Let's remember Harold Godwinson, the last true English King of England

Harold Godwinson died on 14th October 1066. Let us take the time to remember this great man, the last true English King of England.

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  1. 3 years ago


    t. Norman

  2. 3 years ago

    It's the 15th of October

    Time to move on, OP.

  3. 3 years ago

    Harold and his family were a bunch of Anglo-Danish traitors that deserved worse. The last true English King was Edward.

    • 3 years ago

      Danes are Germanic and therefore more conducive to integrating with English culture. But Franco-Normans ruling over England should never have been allowed.

      • 3 years ago

        Well why is William III not an English king? He was Dutch, they're Germanic.

        • 3 years ago

          All kings after 1066 claim their legitimacy from William the Bastard's conquest, and are thus illegitimate and non-English. It is preferable even under those circumstances to have a Germanic king, but even the most Germanic of post-1066 kings still serve the interests of the Norman occupiers.

          Anglicised normans are
          t. person with two Norman surnames

          No, you are not English. Go back.

          • 3 years ago

            Do you even know what that term actually means? It means people who historically spoke Germanic languages lmao.
            Look at Germanic Y-DNA. They're like a threeway split of R1b, R1a and I, and even more mutted on the maternal lines.
            The first king to begin speaking English again was Germanic, and I think that was Edward I or something. I think a few generations after him the kings of England were solely speaking English too.

          • 3 years ago

            Virtually every single important figure in English history has been of the Norman gentry class/ancestry, all scientists bishops almost all industrialist (the rest of industrialist were Scott’s, not even Anglo Saxon)

            The men who colonized america were also Norman (Washington, Lee, Jefferson Fitzgerald, Roosevelt, Vanderbilt) all Norman names

            The anglo saxons are mostly normanized farmer and working class stock, that’s not a bad thing, but it is just reality


          • 3 years ago

            >all the important figures in norman-dominated england, in which anglo-saxons and their culture were ruthlessly oppressed, were norman
            You think you're some kind of genius for pointing this out?

          • 3 years ago

            He's just another weird fricking Hispanic or some other type of med with a hateboner for all things Germanic.

          • 3 years ago

            Dude, normans are Germanic/Nordic/steppe idiot, they are just different racial stock, I’m not the first to point this out


          • 3 years ago

            >Dude, normans are Germanic/Nordic/steppe idiot,
            They really aren't. By the time the Normans came to England they were heavily mixed with indigenous French people.
            You can even see it in the genealogies of their kings, and if even their highranking kings and warchiefs were mingling with indigenous Gallo-Romans and Bretons you can sure as shit bet the lesser Normans were too.
            Also, many Bretons came over with the Normans in their conquest and invasions.
            I mean sure all these peoples are Nordic/Steppe I guess. But he was making an exclusive point about Germanic ancestry or something (even though Germanic peoples were already mixed af at the time let alone today).

          • 3 years ago

            >You can even see it in the genealogies of their kings, and if even their highranking kings and warchiefs were mingling with indigenous Gallo-Romans and Bretons you can sure as shit bet the lesser Normans were too
            I mean yeah, William's mother was a peasant girl from the countryside. Certainly Gallo-Roman/Frankish.

          • 3 years ago

            >geneaologies of their kings
            Hard to have kings when William is the first Norman king. The Rollonids intermarried with the franks and galloromans but the knights and freemen were largely still northmen who had married wives before movement or married norsmen from colonies in England Ireland and Scotland

          • 3 years ago

            >the knights and freemen were largely still northmen who had married wives before movement or married norsmen from colonies in England Ireland and Scotland
            Source: your ass.
            The first generation of Normans born after Rollo became count of Normandy already spoke Old French. Why? Because they were brought up by French-speaking Gallo-Frankish mothers. By 1066, every inhabitant of Normandy was firmly considered a Norman, and yet there's no way the 12000 or so Vikings who survived the Siege of Chartres replaced the far larger native population (Normandy had 700000 inhabitants in 1066), from there we can surmise that the Normans were a completely new ethnos, and certainly more "French" than Scandinavian after five to seven generations of intermingling.

          • 3 years ago

            >source my ass
            No actually reading on normans, some dutch woman, let me find the book

          • 3 years ago

            >the knights and freemen were largely still northmen
            Absolutely not. Even though many knights and men-at-arms who took part in the great Norman conquests of the 11th century were from the Cotentin peninsula, IE the area where Scandinavian settlement had been the most important.

          • 3 years ago

            >indegenous french
            Franks are literally germanic moronic Black person

            France is a Celto-Germanic country

          • 3 years ago

            Those are usually just israelites.

          • 3 years ago

            >hateboner for germanic
            Except anglicised danes in the danelaw wouldn't be that different to christianised danes that settled in normandy

          • 3 years ago

            Most of the posters who seethe about Germanics are Slavs and/or israelites

          • 3 years ago

            >The men who colonized america were also Norman (Washington, Lee, Jefferson Fitzgerald, Roosevelt, Vanderbilt) all Norman names
            On 6 July 1776, the first committee for the production of the Great Seal of the United States convened. One of three members of the committee, Thomas Jefferson, proposed that one side of the seal feature Hengist and Horsa, "the Saxon chiefs from whom we claim the honor of being descended, and whose political principles and form of government we assumed"

          • 3 years ago

            Such a shame America, and the rest of the white English-speaking world, turned away from Anglo-Saxonism.
            What could have been... Sigh

          • 3 years ago

            So? A Norman praising Anglo Saxon tribal traditions of republicanism that were also present in Norman England in multiple time periods

      • 3 years ago

        Normans and Franks are quite literally Germanic moronic Black person

        • 3 years ago

          >the french are germanic bro source: dude trust me

  4. 3 years ago

    >last english
    Last early English but not last English

    • 3 years ago

      Normans are not English.

      • 3 years ago

        Anglicised normans are
        t. person with two Norman surnames

        • 3 years ago

          >Norman surname
          Not exactly fully Englishized then, are you.

  5. 3 years ago

    James I was pretty English

  6. 3 years ago

    >Harold Godwinson
    >last true king of England.
    Lmao, By his own admission in the vow he swore on holy relics, he was not the rightful king and William was the rightful successor.

    • 3 years ago

      The normans were not “”French”” which itself is a meme ethnicity

      • 3 years ago

        Don’t care, irrelevant.
        In 1064 Harold Godwinson (later “”King”” Harold II), swore an oath on sacred relics to support William of Normandy in his claim to the English throne.

      • 3 years ago

        >he doesn’t understand what subclades are
        Sigh… French is not more a made up ethnicity than English, Italian, German, Spanish or any other out there.
        Mutts united by a common language. That’s 90% of the ethnic groups in existence

    • 3 years ago

      Edward the Confessor was the last true Anglo-Saxon king

      • 3 years ago

        Well yes.
        He was the last king who was truely Anglo-Saxon.
        But not the last true king of the Anglo Saxons.

        • 3 years ago

          Yeah that

    • 3 years ago

      "Identical to the average Frenchman"
      proof Britain is black and of cheddar man origin

  7. 3 years ago

    >be edward confessor
    >designate your wife's brother as your heir
    >the dude who kept trying to usurp the throne usurps the throne when you're dead
    >your designated heir gains the throne
    >four generations of kings later you and your rule is still remembered with kings swearing to rule by your memory
    >those kings' vassals start adopting your language with modifications
    >eventually even the king is speaking it
    >your kingdom goes on to conquer 1/3rd of the world, christianising it all the way, in tune with your legacy of being a saintly king
    >look down from heaven
    >HaRoLd GoDwInSoN lAsT eNgLiSh KiNg

    • 3 years ago

      Edward was a moron who designated both Harold and William as his heirs

    • 3 years ago

      >OH NO NO NO

    • 3 years ago

      >what is known about the state of the Church there at that time is that subsequent to the Norman Invasion in 1066, church life was radically altered. Native clergy were replaced, liturgical reform enacted, and a strong emphasis on papal church control was propagated. As such, it is probably safe to say that, prior to 1066, the church of the British Isles was Orthodox, and the Normans brought the effects of the Great Schism to British soil. As such, it is probably proper to regard Harold as having been an Orthodox Christian.

      >The court ruled against Harold, and the Pope accepted that William's purpose was to reform the church, he sent his blessing on this holy endeavour, a papal banner to carry into battle, and a ring for William to wear on the expedition which contained a relic of St Peter himself. There was one condition: it was understood that William would hold England as a vassal of the Pope. William had not the least intention in the world of doing anything of the sort; but he accepted the ring and the banner and said nothing. And those, as things turned out, were the most powerful weapons he took to England (ibid.)

      >Upon his return to southern England, Harold soon received word from William's forces that he had been excommunicated by the Pope and that the Normans carried papal blessing to invade England. All evidence suggests that this news utterly demoralized King Harold. While he had been a powerful commander against the Norsemen, upon hearing news of the alleged excommunication, he declared, "May the Lord now decide between William and me" (Howarth, p. 164), and before going to battle, "the terrible rumour was starting to spread that the King was excommunicated and the same fate hung over any man who fought for him" (ibid., 165).

      is this Anglo-Orthodoxy just English speakers taking the ortholarp to dizzying new heights, or do they have any merit in their claims?

    • 3 years ago

      >Be Edward the confessor
      >"Rule" a tiny part of England while Godwin and his spawn control huge swathes of land
      >King in name only, still alive because I was forced to marry Godwin's daughter
      >Only had the option to marry his daughter because all the Danish claimants were dead
      >Spend years making alliances with Northern earls and Normandy
      >Chase the Godwin and his sons out of England and try to dump my wife in a convent
      >the same wife who conveniently has not had a child with me after over a decade of marriage
      >Godwin returns with an army and forces you to return all his families land and continue to remain married to his daughter
      >Die and promise throne to long term allies and relatives
      >900 years later some homosexual on a Chinese hot glue image board tries to say I liked the buttholes that kept me a prisoner all my life

  8. 3 years ago

    Anglo Saxons were foreign invaders too, they'd just been there a bit longer.

    • 3 years ago

      did this ever dawn of them lol

  9. 3 years ago

    > The deaths of Harold—killed by an arrow in the eye

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