"old web 1.0" revival

Is there a rule that nostalgia-bait zoomer "web 1.0" styled websites have to be as ugly and as user hostile as possible, abusing the frick out of frames and basically being completely unusable?
It's almost like you're literally not allowed to offer a mobile layout to have "neocities" cred, why are zoomer retro nostalgia websites like this?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >user hostile as possible
    think about that statement
    >shit made ages ago should cater to my modern sensibilities

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Return to tradition
    Amateur Internet is comfier and funnier than corporate Internet

  3. 4 weeks ago

    It was pretty similar to like some of the shit I've seen from them. No disrespect, but how old are you?

  4. 4 weeks ago

    What's this page?

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        I feel silly for asking now, thanks.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Aren't imageboards and phpBB forums an early iteration of web 2.0 though?

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Web 1.0 sites were, perhaps to your surprise, not designed for a form factor that didn’t exist. In fact most of them were designed for whatever resolution the creators screen was, typically 640x480 or 800x600.

    Now, the modern “zoomer” neo cities stuff is really its own thing, it takes advantage of modern browser features to make the aesthetics more consistent and cleaner, with some token throwbacks to the early days of widespread internet use. They’re essentially pet projects, they’re not meant to be “usable on a wide variety of devices”. Complaining it doesn’t work on your phone is like complaining someone’s kit car doesn’t have CarPlay. The lack of modern design bullshit is half the appeal.

    • 4 weeks ago

      in fact, designing with a hardcoded 800px width was standard and preferred to letting the browser automatically determine content width. it's also easy to forget that CSS was originally meant to allow the browser to add styling, and for the user to add styling, to tailor all that marked-up hyper-text to the specific user. but web browsers turned into virtual machines and at this point html is like some sort of inverted x11 protocol

  6. 4 weeks ago


  7. 4 weeks ago

    This filters casual users the same way GitHub filters people who need a download button. I don't see the problem

  8. 4 weeks ago

    what "usable" websites are you trying to find on neocities? it's all for hobbyists, you aren't going to find "content" or "business."

  9. 4 weeks ago

    the autism, that's why. Actual web 1.0 sites like Space Jam 1996 didn't have any of this garbage, but since modern zoomers can't make anything that doesn't have their own identity being forced upon you with every single page, this is the result.
    You will not be surprised to know that a good 1/3 of these websites are made by troons.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    >why aren't websites designed like websites of old catering to my mobile phone reeeeEEEEEEEEEEEE

  11. 4 weeks ago

    0 taste

  12. 4 weeks ago

    why do they all look so childish?

    • 4 weeks ago

      your time is up old man

    • 4 weeks ago

      they're made by children.

      One of the things that bothers me is that 95% of those guys only hyperfocus on this pseudo-aesthetics they associate with web 1.0 instead of its actual content. People made personal websites filled with info for their interests and hobbies or bits of their personal lives because they had no other choice. The amateurish design was directly derived from this because it was mostly done by self-taught amateurs. It was a means to an end.

      Now the majority of those guys put the cart before the horse and make this extra quirky shit just for the sake of it. It's like digital skin-walking without the soul.

      This. Though I still think it's a good thing they're trying to make their own websites even if their sites suck.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    One of the things that bothers me is that 95% of those guys only hyperfocus on this pseudo-aesthetics they associate with web 1.0 instead of its actual content. People made personal websites filled with info for their interests and hobbies or bits of their personal lives because they had no other choice. The amateurish design was directly derived from this because it was mostly done by self-taught amateurs. It was a means to an end.

    Now the majority of those guys put the cart before the horse and make this extra quirky shit just for the sake of it. It's like digital skin-walking without the soul.

    • 4 weeks ago

      If you don't put in enough effort into the design to fit in with everyone else, most people will think you didn't put in as much effort into the content either, and will doubt its credibility. Even when they know your content is good they'll drop be more hesitant to recommend it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You can immediately tell when a webpage is made by an artist as their serious homepage, because everyone else just steals their assets and links to them.
      Nothing says "i have nothing interesting to say" than having a website with more webring widgets than text.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I'm surprised this website has remained largely unchanged over the years kek
    Which I don't think is a bad thing

  15. 4 weeks ago

    >images all LGBT as frick
    yeah that's zoomers for you

    • 4 weeks ago

      >L I T E R A L L Y triggered by colors

      • 4 weeks ago

        Literally triggered by unicode characters rendered on his screen

  16. 4 weeks ago

    when done properly by old school boomers it's a usability masterclass


  17. 4 weeks ago

    My blog doesn't even have css, it's just a bunch of random static html pages.
    Wants to add a new page? Just write a new document and put a link in the index or somewhere.
    Professionally in a backend webdev, but modern web and it's expectations is so tiresome, and I dream of a simpler web

  18. 4 weeks ago

    I don't think I'm LGBT enough to have a personal website, this is uncanny as frick.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    You frickers have spent so long on siloed sites you forgot the whole point of the web, let people have fun.

    • 4 weeks ago

      they're having fun in a way i don't appreciate doebeit.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    the dark trinity

  21. 4 weeks ago

    All sites I access exist sense 1998.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >he posted on a 2003 website

  22. 4 weeks ago

    cultural appropriation they should be rightfully called out

  23. 4 weeks ago

    my website doesn't have a mobile layout because i hate phones and everyone who uses them for browsing the internet

    • 4 weeks ago

      it's literally 2 lines of code to dynamically reflow your page from 3 columns to one.

      • 4 weeks ago

        and my time isn't worth either of them, phonegays cope

      • 4 weeks ago

        i dont want morons who use phones to browse the internet on my site

  24. 4 weeks ago

    frick accessibility and frick mobile friendliness tbh

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's literally 2 lines of code, not adding them is antisocial.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    disabled people should get off my website and go and remove themselves from the gene pool and mobile users can just be lumped in with the disabled people.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Can't handle this amount of soul even if it is mimicry.
    Remember: websites not working on mobile devices is a very good thing and a goal to strive for.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    All these meme retro sites are made by lgbt people. Click the "about" section and 80% of the time its some gender pronoun nonsense of mtf creepiness. Its so messed up

    • 4 weeks ago

      nah, not true, there's a bunch of good personal, projects and informative pages around.

      Also you can choose how to design your page, mine is not like that at all. One chooses the style based on his own tastes of it's a personal page, so that means you may not like it.

      I have a page that should be seen by all kind of people, so I have an appropriate design for that.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Youve refuted nothing I havw just said

    • 4 weeks ago

      What would be wrong with that though? Data shows that like ~25% of gen z is lgbt (mostly bisexual)

      As for transgender, well transgender does not exist IRL.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >What would be wrong with that though
        I didnt say anything was wrong with it. Its just radically disproportionate
        >As for transgender, well transgender does not exist IRL.
        I know. Its mostly trans

      • 4 weeks ago

        everyone thinks they are bisexual until theyve had enough experience unless they refuse to even question it. kids are just brainwashed into taking that experimentation into permanent self-harm now. I'm sure my parents thought the same about shit like cutting and taking ecstasy, and they'd be right, but the stat '25% of gen z is lgbt' is just the newest most extreme form of cultural suicide and doesn't reflect their true sexuality.
        so i'm torn on making judgements about these people's websites based on how cringemaxxed they are. gen y and millenials were also cringe as frick.

        >What would be wrong with that though
        I didnt say anything was wrong with it. Its just radically disproportionate
        >As for transgender, well transgender does not exist IRL.
        I know. Its mostly trans

        but this is objectively a bad thing even compared to your 90s/00s edgelord 1337 h4ck3r that loves linkin park and wrote his 30th draft suicide note because he broke up with his girlfriend. on the bright side my generation was all talk when it came to self-deleting, but as far as statistics go, they don't look to good for the "ambiamorus neuro-spicy transfems" chances of </self>ing

        • 4 weeks ago

          I didnt ask

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is completely fine, old internet had many sites like that. lgbt people were also outsiders and used the internet to connect. The difference is that there was no homogenized leitkultur like today.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    links to other pages and fast loading html are in fact extremely usable
    every time i click a button and some fricking submenu pops up via javascript or it scrolls me somewhere automatically i feel sad

  29. 4 weeks ago

    That's Web 2.0 at a minimum, not web 1.0 you fricking zoomie.

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