Getting Over Cheating Addiction + A POEM

I have a problem.
The first step to fixing a problem is admitting that you have one.
I've hurt my gf so many times now and I just feel like a dickhead because of it.
I cheated. She took me back. I cheated again. She cried. I felt like shit. Now, I'm thinking of cheating again.
This can't be right. I don't feel like a cheater, this shouldn't be my story, and yet here I am.
And she's so fricking sweet too...she just takes it and it breaks my heart because she deserves so much fricking better.
She knows I have a problem though. I come from a broken home with a terrible dynamic and that's why I'm like this. She knows this and forgives me for it.
Any books on getting over cheating addiction? I love her and I really want this to work. I really think I could marry her.

Here's a poem I wrote to help her forgive me:
> Girl, why do you love me?
> I've hurt you time and time again;
> Who'd ever do that to a friend?

> Oh, girl do you trust me?
> I try my best but there's no doubt,
> I take love but can't dish it out.

> Is there something I've got for you?
> So good you love me though I'm not true?
> How can I love you like I ought to?
> 'Cause this is not who I'm supposed to be.
> Yeah, this is not supposed to be me!

> So girl, I know what I have to do
> and girl, it's got to be done with you
> but girl, that's only if you want it to
> so girl, will you finally let me love you?
She loves my singing (we met in band) so I've been thinking of singing my feelings to her. Still working on the fingering but I'm really proud of the lyrics so far.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Aside from the completely unrealistic premise, your bait fell apart here
    >She loves my singing (we met in band) so I've been thinking of singing my feelings to her. Still working on the fingering but I'm really proud of the lyrics so far.
    People in band are dorky as hell. They're definitely not cheaters. I appreciate the effort to hone your bait skills, but you're going to have to work harder and be more creative than that.

  2. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >I come from a broken home with a terrible dynamic and that's why I'm like this
      You're ignoring that the common element in all of your problems is YOU, Better people have come from worse homes.
      If you're gonna cheat again, then do your gf a service and break up with her beforehand you goddamn failure.
      Your poem is shit btw, saged


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      pretty much

  3. 2 years ago

    >Cheating addiction
    It's not an "addiction" you're just a selfish fricking c**t who can't or refuses to control himself.

  4. 2 years ago

    Therapy. Get a good therapist, try multiple if you don’t like the first. Declare to yourself out loud that you will fight this evil power and be free of it. You have almost certainly damaged your relationship really badly here. It could help to do couples therapy.

    One thing you need to admit right away is that, whatever your circumstances, it is still your fault. This is not something that you should beat yourself up over, it should give you hope. If it’s your fault, then you’re also the one who can fix it. As long as you get serious help.

    If you view pornography, stop immediately. Easy peasy method works, look it up. This stuff seriously messes with the way you perceive other women. Since I stopped, I no longer see other women in this lecherous way. I’m reminded of how Levin describes cheating as being as unthinkable as stealing a loaf of bread after eating a full and luxurious meal.

    Don’t cling to your relationship out of fear or guilt. If your relationship doesn’t allow you to be true to who you are, or for her to be who she is, it isn’t going to work.

    As always, I will pray for you and your girlfriend anon.

    • 2 years ago

      >It could help to do couples therapy.
      Couple's therapy! How did I forget that was a thing! Yes, thank you so much!
      I'm kind of broke but I'll do my best to try to find something.
      >One thing you need to admit right away is that, whatever your circumstances, it is still your fault. This is not something that you should beat yourself up over, it should give you hope. If it’s your fault, then you’re also the one who can fix it. As long as you get serious help.
      Yes, it was me, and only me, and I need to stop it. This much I know.
      >Don’t cling to your relationship out of fear or guilt. If your relationship doesn’t allow you to be true to who you are, or for her to be who she is, it isn’t going to work.
      I want to make it work. I believe it can work. I get what you mean but it has to work, anon.
      >As always, I will pray for you and your girlfriend anon.
      Much, much, appreciated anon.

      Do you have any book recommendations for my specific problem btw? Like I said, I want at least a book because I'm not exactly rich enough to just do therapy (not that I won't try it) all the time and a book would be just perfect.

      • 2 years ago

        The cat in the hat

  5. 2 years ago

    That poem is so cute anon! I really hope you make it up with your gf. No one deserves to get cheated on but you seen really based and sincere.

  6. 2 years ago

    Read Karen horney. Somewhat in the same boat but I’m not a homosexual in a band.

  7. 2 years ago

    Understand you're fallen. We're all sinners, one way or another. Repent, read the bible, find an orthodox church near you. God bless you anon.

    • 2 years ago

      >Understand you're fallen. We're all sinners, one way or another
      Cope. I refuse to be filled with this level of self-reproach and self-blame. People like OP are inferior and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

      • 2 years ago

        How are you better than OP? are you telling me you've never made a mistake? that you're perfect?

      • 2 years ago

        The fact that you're still breathing is an act of grace. Be grateful and repent.

      • 2 years ago

        reproving sinners is an act of charity, anon. but to feel contempt is sinful. The ideal pathway is :

        >recognize God's love and compassion for you, even in your sins
        >be transformed
        >bring that love and compassion to others

        The truly joyous person doesn't compare himself to others or look down on them. The grievous sins of another person should bother us, they can even anger us. But that anger should never be occasion for malice.

        • 2 years ago

          This anon speaks the truth.
          >t. Fellow christcuck

        • 2 years ago

          Good post.

  8. 2 years ago

    kind of reads like it would be good lyrics

    • 2 years ago

      Can OP or somebody else Vocaroo this? I'm actually trying to hear what it would sound like sung but I'm not musical enough.

  9. 2 years ago

    Take a sledgehammer to the problem. Cheating does NOT exist my friend. Your god did not tell you that it was true,—— you did! It's all on you dude, isn't that wonderful? Soso wonderful 🙂

  10. 2 years ago

    OP if your gf cheated what would you do

    • 2 years ago

      Then, I'd know it was over :,(

    • 2 years ago

      Don't listen to this

      Then, I'd know it was over :,(

      anon, that's not me.
      Honestly, though, I don't even know what I'd do. It might unironically be over at that point but I just don't know. Maybe I am a little selfish.

      • 2 years ago

        A little selfish? If you were just a little selfish you wouldn't use your family history to get this girl to stay with you. And don't you fricking tell me that you don't. You did and you do. You are fricking a person for good andi, f you were decent enough, instead of crying on IQfy like you are the one getting hurt, you would tell her that she deserves better and finish it.

        >b-but I am trying to get better
        Yeah, so frick her, right? As long you are "trying" by complaining about it on IQfy and writing shit poems to appeal to her sentimentality and frick her up even more, as long as you do this, she should be kept by your side while you repeatedly break her heart, right? If you cared about her, you wouldn't keep her close as you "try" to heal just for the sake of yourself not being lonely even if that means destroying her life. You are scum and don't try to go around it.

        • 2 years ago

          >instead of crying on IQfy like you are the one getting hurt
          Also, I never said that I was the one getting hurt; but here's the thing: this HURTS ME. Yes, I'm not the victim, yet I feel pain. Why? because I don't want to do this. I know this is hard for you to believe but there is this emotion called regret and shame that some people have, it's like how judgy you're getting but turned inwards and upon yourself by yourself. I know, it's crazy, but I have that.
          >Yeah, so frick her, right?
          This entire time I've only been thinking about her and how to help her especially by fixing myself. Why would you lie about my intentions if you don't know them?
          >she should be kept by your side while you repeatedly break her heart, right?
          I'm not going to fricking cheat again, butthole. I'm trying to reform myself yes, but I care to much about her to hurt her like that again. It won't happen.
          >If you cared about her, you wouldn't keep her close as you "try" to heal just for the sake of yourself not being lonely even if that means destroying her life.
          We've been together for a couple of years and I'm in this for the long haul. What makes you think I'm with her just so I'm not lonely? I could date anybody else, but nobody and I mean nobody is as good as she is. Do you think my life's mission is to go out and ruin a good girl's life? I love her. This isn't on purpose (again, I have a problem). I'm compulsive, yes, but heartless? no. You clearly don't know shit about what you're talking about, and yet you talk so confidently. idiot.

          • 2 years ago

            >We've been together for a couple of years and I'm in this for the long haul.
            you literally opened this thread saying you want to cheat on her (for a third time)

          • 2 years ago

            >but here's the thing: this HURTS ME.
            >because I don't want to do this.
            so don't
            >I know, it's crazy, but I have that.
            Ok, listen to the voice in your head telling you not to cheat on your girlfriend for the third time

            >I'm not going to fricking cheat again, butthole
            >>Now, I'm thinking of cheating again.
            >This entire time I've only been thinking about her
            was this the time you fricked behind her back, or the time you betrayed her trust and fricked someone else behind her back, or now, where you're having a crisis about being unable to resist your urge to frick behind her back

  11. 2 years ago

    >Still working on the fingering
    I bet you are

  12. 2 years ago

    Read the Holy Bible and marry her.

    • 2 years ago

      Piss in your mother's mouth.

  13. 2 years ago

    I really hope this chick eventually wises up and ghosts you becausw you are an abusive butthole if you keep cheating on her after she takes you back.

    Oh well, eventually she'll realize penis is fungible and that's about the same time you'll realize good pussy isn't.

    • 2 years ago

      honestly can't believe women can stand being on this site

  14. 2 years ago

    You are a b***hmade pussy ass homie. I regularly beat the mother of my children and I still think you are a weak wreck of a human being.

    • 2 years ago

      >I regularly beat the mother of my children
      Why would you do that, anon?

  15. 2 years ago

    Not literature, as you're not really asking anything related to literature. Self help is not literature. A book won't help you stop being an idiot. It's not a magic trick.
    If you were asking for critique (which you didn't), then, I have to say that your poem sucks almost as much as you do.
    Go to /adv/.
    If you want my advice, just be a man and leave that poor girl alone. She'll find someone better.

  16. 2 years ago

    Not gonna read all this cringe

  17. 2 years ago

    >This can't be right. I don't feel like a cheater
    And i don't feel like i put on a few pounds, but here we are.

    >Any books on getting over cheating addiction? I love her and I really want this to work. I really think I could marry her.

    I'd definitely start with "How to meet friends and influence people" followed by "You are an indescribably vile frick pretending that you have no agency because it's easier" By Hillary Rodam Clinton

  18. 2 years ago

    Mein Kampf.

  19. 2 years ago

    > I come from a broken home with a terrible dynamic
    its ok buddy u can frick anyone u want because you came from a sad house, all you have to do is post sad_wojak.png and write bad poetry and you'll come off as a tortured artist and not a total c**t

  20. 2 years ago

    let your gf cuck you so that you're both even
    then realize the weight of how much of an butthole you are/were

    t. one who was cheated on after 4 years

  21. 2 years ago

    Why do we allow threads like this?

  22. 2 years ago

    This sounds a lot like sex addiction to me, anon. I'd look for help if I were you, be it a therapist or sex addicts anonymous. I know this, because I'm a sexting addict and I'd do similar things although I wouldn't physically cheat. Don't beat yourself up over it, instead try to understand. Why did you do it? What did you get out of it? Do you love your girlfriend and want to be with her still? Maybe go into counseling together with your girlfriend, because you probably traumatized her with your actions.

  23. 2 years ago

    if this terrible poetry is part of an elaborate bait, bravo. If this is a real (hopefully teenager) writing this, then get help.
    Take my (You), but no bump

  24. 2 years ago

    Addiction isn't real btw, you should go read about that.

  25. 2 years ago

    Who asked?

    • 2 years ago

      I did.

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