Was decolonization messy on purpose?

Was decolonization messy on purpose?

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  1. 3 years ago

    Yes obviously.

    • 3 years ago


  2. 3 years ago

    In most of Africa no.
    For the French parts absolutely.

    • 3 years ago

      Love this narrative in the English speaking world according to which Britain was nice and all but France was awful
      It's like France is their boogeyman to avoid talking about how they themselves behaved
      France didn't do half the fricked up shit Britain did in Africa. Hell, the South Africa apartheid remains the worse case of decolonization and it didn't occur in a French colony.

      • 3 years ago

        >the South Africa apartheid remains the worse case of decolonization
        Nearly all of the worst countries in Africa have French origins, you fricking what? Are you really going to argue that Mali and Chad are or were ever in a better state than fricking South Africa?

        • 3 years ago

          Sounds arbitrary

          • 3 years ago

            Defining Apartheid as "the worse case of decolonization" is far more arbitrary than observing objective living conditions like secure access to food or water you fricking mong.

          • 3 years ago

            Colonization ha s been over for some time, any conditions the blacks are living in now is due to their own actions

          • 3 years ago

            >Colonization ha s been over for some time
            Not that logn to be honest.

            >any conditions the blacks are living in now is due to their own actions
            Because things don't occur in a vacuum like the rest of the world does. Many of the shit you see now is a result of the actions and polices done back in the day. Yes they are things that are done due to locals entities and stuff like that but you can't be daft and completely just ignore the colonial era and the tumultuous decade after that

          • 3 years ago

            It's not white people's fault that blacks are super corruptible

          • 3 years ago

            Generalizing the entire population of sub-saharan Africa doesn't add to the discussion.
            Botswana has a massive AIDS problem but otherwise avoided political instability, extreme corruption etc despite or in fact because colonial rule amounted to little more than acknowledging British overlordship.

          • 3 years ago

            Botswana is only relevant because of its diamond mines, otherwise its an absolute shithole

          • 3 years ago

            It isn't an absolute shithole though, it's better than most sub-saharan countries. Many of those countries also have valuable resources but have thus far failed to successfully use them to the benefit of the country as a whole. Botswana did.
            Whatever point you tried to make is false.

          • 3 years ago

            So what you're saying is that Africa needs to have more foreign funded resource extraction so africans can huddle around the giant vacuum hose for warmth because they're not ever going to do anything themselves

          • 3 years ago

            You sound like some mentally unhinged man on some new sites comment section lol

          • 3 years ago

            >dude africa's great if it has diamonds!

          • 3 years ago

            >Not that logn to be honest.

            Africa was colonized for 80 years
            Africa has been independent for 60 years

          • 3 years ago

            >Africa was colonized for 80 years
            >Africa has been independent for 60 years
            Still pretty long especially in an era where tech has made massive jumps and the whole conquest game radically changed where things went much faster than they did in previous centuries lol. Look at Angola. The Portuguese only made the jump from their small coastal control to full on domination in the 1920's after having been in Africa for literal centuries.

        • 3 years ago

          >Nearly all of the worst countries in Africa have French origins
          South Sudan? Somalia? Zimbabwe? Britain left behind a fair share of horrific shitholes

          >Are you really going to argue that Mali and Chad are or were ever in a better state than fricking South Africa?
          The French left them as shitholes, just like they found them. But at least they didn't leave behind a racist cast of white colonist ruling over the locals like the British did in SA.

          • 3 years ago


            Actually doing better now.. Still in the gutter but actually making little steps to recovery.

            >Britain left behind a fair share of horrific shitholes
            True but they thing is that many of them are on their road to recovery or actually have a chance of making it big.

        • 3 years ago


          >Hell, the South Africa apartheid remains the worse case of decolonization and it didn't occur in a French colony.
          Yeah dude because what the French did in Algeria, Cameroon, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Mauritius was just so benign. Especially Algeria, Apartheid was so much worse than the military directly torturing and killing civilians.

          He kind of has a point though
          Don't get me wrong, the French weren't any better than the British like he claims, but they also weren't any worse like it's often claimed by the British.
          As someone who studied African history thoroughly, I can tell you that the (slight) difference between French and British former colonies in black Africa doesn't boil down to how the colonial masters behaved but rather to where the colonies were located.

          East Africans are superior to West Africans. There, I said it.
          West Africa will always be a shithole.
          The only "successful" British colony located there, Nigeria, only "does well" economically due to its massive population (kinda like India "does well"). But in reality Nigeria is a godawful poverty-ridden shithole that hosts one of the most heinous terror group on the whole planet.
          If I was given the choince between living in the "successful" Nigeria or in Kenya/Tanzania, i'd choose in a split second.

          • 3 years ago

            What do you think about Ghana history? What do you think is in store for Ghana?

          • 3 years ago

            >The only "successful" British colony located there, Nigeria, only "does well" economically due to its massive population (kinda like India "does well"). But in reality Nigeria is a godawful poverty-ridden shithole that hosts one of the most heinous terror group on the whole planet.
            Ghana is objectively far more successful than Nigeria, has a lower poverty rate, better access to education, and better Infastrcture.
            Even Sierra Leone is starting to get better, and is turning into a better functioning Democracy.

          • 3 years ago

            >mfw Ghana is now a French colony

          • 3 years ago

            The post your quoting doesn't say or even imply such a thing though
            Can't you read?

          • 3 years ago

            Yes I can indeed. He claims Nigeria is the only somewhat successful British Colony in west Africa, which means he's implying
            a) Ghana is less successful than Nigeria, which is a glaringly false claim
            b) or he's implying Ghana is not a British colony, which if not, would imply it to be another part of French West Africa
            Both implications are false but I gave him benefit of the doubt and assumed he meant the less moronic claim

          • 3 years ago

            >West Africa
            Best: Ghana (british)
            Worst: Mali (french)
            >East Africa
            Best: Kenya (british)
            Worst: Burundi (belgian)
            >Indian Ocean
            Best: Mauritius (british)
            Worst: Madagascar (french)

          • 3 years ago

            >West Africa
            >Worst: Mali (french)
            It's actually Niger (which is French as well)
            Mali has a pretty bad HDI (roughly similar to the shithole British ex-colony Sierra Leone) but still quite above Nig(g)er

            >East Africa
            Worst: Burundi (belgian)
            Burundi is considered part of Central Africa, and anyway has a higher HDI than South Soudan (British) which is in East Africa

          • 3 years ago

            Isn't Niger Central Africa? Also who considers Burundi central Africa?

          • 3 years ago


          • 3 years ago

            >burundi in central africa and rwanda in east africa

      • 3 years ago

        >Hell, the South Africa apartheid remains the worse case of decolonization and it didn't occur in a French colony.
        Yeah dude because what the French did in Algeria, Cameroon, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Mauritius was just so benign. Especially Algeria, Apartheid was so much worse than the military directly torturing and killing civilians.

        • 3 years ago

          You left out Madagascar. Lol the French fricked them up hard.

          • 3 years ago

            I knew I was forgetting somewhere important, thanks anon. It's laughable to call Apartheid the worst thing that happened down there.

        • 3 years ago

          You think people weren't being tortured and killed under Apartheid?

        • 3 years ago

          >Yeah dude because what the French did in Algeria, Cameroon, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Mauritius was just so benign.
          The French did fricked up shit in Algeria, but not in the other countries you randomly mentioned for now reasons afterward.

          >Especially Algeria, Apartheid was so much worse than the military directly torturing and killing civilians.
          Yeah, bad things happen during guerrilla warfare.
          The Americans did the same in Iraq, the British did the same in Ireland....etc
          That's bad but nowhere near as fricked up as doing shit like that during fricking peace time like in South Africa.

      • 3 years ago

        I love the french narrative more. It's like a pendulum. They swing from outright denying they did anything bad in colonial africa to taunting nafris with pictures of lynched algerians and the infamous "algie drowning practice in the seine" photo whenever they get in an argument. What an absolute schizophrenic race.

        • 3 years ago

          >poltards are moronic
          What a fascinating discovery

          • 3 years ago

            Eh, I don't frequent /misc/. I comment on what I see from french posters on IQfy and even normalgays on f*c*book

        • 3 years ago

          Algerians really don't have any self awareness, it's amazing
          The drowings in Paris in 1961 occurred during a pro-FLN rally at the heart of Paris, after FLN terror attacks in Paris had been killing dozens of policemen in the previous weeks.
          So yes, the policemen snapped when they saw a pro-terrorism rally in their fricking city by a bunch of foreigners, just like any other police in the world would have.

          Algerians are one of the most wicked people on earth and everything they got during colonization they fully deserved it (unlike sub-saharan africans, viets, native americans....etc)
          Hell, the very reason why Algeria was colonized in the first place is because these subhumans had been enslaving Europeans for centuries
          Most justified colonial conquest ever

          • 3 years ago

            >Algerians are one of the most wicked people on earth and everything they got during colonization they fully deserved it
            How fricked are you in the head?

            >Hell, the very reason why Algeria was colonized in the first place is because these subhumans had been enslaving Europeans for centuries
            that was actually the first war that various Euros cracked down on Algeria. The reason for the conquest was not due to "THEY ENSLAVED US".

          • 3 years ago

            What gave French the right to steal resources from Algeria? Dirty kaafir your time is up now Muslims will give you something back

          • 3 years ago

            What resources? Algerians lived or piracy and goat herding when the French arrived
            Soil was full of oil but it aint like them sheep fricker knew how to extract it or even had the technology to use it.
            Btw colonization was a payback for the enslavement of white europeans by Algerians

          • 3 years ago

            >Btw colonization was a payback for the enslavement of white europeans by Algerians
            It wasn't you moron. the "payback" was done long before the colonization and even back then Europeans used the pirates within the area as way to hinder their allies. this whole "payback " is rooted in some moronic entitlement.

          • 3 years ago

            >resources from Algeria
            What, like their alfalfa farms?

        • 3 years ago

          Well, the "crimes against humanity" in Algeria never happened but boy i sure wish they did

        • 3 years ago

          It might be the narrative among far-right French people who are butthurt about getting ethnically replaced, but it's definitly not the official French narrative.
          Everyone in France has heard about that insignificant "massacre" in which dozens of pro-FLN protesters in Paris were beat up and thrown in the Seine by the exasperated police they had been killing for months.
          This shit is taught in French school and the French president apologizes for it every year.

          Meanwhile, I doubt anyone in France below the age of 60 has ever heard of the infamous massacres perpetrated by Algerians on Pieds-noirs and israelites on 20 August 1955.
          This shit was basically the turning point of the Algerian War and turned a decolonization conflict into a race war.
          That day the Algerians reached a level of barbarity (a word that comes from "Beber", how fitting) that would make the Dirlewanger brigade puke in disgust. Not even the worst of what the French army later did to Algerian rebels (in reprisal for that day) such as torturing them with electricity on the dick, even comes close to what Algerians did to random civilians on that day.

      • 3 years ago

        >it didn't occur in a French colony.
        Algeria basically had segregation anon. Technically their colonies had some form of it

        • 3 years ago

          Considered part of the arab world, we're discussing nignogs in this thread
          Though it's hilarous how Algeria, despite its shitty religion and culture, its massive inbreeding rate and its brutal decolonization war, still does better than the best parts of black africa.
          Genetics are truly something amazing.

          • 3 years ago

            Algeria is part of Africa you moron. Ignorance is not a virtue.

          • 3 years ago

            And Europe is part of Asia if we go by moronic landmass distinction instead of cultural and racial distinction.
            You know very well what people mean when they say "Africa", and no they don't mean Egypt or Algeria

      • 3 years ago

        Read the loi cadre, or our attempts at shooting down the mali federation

      • 3 years ago
        • 3 years ago
    • 3 years ago

      >What is the Mau Mau uprising
      >What is the Portuguese anti colonial wars

    • 3 years ago

      The French are quite clearly the villains of history.

  3. 3 years ago

    Yeah leaving behind all that infrastructure sure was messy

  4. 3 years ago


    >Pre-colonial Africa was messy too
    Not any more or less than the rest of the world.

    • 3 years ago

      Yes, much more
      In 1880, the rest of the world didn't have wars between fricking villages nor did it have slaver raids...

      • 3 years ago

        >In 1880, the rest of the world didn't have wars between fricking villages nor did it have slaver raids...
        No they had massive scale wars between people anon. American Civil War?

      • 3 years ago

        Blood feuds were still a thing in the Balkans, Italy, Scotland, and parts of North America

        • 3 years ago

          Difference is that in these places villages weren't nations

          • 3 years ago

            Neither were they across Africa.

          • 3 years ago

            Pre-colonial Africa had many village-nations (especially in Central Africa) and even the most developped "nations" tended to consist in a hundred of villages at most
            If it had had mapped borders, it would be even more of "a mess" than current Africa

          • 3 years ago

            Not really . Espcially since many of these entities had organized political structures, taxation structures, militarizes, hierarchies, castes, a ruling class or more. What is Aksum, Kongo Kingdom, Ethiopia, Nubia, Somali city--states, swahili city-states, Songhai, Mali. etc etc.

    • 3 years ago

      >Cannibalism, living in mud huts with no sanitation and slavery weren't that bad bro

    • 3 years ago

      Uh what?

      Read some of the missionary accounts of 19th century Africa and keep in mind these guys were anti-slavery liberal/progressive types.

      >human sacrifice
      >"muti" beliefs where albino skins and dried baby fingers were used for magic
      >constant small scale violence

      Africa south of the Niger and north of the Limpopo was pretty hellish in pre-colonial era.

  5. 3 years ago

    Africans wanted colonialism to end, they didn't want a period of gradually ceding power, of negotiations to redraw maps or anything, they wanted independence right away, so that's what they got.

    Colonial borders have remained despite much war and instability since maintaining national governments and national armies in Africa is a source of stability. If a nation cedes territory it sets a precedent that violence and hostility gets results, which invites more. In theory anyway, regardless in practice they remain.

    Also isn't it the left always saying "diversity is strength"? Tribal based nations would be a clusterfrick. They have to learn to live together to some extent.

    • 3 years ago

      No other way was really possible because the colonial power would rush it if it was getting to costly for them. There's also the fact that if the locals were to agree to independance at later date the European power could do so many things to frick them over in one or any combo of the following like:

      >Refuse to do anything at all past the bare minimum until the date of serperation
      >set up the economy and political/economic structure that even spot independence Europeans woudl have death grip on the economy.
      >Strip everything that is not bolted to the floor.
      >Leave but have all the resources be firmly under the control of their companies
      >Infinitely delay it.
      >Set up the colony so that it's political structure would be super frail and easy to exploit post independence

      there was nothing that could work asides from immediate independence since Africans didn't have much pull asides from the threat for rebellion which was iffy since as shown in the Mau Mau Rebellion, Malaysian emergency, Portuguese Colonial War they could put them down brutally if they desired.

      • 3 years ago

        What are you basing this on? Europe had universal democracy and had elected socialist governments vehemently opposed to colonialism. In the end most newly independent democracies would be taken over by despots. No doubt Europe would make errors or place their interests over Africa's at points, because they are human, however it would be far from your "da jooz" tier conspiracy theories.

        It is obvious you are an extreme far-leftist who prefers incorrect opinions that give you good feels as opposed to facts, logic and correct opinions. Just admit you are wrong and stop being an idiot.

        • 3 years ago

          >Europe had universal democracy and had elected socialist governments vehemently opposed to colonialism
          On paper. yo fail to realize that just because a government is ""lefty" or "eighty" doesn't mean their polices all align with it. Especial when many left wing politicians back than were not all against colonization. Even today we have Euro states promoting polices abroad that completely clash with their beliefs.

          >your "da jooz" tier conspiracy theories.
          How is it a conspiracy when all those things I mentioned did occur in some way?

          • 3 years ago

            >Refuse to do anything at all past the bare minimum until the date of seperation
            Many colonies were ruled on shoestring budgets so maintaining the status quo until the time was up is realistic. you saw this in Eritrea/Somalia under British military administration and German South West Africa under South Africa

            >set up the economy and political/economic structure that even post independence Europeans would have death grip on the economy.
            Was the primary goal for Rhodesia with how minority rule and voting operated in the state

            >Strip everything that is not bolted to the floor.
            France did this to Guinea by stripping the copper from several government buildings

            >Leave but have all the resources be firmly under the control of their companies
            Belgium's plan in the Congo by Belgian mining companies supporting Katanga to split so they can get total access to their resources.

            >Set up the colony so that it's political structure would be super frail and easy to exploit post independence
            Many colonies in Franco-Africa fit this. Especially since their elections are dependant on who has France's backing and the reverse also apposite to France

    • 3 years ago

      >Also isn't it the left always saying "diversity is strength"
      No, that's only for white nations.

      In African nations it's "the colonists mixed together people from different tribes, that's why African nations are violent".

    • 3 years ago

      > diversity is a strength
      Random borders make countries less diverse than they ar should be.

  6. 3 years ago

    Anyways, don't forget that "colonization" isn't over. ~thirteen African countries have their economic policies ran from Paris. Africa is still very much under control of eurohomos and resources are still being extracted so Europe can afford to live with its degeneracy.

    • 3 years ago

      Resources are being extracted by chinks and then SOLD (in exchange for MONEY, just like during slavery) to the Europeans.
      The only thing Europe is stealing to Africa right now is its inhabitants

  7. 3 years ago

    If only Britain had listened to Ian Smith...

  8. 3 years ago

    Why does this board become so fricking cucked when darkies come into the equation? I swear that what's left of whites in 100 years will still be crying over how huwhite privilege is keeping the black man down.

  9. 3 years ago

    If they had enough control to do it properly they wouldn't do it at all.

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