Writing while reading?

I hear that the best way to retain information is to write about it while it's still in your mind. Is it true that writing anything that comes to mind while reading will help me retain my info and learning material? Im seriously considering to start reading with a note book and pen right next to my book from now on and just write down my thoughts and facts about what im reading from now on.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Stop being such a tryhard gay. You might as well hire a Professional to sit next to you and explain each sentence and its meaning while you're reading and writing.

  2. 12 months ago

    Yes, that is literally what you are supposed to be doing if you want to remember whatever. I would go even further and:

    He is israeli btw, but his channel is free and he doesn't sell any merch.

  3. 12 months ago

    Please what is the name of this adorablicious e-girl?

    • 12 months ago

      >literally a boy wearing a wig

      • 12 months ago

        its a woman, I looked it up.

        • 12 months ago

          She is old now, does that fricking matter?

          • 12 months ago

            And really fat as well

          • 12 months ago

            She's 24.

          • 12 months ago

            What about remembering what you read? Can you do that?

    • 12 months ago

      I used to have a phenomenal memory. Pick up a book I had read a year before, read one page, remember the entire book. I wished I had a lesser memory, so I could enjoy rereading old books. I was that arrogant arsehole that people used as a quick verbal Google search, but didn't want to hang with.

      Then I had a stroke. My IQ is fricked, my memory is fricked, my attention span is fricked.
      I can reread all my old books and they are new again. Yay. What would take me a night now takes me a week. I also find it very hard to learn anything new, no matter how basic, where previously I would intuitively grasp a subject with very little study.
      Even spelling and grammar are hit and miss.

      So I take notes. On any subject I read about, I take notes. When I watch a youtube vid, I take notes. Instructions from a human? I take notes.
      Watch a different vid, read a different essay? do a search on my tablet for key words, find the old note on that subject and add to the notes. Or start a new note. Often I don't recall anything I have noted down, but looking at it again will bring it back.
      By constantly adding to my notes I gradually begin to understand the subject. I may not be able to recall exact numbers, dates, etc, but I will understand the general outline and a quick look at my notes will bring it back.

      Life as a brain damaged moron sucks. But I'm not willing to try the alternative. Yet.


      its a woman, I looked it up.

      Believing lies told on the internet and not your eyes. NGMI.

  4. 12 months ago

    It helps with homework right? I think it depends on why you're reading the book if you're looking for specific information it can be useful

    • 12 months ago

      No, it helps with thinking, suppose that you like to think about books (I enjoy doing that), you can write down your impressions as you go and keep track of them. Suppose that you are reading and at some page you remember of whatever and ask yourself if there is any link with something else. You could just make a note and check it out later.
      Instead of juggling everythign in your memory.

  5. 12 months ago

    The disappointment I had after finding out he's a girl.

    • 12 months ago

      >NOOOO, not le trannerinooooo

  6. 12 months ago
  7. 12 months ago
    × I V R I V S ×

    Unless you are cognitively impaired, you should be able to remember the motions of your thoughts, and feelings, regarding what you were reading —as you should beside reading—, which constitute the active components of your cogitation —id est: which are important enough to not forgot, since they lead to knowledge.

    Regardless of this, and otherwise —in case you want to record a soliloquy, or some piece of information for future cogitection, or a poem, et cetera—, it is true that the act of writing impresses the object of concern deeper into one's memory by virtue of the act of writing in itself, regardless of whether one reviews one's writing in future.

    Dreaming within a dream impresses both dreams deeper into one's memory.

    Oneiric verbal, and wakeful verbal, layering, constitute the instruction, and the construction, respectively, of one's ontological layers.

    • 12 months ago

      You are why people hate punctuation,

  8. 12 months ago

    christ, i haven't seen that troony since late 2018

    • 12 months ago

      It's a women and suprisingly a very trad one

  9. 12 months ago

    anything I study purposefully, I like to accompany with supplementary activities like talking to other people about it or asking ChatGPT questions, or even doing a small project to go with it or just jot down some thoughts in a journal as I go. it does help a lot. In school I used the writing to commit to memory a lot because I had trouble focusing since I was working so much, so I'd sit there and write the question I was trying to answer just so I could remember what question I was trying to answer. It got me by. On that note, remember not to let yourself get too rusty. I was working a lot of hours and neglecting my brain a lot and losing the ability to do my math in my head was the worst

  10. 12 months ago

    >read something
    >immediately make a shit thread/review about it on IQfy IQfy or IQfy

    That's what I do.

    • 12 months ago

      You reddit troonys need to frick off.

  11. 12 months ago

    I read short but consistent phrases till I memorize and understand them. It could take days to be ready for an exam but it's the best option for me

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