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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 9 months ago

    Goons, breaths and realizations in an upcoming 250' yearer

  2. 9 months ago

    anybody else realizing the world is gonna fall to pieces in the next 20 years? what are you doing with your life until the collapse?

    • 9 months ago

      what's the point of doing anything if it will collapse?

      • 9 months ago

        you still have a consciousness you might be able to enjoy

    • 9 months ago

      Wishful thinking. Things will just keep getting worse year by year and people will accept it without a word.

    • 9 months ago

      to be honest, I'm just depressed and rotting my life away

    • 9 months ago

      >what are you doing with your life until the collapse?
      The same thing I'm doing now, nothing.

    • 9 months ago

      I don't think it is going to fall to pieces, I think it is going to be counterfeited. The process is already began, but it will be more obvious. The idea of "society falling to pieces" contains the optimistic hope of a spring to follow winter. It is why most doomsayers and survivalists are just long-term optimists.

      There is no spring coming, instead we will have an endless false-summer. We enter now an age of synthetic digital bloom, everything fake. Fake objects, fake subjects, fake relations and correspondences between fake objects and subjects mediated falsely. Digital samsara. The truth will be fake, and the lies will be worse. You will not know yourself, but you will be fake so its not a big deal anyway.

      • 9 months ago

        interesting theory

      • 9 months ago

        >instead we will have an endless false-summer
        The infrastructure which keeps all this together is already starting to crack

        • 9 months ago

          >2 more weeks!

          • 9 months ago

            What is this two more weeks meme? It has been getting posted for about a week now so should it be
            >1 more week!
            or what ever?

          • 9 months ago

            A little digging and it seems this has been getting said for ~3 weeks now and has yet to come. But no sign of an explanation other then the vague smell of /misc/.

          • 9 months ago

            newbie I won't spoonfeed you.

          • 9 months ago

            If only. I have been shift-clicking every /misc/ thread and every thread which devolves into /misc/ since 2016 so I haven't a clue about their memes.

          • 9 months ago

            A little digging and it seems this has been getting said for ~3 weeks now and has yet to come. But no sign of an explanation other then the vague smell of /misc/.

            As I've been saying for the last three years, two more weeks and everything will be VERY clear for everyone.

          • 9 months ago

            Back when the Covid scam was still ongoing every medical outlet was saying two more weeks and the dubious restrictions will be off. They weren't. So this repeated for about a year until even the news outlets realized how obvious they were making it and stopped using it. Then some wiseass had the bright idea to follow the nuchan tradition and steal this epic meme so he can b***h and moan and mock /misc/ whenever anyone says something that goes against his dogma. Cue low effort trolls, bad faith actors and, risking your lol ur are a /misc/tard, actual redditors desperate to defend private corporations profiting off a supposed national emergency.

    • 9 months ago

      im self teaching myself poetry so i can be the poet Laurette of the collapse

      t. neet hikki who dont care if normies lives fall apart

    • 9 months ago

      The world isn't going to collapse but it will go to complete shit once boomers all die within 10 years. The postwar generation is still the generation that rules the world. There is absolutely no way that this TikTok generation can govern anything once they grow up, they will lead us to destruction in the coming decades.

    • 9 months ago

      Honestly, no idea. I have a sense of what I want to do, but I have feelings of inadequacy and self loathing.

    • 9 months ago

      i dont think it will collapse. Just a drastically lower quality of life for the majority (you).

  3. 9 months ago

    there's a screenshot going around from IQfy saying you should act like Mr Darcy to get chicks. meanwhile mr darcy be like
    >sits perfectly silently waiting for someone to talk to him
    yeah chief this shit isn't working, women don't just walk around the world starting conversations with random men sitting quietly, whoever wrote that post has never been on a bus before or left their house in general

    • 9 months ago

      >women don't just walk around the world starting conversations with random men sitting quietly
      They do if you're attractive.

      • 9 months ago

        Women have a poor sense of aesthetics

        • 9 months ago

          >Attractive man - good
          >Ugly man - bad
          Seems straightforward enough. No one sees ugly, broken things as desirable.

          • 9 months ago

            Explain my sister and her gerbil with a broken tail or how crippled guys slay immense amounts of tail.

          • 9 months ago

            crippled how?

          • 9 months ago

            Like spina bifida. I dunno man thought you could fill in the blank there.

          • 9 months ago

            You can be crippled emotionally but still get pussy if you're attractive.

          • 9 months ago

            Crippled people aren’t conventionally attractive. And social skills plays a great deal in getting laid, if you’re an autist like me it’s an uphill battle.

          • 9 months ago

            >social skills plays a great deal in getting laid
            That's a given thing. you can be ugly but if you have charisma (aka good social skills) then you be more "attractive" than pretty autistic guys.

          • 9 months ago

            I honestly think charisma shouldn’t be a thing. Sexual reproduction should be first and foremost transactional.

    • 9 months ago

      >>sits perfectly silently waiting for someone to talk to him
      I was once sitting silent around a campfire alone and was approached by a random woman who joined me.
      inb4 you must be a chad,
      I'm not even particularly good looking.
      You just have to be in a public place doing something interesting and not look unapproachable (i.e don't act like Darcy sitting there scowling)

      • 9 months ago

        I have a similar experience. I was sitting around a dying bonfire when a girl came up behind me and put her arms over my shoulders, in her hand was half a vodka cruiser. I took the cruiser, drank it and went about my night. Turns out she had a crush on me and I fricked it up a bit down the line but that's a story for another time. I'm not particularly good-looking either.

        • 9 months ago

          >I was sitting around a dying bonfire when a girl came up behind me and put her arms over my shoulders, in her hand was half a vodka cruiser. I took the cruiser, drank it and went about my night.
          Lmao pretty based.
          The bonfire girl definitely wanted sex. She left to her campsite and then suddenly returned in her car at midnight just sitting their idling in the car.
          I think she was hoping I'd come up to her car but i just sat finishing my wine, and she left.

          • 9 months ago

            >Lmao pretty based.
            I do regret handling the situation the way I did down the line but to this day the whole thing still kinda confuses me. We went to high school and primary school together but only ever spoke maybe once but apparently, she had a crush on me, maybe it developed that night when we were at the party. When I asked a friend about it (who had a huge crush on her) he said that it was because in high school I was a funny guy and in his words (everyone basically hung off your words) so I guess being funny when you're around a chick is enough to get her to have a crush on you. I still don't know anything past that though.

          • 9 months ago

            Oh i see so this was at a party.
            In my case it was actually just a total rando. I was out in a desert forest no one else around and this car pulls up idling and i think I'm about to be robbed or something.
            Girl gets out and asks if she can sit by my fire while she eats her food.
            Turns out she was from a university there to study the birds in the area

      • 9 months ago

        this doesn't work. I've been outside and I saw how it is, on buses, in malls, in parks, etc. everywhere women just walk forward and ignore everyone, there were other men just sitting still and no one talked to them either
        this strategy of being mr Darcy doesn't work

        • 9 months ago

          >on buses, in malls, in parks, etc. everywhere women just walk forward and ignore everyone, there were other men just sitting still and no one talked to them either
          >this strategy of being mr Darcy doesn't work
          Most those places people are going about their business.
          When you're alone by a bonfire with booze it's an a lot more attractive environment.
          For the record I'm a virgin with no friends, and generally a total loser, and still have been approached a few times by women in my life.
          But i do have a certain manly look and generally dress pretty sharply, so that probably helps despite being kinda autismo

  4. 9 months ago

    People usually always like to brag about some area of knowledge they know. From my experience though, every time someone has deliberately done that, whether that be online or in person, they have actually showed me how little they know.

    Take Japanese for example, I have a decent grasp on the grammar and know about as much kanji as a Japanese 9 old. I never brought it up with my family, the only reason my family knows now is because it was brought up due to the elective classes I was interested in taking to get my associates.

    I have seen people, midwits I call them, on here and in person, jump at the opportunity to show everybody that they know how to pronounce some hiragana for no reason other than to show that they know it.

    >Someone converts something into romanji with a stupid reaction face without adding anything.

    >"Umm, is that (insert simple translation here) really accurate? Don't you mean (insert translation that is also accurate but is just a little different)"

    Almost a decade ago when I was back in high school, one of my classmates put "arigatogozaimasu " but in hiragana as his name for a kahoot game. The teacher asked about it, he replied "oh, it's just from an anime!". I did not say anything to him.

    I got into crypto trading a year ago, and every couple of days there are people on IQfy who will make posts about getting short term price action right.

    > OP: "Haha! I told you there was going to be a dump soon! The RSI on the daily was overbought 2 days ago!" Here is my thread predicting this!"

    Yes, it's called the market going sideways. BTC has been going up and down for most of the entire year. Do you want me to clap for you bro?

    To sum it up, whenever somebody has bragged or showed off, it comes always came off to me as them embarrassing themselves because they are showing me and everybody included what they think they think is a lot when in reality is is not.

    • 9 months ago

      And you're doing it by posting there saying you know more than anyone on your subject. There is also nothing special about knowing Japanese, and it is in fact fricking cringe. Whenever someone tries to speak japanese I can't help but chuckle. Japanese is the most cringe language in the entire world along with korean. I can't keep a straight face when I hear a white dude speak japanese outside of Japan. Even speaking broken russian or spanish is better than this. Sometimes it's like weebs are impervious to cringe. I don't know how you do it.

      • 9 months ago

        maybe they wanted to be able to understand niche japanese entertainment in the native language and found that they can do penpal like activities online and thus found learning a language worth it
        what utility do you have to learn russian, are you going to read any of the famous russian authors in their native language?
        what about spanish, are you going to impress some mamacita in your vacation to mexico by speaking at a braindead mules pace while being a gringo?
        you are the cringe, the guy found a language they wanted to learn and learned it, what languages you have learned and what good did they do for you?

        • 9 months ago

          >maybe they wanted to be able to understand niche japanese entertainment in the native language and found that they can do penpal like activities online and thus found learning a language worth it
          Still fricking cringe. Whenever someone says 'Oh, I speak Japanese!' people can't help but ask for a sentence and that's where I cringe. Hard. Plus the niche stuff you're talking about is probably anime or reading light novels. I've read light novels and they're shit. Some guy I know learned japanese and flexed about reading the forbidden suicide methods books. I asked about a normal book and he told me about some girl taking up a restaurant and eating her pet pig. Even normal japanese books are fricking cringe. And they're soulless, there is nothing worthwhile in their literature since they literally can't write good endings or stop themselves from being pedos. I'm pretty sure you can't cite any japanese author except Murakami or anime writers. Only the samurai and people who lived thousands of years ago published ok-tier literature.

          >what utility do you have to learn russian, are you going to read any of the famous russian authors in their native language?
          I laughed hard there. You are talking as if Russian literature didn't have an extremely important place in literature. I am, yes. Classical arab is also something I want to learn to better understand their books.
          >what about spanish, are you going to impress some mamacita in your vacation to mexico by speaking at a braindead mules pace while being a gringo?
          you are the cringe, the guy found a language they wanted to learn and learned it, what languages you have learned and what good did they do for you?
          Spanish is spoken by more than half a billion people, not just an island no one cares about. It's a very important language for business.

          • 9 months ago

            >even normal japanese books are fricking cringe
            read about the bushido stuff if you want some good japanese literature to ruminate
            >i bet you can't [the actually good literature]
            no shit, the rest of the stuff they wrote were direct bastardization of old chinese stuff
            >you are talking as if russia didn't have good literature
            i am saying they do, i am saying you probably will never read it in their native language
            >classical arab
            name one good author
            >i want to learn espanol for commerce
            frick off israelite

          • 9 months ago

            >read about the bushido stuff if you want some good japanese literature to ruminate
            Just said that
            >no shit, the rest of the stuff they wrote were direct bastardization of old chinese stuff
            So there's almost no point in reading it and one should skip to Chinese directly.
            >i am saying they do, i am saying you probably will never read it in their native language
            I read it in english and will read it in their original language though
            >name one good author
            >frick off israelite
            you are a weeb and a Black person

    • 9 months ago

      anon discovers the Dunning-Kruger effect

  5. 9 months ago

    Success makes everyone seem like a genius in retrospect, failure makes even the best plans seem moronic retroactively.

  6. 9 months ago


    >partaking in the life of God


    • 9 months ago

      You're asleep. You're shit trust me. Words don't describe it. Go back to that realization

    • 9 months ago

      I don't understand what you're getting at

  7. 9 months ago

    Its nice to have a phrase which kills womans interest in you every single time without failure.

    • 9 months ago

      is it the israelite word, the israelite word used to denote the judaistic tribe of israel of the israelites? does that dry their panties like a desert of the west coast middle-east?

      • 9 months ago

        Its just the phrase
        Im virgin
        The dryness is instant

        • 9 months ago

          you need to find better women if that dries their panties, try finding women that aren't complete bawds, good luck with that though women are emotional not logical on the majority

          • 9 months ago

            That’s why they make shitty metaphysicians and scientists

          • 9 months ago

            but you see, my phrases filters not only bawds but also regular women.

          • 9 months ago

            Keep using it and also stay a virgin, it's blessed. 99% of women aren't worth your time anyway

          • 9 months ago

            Its hard not to feel inferior.

          • 9 months ago

            Honestly man if you want to lose your virginity just don't bring it up if you think you have a shot. Worked for me

          • 9 months ago

            Sure, Im not going to say it outright but as I've said earlier in the thread, my behavior and speech are dead giveaway of it and especially given my age.

          • 9 months ago

            That's because you've internalised modern narratives surrounding sex. I know it's easier said than done but the truth of the matter is that you're just engaging in a grass is greener mentality. Having sex will do nothing to change the disquiet in your heart and men have fallen into that snare before you - what you are feeling runs a lot deeper than that. Given that one of the primary functions of sex is pair-bonding, when the woman you get with inevitably leaves you, it will rip your heart out and you'll project that resentment in all of your future interactions with women. I'm telling it's not worth it and save yourself for a woman that is worth marrying and only have sex after you're married. Pray for God's help, He'll give it abundantly.

          • 9 months ago

            >save yourself for a woman that is worth marrying and only have sex after you're married
            Does that even happen in the modern day and age?

          • 9 months ago

            In the vast majority of cases no and I won't deny that. But that doesn't change what I've said. In any other case you'll give your heart to a harlot who is so either literally or spiritually. In doing so, you've only become part of the problem of why male-female dynamics are so messed up and end up a hypocrite and destroying yourself in the process. Remaining celibate, while hard, is right and honourable thing to do. If God wills for a good woman to come into life then that will be on His time not yours. Btw, I'm not gonna one of those people who says men need to just man up and be willing to get married. It's difficult to quantify blame but women have a lion's share of it and don't deserve anyone running to their defence. It's a sordid state of affairs but that's how men of robust character are made. I said a prayer for you

          • 9 months ago

            >If God wills for a good woman to come into life then that will be on His time not yours.
            I think myself the same. Maybe its not meant for me. Nevertheless, thank you.

          • 9 months ago

            If it's any consolation, I'm in circumstances where even if I was to get married it won't happen for a long time. God may do something to change that but I doubt it. In any case it gives me the opportunity to focus on more productive things. I also think that lust rather than a genuine desire to be with someone may be driving your feelings. I only say this because there was instances in the past where I myself felt the tfwnogf, especially in relation to unrequited infatuations. It's a pretty common thing for young guys. It was only God's providence that shielded me from these things because if He didn't, I'd be an utter mess or worse now. The sort of women I fixated on where exactly the ones that would have dragged me down to Sheol as Solomon says

          • 9 months ago

            *were not was

          • 9 months ago

            Maybe you're right but theres no lust in me.

            I've had a few long term relationships, a marriage in the mix. I'm not much of a ladies man, but my conclusion is that it's all fate if it's meant to last or not. Best you can do is live your best possible life and if the right woman comes along, integrate her into it. My relationships fell apart because I needed to change and the women wanted different things than what I need.
            The pure statistical odds of someone finding the right person for themselves are so small it barely counts as possible. Variations of personalities, of interests, odds of meeting in the right locations with varied schedules. Yet somehow I've seen countless couples that fit together just right.
            Become your own ideal and keep your heart open. The right time will come when you're ready.

            sure, I do believe that if its meant to happen then it happen but its still very hard to be feel guilty.

          • 9 months ago

            >Maybe you're right but theres no lust in me.
            Fair enough. At any rate, like the other anon said, it happens when it happens. If you force the issue then you'll end up destroying yourself but it was not the time for it. Focus on character development and virtue

          • 9 months ago

            Thank you for consolation words.

          • 9 months ago

            You'll be ok fren, God bless

          • 9 months ago

            I've had a few long term relationships, a marriage in the mix. I'm not much of a ladies man, but my conclusion is that it's all fate if it's meant to last or not. Best you can do is live your best possible life and if the right woman comes along, integrate her into it. My relationships fell apart because I needed to change and the women wanted different things than what I need.
            The pure statistical odds of someone finding the right person for themselves are so small it barely counts as possible. Variations of personalities, of interests, odds of meeting in the right locations with varied schedules. Yet somehow I've seen countless couples that fit together just right.
            Become your own ideal and keep your heart open. The right time will come when you're ready.

        • 9 months ago

          why would you say that phrase anyway, makes no sense. just dont say "im a virgin". no other species to ever exists says "im a virgin" before fricking for the first time

          • 9 months ago

            Its obvious from my words and behavior (or rather lack of it) and it might lead to such question and me saying the phrase.

    • 9 months ago

      I wish I had this but it made women interested in you instead
      'tism is too much you see

  8. 9 months ago

    I can’t stop wanting to buy more books

    • 9 months ago

      Have you tried not buying books?

  9. 9 months ago

    i'm trapped in a vicious cycle i can't break free from
    i don't know what to do, i'm lost and hopeless, nothing makes sense

  10. 9 months ago

    I wanted to respond to this post


    by saying:

    Wrong homosexual. Without Rome, those greekoids can't possibly call themselves Roman.

  11. 9 months ago

    I usually fap on Sundays but I'm really horny today
    Should I just fap or wait?

  12. 9 months ago

    Last day for the poll


  13. 9 months ago

    I don't think I could ever feel love for a human, I'm pretty sure I know what love feels like, I think it's what I feel when I look at my dogs, I just don't think I could ever feel that for a human. Every time I've told a human that I loved them, I lied.

  14. 9 months ago

    It's cold in my room and my heater isn't working, guess I'll freeze.

    • 9 months ago

      The batteries in the remote were just dead, we're gonna get toasty now, fellas.

  15. 9 months ago

    >the weekend is finally here
    >this time I'll do a lot of comfy reading
    >proceed to sleep all day and watch movies
    how do I fix this IQfy?

    • 9 months ago

      Fix what? Do you want us to tell you how to stop doing shit that you clearly enjoy?

  16. 9 months ago

    Surely a chick can never love a guy as much as a guy can love a chick, right? I feel like we love less often but when we do love, we love hard. I also feel like guys are reachers and chicks are settlers.

    • 9 months ago

      The only people a woman can truly love is her children. Feminine "love" is nothing more than an intense feeling of respect they feel towards a man, it has nothing to do with what men feel for women.

  17. 9 months ago

    I think I am addicted to my computer and I don't even play video games. I don't do many things in my life - I work (tech job, from home), I exercise about 30-45 minutes nearly every day (also at home, I have a decent collection of dumbells, kettlebells and a pull-up rack) and the rest of my free time I spend in front of my computer screen.
    I tried all kinds of different hobbies - reading, running, shooting guns, puzzle solving, photography, learning how to play guitar, baking all kinds of tasty desserts, writing. I would get really into the hobby at first, it would absorb me but then several weeks or sometimes months later I would get tired of it and never practice it again. And I would end up sitting in front of my computer screen again - browsing IQfy, watching videos on Youtube or browsing various online stores looking for, honestly, I don't even know what.
    Surely, I'm not alone. I mean, I'm a 30-year-old man in Eastern Europe. Is this just something that people do? This easy, effortless and endless entertainment that my computer offers is better that everything else? Really?
    Anybody here managed to successfully get out of it?

  18. 9 months ago

    Im getting filtered IQfy. I was kind of getting it until that damn chapter where he goes down the toilet. Now there are characters and African tribespeople that with a no idea of understandin what they are related. Should I read something for more context or should I keep going

    • 9 months ago

      >Should I read something for more context or should I keep going
      You missed a few details but probably best to just continue on and enjoy the ride. This is partly by design, the reader is supposed to miss some important details and get confused and lost just like Slothrop, Pynchon kind of slips them in on the sly or implies them in the early parts so they are easy to miss but he reiterates later on so you can sort of catch up but not really. It is a book which requires more then one read unless you take autistic level notes and if you do that you will miss out on more then you would gain. I would keep on going without any help from outside sources and after you finish it give the audio book a listen, it is amazingly well read.

  19. 9 months ago

    big dicks will rule the world

    • 9 months ago

      small dicks will always compensate harder by ruling the world instead. big dicks dont feel the same drive to rule

      • 9 months ago


  20. 9 months ago

    India wants to be called Bharat but that sounds like a fart.
    Like someone leaning in on one cheek and the letting out a BHARATTTT
    Why would India want to associate (more than they already are) to fecal matters?
    I hope it catches on.

    • 9 months ago

      To the man with the sufficiently talented anus, every country sounds like a fart.

  21. 9 months ago

    the world will never take my heart

    • 9 months ago

      Though they try. They’ll never break me

  22. 9 months ago

    There is no Gretchen to save me.

  23. 9 months ago

    I talked to the pastor at my church about how UFOs are demons and also about satanic occultists in the intelligence agencies.
    The pastor is a normie and he didn't know that much about it.

    • 9 months ago

      It’s the israelites Anon.

  24. 9 months ago

    Are there any good books (in English) on Stalin?
    My focus is not on communism or ideology but on Stalin himself, his character and personality. it seems to me from the limited and subjective information that I have is that Stalin was very decisive and ruthless, much more so than Hitler or any other rulers in mordern history, but because of history anyone ever talks about him is in context of communism and war crimes.

    • 9 months ago

      I read that when Stalin was in government meetings, he would put a whoopee cushion on someone's chair to make them do a fart sound and everyone would laugh.
      The laughter put everyone in a more relaxed mood, and that way way they're more likely to reveal secrets.

  25. 9 months ago

    Are there any good, succinct written treatments of the phenomenon of rich upper class people in the Anglosphere having all the confidence and self-image of an old school communist radical while ONLY caring about hilariously goofy race/gender shit spoonfed to them via propaganda journalism and curated social media moronation?

    I know this is so obvious that it almost seems like it doesn't need to be said but I have been interacting with a lot of young rich people lately and my god, no wonder leftism is dead as a movement, imagine being a leftist and trying to get any kind of momentum going when you're surrounded by rich kids who think they're oppressed because they're Latina. They really really think this, it's not a bit, it's utterly shameless. They have the exact same verve and self-image as some working class communist radical who thought he was about to take down the state a century ago, and they do not feel their parents' fabulous wealth contradicts this even a little.

    • 9 months ago

      Communists have always overwhelmingly been rich city folk. Socially-minded working class people, especially rural ones, have historically became christian socialists, chuds, or social democrats. Nobody outside rich bougie types have any real reason to like the militant atheism, internationalism, or semitic infiltration that is associated with communism.

    • 9 months ago

      I don’t think communism and leftism are synonymous so why do you think leftism is dead?

  26. 9 months ago

    >feel pain when I wipe
    >there's a bit of blood on the toilet paper
    It's so over.

  27. 9 months ago

    I cant explain why but cognitive behavior therapy just seems like a watered down psychoanalysis.

  28. 9 months ago
  29. 9 months ago

    Got drunk out of habit than anything.
    Went out for something to snack on while drinking further into the night.
    On my way, I saw an old bum on a bench in the park just staring into nothing. I know in a few years I will be him.
    I also saw a group of teenagers on a playground, that was cheering to welcome a friend joining them. I have never been them, and never will.

    • 9 months ago

      >I know in a few years I will be him.
      Why are you certain?

      • 9 months ago

        every year I enjoy drinking more and more and being outside more and more, I care less and less about everything other than drinking because it's pointless, no one talks to me, I am alone regardless of any effort, might as well just feel good all the time by being outside and drunk, being out and drunk are the only fun things and I cannot do anything about the solitary I have been forced into anyway regardless of effort I have put into work, diet, sobriety etc. I just wanted contact with people and no one gave me any, why should I do anything except for drinking not caring about anyone since they were never going to speak to me anyway?
        I can't do anything anymore to break out of the solitude since I did everything and none of it worked

        a few years ago, the idea of drinking vodka in a park in the middle of the day seemed like something only insane would do, now I fully get it and I want to do it, and since I went from impossibility to desirable in 3-4 years, it seems inevitable I will go from desirable to certain

        • 9 months ago

          >you have to be the one who approaches other or else nothing happens
          I know this feeling all too well. Maybe you'll encounter the irregularity.

  30. 9 months ago

    Jane Austen has for sure knew someone named Callins who curved her hard because it makes no sense for her to have written so much shit about someone so irrelevant to the story

  31. 9 months ago


    I’m starting to think I don’t have a choice. I’ve invested my twenties in a career track which I can’t advance without an advanced degree and I don’t seem to be able to even get into one, let alone afford one. My hope is that the Army could give me a new career, either in the Army or via one of the many things Army officers tend to go on to do afterward, or at least help me get into a school and pay for it to salvage my career. I don’t know what other options I have. It’s also important to me to do things so I don’t regret not doing them. I’d rather do it and regret it than not do it and regret that.

  32. 9 months ago

    Seems like university, not necessarily going but fricking it up somehow, ends up being an irreversible regret for a whole lot of people. A bit weird how we have this culture where you go do a thing at a certain age and if you frick it up, you’re just fricked forever.

    • 9 months ago

      >Go to University
      >Do pretty well
      >Get a degree
      >My ideal career turned out to be something completely unrelated that I practised in the background
      I'm tired

      • 9 months ago

        It should be relatively easy for you to switch via a masters. People with bad undergrad grades are just fricked.

      • 9 months ago

        At least you went to university

  33. 9 months ago

    The usual feeling that I've wasted my life. Prospects are all grim. I wish I'd done it all differently.

    Is it weird that I wanna pick up some Spanish and frick off to Spain and try to blend in with the locals? Or maybe Italia even? Similar enough since it's a western culture, and it's far away from the problems and soullessness of America. Assuming I could even afford to in less than 30 years from now. I don't know lads. I'm just a small frog in a big world.

    • 9 months ago

      Waiting to meet you in Italy fren, good luck for your new life or for your old one if you choose to keep it

  34. 9 months ago

    Part of me regrets being so close with my family and a part of me especially regrets relying on them so heavily at such an old age.

    • 9 months ago

      why do you feel this way?

      • 9 months ago

        I believe that our culture values the individual at a deep level, and while there are problems with that, there are benefits too. Our hero in Western culture is basically a lonely hero, the loneliest to be found anywhere in any culture and so to aspire to be more heroic, a better man basically, sort of necessitated that you be social but lonely. I think it’s definitely undermined by for example young men living with their mothers at old age. That’s a med culture thing. For us, we aspire for something else. And so to not have done that feels like I’ve somehow failed as a man and as a heroic aspirant. And recently, I feel more and more like I’ve pretty much amounted to a failure in my life entirely., which sucks because I had and still have really high aspirations for it. Probably a schizo/autistic take but that’s my opinion.

  35. 9 months ago

    Wondering if I should buy a house in the city. Working remotely has made my long-term living situation confusing.

  36. 9 months ago

    Now I know how people who feel bad about going for an undergraduate degree at like twenty-eight feel

  37. 9 months ago

    My sister passed away 3 years ago. I still dream of her from time to time. I've noticed almost every time I've seen her in my dreams, I meet her in a train station. We talk for a bit before she says she has to board the train.

    • 9 months ago

      Sorry for your loss. How did she die?

      • 9 months ago

        Brain tumor. Glioblastoma to be precise.

        • 9 months ago

          Man, I also had relative who had the same so I know that can be brutal. How old was she? How are you holding up?

          • 9 months ago

            She was 27 when she passed away. I'd say she managed to find peace despite the pain. I've seen others also who had the same affliction. Seen how they got delusional and almost insane because of the damage it does to your brain.

            As for me, I know I'm never moving on from this pain. For the most part I can pretend to forget it by keeping myself busy. But deep down it still hurts. It sucks because she was the only one in my family who always got me.

          • 9 months ago

            I don’t know what else to say other than I’m sorry that she’s gone and that I hope that you find peace with it. It’s always hard to lose someone, but especially when they’re young. Hopefully that pain can be transmuted into something somehow worthwhile.

    • 9 months ago

      At least your sister and you got along. I can’t relate.

  38. 9 months ago


    I also learned that normies spend an atrocious amount of money at outings.
    They'll just casually drop a few hundred bucks at a social outing from a combination of food, alcohol, snacks, and other things they see along the way that catch their eye.
    And it also becomes a competitive thing.
    Like their friend spent like hundred to buy the vip arcade card, and so then my roommate felt pressured to buy it himself.
    Poorgays with a little bit of money love to flaunt it

  39. 9 months ago

    I disgust myself.
    I can never know whether or not these feelings have any validity or hold any weight. They hold water and move my blood but it’s clear they are nothing more than primal and instinctual reactions to events.
    What disgusts me isn’t that nature I’ve never been able to escape; I’ve accepted that I AM human. What it is is my instinctual and primal demand for pussy.
    I am in a fairly committed relationship with a woman. Mind you, she is not young and neither am I. We are both in our early 30s.
    She is caring, loving, and bossy. But she’s also funny, honest, reserved and conservative. She dresses decently and modestly, knows how to cook and clean, and is very family oriented. She’s also polite and respectful.
    The problem is is that I instinctually look for any excuse to be dishonest.
    Her perception of me lies in a hardworking, honest, reliant, intelligent, and tough man.
    I constantly find myself in positions where I meet a younger girl—always over 18– who has some interest and I begin to flirt and feel out the situation.
    Next thing I know I have her number and a late night date with the girl to frick.
    I have tossed out numerous numbers and had multiple awkward encounters where I run into these girls afterwards while I’m with my girl.
    They give me a stink eye and never approach me, luckily.
    I’ve not acted on it yet but have gotten rather close.

    • 9 months ago

      Cut off your wiener--this is the path to freedom.
      Male sexuality is a perversion created by the great deceiver Satan.

      • 9 months ago

        Eve tempted Adam. Women are evil, this much I know. My anxiety—if you can call it that, and I might as well because it’s a preoccupation of something I haven’t done yet—stems from the idea of any failure of my morals and integrity.
        I hate that women can smell another woman on me, they get off on the idea of stealing a man.

        • 9 months ago

          >All but actually committing adultery on loving wife
          >"Acktually, it is wahmen that are evil"
          At least own up to your sins

  40. 9 months ago

    I got banned for this post. It was worth it.

    • 9 months ago

      What board?

      What is this two more weeks meme? It has been getting posted for about a week now so should it be
      >1 more week!
      or what ever?

      • 9 months ago

        Didn’t mean to reply to the second post

  41. 9 months ago

    I am in bed, at 7:50 or so on a Friday night at the age of 20. My bedroom and kitchen windows are open making a slow breeze wash over my chest. Despite things on paper going quite well, I have this uneasy feeling. Doing the same things over and over again. Get up, go to work, press buttons on a computer, I listen to my coworker whine over lunch about anything and everything and then I continue pressing buttons on a computer until it's 4:00. Yesterday I pulled my car into park on the street and got out, noticed a pipe cleaner on the ground next to my rear tire, it just stood out. I continued across the street. Today I pulled my car in and parked. The same pipe cleaner right next to my rear tire. Like I didn't even move. Because I haven't.

    I would really like to write something people enjoy, and or become a data analyst, but I am having this wave of, not misdirection, but like a restless wandering feeling where you are still chained to everything you have built around you for a comfortable life.

    • 9 months ago

      >I listen to my coworker whine over lunch about anything and everything
      For me it's their obsession with travel

  42. 9 months ago

    do people who write errotica have word banks of sex term synonyms so that they dont sound repetitive?

    baby batter
    brides pleasure
    white delight
    frick juice

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe they use words that don't have an immediate sexual connotation.
      run off
      taste of him (though this misses my thought)

      idk, I am just here I am not an erotica writer

    • 9 months ago

      when I write hedrew errota I like to use “jewce”

  43. 9 months ago

    I began living with my brother a little over a year ago. Shortly after I began living with him, his wife initiated a divorce, something that took him completely by surprise. He suffered mental hardships during the divorce, and was glad that I was around to support him. Over time, his mental state returned to something close to normalcy.
    However, recently, I have noticed that my brother is in some kind of funk. He will not open up to me on what's the matter, so I suspect it's regarding the divorce; it's one of the few topics he doesn't like to discuss. I suspect my brother sees my life improving (I move to a higher paying job on Monday), and feels inadequate when comparing himself to me. He still makes more money than me, but I am undeniably more happy and content in life than he.
    Does IQfy have any suggestions for what I should do?

    • 9 months ago

      marry him.

  44. 9 months ago

    Tomorrow’s my birthday and I don’t want it to happen. Why do we celebrate these things anyway? I should just cancel everything for tomorrow and stay in bed all day.

  45. 9 months ago

    For some reason the modern human is absolutely convinced it is more than the sum of its parts. I've had outlandish conversations with women who think having children is something optional and that there is more important things in life, such as 'furthering their career' or 'being there for their friends'. Everyone here is intelligent enough to know this is pure cope, but how come these reasonings are adopted en masse? It doesn't make any fricking sense for an animal to seriously think 'I am not going to procreate, my bloodline and the genetic immortality of my ancestors will stop there,' and not reconsider these thoughts every day. The sexual behavior is rooted in our biology, there is no way around it that won't make you miserable unless you have a serious genetic defect. What the frick is happening to humanity and how do I profit from it?

    • 9 months ago

      >It doesn't make any fricking sense for an animal to seriously think
      So true, humans were a mistake

    • 9 months ago

      >The sexual behavior is rooted in our biology, there is no way around it that won't make you miserable unless you have a serious genetic defect
      >t. fell for the meme

    • 9 months ago

      >my bloodline and the genetic immortality of my ancestors will stop there
      I even have kids, but seriously who gives a shit about this? It doesn't matter at all if any particular genetic lineage continues or not. And a lot of people really shouldn't have kids, for one reason or another

  46. 9 months ago

    if dubs i'll get drunk so i get kicked out of the recovery house (i have no where else to live)

  47. 9 months ago

    Saw an art-heaux reading American Psycho on the subway. Didn't think they existed outside of IQfyclasses anymore tbh. Kind of turned on.

  48. 9 months ago

    Serious question. How do you help catgirls with nightmares? Mine keeps needing to come in my bed and be cuddled with me to sleep.

  49. 9 months ago

    Any lit about self hatred?

  50. 9 months ago

    Or maybe my insomnia is making me delirious
    Still sad they pruned the Emergence thread, it had potential

    • 9 months ago

      if 99.99% dont, then the .01% must really have their shit together for my hot water and Amazon delivery to work.

  51. 9 months ago

    I impulse bought Starfield the other day and I regret it.
    Whatever talent Bethesda had working for them clearly left a long time ago. This shit is ass.

    • 9 months ago

      Did you buy it on Steam? You might still be able to refund it.

    • 9 months ago

      Just play Morrowind instead. Can't go wrong with the classics. Currently replaying it and oblivion.

  52. 9 months ago

    Once psychological terms of phobias, disorders and afflictions became common knowledge, it became impossible to use those terms for your own suffering and not engage in the game of semantics, muddled terminology and misapplied terms.
    Are you really "depressed" or are you just tired and lonely? Are you "autistic" or you just socially awkward and more particular about your preferences than your friends? A "phobia" or do you find some thing simply unappealing and disgusting?

    • 9 months ago

      >Are you really "depressed" or are you just tired and lonely?
      When it comes to emotions there really isn't some fine, strict line.
      If you are really bored and lonely all the time you will feel depressed.
      There isn't some objective standard, it's kinda just whatever you feel.

  53. 9 months ago

    I'm trying to write a breakup for a relationship that burns bright and burns out fast. Any reccs for similar stories in the classics? I've read Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina but those aren't good examples for what I need. I need more contemporary samples.

  54. 9 months ago

    Our maid hand washed my cumstained underwear, and she does it with her underage daughter. I feel bad for her.

    • 9 months ago

      When she gave the underwear back the stain was still there.

  55. 9 months ago

    Choose one option of the following. You can only pick one and you can't pick none.
    >instantly painlessly die after you read this post
    >meet the love of your life and spend a year in romantic bliss but at the end you both die in an accident
    >slip into a coma and dream of other lives and fantastic realms while unconscious (at some point your life support is accidentally unplugged)
    >revisit one 10 minute length of time from your past with your current memories
    >your physical body is annihilated and you become a disembodied being endlessly observing the universe without the ability to interact
    >take violent revenge on someone at the cost of your life (there are eternal consequnces)
    >wake up tomorrow as a completely average normalgay with any quirks or special traits sandpapered off

    • 9 months ago

      Being a ghost that observes without interaction was actually something I used to always wish for since a kid, and I'd still want that. I could go into crazy places and see all the secret government stuff, see people doing wacky things, see animals getting themselves in weird places, etc.

      • 9 months ago

        i imagine that voyeurism appeals most strongly to those who are bored and severely insecure or self-conscious. it's certainly not worth one's soul.

        • 9 months ago

          the sort of person who'd derive real self-satisfaction from it is the sort of person who i'd never get along with. don't they have anything they want to do with their own lives? don't they have any real purpose? it's both petty and detached. i guess there's only so much one can say about it.

          • 9 months ago

            in other words, it's someone who alleviates their own self-consciousness by exploiting someone else's self-consciousness. bonus points if some ostensible authority condones this ignoble pursuit. indeed, everyone including myself cares what others think of them. yet at the same time, i'd feel like a real schmuck for spying on an acquaintance who otherwise treats/views me as an equal.

          • 9 months ago


            it would also encourage a mental disconnection between one and their compatriots. it's altogether evil in the way it would twist one's allegiances. it's neither justifiable, nor could any such person truly share a connection with or form a genuine friendship or alliance with their more well-meaning peers. it's quite tragic in that one can be so cheaply bought. so cheaply separated from their capacity to act as anything but a servant to globalism.

          • 9 months ago

            You're right that I don't have friends. I don't know how that has anything to do with globalism. You keep talking about me.

          • 9 months ago

            indeed it's as if such a person is half dead. in a sense i feel robbed of any opportunity of friendship or sharing common purpose with such people.

          • 9 months ago

            it feels that the only thing left to do is to try and destroy this terrible beast that has robbed me of so many former and would-be friends, to hell with whether or not i'm any match for it.

          • 9 months ago

            going in my favor, it is slow and bloated. i can see weakpoints. perhaps not the foul heart, but major blood vessels. all big-game hunters must know the vital points of their quarry and be able to strike at them destructively when the opportunity arises. hittting a blood vessel often looks like a bad hit. "it's too far back", "you missed the lungs and heart, klutz", etc. but lo and behold, twenty minutes later it lies dead in a heap before you and victory is yours.

          • 9 months ago

            No, there's nothing I want to do.

      • 9 months ago

        i imagine that voyeurism appeals most strongly to those who are bored and severely insecure or self-conscious. it's certainly not worth one's soul.

        the sort of person who'd derive real self-satisfaction from it is the sort of person who i'd never get along with. don't they have anything they want to do with their own lives? don't they have any real purpose? it's both petty and detached. i guess there's only so much one can say about it.

        It reminds me of english class i had once in late highschool where i sat bored and distracted by intruisive thought - how nice it would be to spy on girls when they change their clothes for next physical class - or when they wash their sweat off under communal showers after they finish their classes.
        I remember changeroom was bellow level of earth, and there was high window, where you can see people changing while you are just walking outside toward the football field.
        I spend this english class trying to remember if there is same type of window in shower room, and trying to remember on some hill or any other place outside from which view to the window would be best. And wondering how much would binoculars cost, where to buy, or maybe zoom in my iphone4 would be sufficient if choosen place was really good?
        I often remember escaping to world of fantasy to escape from boredom, to whatever that needs to be done. It never interfered with high school life, which was for me period when i just waited until it ended and i had no reason to interfere with natural flow of things - things just happened by themselves, needed no input from me. What most surprised me in adulthood was that things never happened to me "by themselves" and being distracted and daydreaming started having more and more real consequence to me.

        • 9 months ago

          That last paragraph rings true for me as well. I basically had/have to reinvent my mental landscape because ALL I did while I was a child was escape into my imagination. I find that trying isn't very enjoyable - even in the things that I like. I almost always prefer to just sit in the passenger seat and enjoy the ride, so to speak. I wonder if this will ever change.

          • 9 months ago

            i wasted so many summer nights just wandering around the city listening to music. could have been doing something productive or at least social because all those nights just sort of blend into nothing in my memory.

          • 9 months ago

            why did you choose to do this instead of those things?

    • 9 months ago

      obs gang for 1200

    • 9 months ago

      one 10 minute length of time from your past with your current memories
      What's the catch?

    • 9 months ago

      >your physical body is annihilated and you become a disembodied being endlessly observing the universe without the ability to interact
      One of the most vivid dreams of my life was this occurring after somebody shot me, it was not pleasant.

      • 9 months ago

        You were probably reeling from getting shot in the dream. did it take place irl like an oout of body experience?

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >wake up tomorrow as a completely average normalgay with any quirks or special traits sandpapered off
      This one, literally nothing would change.

    • 9 months ago

      >meet the love of your life and spend a year in romantic bliss but at the end you both die in an accident
      it literally doesn't get any better than this. GOOD END.

  56. 9 months ago

    if fascist propaganda appeals to me the most does that make me a fascist?

  57. 9 months ago

    Yeah, I think we should definitely spend the finite resources that we have trying to achieve equality

  58. 9 months ago


  59. 9 months ago

    At last, I truly see. For the longest time I had fallen under the great misconception that intelligence in of itself is key towards the good life, when in truth, it is actually wisdom. Consider that a bright man is no more likely to find happiness and satisfaction in this world than a strong and brawny man not knowing how to properly apply his strength -- the same beastly man will stumble, fall, find no balance compared to the nimble, agile and swift. Mastery of things beyond learned matters is thus key, and in actuality, not exclusive to the genetically gifted alone: This revelation in fact validates and affirms that anyone of any cognitive magnitude can now attain the good life provided they seek wisdom.

    Great minds are merely that: Great. They are equally capable of great evil as they are great good. A large pot, a magnificent vase, is useless if filled with nonsense and refuse, a great waste, and frankly an insult to its creator. A smaller pot, a less impressive vase, however, that contains the waters of wisdom brings infinitely greater delight to all. Yes, it cannot be intelligence alone, for that only measures capacity, and not content. And it is here, then, that true insight can be gathered: Wisdom is not gathered from books alone, but from living, from the source of these books, secondary to the real world, real people, and a real life rather than abstractions. And all are capable of this, that is its beauty.

    • 9 months ago

      what so many people call "wisdom" is mostly nonsense. i'm growing to dislike the word altogether.

  60. 9 months ago

    How do you find the energy to read if you are a wagie? When I was neet had all the time and energy in the world but now I work I don't have the energy to do anything after work, let alone read a complex book.

    I'm still young too, dunno how people 50+ deal with the wagie life. I thought the biggest loss would be how much time work takes up, but the worst problem is all the energy you expend. So you can't even do anything in your 'free' tim

  61. 9 months ago

    They want to bring back male IS fighters back to my country...of course they all claim they dindunuffin.

  62. 9 months ago

    >Notice I repeated a word in a text
    >Replace with different word
    >Realize I had already used that word in close proximity
    This shouldn't happen as often as it does.

  63. 9 months ago

    Sooo are we just supposed to accept how our relationship with our Mother as a kid and now dictates our life? This is absolutely ridiculous, I wasn't and still am not enough for my Mom, so that just means I'm not enough for any woman? I'm supposed to just settle? It seens impossible to just miraculosuly come to the conclusion of seeing past this to be enough for myself and a woman.

  64. 9 months ago

    Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein

    Literally just read it even if you don't get it

    • 9 months ago

      Why would I waste time with western philosophy when Buddha figured it all out 2500 years ago.

  65. 9 months ago

    About two years ago, My brother, my mum, her boyfriend (now fiancee), someone else and I were sitting in a car and I asked my mum who she wanted to read a eulogy at her funeral, she's nowhere near dying, it was just a random question I wanted to ask her. She said that she wanted my brother (fair) and her boyfriend whom she'd only been dating for maybe a year at that point, she didn't say me, her middle child, the one that's always been best to her, instead she said her boyfriend. I don't often get hurt by things, I like to think I'm very thick-skinned and mentally resilient, but this one hurt, and it still hurts about two years later. This is something that I don't think I'll get over for a while if ever, she chose her boyfriend over her own son.

    • 9 months ago

      Such is life as a son

      • 9 months ago

        But she chose my brother, he's her son too.

    • 9 months ago

      She just knows you'd butcher the eulogy with your autism and ruin the moment for everyone. It doesn't mean she don't love you, everybody has their strengths.

      • 9 months ago

        >ruin the moment for everyone.
        Can you really ruin a funeral? I mean, seriously, how much worse can a day get?

        • 9 months ago

          >Can you really ruin a funeral? I mean, seriously, how much worse can a day get?

          probably a lot worse, but a stuttering eulogy seems the least of it.

          > traffic blocked by blm
          > step in dogshit on the way in
          > hearse hits black ice, swerves and ejects the corpse into a half-frozen pond.

          stuff like that.

          • 9 months ago

            >traffic blocked by blm
            Getting the traffic blocked by anyone would be shitty.
            >step in dogshit on the way in
            Oh no, guess I have to rub my shoe on some grass for a couple of seconds.
            >hearse hits black ice, swerves and ejects the corpse into a half-frozen pond.
            That would be pretty funny.

          • 9 months ago

            >Getting the traffic blocked by anyone would be shitty.
            yes, but blm is particularly obnoxious. if traffic is obstructed by an accident, it's not so irritating. if on the other hand people are making a nuisance of themselves, then that's just plain annoying.

            >Oh no, guess I have to rub my shoe on some grass for a couple of seconds.
            okay fine then. say you tripped and fell face-first into it.

            >That would be pretty funny.
            i agree, but someone's got to fish it out and in the meantime you're all freezing and trying to look mournful rather than giggly.

          • 9 months ago

            >you're all freezing and trying to look mournful rather than giggly.
            I think if you see that exact situation you should instantly start laughing, not trying to fake looking mournful.

          • 9 months ago

            duly noted.

          • 9 months ago

            or drunk priest falling on grave

    • 9 months ago

      you probably shouldn't hit people with questions about their ultimate demise if it isn't imminent. it's pretty weird.

      • 9 months ago

        I would agree that that would be the case for most people but my family has been asking each other these sorts of questions for as long as I've been alive, my mum already has music for her funeral picked out and if I want something specific of my grandmas when she dies, I just have to go up to her and say "Hey, grandma, can I have this when you kick the bucket?", hopefully that gives you an idea of how not out of place that question was.

    • 9 months ago

      Welcome to the real world. Rule number one is to never ask questions you won't like the answers of. I know autists and idiots have trouble with this but it really isn't that hard. I learned that when I was 12 when I asked my father who he'd save between me and my cousin.

  66. 9 months ago

    Extensive use of IQfy has broke my brains. I am a schizoid neurotic. Physically I live in a 3rd world shithole but mentally I live in IQfy's western world. There's such a deep rapture within my being. I have lost touch with the real.

    I'm so fricked. I live in hyperreality without meta glasses.

  67. 9 months ago

    My prostitute won't meet with me. She replied that her first available date is in July. July! When she responded, it was perhaps the middle of June. How many other commitments does she have? Over a year ago, she found time for me even though I'd only given a few days' notice. Is she busy every hour of every day? What's more, she asked for a deposit to reserve the meeting, even though the last time we met, she said I wouldn't need to pay in advance next time. I remember details someone mentioned to me years ago in passing, or random days from my childhood, yet she forgot a promise she made just one year ago? Maybe she remembers, but she thinks it's no longer valid because a year has passed. so I am not a patron, a simp, a "man" who gave her one of the roses that her apartment is full of?
    I mean nothing to her. She's the only woman I've had sex with, and I mean nothing to her.

  68. 9 months ago

    Phenomena are
    preceded by the heart,
    ruled by the heart,
    made of the heart.
    If you speak or act
    with a corrupted heart,
    then suffering follows you –
    as the wheel of the cart,
    the track of the ox
    that pulls it.

    Phenomena are
    preceded by the heart,
    ruled by the heart,
    made of the heart.
    If you speak or act
    with a calm, bright heart,
    then happiness follows you,
    like a shadow
    that never leaves.

    ‘He insulted me,
    hit me,
    beat me,
    robbed me’
    –for those who brood on this,
    hostility isn’t stilled.

    ‘He insulted me,
    hit me,
    beat me,
    robbed me’–
    for those who don’t brood on this,
    hostility is stilled.

    Hostilities aren’t stilled
    through hostility,
    Hostilities are stilled
    through non-hostility:
    this, an unending truth.

    Unlike those who don’t realize
    that we’re here on the verge
    of perishing,
    those who do:
    their quarrels are stilled.

    • 9 months ago

      Good and realization-pilled.

  69. 9 months ago

    Nearly finished typing up this book I've been working on for about a year.
    Overall my life hasn't changed massively since I began, but I've made small improvements that make me feel better, in more control.
    Listening to a Spongebob Trap remix on loop isn't a miraculous trick into being more focused in case anyone was planning to do that by the way 🙂

    Godspeed IQfyanons, I hope you finish any projects that you may be working on.

    • 9 months ago

      >I hope you finish any projects that you may be working on.
      First I've gotta start them and that's gonna take a lot more than just doing it.

  70. 9 months ago

    i know it's over but i'm still craving what i thought it was, or could've been. it's like i'm living with a ghost.

  71. 9 months ago

    newbies are overcompensating and shoehorning anons(plural) into every second sentence and it's making me unreasonably mad.

    • 9 months ago

      >ctrl+f "anons"
      >2 results, one being yours

      Unreasonably mad indeed.

  72. 9 months ago

    I have to write a simple paper but im just reading sources of sources with no end in sight

  73. 9 months ago

    I envy the dead. They no longer have to put up with anyone's shit.

  74. 9 months ago

    The act of speech might just be the most magical thing we do every day without ever thinking it to be magical. The capability to give form to formless thought, even if only as something as ephemeral as sound, is nothing short of magic.

    • 9 months ago

      I was thinking the very same. Does the speech make us humans?

  75. 9 months ago

    A person's value is determined by the position he holds in society and his contributions to the people around him. Whether this is a good way to judge is debatable, but irrelevant. A person in a position of authority or power invariably has more respect than others. A rich person has wealth, a politician has people who believe in him. A priest or religious figurehead commands respect because of his knowledge of the holy scriptures and because of the important role religion plays in society. A scientist, inventor, an engineer for their creations. A artist, a writer, director, actor receives respect and value for his creative work. But by himself, a man commands no respect. On the other end you have the dredge of society, the failed humans who are always looked down upon by other people.If you contribute nothing to society, you get no respect. But society itself is a construct, not a tangible/physical 'thing'. Society comprises of people, so you could say that a man's value is derived from his contribution to other men. If you help somebody, that person will value you. But for most people it won't matter who helps them, they just want the help. This might be different for some real important stuff, in which case they might remember you, but helping people in small, petty everyday tasks won't get you anywhere. Which begs the question, how can someone measure his self-worth in an objective manner?

    • 9 months ago

      Your societal worth is determines by an almost infinite number of variables some of wich were determined by things like birth. If the societal value of your parents was mid or low, you yourself can only get such of an amount of social skills necessary to rise the scale yourself, and unless you grew up in circumstances exceptional to someone of a low value household, or if your household was formerly a high-value house that fell to a low-value house because of circumstance, your societal value can only rise this much. The social skills you learned are limited by the environment you grew up in, and as soon as you present in a high-paid job, even with the highest credentials, the fact itself of your low-birthedness will cause them to treat you as a low-value man and equally pay you less of a wage than someone with the same credentials, but raised in a high-value household.
      Those with a weak character are too cowy to even realize this and conform to this, either going full normie and believing society is good, or, b***hing about it with others and complaining about injustice.
      The stronger ones, the ones who believe they are of high value and at the same time, not being judged as such by their 'superiors' that they either consider as such, or, in even extreme cases, despise as inferiors, will do virtually everything to be judged as a man of superior value. If the place they are in ignores their actions, and they can well sniff out the despise out of connotations that normies deem as neutral, demand a better position and leave, either working holes altogether to establish an own enterprise or realm or leaving for another place where they are accepted as an authority figure rather than as a submissive.

  76. 9 months ago

    yurayura wonder2 la la la la wonder2 la la la la wonder2

  77. 9 months ago

    I understand now.

    • 9 months ago

      What do you understand now?

  78. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      hey. how are you?

  79. 9 months ago

    I am thinking of getting ChatGPT or some similar program to write a scene where Voldemort rapes Harry Potter in the ass.

    • 9 months ago

      Hundreds of not thousands of versions of that already exist on various fanfiction sites

  80. 9 months ago

    Just sent an anonymous email to my therapist saying I want to frick her. She would be able to identify me with the email, but no one else would. Am I stupid?

  81. 9 months ago

    My dad was a chad his whole life. Even at 62 he's still a chad. He's probably had well over a hundred sexual partners. But I am an incel. What the frick man

  82. 9 months ago

    idk , I asked some girl on tinder how is she doing and she actually replied which not happens often for me. She asked hbu and I answered honestly that I spend entire Saturday reading and writing and lo and behold - she still replied after that, even saying she is now in parent house close to where I live.
    So I asked when she Is coming back and whats her plans for later, she just replied she comes back tomorrow
    My point is - she kept replying which implies she is attracted to me. She is conventionally attractive so I should have try to ask her out for a coffee or something but I am not motivated to do it because her bio is empty and I don't know what kind of person she is, what she likes etc.
    I should just meet with her because I am incel same reason I should move out etc but I am not motivated
    There are things I should do yet I feel aversion to do it, more ironic is that other day I would read LULZ tier posts on incel forums and feel sad about having no gf. Yet I feel aversion to action that would change that.
    >Inb4 you are just gay
    That cannot be it

    • 9 months ago

      You might like the idea of someone finding you attractive enough to be in a relationship but you don’t really want the relationship. Basically validation for yourself viewed through others’ perceptions of you. Like how a sex addict fricks a lot of people they feel validated not from within, but because others see something in them that they themselves can’t. Maybe that wasn’t worded right but maybe you get the idea

  83. 9 months ago

    I dryhumped my cousin in the basement of my grandparents' house.

  84. 9 months ago

    My dad keeps telling me I should ask out the dog trainer. I told him it would be awkward if she said no because I would have to see her every week. He told me to just ask her out every week even if she says no. Is that good advice or is that just boomer advice

    • 9 months ago

      Boomer, but do you

    • 9 months ago

      Bad advice, at least asking out multiple times after a rejection when she is working and forced to see you

    • 9 months ago

      Not bad advice, you have a similar interest, the dog. If you are over six feet and handsome you should ask her out in a charming way. Then just be charming and handsome when she comes over.
      Is she worth asking out anyway? How does she look?

      • 9 months ago

        >just be charming bro
        man autism blows

        • 9 months ago

          Autismo stuff can be charming when it seems harmless and you don't linger on it yourself too much.

      • 9 months ago

        I am handsome but I am the opposite of charming. I'm so fricked

        • 9 months ago

          Are you over six feet? And what does she look like?

  85. 9 months ago

    Drunk, sitting in the living room, watching TV, browsing IQfy.

    • 9 months ago

      God I wish that was me. I have a killer headcold right now and cant really drink

  86. 9 months ago

    *This story contains zoophiliac subject matter*

    Brunhilda resided on her father’s world renowned stallion stud farm. A golden-haired beauty, she had embarked on her first year of college, attending an all-women’s institution nestled in the picturesque Adirondacks. Fuelled by esoteric readings she had stumbled upon online, Brunhilda harbored a secret desire to acquire five “full breeding doses” of her father’s finest and most sought-after stallions’ seed. It wasn’t that she sought to emulate Catherine the Great’s notoriously shocking sexual exploits, nor did she envision herself as an x-rated version of Lady Godiva. Instead, she had learned that ancient Chinese medicine offered accounts of aristocratic Chinese damsels 'absorbing' the essence of the emperor’s prized stallions in order to enhance their beauty, health, intellect, and fertility for years to come. Tradition dictated that such a pursuit entailed months, if not years, of a rigorous and quite disciplined equine inseminatory regime. Nevertheless the legend had fascinated Brunhilda all the same, whetting her intellectual and sensual appetites and indeed enticing her vanity to such a degree that she yearned to undergo the fascinating experience at least once, without discounting the possibility of incorporating it into her long-term beauty routine.

    Throughout the summer, Brunhilda toiled diligently, saving every penny in order to procure not only a full dosage for herself but also for her four equally stunning coterie of college girlfriends. Anonymously, Brunhilda’s father received the payment and, as customary, entrusted the preparation and shipment of the specially cooled samples to the anonymous buyer, that is to say, to Brunhilda herself. Equally unbeknownst to him, of course, the fact that Brunhilda had used the pay she received from her part-time employment at the farm (along with income from other miscellaneous endeavors) to fund this most secret of endeavors. Timing the purchase to coincide with her father’s brief trip to a regional horse breeders’ convention, Brunhilda and her closest confidantes expected to be able to prepare the samples for their own in vivo use at their leisure. They aimed to undergo this elaborate process the very day of her father’s departure.

    • 9 months ago

      Brunhilda’s temperamentally heterodox circle of girlfriends, consisting of Julie, Tabitha, Renee, and Marjorie, were already exemplary physical specimens, possessing a compendium of voluptuous features that seemed designed to enthrall the masculine half of the species: from nose to nipples to clit to derriere, while nevertheless being exceedingly zealous and prideful of their respective virginities, from which seemed to emanate their intrinsic sense of entitlement, superciliousness, and overall haughty arrogance. Their hope, in any case, was to synchronize the experiment with their ovulation as closely as possible, a feat they would come to crowningly achieve. When the fateful day arrived, the eager young women bided their time until the cover of night, when prying eyes and lascivious farmhands would not be as much of a concern. Following a hearty meal, albeit without the accompaniment of alcohol or coffee, they prepared for the ‘main attraction’ of their ensuing personal and intimate rodeo, so to say.

      The girls recognized that they needed to be sexually aroused in order to achieve optimal conditions conducive to ‘medicinal’ or shamanistic insemination. Consequently each discreetly inserted an egg-vibrator into her panties, pressing it firmly against their quims—its purpose evidently to stimulate their libidos and enhance their sexual receptivity. Clad in skirts, they mounted Brunhilda’s father’s fully operational ‘novelty’ mechanical bull, taking turns for no less than half an hour each, with the egg-vibrator set to highest intensity. They dismounted only when their panties’ crotches had become thoroughly drenched, diligently ensuring the saddle was cleaned with sanitary wipes for the next girl waiting her turn. By nine in the evening, each girl had participated in grinding her clit against the bucking saddle, leaving all of their panties sodden, thereby priming them for the main course, the pièce de résistance du cheval: the equine infusion itself!

      • 9 months ago

        Every girl possessed, for her own personal use, the equivalent of a mayonnaise jar’s worth—filled to the brim no less—of the very finest grade stallion semen: a breeding sample of the utmost world-class quality. The question on all the girls’ minds: would they each dare to fill themselves to the brim, as it were, with the entire mayonnaise jar’s worth of horse stallion semen allotted to them? Were they up for the ‘mayonnaise jar’ horse semen challenge? Or would one or more of them chicken out at the end on account of their veganas being too “small” or what not? Opting for the turkey baster method of self-insemination, they all simultaneously reclined upon Brunhilda’s bed in preparation. Diligently the girls filled and refilled the baster until the entirety of the heaping sample had been injected deep into their quims. The procedure proved to be surprisingly easy and quick, and the girls, with pillows positioned beneath their derrieres, soon became engaged in conversation, laughter, and the not infrequent clitoral stimulation of themselves and/or the girl nearest to them on the bed. They had ensured the samples reached room temperature beforehand, but the heat of their own sexual ovens surely played a part in further resuscitating and enlivening the theretofore hibernatory samples.

        After a half-hour repose on their backs, the five girls cautiously inserted condom-wrapped veganal plugs into their inundated quims. To secure these in place, they donned breathable, elastic cotton bicycle shorts. They indulged in activities such as play, cooking, and watching the 1992 French film ‘The Lover.’ They engaged in passionate foreplay, including French kissing with one another (perhaps inspired by the film’s origin), all while nestling beside their fellow ‘pussynauts,’ as this secret band of female self-adventurers referred to themselves. Finally they prepared for bed by following their jejune nighttime rituals of toothbrushing, donning their nightgowns, etc. Only when each girl was comfortably supine upon her respective bed did they gingerly extract their veganal plugs, having previously placed a thick towel beneath their derrieres and quims. The plugs dislodged with a rude wet squelch, immediately followed by a long repressed quantious effusion of equine fluid, not unlike coconut milk or dilute yogurt. Subsequently, they all reached climax by pleasuring their clits, using their fingers coated in the horse semen that had just been expelled from within them. Afterward, they donned diapers and surrendered to their exhaustion as they drifted off to a most placid sleep.

        • 9 months ago

          The following morning, as they checked the contents of their diapers, they discovered substantial dampness, however this was not due to their urination (at least for the most part), but rather to the nocturnal release of yet more horse seminal fluid that continued to naturally be expelled from their heavily inundated veganas, including their wombs. They proceeded to shower in clusters of two or three, an act which inadvertently induced even yet even more outpourings of stallion semen, more watery, but at times slimy and stringy. Afterward, they donned fresh diapers, embarking upon a day filled with the usual mirthful activities that befriended girls often engage in.

          However, when night fell, they returned to their beloved mechanical bull, equipped with the ever-satisfying egg vibrator nestled within them. This time, however, they took the necessary additional precaution of placing thick pads in the gussets of their panties, in order to counter the occasional leaks that they anticipated would continue to sporadically occur. Riding the mechanical beast, they brought themselves and their fellow girlfriends to gratifying clitoral orgasms, a ritual that had become an integral part of their nighttime routine before settling into slumber, wrapped in the snug embrace of their diapers once again.

          The next day they found themselves in the highest spirits, both in terms of overall vigor and as regards their sexual vitality. They were almost certain that an ethereal luminosity emanated from their visages, as if the wonder working potential of the experiment, of hallowed ancient origin, was coming to fruition, consequently bestowing upon the daring and fortunate band of ‘equine Amazons’ a quasi-mystical degree of beauty, feminine sensuality, and nubility. All this, to be sure, produced an even deeper level of emotional and sentimental bond between this group of adventurous girls, prompting them to return to their academic lives on campus the following day in the very best of spirits.

          • 9 months ago

            As was to be expected, the potentially embarrassing inconvenience of residually dripping horse semen wetting their panties or even dripping down their legs had significantly waned to the point of unconcern. On the other hand and undeniably, within the depths of their veganal channels, millions or even billions of potent horse spermatozoa continued in their lusty quest to breech the defenses of the girls’ fertile eggs protected by the unbreachable ramparts of biological incommensurability, and yet the equine wrigglers carried on in their fierce jousts with the girls’ magnetic eggs to the very end. Yet, these microscopic battles, albeit ones that involved millions or even billions of warriors, were of little concern, assuming they registered at all, to the girls themselves. And yet, a couple of the aforesaid collegians did admit to experiencing the occasional wriggling, effervescence, and tickling in their “tubes” even into the third successive day and beyond!

            Upon reuniting, the group of five conspiratorial “pussynauts” found themselves wholeheartedly agreeing—their quasi-mystical equine experiment had been a resounding success and merited, indeed called out for, further exploration and repetition at the soonest possible occasion.

  87. 9 months ago

    I’m 33 and can get married to almost any girl of my choosing tbh. But I can’t make sense of anything. How can I start a family if I’m not sure if life is worth living yet?

    • 9 months ago

      Assuming you don't have serious mental illnesses or addictions, the getting married, but especially the phenomenon and act of having children unleashes hidden psychological resources, akin to instincts and behavioral guides, in many people.

      • 9 months ago

        This isn't true. Most people end up fricking their kids up irreparably, even those who think they're prepared for it

        • 9 months ago

          Both things aren't mutually exclusive.

  88. 9 months ago

    I’m so tired of crying every night.

    • 9 months ago

      What about?

      • 9 months ago

        Unrequited love.

  89. 9 months ago

    Open are the double doors of the horizon.

  90. 9 months ago

    I have about 90 minutes left before I go to bed and need something intellectually fulfilling. Reqs?

  91. 9 months ago

    I used to love songs like this because they made me imagine myself doing really important things full of all sorts of emotions and challenges. Now, I just realize that I haven't done any of those things and probably won't.

    Don't be born poor, kids.


    • 9 months ago

      You found an excuse. Joseph Kony was born poor and look what he did, he's world famous.

  92. 9 months ago

    Writer here. I wish I could write like Steinbeck and talk about California with its rivers and forests and mountains. And use up a thousand words to describe how grapes hang from vines. And end my magnus opus with some titty sucking kino. But no one reads prose like this anymore. No one has the attention span for it. Everything must be vulgar and short. Succinct. I wish God would send a solar flare and delete the internet.

    • 9 months ago

      >Everything must be vulgar and short. Succinct.
      One of the most popular and acclaimed novels of the last few years is a florid, 800 page stream of consciousness ramble

      • 9 months ago

        what is it?

  93. 9 months ago

    I quit coffee for 3 months. I started having it again and I feel my overall mood improving. I feel like I have to drink this stuff just to have energy at work and be social. FRICK.

    • 9 months ago

      Coffee is not something to quit. Cigarretes you must. Alcohol is ok. Coffee is not bad for you and is a good drug. Socially acceptable too. There is literally no good reason to stop drinking it.

    • 9 months ago

      >and be social
      You really don't. I'm an officegay and if everyone is getting coffee I just head out with them so I can mask the fact that I'm relatively antisocial (even though they've probably worked it out), no one really cares if I don't buy coffee

      • 9 months ago

        I have a hard time being social without in the sense that I can come off as cold and distant with out it. Coffee makes me jovial and and outgoing.

        Coffee is not something to quit. Cigarretes you must. Alcohol is ok. Coffee is not bad for you and is a good drug. Socially acceptable too. There is literally no good reason to stop drinking it.

        It has more to do with not wanting to have a reliance on coffee rather than a perceived stigma.. Guess I should get used used to the idea of being a slave to a fricking bean.

        • 9 months ago

          >Coffee makes me jovial and and outgoing
          Sure you're not drinking Irish coffees?

          • 9 months ago

            I wish.

        • 9 months ago

          lmao. slave to a fricking bean. I like it.

          • 9 months ago

            A desert hermit in Egypt said his name should be Abu Nescafe, servant/slave of Nescafe. It's the only earthly thing that still has real power over him.

    • 9 months ago

      It's because you abused it. The Coffee Spirit doesn't appreciate that.

  94. 9 months ago

    I used to shit in the toilet like everyone else.

  95. 9 months ago

    Im a loser bros. Feels bad

    • 9 months ago

      well at least you have some self-awareness most don't

  96. 9 months ago

    i'm already getting the sunday scaries and it's still saturday night

  97. 9 months ago

    I'm sorry it took me so long to respond.
    I haven't been well, I've been dying without death—
    But I look back at everything you ever told me and I smile, and brace for a brighter future, because a bold embrace can only embolden, and I love it, and love is what drags us forward, even if we don't want it to.
    I look back at what you said about my most sentimental and indulgent writing, and I read Wallace and think about all our interactions and hold acronyms like cards in a tarot deck, and in paradox they tell me both nothing and everything. I'm glad I have your words to divine visions because the things've said are the things I hope others will.
    But yeah: frick me and my narcissism; I hope you've been doing well.

  98. 9 months ago

    God lives in my head rent free

    • 9 months ago


  99. 9 months ago

    >be 27
    >meet a girl who's 22 through mutuals
    >she says she wouldn't mind dating me
    I considered it at first since she is pretty but after interacting with her social circle at a get together, I realised I don't have the patience to deal with people this young anymore. I'm starting to feel I'm out of luck in finding a woman in my age group to settle down with.

    • 9 months ago

      The other thing as well is that women are especially susceptible to the influence of their friends. Given that zoomer women are a lost cause, go figure

  100. 9 months ago

    It was a brisk morning. Not cold, but I wasn't getting any warmer. The squeals of tires mixed with the wafting aromas from the freshly changed garbage bins kept my primordial senses on full alert. The car had been deposited for repair, and so now I waited amongst the filth and fumes of the city for a bus that had already no-showed three times. I fret that there is no winning here. Both as the master and the slave. Too often, in a sleep deprived state, have I pondered my own fate. Does a universe indifferent to my own hubris reject these thoughts, or am I to be accepted through this limited language I use as a piece of the greater puzzle? Must I now rummage through the bins of self-worth and despair alike, hoping to scrape what meager forthcomings stay put in my shaking, malnourished hands? Or should I simply have breakfast? This cannot be the end-all to the be-all. This cannot be reality. There has to be more good. In my understanding, there are people who prosper greatly from this misery. From this exhaust and cracked cement. From this sad excuse of a public transport system. A man with a lit cigarette in mouth and store bought coffee in hand stared blankly at me as he ambled by, then looked away when I stared back at him with intent. I wondered for a moment what his idiot life was like, then heard the familiar hissing of air brakes being released. The bus had arrived. Let it be known that any person who wishes to delve into changing the happenings of their fair city need only take a seat on one of its many 32-seat limousines. From my initial foray, I was sat beside an elderly man whose voice was kind and distant. A regular on this route, he seemed unaffected by another who came onto our shared metal monolith, or the fact that our seats smelled both of sewage and urine. The newcomer had an odd lilt to his gait, with 4 jackets too many and three toques upon his head. He spoke in hushed whispers to me about the coming of black power being imminent and that the blacks would once more be kings, while never blinking nor breaking his gaze from mine. I nodded and knew better than to entertain his thoughts. My appearance must have given his schizophrenic mind ample kindling for his paranoid fire. I, the proverbial G-man, acquaintance to those in charge of the "system". He left three stops later, but not before quickly turning back twice to see if I was still monitoring him. I was. God save public transportation. God save us all.

  101. 9 months ago

    What am I in for?

  102. 9 months ago

    oh me, oh my-oh
    would you look at miss Ohio-
    runnin around with her rag-top down..
    She says I wanna do right but not
    right now

  103. 9 months ago

    Her arm around his shoulder
    a regimental soldier
    and mama starts
    pushing that
    she says I wanna do right but not
    right now

  104. 9 months ago

    On another forum (not reddit) I saw a post from a 40+ single guy saying that he enjoys living alone, playing vidya, going to the gym, and just taking walks in the park as opposed to having a girlfriend and a child. The comments below were full of projections, like "you don't actually enjoy life, huh?", "so enjoyable that you need to post about that here for attention?". And this comments were highly rated. I wondered, what goes through a mind of someone who sees another person living his own life, on rules different than those set by default, and to insult him because of that. It's like reverse crab bucket mentality. They scream "join our happy lives, all of which our ancestors lived, don't try anything else, otherwise you won't be actually happy"

    • 9 months ago

      I could understand this article (with all the comments) being written 30 years ago but dont most +30 guys remain single?

  105. 9 months ago

    >When single, want a gf
    >When have a gf, want to be single
    Goddamn it

  106. 9 months ago

    The visionary value of XRE can not be overstated.

  107. 9 months ago

    My friends keep baiting me in with potential creative projects for us to do then pulling out before they every get off the ground. I know they do it, they don't intend to pull out they just have no sticktoitiveness. That would be fine but I can't switch off when I start thinking about it, so even if I disregard it as another dead project my brain still writes it all out regardless. Very annoying.

    • 9 months ago

      I wish I had friends to do fun creative projects with, that sounds cool as shit.

  108. 9 months ago

    >Request something in the /aco/ drawthread.
    >Someone does it.
    >It looks like shit.
    Whelp, can't request it again.

  109. 9 months ago

    If anti-natalism is reddit, what is IQfy?

    • 9 months ago

      Life affirming

      • 9 months ago

        Reproduction is not a biological imperative.
        There is no "biological imperative"
        And the universe shall not know your seed.

        • 9 months ago

          I've never seen someone read a chad vs virgin meme so badly

  110. 9 months ago

    I think it's possible my anxiety is harming my heart.
    It's becoming a vicious cycle where the worry spirals, and im convinced its definitely not good for my heart to be constantly working this hard.
    Not sure how to calm down

  111. 9 months ago

    I haven't got my licence yet for multiple reasons but one of them is because the idea of driving terrifies me. Do you think if I got a VR headset, a driving game and a steering wheel and pedal setup, I could practice driving on that and do you think it would help me in real life driving if I ever decide to do it? I've been thinking about this for a while.

  112. 9 months ago

    Indulging in sexual thoughts = developing an itch
    jerking off/Sex = scratching that itch
    Repeated masturbation/sex or thinking about sex = developing a wound from scratching the itch
    Wound = suffering(craving) + withdrawal symptoms caused from indulging in sex (thinking or physical actions)

    don't bother with sex

    you'll just increase your suffering

    • 9 months ago


  113. 9 months ago




    • 9 months ago

      We're not even at the bump limit yet, what the frick is this preemptive thread?

      • 9 months ago

        Some prude who doesn't like what people post

  114. 9 months ago

    I feel my depression and Plath's depression are not comparable. At least Plath had a life worth living but chose instead not to live it. Children to care for but chose instead to abandon. I don't even have a life to begin with.
    Sometimes, I wonder if I can claim some strength for having not killed myself where many others most certainly would have done so.

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