in history, was it germany that was uniquely evil in a european context, or britain that was uniquely good?

in history, was it germany that was uniquely evil in a european context, or britain that was uniquely good?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Germany was only uniquely evil for a twelve year period.

    • 2 years ago

      During which time it deliberately modeled itself in its conduct and aims on the Anglo-Saxon nations of Britain and the USA. Britain and America are basically non-autistic versions of Nazi Germany which the Nazis sought to emulate but bungled thanks to their German autism.

      It's important to remember that ALL Germanic peoples are evil.

      • 2 years ago

        >seething med still mad Odoacer fricked his empire

        • 2 years ago

          Germanic peoples arose to prominence by destroying Rome and sweeping over less advantaged and developed neighbours. Because their great formative 'folk-wondering' epoch occurred at a time when they were destroying both more advanced and less advanced peoples it fixed in the minds of Germanics a barbaric and resentful insolence against actual civilisation alongside a callous and sadistic contempt of the strong for the weak. They have never outgrown this adolescent cruelty they adopted during the subjugation of the Latin and destruction of the Celtic peoples. The Germanic human being is still fixed in the instinct of spiteful and gratuitous destruction he learned in the ruins of the world he brought down.

          Bear in mind that Anglo-Saxons (including Lowland Scots), Ashkenazim and Afro-Saxons are Germanic peoples. American culture is a disgusting Germanic stew-pot with contributions from Germanicised Britons, Germanicised Africans, and Germanicised israelites.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh yeah bro. The Mediterranean world was so advanced and wonderful. That’s why Romans fled en masse their cities to live in the countryside, away from the Enlightened Roman Government. It’s why the Germans were able to to recruit thousands of Roman subjects to fight alongside them. Rome is just so awesome. I fricking love wooden coins and being forced into a caste system. What Gallic man wouldn’t want to be burned alive for not wanting to die in some stupid war against the Sassanids because their emperor called your lead poisoned emperor a roody poo.
            It’s so sad the Germanic tribes ended the Roman empire. I also wish I could have sold my bussy to a Patrician landowner in exchange for some bread.

          • 2 years ago

            The fall of Rome was objectively a civilisational catastrophic whose impact can be seen in the archaeological record in the form of a steep technological decline.

      • 2 years ago

        >not doing everything possible to appease the anglos is autism
        i would disagree, hitler tried his best to get an alliance or at least an entante with britain, but they refused to let germany have its own sphere of influence because they are exceptionally selfish and evil people

      • 2 years ago

        Only if you focus on the genocide part instead of the cultural and political differences.

      • 2 years ago

        German autism being not totally submitting yourself to the israelites like the anglos did

  2. 2 years ago

    Both of those empires were evil, but only one won

  3. 2 years ago

    >contributing nothing to the discussion

  4. 2 years ago

    Britain became uniquely evil in the seventeenth century when it became a de facto atheist state where no authority higher than parliament was acknowledged. Earlier they had cast off the religious authority of the pope, but that was at least partially justified as even in those days his role as a mediator had become something of a joke.

    But then they—inexplicably—decided because God sent them one bad king, on account of their sins, that they should simply make the king a puppet ruler to serve their dictatorship. At this point England became completely divorced from the divine foundation of its civilization, and began a very rapid spiritual decline, despite its material successes. Dynasties that—however ineffectually—tried to preserve European Tradition became their sworn enemies. Britain gained nothing from its ridiculous wars in this period, but it didn't know how to stop fighting them. Hundreds of thousands of dead Europeans was just a fair price to pay to keep the latest Louis from annexing a few Flemish towns, apparently. Hell, 900,000 Britons was even seen as a fair price to keep Alsace-Lorraine out of German hands.

    At least fighting the godless tyrant was worthwhile enough.

  5. 2 years ago

    >Was/is Germany uniquely evil
    >Was/is Britain uniquely good

  6. 2 years ago

    Germany and Britain are moral equivalents in WWII. If Britain lost they would be painted by history as villains and Germany as heroes.

    • 2 years ago

      >wRiTtEn By Da WiNnErS

  7. 2 years ago

    Who cares about good or evil

    What matters is that you won. You conquered the world, got the resources, obtained the highest standard of living, invented shit and went as far as possible on the tech tree.

    Happiness and spirituality are memes and just Black person cope

  8. 2 years ago

    Its a different kind of psychopathy, the sucessful English are perfidious, cold, calculating sociopaths, imagine the upper class snotty school bully. The Germans kind of evil is more like autistic rage and callousness in addition to their persecution complex, basically the school shooter of europe.

    • 2 years ago

      Also a very good post. The English upper class are essentially the realisation of what Nietzsche meant by his Ubermensch idea, for better or worse (the answer is worse).

  9. 2 years ago

    >But the NATO position, as far as we recall, was based on the First–Strike option, which in practice assumed that a conventionally-armed enemy was on the point of winning. Is such a position imaginable with regard to Britain today? Where is such an enemy to be found?But the sovereign power in the West is America. All else is derivative from American Power. And in America the popular slogan at one time was Better Dead Than Red. America was the salt of the Earth. The Earth would be tasteless without it. If the American mission in the world inherited from the English Puritanism in which it originated—was in serious danger of failing, it would be better that civilisation in general should be destroyed.That is in the spirit of absolute Millenarian sovereignty brought into world affairs by the fundamentalist English breakaway five hundred years ago from the pragmatic European consensus of a thousand years. Europe existed in a long-term dynamic of conflict between Church and State—Papacy and Empire. England withdrew and formed itself into an Empire in which Church and State were one, and Good and Evil were determined exclusively by the interests of the State. A Protestant Archbishop of Dublin three hundred years ago, William King, gave lucid expression to this view of the world in his Problem Of Evil. Evil, he said, was whatever obstructed the Will. And that is exactly how America sees it today. And Europe, which is a product of American will, and has no will of its own, dare not see it differently.
    Brendan Clifford, Iran: Reflections On Money And Power, Church and State editorial, January, 2020.

  10. 2 years ago

    Maxim to always keep in mind: infer British objectives from British actions, not British rhetoric. It may sound like a cynical universal maxim (infer objective from actions not claims) which I have arbitrarily applied to Britain but it is not. Britain is uniquely deceptive and uniquely convincing in its deception and one must be constantly presume the worst when assessing its motives as a salutary corrective to its eloquent moral pretensions.

  11. 2 years ago

    >The land of Schiller, Beethoven, Mozart, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Wagner, Weber, Marx, Mann, Hesse, Göthe and Strauss was uniquely evil.

    What did Anglos ever give humanity? Global capitalism? Consumerism? Autistic analytic philosophy?

    • 2 years ago

      a lot of good poetry to be fair

    • 2 years ago

      >Schiller, Beethoven, Mozart


      >Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger

      >Marx, Mann


      Austrian Bohemiaphile

      • 2 years ago

        killshot, gott'im

      • 2 years ago

        Very American post

    • 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    90% of what brownies attribute applies only to Germanics.

    • 2 years ago

      *attribute to wypipo in general only applies to Germanics

  14. 2 years ago

    Before the 1800s the undisputed evils in Europe were Russia and Sweden with Austria and Spain at shared second place

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