

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    install gentoo

  2. 2 years ago

    1 instance for every thread on the CPU
    Let's goooooo

  3. 2 years ago

    install gentoo

  4. 2 years ago

    what the frick? are those only microsoft services? or are those user-spawned?

    • 2 years ago

      This is the power of Windows 10 Creators Update. Everything post LTSB 1607 is dogshit. Use the SvcHostSplitThresholdInKB key to rein it in.

      • 2 years ago

        Just upgrade to Windows 7

      • 2 years ago

        Nah, you morons will all do it wrong. I've seen you all do it wrong, every website tells you to do it wrong ("set it to your memory size plus a safety margin", hurr durr), and none of you have the brains to understand how it works.
        So, as soon as you add memory (or even change a card so your memory map changes), you're back at square 1.
        Non-tard tip: set it to 0xffffffff and forget about it.
        Protip: don't do it at all - it was a hack for Windows 2000 to save RAM so it would run on 32MB machines.

    • 2 years ago

      user since he hid the user name tab

  5. 2 years ago

    frick windows man when will linux be ready... all operating systems are currently SHITE

    • 2 years ago

      ready for what?

      • 2 years ago

        not OP but:
        ready for normie use

        the current state of linux is abysmal
        - new user is immediately confronted with multiple distros
        - each distro has different versions, different desktops, ecc...
        - UX is not thought out, the user SHOULDN'T have to open a terminal
        - user wants to install something ...... problems, lines to copy and paste, unexpected errors, ... just implement an installer fileformat call it "exec" for transitioners from windows

        there isn't an official cross platform store that takes into consideration the most used distros
        all this because there isn't a big company behind, that actually wants to impose itself, a decent platform needs good authority

        • 2 years ago

          >don't have to open a terminal
          And this is exactly why they are totally helpless and ask for help whenever some problem occurs.
          GUI changes all the time, obsoleting all you've learned. It does not report all problems there are is pursuit of "usability".
          Terminal commands stay stable for decades, learn once, use forever. Output is as verbose as you want.
          >hurr-durr black rectangle scary

        • 2 years ago

          >You shouldn't need to open the terminal

          WRONG, you should indeed know how your computer works. If you don't want to you're probably unironically better of with windows.

          Still, most people can use Linux with a browser and auto updates just fine. I know 4 elderly that use mint with auto updates + auto dist upgrades. Only using the browser and email client. They never touched their terminal.

        • 2 years ago

          >multipe distros and desktop environments etc.
          This is why you just pick something for the new user so the burder of choice isn't on them.
          I got my parents on Debian + KDE and they couldn't be happier. They find it easier and more pleasant to use than Windows.

          >UX is not thought out, the user SHOULDN'T have to open a terminal
          Ironically, it's the Windows UI/UX that's been going to hell over the last decade. Flat bullshit with no indication of what's clickable. Window titles in the window background colour so that in case of overlapping windows you have no idea where one window ends and the other begins. Dumbing down of the UI to the point it makes it unusable to anyone except toddlers. Removal of configuration options, necessitating registry hacks or terminal commands (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA).
          Further removal of configuration options, to the point you can't even bring back the old task bar mode with the registry hacks that used to do work. good luck trying to distinguish between different windows of the same application, they're now all hidden behind one single icon on the task bar with no text on it. Oh and that means extra work to task switch, of course.
          Start menu? Messed up time and again, to the point they had to add a search feature to find shit in the start menu. And even that no longer works right - last time I typed "Teams" into it, the only result was some weird website, not the actual Microsoft Teams application. WTF.

          >user SHOULDN'T have to open a terminal
          Like I said, the irony is that Windows is the OS where you need the terminal now. Linux just works.

          >user wants to install something ...... problems
          Bullshit. Open Synaptic --> use the GUI to search for an application that does what you need --> select it, click Apply --> installs --> click OK --> done.
          It's actually Windows that fricks it up. Good luck figuring out what that obscure MSI error means, or why your application no longer works after the latest Windows Update.

          • 2 years ago

            One of the bigger freetard copeposts I've seen.

          • 2 years ago

            Enjoy your blue screening spyware OS that uses 12 GiB RAM with just the OS, MS Teams, and OneDrive active.
            Got any actual arguments, or are you too busy sucking M$ dick?

          • 2 years ago

            Shit copypasta. Try again harder.

          • 2 years ago

            >mom i posted it again

            Try searching for it, homosexuals. It's not a pasta.

            Not that you would have any actual counter-arguments even if it WAS a pasta.

          • 2 years ago

            >"i-its not copypasta"
            >oits so much not-copypasta that it's the subject of a years-old npc meme
            Freetards, everyone.

          • 2 years ago

            Your argument gets countered by:
            - Linux distros on DVD, no internet required
            - installers / EXE downloads being pants-on-head moronic - good luck trusting the website you downloaded it from
            - DLL hell on Windows; you fricking WISH you had a package manager
            - Snap packages and related formats in case you really need local/portable applications

            >implying Linux is spyware
            Are you really this "true is false, false is true" moronic, or merely pretending?

          • 2 years ago

            >it has worse UX than Linux
            How do you breathe 50 bar partial pressure copium and not die?

            Enjoy your blue screening spyware OS that uses 12 GiB RAM with just the OS, MS Teams, and OneDrive active.
            Got any actual arguments, or are you too busy sucking M$ dick?

            >multipe distros and desktop environments etc.
            This is why you just pick something for the new user so the burder of choice isn't on them.
            I got my parents on Debian + KDE and they couldn't be happier. They find it easier and more pleasant to use than Windows.

            >UX is not thought out, the user SHOULDN'T have to open a terminal
            Ironically, it's the Windows UI/UX that's been going to hell over the last decade. Flat bullshit with no indication of what's clickable. Window titles in the window background colour so that in case of overlapping windows you have no idea where one window ends and the other begins. Dumbing down of the UI to the point it makes it unusable to anyone except toddlers. Removal of configuration options, necessitating registry hacks or terminal commands (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA).
            Further removal of configuration options, to the point you can't even bring back the old task bar mode with the registry hacks that used to do work. Good luck trying to distinguish between different windows of the same application, they're now all hidden behind one single icon on the task bar with no text on it. Oh and that means extra work to task switch, of course.
            Start menu? Messed up time and again, to the point they had to add a search feature to find shit in the start menu. And even that no longer works right - last time I typed "Teams" into it, the only result was some weird website, not the actual Microsoft Teams application. WTF.

            >user SHOULDN'T have to open a terminal
            Like I said, the irony is that Windows is the OS where you need the terminal now. Linux just works.

            >user wants to install something ...... problems
            Bullshit. Open Synaptic --> use the GUI to search for an application that does what you need --> select it, click Apply --> installs --> click OK --> done.
            It's actually Windows that fricks it up. Good luck figuring out what that obscure MSI error means, or why your application no longer works after the latest Windows Update.



            freetard tinkertrannies we need to hablar RIGHT NOW
            how are people supposed to trust your pozzed "OS" that's got 100ms audio latency, stuttering/dupe frames on your desktop(monitor refresh rate is almost always a multiple of 29.970hz, but linux compositor assumes multiple of 30), tearing, hard to disable mouse acceleration etc. etc...

            The fact is, linux users may be the most bluepilled idiots there could ever be in despite of their belief of being the ultimate red pill, they blindly trust the software they use to not introduce input lag(nearly all desktop compositor has more than windows) and it bites them hardcore.
            Daily reminder that until 2019 GNOME was framecapped at a hardcoded 60.0fps and generally speaking is still a huge bloated mess that cannot be trusted to not drop frames, while i have never seen windows' compositor drop a *single* frame or stutter like GNOME does in decades of usage.

          • 2 years ago

            How long ago did you last try Linux?
            I'm driving a 144Hz 4K monitor with no stutters/drops/tearing/whatever, and I don't get any perceivable audio or input latency even from a Linux VM inside a Linux host.

            Now on Windows I've seen intermittent, ONE-SECOND black screens as recently as last week, due to the graphics driver crashing and having to be restarted (LOL). That's a lot of frames.

          • 2 years ago

            GNOME's been partially fixed, Kwin and all the others are dogshit tier to the point it's just better to not run a compositor.
            try ubuntu 20.04
            or 18.04(no updates) for shit & giggles, you'll see how bad it was.

          • 2 years ago

            >mom i posted it again

          • 2 years ago

            I never expected Windows to deteriorate so much that it has worse UX than Linux. Also never expected that stockholm syndrome wintoddlers would defend it on IQfy when it does. Weird times.

          • 2 years ago

            >it has worse UX than Linux
            How do you breathe 50 bar partial pressure copium and not die?

          • 2 years ago

            Case in point of a coping wintoddler

          • 2 years ago

            I have never seen a kernel panic in my 5+ years of using Linux daily. However, I have seen many BSODs in my lifetime.

          • 2 years ago

            This. And it STILL hasn't been fixed.

            >Users: Please fix these BSODs
            >M$: Let's improve the UX by adding a smiley face to the crash screen!
            >Users: Please get rid of these BSODs
            >M$: Okay, you got it!
            >Crash screens are now often red instead of blue
            >Users: ...

          • 2 years ago

            It's not Microsoft's job to fix your broken computer.

          • 2 years ago

            This is a brand new laptop from work.
            Fresh Windows 11 install.
            Some mandatory software installed (Teams, Office, Visual Studio), but all well-known, mostly Microsoft software.
            No strange activity, no heavy load on the machine, no power loss, no overheating.
            Basically a bog standard situation as likely tested by M$ themselves, and yet I got a fricking Red Screen of Death on the 2nd day.

          • 2 years ago

            >Red Screen of Death

          • 2 years ago

            Look it up. It's a thing now.

          • 2 years ago

            >image match: deviantart wallpaper

        • 2 years ago

          I don't want normies too dumb to figure these basic things out to use linux

        • 2 years ago

          >ready for normie use
          android would like a word
          >that's not what i meant
          be careful what you wish for

        • 2 years ago

          It doesn't matter what distro comes pre installed on a prebuilt as long as it is a default.
          Just put mint on it and be done with it.
          People won't say they have linux they will just say they are using mint.
          All the help pages will say what to do if you are using mint.
          Most people don't know or care about anything on their computer, it is the magic black box.

    • 2 years ago

      what could you possibly need from Windows that something like Fedora does not have?

    • 2 years ago

      >when will linux be ready
      when will you be ready?

  6. 2 years ago

    install guix

  7. 2 years ago

    >installs a bunch of shit
    >bitches when the service host process is doing its job
    you can do this dumb stuff that is trendy with morons nowadays, forcing it to only use one instance like you are on XP, just don't complain when something crashes and half of your OS goes down with it

  8. 2 years ago

    This is good. One service - one process. You can't imagine the pain in WinXP/Win7 when one service goes rogue and you have to guess which one of 100 services nested into single process acting up.

    • 2 years ago

      this has been a configurable option for a long time, even in xp/7 you could opt to set your system up like this if you were willing to take the memory hit

      • 2 years ago

        Source? I've tried to do this myself without result. I got into NT in version 4.0, so the newly-introduced service host coalescing in Win2k was slightly annoying when A( you had 512MB while everyone else was stuck at 64MB, and B) Win2k wasn't particularly stable until SP1.

    • 2 years ago

      this has been a configurable option for a long time, even in xp/7 you could opt to set your system up like this if you were willing to take the memory hit

      you can also do the opposite, adjust the memory cut-off and force win10 to bundle up as many services as it can like it used to (actually it only does it even now if you have >3.5G of ram)

  9. 2 years ago

    Install Mint.

  10. 2 years ago

    >be year of the Lord two thousand and twenty two
    >still using micro$oft warez

  11. 2 years ago

    >using microsoft software in 2022
    You richly deserve this.

  12. 2 years ago


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