People had more fulfilling lives in the medieval ages

What is terrifying is that in the medieval ages people had more fulfilling lives, not only that people had less hours worked than today, and more freedom to boot. Sure if you wanted to say play chess, or baord games you had to make them yourself, and yet, medieval people worked far more effectively and you could say experienced more of life, in their somewhat shorter life span.

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  1. 3 years ago

    Don't worry, after the big collapse coming at some point in the next decade or two things will be returning to their natural state.

    • 3 years ago

      >natural state.

  2. 3 years ago

    >more freedom to boot
    hahahahahahahahaha. Literally where in the Medieval world would somebody have more freedom than today? Serfdom is a form of slavery. Middle class city people if occupied with a trade were crushed by the guild system. Even free men in most places had a ridiculously high amount of obligations to state not to mention what can be arbitrary taxation.

  3. 3 years ago

    Oh yes, the absolute freedom to loiter around in a backwoods hamlet bored out of your mind and utterly broke until the harvest. Throw in a one room shack that you have to share with your entire extended family, and sign me up!


    • 3 years ago

      >the absolute freedom to loiter around in a backwoods hamlet bored out of your mind and utterly broke until the harvest.
      Lazybones detected. You can literally create anything to make people's lives better and make a fortune if you succeed.

      • 3 years ago

        >Lazybones detected
        Literally the opposite: I like having year round world and getting paid on a weekly basis without having to break my back

        >You can literally create anything to make people's lives better and make a fortune if you succeed.

        It’s a lot easier to do that when you live in a world where you can take out a business loan and order material from a distributor and ship your product to retailers instead of whatever you can jerry rig out of chopped wood and try to sell to other broke peasants who are also jerry rigging shit out of chopped wood.

        • 3 years ago

          >broke peasants
          do you have anything to say besides memes?

          • 3 years ago

            Sure, I live on a small farm and it’s a great way to keep expenses down and save up for my kid’s college while my day job actually makes me money and keeps my bills paid. I couldn’t imagine trying to live off of it though, I’d be making significantly less money unless I went big and turned my farm into something more like a business, which in the modern day I can go down to the bank and get an agri loan if I felt like it to invest in the technology that would allow me to be competitive with the other large farms in the area. It would be a frickload harder in the pre-modern period where there is no technology and going big means having access to lots of extremely cheap labor, which basically means I’d need to already be chummy with a noble who can secure funding for me, and be okay with another competitor edging in on his margins (in other words, it almost never happens)

      • 3 years ago

        wow, this basedjack is literally me

      • 3 years ago


      • 3 years ago

        Absolute monarchy is another form of state worship and bootlicking just like liberal democracy
        Read hoppe

      • 3 years ago

        I’m fine with higher taxes as long as they pay for things like schools or infrastructure instead of giving pampered dandies in a stone fort another military adventure
        Oh yeah, because authoritarian regimes like China don’t give a crap about surveillance
        I’d rather have 2 or 3 happy, well adjusted, educated children that I can foster a good relationship with instead of breeding 7 or 8 to be dull farmhands with no future
        Your beloved king did nothing to stop the Black Death, even made it worse because of all the peasants that had been dying in the Great famine
        Don’t care. I’m 3rd generation immigrant myself. I would rather move somewhere that allows me to work instead of consigning me to languish in poverty on a small farm. I don’t have penis envy so “no blacks” wouldn’t be the perk for me that it is for you
        >state worship
        Black person what do you think “divine right of kings” meant?
        >absolute obedience
        Yeah, don’t break the law or you will get punished. If you don’t like it, go homestead somewhere in the Siberian wilderness. I also don’t fancy living in a world where armed uprising is the only way to make the government listen.

        • 3 years ago

          Your taxes serve to pay foreign invaders who want to pillage your country
          No monarch ever put anyone in jail for saying Black person
          Your children don't have any more of a future at their desk jobs plus good luck affording more than 2
          Unfair, wtf could they do about the plague anyways? Plus I'd rather they let us die than poison us with their "vaccine"
          I'm a "3rd gen immigrant" too, it has nothing to do with immigration but with your country not becoming a 3rd world shithole because it makes more money for the rich that way
          Same thing as today but at least back then they had religion as an excuse
          Armed uprising is still the only way to make the government listen and will always be the only way

          • 3 years ago

            >Your taxes serve to pay foreign invaders who want to pillage your country
            The Roman Empire had the same problem, and Russia is experiencing this problem harder than anywhere in the west
            > No monarch ever put anyone in jail for saying Black person
            No, they put people in jail for not having the right religion or even remotely speaking out against the government
            > Your children don't have any more of a future at their desk jobs plus good luck affording more than 2
            Nice projection. My children are doing just fine
            > Unfair, wtf could they do about the plague anyways?
            >N-n-n-n-nooooo it doesn’t count because… it just doesn’t, okay!

            Figures. We have the solution and you still don’t want it.

            > becoming a 3rd world shithole
            Everywhere was a third world shithole before democracy. I thought you said being a poor subsistence farmer was some kind of ideal?

            > Same thing as today but at least back then they had religion as an excuse
            It’s not even close to the same thing as a church and state in blatant and open cahoots with each other

            > Armed uprising is still the only way to make the government listen and will always be the only way
            Ballots are the rightful and peaceful successor to bullets. Especially considering the pre-enlightenment period where you were playing a military game rigged against you

          • 3 years ago

            >Ballots are the rightful and peaceful successor to bullets.
            It's like elections aren't rigged

          • 3 years ago

            They aren’t

            Seethe harder, Trumptard. Go be Putin’s b***hboy somewhere else

          • 3 years ago


          • 3 years ago

            I don't live in Somalia so I don't understand what it's like.

          • 3 years ago

            >No monarch ever put anyone in jail for saying Black person
            Name literally a single time someone was jailed in a liberal democracy for saying Black person. These fantasies only exist in your head.

        • 3 years ago

          Giga based. Saved.

        • 3 years ago

          >I'm fine with taxes if the government doesn't spend frivolously
          >modern China is basically an absolute monarchy
          >I'd rather the government raise my kids and I just get to be like their friend than them learn a practical trade
          >muh pandemic
          >scared of black kangz wh*te boi?
          >just do what the government says but only if it's a bunch of guys with paperwork because they're good listeners, if it's only one guy and he doesn't have paperwork then that's tyranny

          • 3 years ago

            >I'm fine with taxes if the government doesn't spend frivolously
            yes, no point in wasting taxdollars so rural morons can LARP as ye warryors off olde. It's just dumping money down the drain
            >modern China is basically an absolute monarchy
            No, it's a totalitarian system, which is the modern evolution of monarchy, where party appartniks pick the next soveirgn so you don't get the sheer, utter moronation of monarchs putting their idiot sons on the throne
            >I'd rather the government raise my kids and I just get to be like their friend than them learn a practical trade
            Education is the surest path to personal success. I sure wouldn't want them to end up as poorgays in the trailer park, with lives so bleak they wished they were a medieval peasant
            >muh pandemic
            By all means, don't get the vaccine. Be a vector. Spread it to all the boomers in your shitty town so they can all die and the rest of us can get to work cleaning up the mess they left behind.
            >scared of black kangz wh*te boi?
            Oh, but being scared of white kangz is better? You do realize this is a monarcuck thread, right?
            Bureaucracy is what keeps the men wearing boots in check.
            >just do what the government says but only if it's a bunch of guys with paperwork because they're good listeners, if it's only one guy and he doesn't have paperwork then that's tyranny
            He that does not like civil society on these terms, let him retire and live among savages. He can have no right to the benefits of society, who will not pay his club towards the support of it

  4. 3 years ago

    The only thing more moronic than the Game of Thrones view of medieval history is the ludicrously romanticized one some people here hold.

  5. 3 years ago
    ugh, the tradcat-burning of medieval europe...

  6. 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      Eddy is such a weird guy, you can't help but love him.

    • 3 years ago

      Since he doesn't have power he has to entertain himself somehow.

  7. 3 years ago

    >monarchist depicts himself as a hyper masculine king
    How is this any different from delusional commies who think they would be celebrated party leaders instead of menial suffering laborers

  8. 3 years ago

    We have ZERO. ZERO fricking idea what living as a medieval peasant was.
    Go back to whatever tradlarp hole you crawled out of.

  9. 3 years ago

    being asked pointed questions that they don't know the answer to with the intention of establishing a justification to punish them, etc. The idea could people could just make things and sell them is such a joke, if someone made anything valuable their lord or reeve or the head of the parish watch or the parish priest or whoever had the slightest authority over them would just take it then have them fined for whatever materials they must have stolen to create it, probably beaten too for good measure. They'd have the "freedom" to walk back and forth between their cottage and the local church every sunday (chaperoned) to hear the priest tell them how worthless they are and that they deserve hell.

    I can't imagine how sheltered of a life you would have had to have lived to not understand that humans are absolutely cruel and malicious.

    • 3 years ago

      The lords were naturally incentivized to treat their peasants well and prioritize their long-term well-being since their great grandkids would inherit their property and punishments like that are bad for long-term prosperity.

      • 3 years ago

        That argument can literally be applied to any system
        >communist? They want their great grandchildren to have a successful state bureaucracy, too!
        >democracy? Politicians want their great grandchildren to run for office, too!

    • 3 years ago

      People in Tudor England were routinely executed for things like singing, playing instruments, dancing, juggling, fencing with wooden sticks, etc. No fun allowed basically. The idea that people were more free in the past is such a complete joke.

  10. 3 years ago

    >be Swede
    >never had serfdom
    >farmers had their own estate
    >when the king demanded too much the tax collectors/bailiffs would be found dead in the woods
    >nobility was powerful enough to constantly switch kings for shits and giggles but never managed to force down serfdom

    • 3 years ago

      what's it like being swedish now though

      • 3 years ago

        Could be better, could be worse. Not as bad as /misc/tards might make it to be, our shitskins aren't remotely as violent compared to the situation in American cities and you can mostly avoid the worst of them by staying out of the 'ghettos', but its not great.

  11. 3 years ago

    Ok illiterate zoomer incel whose entire conception of reality is sourced off of image board delusions and memes

  12. 3 years ago

    >What is terrifying is that in the medieval ages people had more fulfilling lives
    How could you possibly know this?
    >more freedom to boot.
    You couldn't even move without you lord's permission
    > medieval people worked far more effectively
    What? Efficiency is the entire reason the that life style fell apart. Feudal lords in the early modern period realized it was more cost efficient to use their land for cattle and sheep than for tenant farmers.
    > you could say experienced more of life
    Its kind of hard to experience more when you never go more than fifteen miles from the place you were born.

  13. 3 years ago

    Please have a nice day

  14. 3 years ago

    Thread theme

  15. 3 years ago

    The question is who are we producing for so many things...

    Why can't we live in a fricking farm producing our own food and that's all. Reduce population and it will be enough resources for everyone to live a self-sustaining life.

    • 3 years ago

      How utterly servile you are to want so little.

      • 3 years ago

        Yeah because being a fricking modern slave all your life because you are not allowed to eat and have a life it's such a great life.

        Frick that, I don't understand why do we need to be constantly producing more and more shit, population keeps growing, more resources needed, more competition for less jobs and resources, all your life worried that if you don't have money you can't buy food and pay rent and you will end up on the streets begging for money to be able to eat.

        Human life in this way of life is pure shit and it will be more and more pure shit. I don't care if Elon Musk lunches another rocket or if we go to Mars or not, who the fricking cares?, to keep being fricking slaves to companies up there all your life worry because if not you are not allowed to eat? Frick that.

        • 3 years ago

          Get a roommate, homosexual. There you have extra money now.

        • 3 years ago

          Why the frick are you using a rocket company as an example lmao

        • 3 years ago

          >slave in factory bad
          >slave on farm good
          Lmao ok

          • 3 years ago

            It's you own farm moron. You work to produce your own food not for other people to get rich.

          • 3 years ago

            Yay I get to eat wheat for my entire life. Meanwhile today I can go to the store and get every plant around the world for my meal.
            >make money for someone else
            I make my own money and spend it on what I want. Like a diverse diet

          • 3 years ago

            Are you moronic? Do you think that you can only grow wheat in your farm? Hahahahaha

          • 3 years ago

            Depends on what seeds are available at the time. In ancient times, peasants were given seeds and told how to plant them and how much to grow.

          • 3 years ago

            We are having a discussion about peasant life in the medieval times. I don't give a shit about your personal farm. Your modern personal farm isn't even comparable to a farm back then no matter how hard you pretend it is.

          • 3 years ago

            I don't care either about your discussion, how people lived in the medieval age because they are all fricking dead and neither I care about what you think.

          • 3 years ago

            Then leave the thread you dumb poor homosexual.

          • 3 years ago

            Ok I leave. You made me sad bro... I'm sorry, *sniff*, *sniff*

          • 3 years ago

            >comes to a medieval peasant discussion
            >decides to blog post about his poor person life
            So do you still not have a refrigerator? Where you are from, how many hours of electricity are you allowed to use before it just goes out?

          • 3 years ago

            Well it is definitely limited. If I wanted corn one day and then decided I wanted snow peas that wouldn't happen. Especially since corn isn't native to Europe

          • 3 years ago

            They also had to produce food for the local lord as part of their tithe, which is the reason said lord gave them land and protection

        • 3 years ago

          >Modern slave
          Are you a moron? Are you incapable of getting a job which pays you? Maybe you live in a third world country so begging on the street might be a good option for you.

        • 3 years ago

          You're an american citizen. You have the freedom to do whatever the frick you want. You can immigrate to some third world shithole and pay the price of a starbucks order for citizenship. You can buy plots of land there for one month of your rent. You're just too fricking stupid to do anything.

  16. 3 years ago

    I agree. But life was much harder back then. I mean just imagine falling sick and be in unbearable pain while knowing no one can cure you or relieve you.

    • 3 years ago

      They knew for certain they would go to Heaven if they died, unlike people today.

      • 3 years ago

        Which is peoples choice they make today. You want to take away their free will?

      • 3 years ago

        No they didn't, many were gripped by fear of if they would go to heaven over the slightest shit, hell being certain of it is considered a grave sin to some

        • 3 years ago

          What "sins" would your average peasant have committed? They lived in large families and lived simple, humble lives, they weren't tempted by sin and degeneracy on every street corner like people today.

          • 3 years ago

            You do know prostitutes existed, and that people had pre martial sex still, or the high murder rate, or the fact that depending on region it would be easy to be a drunk

          • 3 years ago

            Prostitutes were mostly a city phenomenon, your average peasant wouldn't have been exposed to prostitutes.

            >crime didn't exist in medieval times
            To say you are sinless is a sin dumbass

            What "crimes" would a peasant have possibly committed? They have no reason to do crime, they have all that they need in life, they have the fear of Hell to keep them from doing crime, and they respect the authorities as appointed by God.

          • 3 years ago

            >and they respect the authorities as appointed by God
            So you deny the fact that highwaymen amd bandits existed. Interesting. What other delusions do you have about medieval life. Do you think they bathed regularly too? Another fun fact. When they did bathe they shared the same bathwater. So if you had a big family and were the last one to bathe. You bathed in your families filth.

          • 3 years ago

            There might have been the occasional bandit, but these were very rare.

          • 3 years ago

            Right, because police records were so accurate in the middle ages that you have sources to back up that claim and aren't just conjecturing, huh?

          • 3 years ago

            Nobody wanted to mess with knights on horseback. Being a criminal back then was much more dangerous than today.

          • 3 years ago

            5 or 6 highwaymen ambushing a knight could easily take them down, and most people on the road in medieval times were not knights, they were normies and traveling merchants who were utterly helpless.

            The original "robber barons" literally refers to knights on the Rhine who were allowed to rape and pillage their countryside and the king refused to address the issue because he might need them in his next war

          • 3 years ago

            >occasional bandit
            Occasional my ass. When you broke the law you either lost everything or you became a criminal. There was no hope of rehabilitation so just about everyone became a career criminal. It was such a problem even in the Roman Empire that being killed or robbed by bandits was treated like natural causes.

          • 3 years ago

            >crime didn't exist in medieval times
            To say you are sinless is a sin dumbass

  17. 3 years ago

    Daily reminder to feudalgays that the only free parts of the Medieval World were Chartered Cities and Free City States, where burghers lived outside of the feudal system, were legally different people than serfs & peasants, and lived lives greatly resembling our own.

    And even then theirs is a hard world especially during wartime as- bereft of the protection of knights n shiet- citizens had to arm themselves as militia and went toe to toe vs knights/mercs

  18. 3 years ago


    >bathing was done at the well
    Congratulations you just contaminated that wells water.
    >grocery store
    A modern amenity that is 1000x better than your medieval farm.

  19. 3 years ago



    >a rural town is exactly like a medieval town
    No you dumb moron. Rural towns still have access to electricity and running water and other modern amenities.

    • 3 years ago

      Yeah. I had electricity wiring. No running water. Sorry, not rural town. I mean legitimate sticks in the boonies with one road. There was room for pipes underneath the road but there weren't any. Electric posts were up though.

  20. 3 years ago


    >most of what I ate was canned goods.
    Thats your choice
    >no fridge
    Lmao you're poor. You're basically a peasant already

  21. 3 years ago


    >Were there laws or unwritten rules regarding well cleanliness?
    Probably common courtesy related rules
    Don't shit in the well probably number 1

  22. 3 years ago

    I support Monarchy so far I am the king. Make me King and kneel before me you cucks.Its not like Monarch blood was something special why not just make someone like me a Monarch?

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