11 months ago

        It did manifest though, just not in the West

        • 11 months ago

          And in non Western countries, the minority of politically invested actors are liable to subscribe to some variant of Marxism rather than some sort of union-LGBT coalition.

        • 11 months ago

          Thats for different Marxian sects to debate. I'm just explaining why Marxism morphed into what it is now

    • 11 months ago

      Marxism never caught on in Western countries. It didn’t descend into anything because it was never much of a phenomenon to begin with.

    • 11 months ago

      Nicely calculated, but not convincing.

  76. 11 months ago

    what's the point of doing anything when Livvy Dunne can make $500k from a single IG post and hot girls in college can make $20k/month selling anonymous feet pics? Is our society falling apart? Why should I accept the social contract telling me to work forty hours a week to barely squeak out of a living while so many thousands of Americans (and millions worldwide) live unbelievably luxurious, low-working hour lifestyles?

    • 11 months ago

      Then don't do anything and starve to death.
      It's that shrimple.
      Did you know there's people so rich they don't have to work a single day if their lives? It's not a prawnblem as long as you don't think too much about it.

    • 11 months ago

      Because it's your only option. If you hate your work, do as little as possible while cashing in checks and think of ways to make an income w less work over time. Just make your own life meaningful with thr people close by and have attainable goals.

      What you are experiencing is essentially a natural response to being lower status. You can save yourself a lot of pain if you avoid associating with these people online or offline unless you need to use them oppurtunistically. Being present locally and avoiding social media can also help.

  77. 11 months ago

    Tfw no psuedo moralist gf

    • 11 months ago

      Tfw no pseudo amoralist gf

      • 11 months ago

        Isnt that every gf

        • 11 months ago

          The point is I don't have one

  78. 11 months ago

    There was no sound. I felt something strong. It was terribly intense. I felt colors. It wasn't heat. You can't really say it was yellow, and it wasn't blue. At that moment, I thought I would be the only one who would die. I said to myself, "Goodbye, Mom."

  79. 11 months ago

    Have to come to grips with the fact that I'm afraid of the dark

  80. 11 months ago

    I am reading The Pillars of the Earth and can't stand all the kissing, fricking, raping, loves and affections, etc. It just doesn't hold any appeal to me and I cringe reading it. Are other books by Ken Follet also of this type? Can anyone recommend similar books without all this coomer content?

  81. 11 months ago

    ---- Solaria ----

    The air was so sweet that day
    I couldn't help but drive far out into it

    At a relaxed pace in my slight car, almost a motorcycle
    Compared to the massive piece of work I drive now.

    I was a most neoteous little guy then,
    And even then too calculating

    To see completely by any ear/eye conscious of recordings.

  82. 11 months ago

    You think there's three options but there's only two. Either continue caring and remain vulnerable to the temptations and pains which come with caring or stop caring and lose the meaning and value brought by caring. Maybe other people can make it work but not you. You can't help yourself - any time a temptation arises, you allow it to come over you, savoring the sensation of each small piece of your remaining innocence being corrupted. You're a pervert in the fullest sense of the word. Nothing on Earth is too vulgar or debased for you. Nothing ever will be, not while you still care, while you divide things between purity and corruption. A demon possessed you, or maybe of all the demons seeking to drag you down you are chief.
    Your sole hope is to die. By dying to your cares, you also destroy the mechanism by which corruption may exist. By dying to yourself, you destroy the idol which lies on the altar of self-worship, which allows your cares to be reflected darkly as temptation. By dying you will end your ability to do these things you revel in and yet hate.
    Does the prospect sting? Does it bring you to pains, wounds, tears? Do you feel sorrow for the creature you see in the mirror, who will soon die? You must take such things and strangle them. They are ropes that bind you and brambles that catch you. Suffer now or you will be lost.

  83. 11 months ago

    I think I have the first real and reliable friendship of my life. My other friends/acquaintances are extremely difficult to maintain contact with. They never reach out to me. I always have to reach out to them, and 90% of the time they say no. I only see them at preset and prearranged social events. I hate it because it makes me feel needy to ask and then rejected after the fact. This new friend of mine sets aside at least a day a week to meet up. It's not pulling teeth to make plans. It's very straightforward. We compare schedules and then make it work. I never knew it could be that easy.

  84. 11 months ago

    ---- Solaria ----

    It could never be so appropriate, so suave. so smooth
    So much like narcotic death or life

    As the car I'm used to, designed to make me dream behind the wheel.


  85. 11 months ago

    I think my brain just doesn’t work

  86. 11 months ago

    I spent last few weeks constantly telling myself that everything is going to be okay

    • 11 months ago

      Hang in there.

  87. 11 months ago

    There's too much bloat, fraud, arrogance, and insincerity in people alive today. I don't know what the future holds other than myself finally losing all hope and being content with working in an animal shelter or admitting myself to a psychiatric institution.

  88. 11 months ago

    ---- Solaria ----
    Lake Natron

    I always wish for a world in which everything is dance,
    Where everything exists in loops of ecstasy,

    Where all tragedy is utterly forgotten
    And everything is, at last, forgiven.

  89. 11 months ago

    Should i buy a 30 dollars book that i really want to read or 3 books of 10 dollars that i kinda want to read ? Mmm...

    • 11 months ago

      I spend a about 300 dollars on car insurance and telecommunications alone every month. Take the 30 dollar book first, if it's the first you'd rather read--that is if you can't get it cheaper without piracy.

      • 11 months ago

        *Or via I should say. Libarary systems are most estensive, and so is photographic patience and such.

  90. 11 months ago

    Thread is nearing bump limit so no one will notice if I say bloobloabobalaboabplabo

  91. 11 months ago

    Does your life have a story arc? Do you have formative influences or events from your youth?

  92. 11 months ago

    I wish my siblings wanted to work harder.

  93. 11 months ago

    If you think about how there is a difference between being alive and actually living your life, it becomes apparent that many people die having lived very short lives indeed.
    It's like how people say life seems to get faster as they age, or that they remember less events from their lives. Its because they havent done things worth remembering.

    • 11 months ago

      Adding to this, it becomes kind of apparent that many people's desire to live forever or avoid death is not out of some yearning to live longer and do more with the time, but rather simply to stave off death, the actual event of they fear, the pain and loss of posessions.

    • 11 months ago

      This is how I feel about my father and I worry that this what life has in store for me. I worry that you have to realize this when you’re young to really do anything remarkable with your life. I can think of very few people who were nobodies until they were older and then became remarkable.

      • 11 months ago

        >I worry that you have to realize this when you’re young to really do anything remarkable with your life.
        I recommend ignoring any notion of what is "remarkable" or being "somebody". The point is to simply live doing what is valuable and worth remembering to you. That may in fact be doing something big like becoming a famous writer or whatever, but there are many aspects of life that are worth paying attention to. Really, it is the paying attention itself that is most critical. It's more a way of living than an individual goal. It also doesn't really matter when you start other than that you do start, since mortality surrounds us and you could die tripping on the stairs tomorrow.
        In my case what is important is doing new things and exploration, but also spending my time meaningfully with what I already have. For example, gaming with my cousin and showing him stuff hes never seen before or telling my mom I don't feel like she really pays attention to me or opening myself up to romance; it's these things where we decide to actually do something relevant to what we value, instead of just playing games and jerking off and killing yet another day. I'm not amazing at it but I'm seeing it as a habit. Making goals for yourself and understanding that when you do reach that goal there never is going to be some grand closure, but that the doing itself is the whole point, and then finding a new goal that is meaningful to you. I dunno. This is probably just my david foster wallace reading speaking through me and you may be better off reading his work than reading my pathetic attempts at sharing his ideas.

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