I'm permanently high from increased potentiation and phosporylation of my neuronal insulin receptors on all of my neuronal cell lines I'm restoring neuronal insulin sensitivity by chelating iron. Deferoxamine doesn't work like normal drugs because it chelates iron. All the mechanistic effects of deferoxamine is based on removing iron that has accumulated within the cytosol of your neurons and other cell types.
Removing iron that's accumulated by the dissociation of iron from mitochondria through endolysosomal deacidification from opioids or viruses, or from the accumulation of hepcidin or glutamatergic disinhibition reduces the healthy function of all cell types within the brain and its the main causal factor behind the degeneration of our metabolic homeostasis and our neurological functions
This is controlling neuronal insulin resistance allowing insulin to better support the neurotrophic supply and glucose metabolism, and steroidogenesis for pregnenolone that promotes the outgrowth of microtubles on our neurons and hypothalamic inflammation that promotes neurological disorders and metabolic disease share this common contributing factor
Neuronal insulin resistance from the accumulation of iron is the main pathological factor in the loss of proteostasis and the use of iron in protein synthesis. Excess free iron that is lost to the cytosol from endoplastic reticulum stress from LPS and saturated fat induced lipotoxicity promotes the dysfunction of mitochondria within our brain cells and promotes the functional decline of these cell types and it induces the cellular senescence and transcriptional drift in these cell lines through the dysfunction of our livers and blood brain barriers that promotes bacteria, virus, and fatty acid, ammonia and bilirubin accumulation within our brain and the reduction of cholesterol metabolism and this promotes sphingolipid accumulation in the lipid rafts of our brain cells contributing to the reduction in cell viability.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Iron accumulation within our braincells occurs and that promotes neuronal insulin resistance. Insulin resistance leads to the breakdown and reduced insulin transport to the brain which is the root cause of all neurological and metabolic disorders.
    I've removed all the iron from my brain that contributes to neuroinflammation and reduced synaptic plasticity. The data I've shared to support those observations, the observations why i'm high and the data to support why my fatigue is significantly reduced, my attention and learning is much better, my reference memory is perfect and all of that data is supported by the body of literature I've posted.
    If you had just read the metaanalysis of the mechanisms of intranasal deferoxamine which I've shared on IQfy everyday when asked questions for the past 2 weeks you'd understand it.
    None of you have read all of the literature I've shared in the past weeks and the data supports my arguments.
    The title to many of these papers supports the scientific observation by the collection of data to support my metaanalysis of nootropics enthusiasts don't read before they ask questions. Read the papers, the literature speaks for itself!
    I could fricking die and none of you would be able to ask questions then. You have to LEARN!
    I'm here to teach, You're here to learn and to disseminate this information as you please and apply it for the treatment of metabolic and neurological disorders and heal every person you have ever known of every disease you can imagine because I have this brain that just holds all of the medical literature in my fricking head

  2. 2 years ago

    tell your troony discord buddies i wish them a happy 41%

    • 2 years ago

      Where do these kinds of screenshots come from, I wonder? Who would post that shit in the open?

      • 2 years ago

        That board style is leftypol

      • 2 years ago

        Bunkerchan. They're as schizophrenic about /misc/ as /misc/ is about israelites.

  3. 2 years ago

    What kind of iron lodges in the brain and why does it stay there?

  4. 2 years ago

    Do I have to take Deferoxamine every single day of my life to ascent or is it a lasting effect which stays with me after stopping to take it?

  5. 2 years ago

    I'm not reading all that shit

  6. 2 years ago


    Why novartis? Shows the drug is already off patent.

  7. 2 years ago

    Enjoy your comedown i guess

  8. 2 years ago

    You're wrong.

    Proof: I said so

  9. 2 years ago

    Never leave you austistic bastard

  10. 2 years ago

    You are actually schizophrenic and should seek help before you hurt uourself beyond repair.

  11. 2 years ago

    Nice writing OP, such densely packed information in a prose reads as if one can hear you speaking

    any holistic methods that may reduce this free iron created when the body is trying to clean up the junk food?

    • 2 years ago

      >holistic methods
      Consuming a plant based diet promotes lower body iron accumulation than heme iron while having similar hemocrit levels.
      Consumption of phytonutrient rich plant foods such as cruciferous vegetables and high amounts of fiber from foods like beans increase butyrate production in the gastrointestinal tract that preserves the gastrointestinal barrier. Consuming meals rich in carbohydrates increases tryptophan uptake into the brain which is metabolized into serotonin and then that serotonin activates cells within the cerebellum that increase insulin transport into the brain. This supports why a diet low in bcaa's increase metabolic health is because bcaa's compete with tryptophan for metabolism and this increases cortisol release and cms.
      The loss of insulin sensitivity also reduces bcaa catabolism in the body which promotes tumor growth and acceleration of aging
      Directly increasing neuronal insulin sensitivity increases metabolic homeostasis and bcaa catabolism. The failure of bcaa catabolism aggravates organ fibrosis, cancer growth, etc

      • 2 years ago

        with pilates

        Cleaning the Iron from the brain will reverse ageing, will make you reborn. I’ve never felt like this in the past 30 years. Absolutely incredible. I AM THE NEW GOD. New order.

        I HAVE REACHED SUPERHUMAN LEVELS. Just snorted 1gram of Deferoxamine today, and feel like I’ve never felt before in my life.
        Iron accumulation was never supposed to happen, and that is what is causing all of this. Autism, Schizophrenia, alzheimer, you name it.
        I AM NOW BEYOND GOD LEVELS, and I will make you all cured, and live the best lives you can.

        why can't you answer this post

        I'm getting lost
        in your first post you say
        >Removing iron ... reduces the healthy function of all cell types within the brain
        but in your second post you say
        >I've removed all the iron from my brain that contributes to...

        do you want to keep the iron/insulin resistance or do you not?
        also, if you're trying to free the iron from the cells, would it be useful to rub magnets all over your head? serious question

        you fricking moron

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            great job answering the second question, now answer the first question

          • 2 years ago

            now way mangets are scary

          • 2 years ago

            now way mangets are scary

            clearly underage
            tons of run-ons and still hasn't even answered his question about whether removing the iron or trying to preserve it

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          You are the moron learn to fricking read.

          >neuron metabolism produces iron
          >iron isn't evacuated and accumulates
          >increasing level of iron means more energy used to keep the neuron healthy instead of promoting other pathways
          >the neuron can't be insulin stimulated enough to intake all the glucose it needs to keep running

          To prevent this Op uses DFO which chelates iron and makes it eniminable. Lower iron level in the neuron means less insuline resistance and more energy going into other celullar activity. Since neuron are largely irreplaceable, it extends their longevity and reduces aging.

          • 2 years ago

            maybe you are the one that needs to "learn to fricking read"
            in my original post I point out that I read it all but that there were contradictions
            if he is trying to lower the iron level in the neuron, then why does he say the following

            >Removing iron that's accumulated by the dissociation of iron from mitochondria through endolysosomal deacidification from opioids or viruses, or from the accumulation of hepcidin or glutamatergic disinhibition reduces the healthy function of all cell types within the brain and its the main causal factor behind the degeneration of our metabolic homeostasis and our neurological functions

            to paraphrase, I'm reading that as "Removing iron that's accumulated ... reduces the healthy function of all cell types within the brain"
            as the other anon said, OP doesn't use appropriate punctuation so I don't know if that is the correct interpretation
            one other possibility is that I'm reading this correctly, but not understanding something
            I don't understand why you would want to remove iron if that would reduce a healthy function

          • 2 years ago


            Here you go. Its not even niche or complex. Its more than likely a typo and he corrects himself later on.
            You are reading correctly and OP likely made a mistake, but it is disambiguated later on.

  12. 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    How do you prevent the shortening of the telomeres then ?

  14. 2 years ago

    I HAVE REACHED SUPERHUMAN LEVELS. Just snorted 1gram of Deferoxamine today, and feel like I’ve never felt before in my life.
    Iron accumulation was never supposed to happen, and that is what is causing all of this. Autism, Schizophrenia, alzheimer, you name it.
    I AM NOW BEYOND GOD LEVELS, and I will make you all cured, and live the best lives you can.

  15. 2 years ago

    >mfer snorts od quantities of mistery shit from aliexpress just to post BAne? threads on IQfy

      • 2 years ago

        >I want to see how far he goes
        no brakes on this train, we're bound for eternity

    • 2 years ago

      >anon gets an heart attack from the speed-laced "medicine" and dies
      >doctor says it was SADS

    • 2 years ago

      lol, lmao even

      Cleaning the Iron from the brain will reverse ageing, will make you reborn. I’ve never felt like this in the past 30 years. Absolutely incredible. I AM THE NEW GOD. New order.

      sounds like you're on basic meth to me

  16. 2 years ago

    Cleaning the Iron from the brain will reverse ageing, will make you reborn. I’ve never felt like this in the past 30 years. Absolutely incredible. I AM THE NEW GOD. New order.

  17. 2 years ago

    Why are vegans always so mentally ill?

    • 2 years ago

      Not a bad thing

      • 2 years ago

        Yes it is. They're always scouring the literature for evidence that veganism is THE ONE TRUE DIET. Ironically, they couldn't be more wrong.

  18. 2 years ago


    how's your working memory?
    can you do mental arithmetic and multiply large numbers in your head?

  19. 2 years ago

    Publish it on arxiv, and then on a reputable journal. Without clinical experiments required, this is all conjecture and there is no reason people should trust a weeb.

  20. 2 years ago

    I'm trying to follow, you're talking about removing accumulated iron... how is that not fricking around with your blood cell count? If that's true, your red blood cells will diminish and your entire body will enter anemia and be attacked by white blood cells and you'll go into leukemia or something...

  21. 2 years ago


    picture wtih timestamp of lab equipment NOW

  22. 2 years ago


    Schizo OP is snorting some substance he got from China called deferoxamine and rapamycin and is reporting significant cognitive enhancements. Supposedly this is done by removing excess levels of iron from your brain or some shit

  23. 2 years ago


    Taking deferoxamine to reduce iron concentration in neuron and prevent aging. Reducing iron supposedly lowers insuline resistance, so your brain doesn't consume more and more sugar to perform at base level which reduces neuron damage.
    Op also takes rapamycin to activate the mTOR pathway, which triggers cellular reparation mechanism, to further prevent aging.
    They are taken nasally, which is more important for deferoxamine since it is the only administration method that led to significant cognitive alteration in rats

    Dosages are unreliable as OP seems to be winging it. OP is also snorting antibiotics to thwart a possible fungal infection, which isn't completely unhinged since rapamycin is an imunosuppressant used in transplantation patients to prevent rejects.

    The use of chelating agent can lead to severe side effects and there have been deaths in the past because of them
    The use of rapamycin in non transplantational context is controversial and dangerous to an extent, although it has been done. It still exposes you to higher chances of cancer and infectious disease

    • 2 years ago

      A few correction on rapamycin.
      It doesn't cause cancer contrary to many other immunosupressant, but it has an array of side effects such as oedema.

      Rapamycin doesn't promote mTOR, it inhibit it.
      Through mTORC2 inhibition,rapamycin causes insulin insensitivity, which can cause diabetes like symptom. So the whole preventing insulin resistance could be compromise, depending of course on the balance of effects. Removing iron acts on multiple factors so maybe lower insulin tolerance isn't what is causing these mices to have better cognitive ability.

  24. 2 years ago


    OP bought magnetic meth from alibaba and snorted it. claims it will pull the iron out of his brain, which is good according to him.

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