WFH is immoral

Reminder that if you WFH and think that others should physically show up to their jobs, you are morally bankrupt.

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  1. 4 months ago

    no one does that though

    • 4 months ago

      Most jobs on earth are not governed by Elmo Tusk. There are sites that track which companies promote WFH. Work for them.

      Who the frick is Elon Musk?

      you are morally bankrupt and a bootlicker

      Sorry chuds, but the days of rolling out of bed at 8:59AM are over. The bosses have caught on to the fact that you're jacking off on company time.

      • 4 months ago

        >he think I wasn't jacking off in the office
        oh no no no

      • 4 months ago

        >he thinks i roll out of bed at 8:59AM
        >he thinks i roll out of bed
        >he thinks i know what hours correspond to company time
        >he thinks i even remember the name of the company that i work for
        there are many joys of wfh. but my favourite aspect is quite hard to explain.

        It all begins, when it starts to dawn on normie wagies that wfh neets might, just might, quite possibly, as outlandish as it may be to claim, are infact... not working.

        and in their small wagie brains, they start ruminating how that might look: "Oh, he's probably watching youtube in another window", "i bet hes got no pants on", "doing his shopping on company time"...

        when infact the reality is several orders of magnitude outside of their limits of creativity. I am literally not even at my desk. I spend a total of 30 seconds checking emails in the morning, and that's it. that's my work day. at no point during the rest of the day do i open the lid of my laptop.

        the beauty of it, is that it is literally not within the ability of a wagies brain to comprehend this reality, anymore than that of a bird comprehending the C programming language. it is qualitatively, physically, objectively, impossible. but, unlike the bird, the wagie is not deterred, and in their quant little wagie brains they fantasize and try to image, as they may, what nefarious schemes those cheeky wfh neets are up to.


        • 4 months ago

          A man of class

        • 4 months ago

          >babe wake up new pasta just dropped
          Incomprehensibly based

        • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          I kneel

        • 4 months ago

          That is an incredibly based pasta. Saved, checked, keked, and rekt

        • 4 months ago

          The actual amount of even physical labor is typically much less than work hours.

        • 4 months ago

          you're not a wfh neet, you're just a neet
          >am literally not even at my desk. I spend a total of 30 seconds checking emails in the morning,
          in the real world the boss notices that your Teams bubble hasn't been green in over a week, you're not attending impromptu meetings and you're ignoring everyone's calls/messages. You wouldn't last a day in a real wfh job

          • 4 months ago

            >in the real world the boss notices that your Teams bubble hasn't been green in over a week
            >he doesn't have a mouse jiggler
            Anon, I...

          • 4 months ago

            I thought they had ways to detect that now, even if it's hardware

          • 4 months ago

            >use web version of teams on firefox
            >it has no way to detect mouse activity when unfocused
            >rely on this accurate technical fact as defense if questioned

          • 4 months ago

            >boss orders you to install and use the shitty teams spyware electron app
            now what

          • 4 months ago

            >in the real world the boss notices that your Teams bubble hasn't been green in over a week, you're not attending impromptu meetings and you're ignoring everyone's calls/messages. You wouldn't last a day in a real wfh job
            NTA, but I can tell you that a coworker on my team of night-shift network admins who stopped working beyond signing in, it took 3 months for them to get canned - and that was only after he was working solo when a huge outage occurred and he was the break in the chain of escalation.
            Naturally a lot of the delay in this case was from lacking assignments with deadlines - outside of changes we're basically technical nightwatches.

            But there is a truth that WFH encourages the kind of "out of sight, out of mind" mentality which befits anons. Color in the lines and have a manager that cares about your utility over your persona (low office politics), and you can have a boring but relatively low-bullshit job.
            t. autist with SPD who spends their summer shifts on the covered patio

        • 4 months ago

          Holy based

          >your employer
          I don't work any of those jobs moron, I just understand that your cushy WFH lifestyle relies on hundreds of people physically showing up to their jobs in order to support the weight of your existence

          and like all WFH people you have a bizarrely haughty and ungracious attitude about this (which is a large part of why WFH is being slowly taken away btw)

          Lmao seethe

        • 4 months ago

          >when infact the reality is several orders of magnitude outside of their limits of creativity
          Once my neighbor moronicly started a wildfire and I went there to help him put it out. On company time.

        • 4 months ago

          I worked in a company for 3 years and never knew the name of any of my bosses besides my direct supervisor kek

        • 4 months ago

          I once attended a bootycall on company time

          • 4 months ago

            Same, getting a bj in company time has to be one of the best feelings in the world

        • 4 months ago

          holy frick anon



          ANON IM GOING TO C-CUH-CUH~~~~


          o-oops. sorry :3 u jus made me so happi ;3

        • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          Jannies status: Jealous

        • 4 months ago



        • 4 months ago

          thank you anon
          t. 2 minor commits in 4 months

        • 4 months ago

          >boot licker mods ban based neet
          This is the true face of autism. Emotionless husks who've handed over their humanity to their corporate overlords for pennies a day.

          • 4 months ago

            lrn2read anon

          • 4 months ago

            apologize anon. you can still make it right.

        • 4 months ago

          same i sleep through/miss meetings all the time. never use alarm clocks. 4 hours of work a week at most. i don't do anything but drink/smoke/fap. coworkers love and praise me

        • 4 months ago

          I did this for four years and eventually got fired for literally not doing anything.
          I have a giant stash of money and somewhere to live rent free now.

        • 4 months ago

          mods are alright sometimes

          • 4 months ago

            That's a lie. They only posted that for an ego boost.

        • 4 months ago

          I'm a WFH programmer and I will never go back to commuting.

          I kneel, and I can only hope to achieve such levels of do-nothingness at my job. My guess is that you work for the federal government?

          • 4 months ago

            I'm in awe if he works for the US government and can't remember the name of the place he works at. Truly kneeling at that point.

        • 4 months ago

          Jannies actually recognizing good posts? I daresay it's time they got a raise

        • 4 months ago

          if you work from home you are not a neet cause you are still employed

        • 4 months ago

          >desperate janny compares himself to based WFHer
          You work from home... FOR NO PAY

          It's like a valet bragging that they drive a Ferrari. Jannies are something else I tell ya.

        • 4 months ago

          this is what i do
          >wake up at 8:59am
          >roll over and turn laptop on and join teams call 5 minutes late
          >give my update on work done yesterday (make up some bullshit about training)
          >teams call over
          >go back to sleep until noon
          >make lunch
          >go for swim if it's warm out or jump on my treadmill when it's cold
          >check teams around 3pm and answer anything that comes through (5-10 minutes)
          >catch up on whatever show I'm watching (just started the Sopranos)
          >log off at 5pm

        • 4 months ago

          mommmmmm, im done!!!!! wipes!!!! im checking emails.

        • 4 months ago

          Please don't ruing WFH for the rest of us.

        • 4 months ago

          Truly inspirational

        • 4 months ago

          this man is like a reverse janny, he doesn't work and gets paid

        • 4 months ago

          put me in the screenshot

      • 4 months ago

        >rolling out of bed at 8:59AM
        Do amerimuts really? In germany you usually get up at 5am and work starts at 6am, some even earlier.

        • 4 months ago

          No. It's an east/west coast US thing. West is earlier, and a lot of engineers work a 6AM-3PM shift on West coast. Midwest, 7-4PM is common. A 9AM start is late by any measure, which is sort of the point of that post.

          • 4 months ago

            Why do they call it 9 to 5 then?

            >In germany you usually get up at 5am and work starts at 6am, some even earlier.
            how the frick do night owls even survive in Germany? 9am work is already barely manageable for me, that sounds horrible

            This. I'm a night owl and having to get up at 8:30 is torture.

        • 4 months ago

          you also actually take holidays and your work doesnt expect you to stay till 11 pm every night and work weekends

          • 4 months ago

            A lot of those complainers don't know what they are talking about. They assume Europe=Greece as far as working. They're dumb midwits.

        • 4 months ago

          I'm German and i have flexible work hours. I could start at 6am as you say, but frick that shit, I like sleeping in, so I usually start work around 8am. Sometimes a little earlier if I feel like it though.

        • 4 months ago

          You haven't heard of a 9 to 5?

        • 4 months ago

          >In germany you usually get up at 5am and work starts at 6am, some even earlier.
          how the frick do night owls even survive in Germany? 9am work is already barely manageable for me, that sounds horrible

        • 4 months ago

          I don't see many people talking about the unpaid over time. I start my day around 9. But I usually finish work around 6. Not including extra hours I do on Sunday to get updates from our Indian team. Or the unpaid oncall work we do in nearly all technology jobs. You hear laborers moaning about dragging their asses to work at 7. You don't hear them moaning because they get ~$500 a week in untaxable (and largely unverified) mileage reimbursement. I know because I used to drive to customer sites to work on equipment.

        • 4 months ago

          I get up at 9AM and begin working at 10AM

          t. spanish

          • 4 months ago

            This is basically how it works in the rest of the civilized world. Ignore the gercuck

          • 4 months ago

            considering your clocks are more than an hour further ahead than what they should be that doesn't really surprise me.
            That's just waking up at 8 and starting work at 9 in places that have a timezone appropriate for their location.

      • 4 months ago

        boss makes a dollar
        i make a dime
        thats why i shit
        on company time!

      • 4 months ago

        Last office job I worked at (some 3+ year ago) there was a guy nicknamed "jerkoff". You can guess why.

      • 4 months ago

        for me, it's 9:59AM, unless I decide to just turn off the alarm and go back to sleep.

      • 4 months ago

        >friend of mine lives a lone while studying to get his CS degree.
        >works with a Canadian company and gets 3K€ a month writing Critical software like drivers for aeroplanes.
        The average wage of my parents is 1.7Κ€. And we are considered middle class.
        Along with that we all live relatively rurally in the outskirts of a small city-town.(this place is green and you can take nice long walks)
        So yeah! I actually think work from home GREAT!

        IN FACT I WOULD ARGUE: PAY ME LESS! Than your average office employee, pay me half his wage so that I can work from the comfort of my rural town.

        Personally I always wake up at 6AM on my own. Never needed a clock or anything.

      • 4 months ago

        Nothing I hate more than low IQ morons and minorities who take advantage of situations to force people who actually work regardless of being at home or in the office to come in and work. I was more productive at home than I was at the office so they just let me continue work from home. Since then, I've had 2 or 3 other people try to force me to come into the office or cause other issues for me that ultimately ends up with me telling them if I can't work from home I'll resign immediately and them then letting me continue to work from home.

    • 4 months ago

      every person who wfh and constantly orders doordash and grocery delivery, and who relies on their electricity continuing to work and clean water coming out of the faucet, does that

      • 4 months ago

        we don't think that, your employer and common sense does. fight your employer to pay you for time used for commuting and other related shit, not the customers.

        • 4 months ago

          >fight your employer
          the only answer

        • 4 months ago

          >your employer
          I don't work any of those jobs moron, I just understand that your cushy WFH lifestyle relies on hundreds of people physically showing up to their jobs in order to support the weight of your existence

          and like all WFH people you have a bizarrely haughty and ungracious attitude about this (which is a large part of why WFH is being slowly taken away btw)

          • 4 months ago

            >your cushy WFH lifestyle relies on hundreds of people physically showing up to their jobs in order to support the weight of your existence
            >you should have to suffer because I do
            This is the most boomer post itt

          • 4 months ago

            for the third time: I am not working one of those jobs. in fact I am a species even lower than either the WFH programmer OR the Doordasher: an unemployed mentally ill neet on welfare

            I'm just able to recognized an entitled shithead when I see one. the fact that the only reason you can imagine that someone might be disgusted by your attitude is that they're one of your servants is pretty telling

          • 4 months ago

            >I'm just able to recognized an entitled shithead when I see one
            You don't recognize shit or understand how the modern world works. Construction workers wouldn't be doing shit without the architects and engineers who sit at their desks (and can do so from home) and every low level worker at a factory is only working at all because programmers and IT are keeping the machines running (and can do so from home). The modern world does not need this outdated boomer thinking of yours just like we don't need a bloated management class who know nothing about the disciplines of the people they manage.

          • 4 months ago

            Capitalist boomers live in a cartoon world, and their concepts of good and evil are beyond warped. Up is down, black is white. They use religious language and reinforcement to shame others, but it's to reinforce evil shit. They think they're actual moral by shitting on poor people, driving people to stress and early graves, firing them at the flick of a switch to save a penny, outright conning, no regulating and chaos in the world, etc.. Just pick any subject and it's some fricked up inversion of what's actually humane and decent.

          • 4 months ago

            how much extra do you pay the impoverished doordasher slaves who bring you all your meals, fatty?

          • 4 months ago

            I'm 6'4" 200. I shop and cook myself. Just because I'm chilling doesn't mean I'm chilling on the things that matter. It's just that people like you specifically don't matter. Nothing to do with neglecting my own self.

          • 4 months ago


            how much extra do you pay the impoverished doordasher slaves who bring you all your meals, fatty?


          • 4 months ago

            You're an imbecile and a hypocrite
            Now go back to China to kiss the feet of the people who give you your cheap gadgets

          • 4 months ago

            Schizo post, that made zero sense as a reply to the comment you tagged.

          • 4 months ago

            You're simply another moron.
            >just understand that your cushy western lifestyle relies on tens of thousands of non-western people enjoying substandard existences in order to support the weight of your existence, so you can LARP as an holier-than-thou imbecile

          • 4 months ago

            >showing up
            and they get paid to do so, what is your point? People spending money is good for the economy.

          • 4 months ago

            you blame people who get to WFH for a bad attitude while this just smells like sour grapes to a mile away. I haven't seen wfh people make threads rubbing it into commutegays faces, why does this thread even exist?

          • 4 months ago

            >I just understand that your cushy WFH lifestyle relies on hundreds of people physically showing up to their jobs in order to support the weight of your existence
            Strictly speaking, a software development firm could be run entirely by people working from home. Not just the programmers, but the marketing and accounting departments, everyone in charge of business decisions. No one is physically assembling a product together, and anything that involves two people talking together can be done via a phone call, or over any number of communication apps.

            Retail and manufacturing jobs require nearly everyone working at them to be available in person, but all corporate offices could be deleted from existence, and it would not negatively impact productivity.

          • 4 months ago

            NTA, but this doesn't really seem relevant to his point, which isn't about logistics, but about the imperiousness and ingratitude of the WFH class.

          • 4 months ago

            Gratitude to what? Companies should be glad people are making them millions and billions of dollars. Frick off with your slave morality.

          • 4 months ago

            >slave morality
            Ohh shit we got a true Nietzschean uberman over here. Can I suck your dick?

          • 4 months ago

            Not until you wash your mouth out from sucking your bosses'

          • 4 months ago

            I'll let you do it remotely.

          • 4 months ago

            The post I was responding to was making the claim that WFH requires tons of other people physically showing up to their jobs. While it is true that you do need other people in other companies showing up to their jobs, your own company may require zero. Why should any company enforce a policy on their own workers based on what other companies are doing?

          • 4 months ago

            You're simply braindead.

            911 operators are ungrateful as frick, they should go physically meet the people asking them for help in order to pay cult to the rest of the economy.

          • 4 months ago

            I dunno. You don't have to care, but I do think the perception that too many WFH people act like we consider ourselves superior beings has contributed to the gradual rollback of WFH in the last year or so. Feelings and status matter to normal people.

          • 4 months ago

            IQfy is not normal society, no one cares except morons like musk

          • 4 months ago

            post bank account balance

          • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            >I do think the perception that too many WFH people act like we consider ourselves superior beings has contributed to the gradual rollback of WFH in the last year or so. Feelings and status matter to normal people.
            I disagree with the former but due to the latter.
            More simply, if a worker who commutes perceives that you do not have to commute to work, and they would prefer that themselves but don't readily have the means or will, and you have no status in their eyes that justifies it implicitly, many would take that alone as a slight and justify the feeling.

            And the darndest thing is that if you went up to that person and offered to have them hang out while you work and literally job shadow to pick up the skills - they're almost always uninterested or take it derisively. I offer every time the point comes up, and especially with the older folks it's more that, from their perspective, if I have this opportunity it is loathsome to either not commit myself to the company or a family. No one likes idle hands unless they're idling for them.

          • 4 months ago

            Class doesn't exist in America which is most of the people itt talking about wfh. I know people don't agree with that. But the truth is that skilled labor in white collar and blue collar jobs can make $100k/yr for a four year degree or less, in most parts of the country, and 40-50 hour work week. It isn't class. It isn't white collar-blue collar. It's skilled vs unskilled labor. There are just as many unskilled white collar jobs as blue collar if not more.

          • 4 months ago

            Extremely Black persondly post

          • 4 months ago

            >your cushy WFH lifestyle relies on hundreds of people physically showing up to their jobs in order to support the weight of your existence
            That's right, hundreds of people have steady incomes because I WFH. You're welcome.

          • 4 months ago

            they chose jobs that require physical presence. A lot of them like it. Office work doesn't require this. A lot of office drones are actually moronic enough to prefer it to wfh. Office drones who like physical jobs cause they have no friends should frick off and get a physical job instead of dragging everyone else into their bullshit. Blue collar workers who want to be at home should frick off and get a wfh job instead of seething with envy.

          • 4 months ago

            >Office drones who like physical jobs cause they have no friends
            You really cracked the case here. Office gays are just lonely losers who want to use work as a substitute for the social life they lack and they are intent on bringing everyone down with them.
            My social life has only flourished with WFH as I have more time to spend with my friends and family. Coworkers are NOT your friends and in 99% of cases can be acquaintances that you go have a beer with every now and then at most.

          • 4 months ago

            >your cushy WFH lifestyle relies on hundreds of people physically showing up to their jobs in order to support the weight of your existence
            And working from an office doesn't? Do office jobs not require electricity or something?

          • 4 months ago

            look at all those (You)s, this is apparently amazing bait even if you didn't intend it as such

            gonna have to remember to keep this in my back pocket

          • 4 months ago

            We already have a universal form of showing gratitude. Money. People are grateful to the deliveryman bringing them food. By paying them.

          • 4 months ago

            money is a measure of obligation, not of gratitude

          • 4 months ago

            People working in an office also use water and electricity and they live their entire lives without a single thought of the people who have to work in plants to provide utilities. And the people providing utilities rely on products made by slaves, whom they also go their entire lives without thinking about even once. There is absolutely zero difference. You're so fricking stupid, I want to kill you so badly right now, I want to send you straight to hell for all eternity, anon.

          • 4 months ago

            >I want to kill you so badly right now
            most mentally stable WFHer

          • 4 months ago

            Thank you for your service.

          • 4 months ago

            there's no service, in fact if you're employed you're paying for me to be a neet

          • 4 months ago

            >I don't work any of those jobs moron, I just understand that your cushy WFH lifestyle relies on hundreds of people physically showing up to their jobs in order to support the weight of your existence
            And I should care why? That's like saying that since there are starving children in Africa that I should starve myself too.

      • 4 months ago

        You're comparing physical jobs to information jobs, why? How would you suggest a plumber do remote work? You have to be there to turn the wrench.

        i can type from your mom's bedroom while I frick her, so I will do exactly that.

        • 4 months ago

          >your employer
          I don't work any of those jobs moron, I just understand that your cushy WFH lifestyle relies on hundreds of people physically showing up to their jobs in order to support the weight of your existence

          and like all WFH people you have a bizarrely haughty and ungracious attitude about this (which is a large part of why WFH is being slowly taken away btw)

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah bro, why can't they let doordash workers, construction workers, and water, elec provider workers all work from home too

      • 4 months ago

        if your job can be done from home you should be able to work from home. If it can't well obviously you can't. Elon's job is to shitpost on twatter all day, do coke and frick premium prostitutes, all from the comfort of his home. Yet he wants his office drones who can do everything on a laptop to commute (something he's never done in his entire life) to work in the morning California traffic.

      • 4 months ago

        So my employer then? Office is powered by a single feed of electricity, everything is delivered by the supermarket's delivery service, and last time I checked there was a tap with running water people drank. By your metrics that's several sequential single points of failure for one workforce, but when we all work from home every single one of those SPoF's is diversified across every single employee.

      • 4 months ago

        I kneel

      • 4 months ago

        That's literally everyone including most of the people working blue collar jobs supporting the utilities you just mentioned. You're delusional if you don't think that tradesmen don't spend their money on bullshit like lolli and Funko pops too. That's half of where this moronic "aspirational middle class" comes from.

      • 4 months ago

        >some jobs, by their very nature, require workers to be physically on-site
        >therefore we should make everyone else be warehoused for eight hours a day
        seems cruel and spiteful

  2. 4 months ago

    Most jobs on earth are not governed by Elmo Tusk. There are sites that track which companies promote WFH. Work for them.

  3. 4 months ago

    Who the frick is Elon Musk?

    • 4 months ago

      Most successful African-American

    • 4 months ago

      ligma balls

    • 4 months ago

      israeli pedophile, fraud, extortioner, zogbot, darpa sex toy, ciasissy, basically

    • 4 months ago

      It's a new cologne by L'Oréal™®©

    • 4 months ago

      the creator of IQfy

  4. 4 months ago

    you are morally bankrupt and a bootlicker

  5. 4 months ago

    all it takes to realize who is worth keeping and who isn't, is to just see what happens if you fire that person. does the business crumble? no? then guess what. whether you WFH or not is up to them.

  6. 4 months ago

    If there are jobs that require only knowledge, not physical presence, but you're required to be physically present anyway, what does it tell you?
    It tells you that the job you are doing isn't really what it seems. It seems like they just want your knowledge, but the truth is, they want more, something that requires your presence.
    What is it?

    The truth is, the managers only got their position because of what they are. No what they know.
    Did you know that tallness is positively correlated with wealth - strongly so?
    Did you know that having an attractive face makes you more likely to be promoted?
    Managers fear that all their unfair advantages get undermined if only your knowledge, not your genetics count.

    The tall and handsome managers want their workers around them to physically mog them. They instinctively know that they will lose a huge chunk of their influence if everyone works from home. Nobody is impressed with your 6 foots and four inches in a VIDEO CALL.
    To dominate people, you need them AROUND YOU.
    WFH equalizes people. It brings the brightest, the hardest working to the top. Not the most attractive. This is a problem for those managers who got to enjoy their genetic privileges all their life, but suddenly, they find themselves deprived of their magic powers. No more sweet smiles from the hot secretary. No more looking down on your shorter subordinates. This is what the managers miss. They miss the implicit domination. It's a powerful drug and WFH denies them them this feeling. And there's fear and outrage and jealousy. That the short uggo might know more and works harder and is more intelligent. That now, where his height doesn't matter and he doesn't have to show his face, he gets acknowledged.

    Elon misses this feeling when he enters a room and everyone looks at him.
    >look, the RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD is in the same room as me!
    >WOW, it's really him!

    • 4 months ago

      1) You only need to see people once in a great while for the physical presence thing to kick in. One in person meeting is good for ~6-12 months
      2) Attractive people still look better on video
      3) Fat people still look fat (you forgot about the inverse correlation between being BMI and IQ/Income)

    • 4 months ago

      The importance of good managers is grossly understated.
      Nobody knows how to organize shit because they are occupied with their legitimate tasks.

      • 4 months ago

        You're correct, but wasting your time here.
        Most ppl just want to follow rules. The have zero agency given broad tasks, and don't understand what managers are supposed to be doing, or why, ergo don't understand why some ppl move up and others are left behind.
        > Wife needs to find person to promote to sr. director, so she can move into VP Ops role.
        > Going over the current candidates w/ her, only one of the 3 really seems to understand the concept of working out what to do with her direct reports in tackling unscoped objectives, after a year trying to coach up the 3.
        > Most senior mgr, with most knowledge, isn't getting it, and would be a trainwreck as a sr. director... I note that promotion just amplifies bad habits and this mgr has a ton. She would make all her report's life hell. And she's going to be pissed when she gets passed over, and won't understand why

        • 4 months ago

          >ergo don't understand why some ppl move up and others are left behind.

          Which is why it's hard to tell whether complaints are legit, and many times they are.

          It's a like a teacher: do the students "hate" the teacher because he's a tyrant, or just because he's hard, but fair?

          • 4 months ago

            It's impossible to tell from the surface, but generally shit people have shit performance, and it all rolls downhill. If you find a bad / hard to work with org, chances are the entire thing is rotten up to some point in the org structure. That's why bad CEOs are particularly heinous. They can create an entire company of sociopaths.
            > t. used to work at one.
            I gave up, and do consulting now. I avoid BTO by just not being in client town, or 100pct utilization with anyone.

      • 4 months ago

        I believe this if only because I know the opposite is true, a bad manager can absolutely destroy a work environment, ruin a team and take a business from the top straight into the ground. I've left several jobs working for good companies that liked me because they promoted some worthless sack of horse shit into a manager position and I'd rather flip burgers or try my luck with unemployment than deal with them

      • 4 months ago

        >The importance of good managers is grossly understated
        Its a shame they don't exist

    • 4 months ago

      This is unironically disgustingly true.

      t. 6'2 and experienced the weird height bias people have

    • 4 months ago

      It's more along the lines of
      >don't look at me don't look at me don't look at me please god have mercy I moved three states for this job don't look at me

    • 4 months ago

      The age of handsome tall chads is over. The time of the ugly manlet has come.

    • 4 months ago

      the truth is there are only a few scenarios in which physical presence makes sense.
      For example writing code for hardware in some cases.
      If we are writing code for a drone or something we need a lab where we can test it actively for example.
      Or if we are testing cars or code for factory hardware.
      But if I'm writing code for a web service we are developing then all we need is a chat group.

    • 4 months ago

      >Did you know that tallness is positively correlated with wealth - strongly so?

      • 4 months ago

        so you want to see a pic of his ass? that's pretty gay anon

  7. 4 months ago

    Not just Elon, all managers. They want to be admired and acknowledged and to impress.
    It's a drug and WFH makes it impossible to get high again.

    See, when aboss enters the room, the people under him know that he has power and the boss knows he is powerful. He doesn't want to know this, he wants to FEEL this.
    This is why managers hate WFH.
    It destroys their genetic priviledge and it denies them their power-drugs.

    • 4 months ago

      and WFH people feel this same superior way about people who deliver their food (as some are even admitting itt)
      so they're no better

  8. 4 months ago

    >NOOO I should've listened to Elon and went to the office NOOOOOO

    • 4 months ago

      Conjugate properly, pidoras. Nobody has enough patience for your incoherent horseshit anymore.

    • 4 months ago

      hell isnt real Black person

  9. 4 months ago

    Make $225 cash + $275K public company RSUs at current price, quarterly vest, WFH remote first company, live waterfront, hot wife, kid on the way, get fricked RTO. AWS tried to get me to come in so I left for this job. 15 yoe great at leetcode thats all there is to it. I actually work 40 hours a week though maybe thats how I pull it off?

  10. 4 months ago

    > if you WFH and think that others should physically show up to their jobs, you are morally bankrupt.
    If your job requires you to show up to work, because you need to physically interact with something, you should show up to work. If you can WFH, you should. Those who work from home use less energy transporting themselves to and from work every day, and take up less space in corporate offices. By decreasing the amount of space dedicated to corporate offices within cities, we can instead dedicate more land in our cities to housing, green spaces (parks), and other businesses that do require people to work in person. Asking employees who are physically capable of accomplishing their tasks by working from home to instead come into the office on a regular basis is both inefficient and immoral.

    • 4 months ago

      That's another good point. Lots of waste of real estate that could use for better things.

    • 4 months ago

      its a good thought but those corporate offices are ran by big money CEOs who also never show up to the office and are far to busy "doing other things" usually related to side jobs

      on another note most of these places that are pissed at WFH have already started hiring offshore work forces who will never step foot in the country they are working for and are entrusted with production tasks. further showing they really dont need you to be in the office, its a control thing

  11. 4 months ago

    Yes others should suffer while I should stay winning.

  12. 4 months ago

    >mfw post-corona full-time wfh job with no degree in 2k24

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago



      • 4 months ago

        Got lucky, right place right time. My manager is based and works from home too. Pretty much all other teams had to go back to the office. The pay could be higher but I can move anywhere in the county and save on rent. I'll take a lower salary over slaving my life away commuting and sitting in the office trying to look busy.

  13. 4 months ago

    excuse me I am a higher class citizen so please make sure you promptly show up to your job at the starbucks to make my coffee that I'll need for my comfy work from home job

  14. 4 months ago

    work-from-home will be the first to be replaced by AI, after all, you're basically just an AI to your boss already

    • 4 months ago

      I see WFM as a temporary transition phase before the complete switcharoo over to AI. They're getting corporate infrastructures in place to just enter workloads into computers and retrieve the output. Currently that work gets done remotely by god knows who living god knows where, eventually it'll just be done remotely by some AI-as-a-service cloud shit.

  15. 4 months ago

    i do not care what that moron thinks

  16. 4 months ago

    Let's take it step further and make breathing concrete dust mandatory in all workplaces. It's immoral to work in nice offices when you rely on people working in hazardous environments.
    t. former tradie, now wfh

  17. 4 months ago

    >guy that owns car company wants you to travel to work

  18. 4 months ago

    >be entrepreneur
    >get your company acquired by Twitter
    >instead of being paid in stock or a lump sum, ask to get paid in an annual salary
    >get put on an internal 'do-not-fire' list and work remotely in your home country of Iceland
    >get fired and mocked by Elon as a lazy WFH leech
    >he gets told by his lawyer he would have to give you a huge fricking payout now
    >"no no no no no, you're not fired bro, it was just a joke, I got all the wrong information about you bro, I'm sorry"

  19. 4 months ago

    He makes people randomly come to work at night if he feels things aren't going fast enough which is objectively more morally bankrupt

  20. 4 months ago

    jewlon musk should be crucified

  21. 4 months ago

    Your fascination with this moron and your constant search for a father figure are revolting and unethical. You're too old and fat to be seeking a masculine role model like an 8 year old child.

  22. 4 months ago

    Nah, I think everyone should get to WFH.

  23. 4 months ago

    I need to take 3 trains and 1 plane to show up at my office, resulting in almost 2 full wasted days per trip. Going there more than once a month would be detrimental. Yet they insist I go once in a while for team bonding (I don't even work much while there)

  24. 4 months ago

    Commuting is *literally* killing the environment
    WFH has saved tons of carbon emissions

    • 4 months ago

      cool it with the antisemitism there bub

  25. 4 months ago

    I can WFH 5 days a week but I choose to go into the office instead.

    Why? So the executives see me around and thus think I'm doing actual work, then whenever I ask for a generous payrise it will gladly be given as I'm a valued asset of the company.

    In reality the only reason I dress up and go into the office is so I can mog other wagies with my superior sense of formal fashion and get mires from all the qt asian OL interns/grads.

    Then I just sit around drinking tea until I decide to go for lunch, then walk around the city mogging more wagies (especially pleb blue collar wagies I love to mog them, walk straight towards them and make them get out of my way lmao) and get even more mires from qt asian girls, for 2-3 hours depending.

    Then I'll go back to the office and do a little bit of work, but across the entire day it's less than an hour of actual work.

    I do all this while looking 10x more productive than WFH losers and larping as Patrick Bateman.

    WFH coomers who live in filth will never be as based as me. I consider you all to be less than human. No, scratch that, you're all human, but I'm a literal God.

    • 4 months ago

      >deleted and resposted for no good reason
      >obviously wants this to be a pasta or a meme screenshot
      >couldn't help inserting his yellow fever into his fantasy
      0/10 even techlead makes better bait than this

      • 4 months ago

        and yet you replied

        • 4 months ago

          I like giving pity (You)s to shitposters that try but fail

      • 4 months ago

        I made spelling mistakes kek
        But seethe because I wear prada and hugo to work while you wear your filthy cum stained pajama pants that are 2 sizes too small.
        WFH Black folk are the first to get chopped during cut backs.

        • 4 months ago

          You tell em goy. Your raise is coming any day now!

          • 4 months ago

            I larp as Bateman and you larp as CWC.
            We are not the same.

    • 4 months ago

      >whenever I ask for a generous payrise it will gladly be given
      You have no fricking idea you would need to payrise me to get me out of WFH.
      It's literally one of the biggest life improvements a raise can't buy.

      • 4 months ago

        I currently am at $500k tc wfh at a remote company and to rto at X in the shittiest part of SF with 7% interest rates (my current is 3%) I would need AT LEAST $1M.

  26. 4 months ago

    I'm just never going back, that's all. Frick off israelites

  27. 4 months ago

    hahahaha boomers and neo-boomers like musk keep thinking they can go back to a pre-covid work environment. guess what, shitheads: you can never go back! also all stores must offer curbside or delivery forever now. welcome to the future morons, you brought this on yourselves

    • 4 months ago

      We need another fake pandemic, I miss lockdowns. It was so comfy. 2 more weeks, please... just to flatten the curve guys... everybody stay home just a little longer

  28. 4 months ago

    I'm fine with coming into the office but then I'll only have the energy to work a dogshit office job 20 hours a week in total which doesn't correspond to a living wage meaning I will not work for you and would rather go pick up a physical warehouse job or something.

  29. 4 months ago

    I WFH and think everyone who isn't doing something that requires physical presence like installing pipes should be given the option. It's a win for the employee because no commute times, and it's a win for the employer because they don't need to rent as much office space.

    • 4 months ago

      No, it's a loss for the employer because it's lost productivity. You won't get away with playing video games at the office when you know the big boss is around.

      • 4 months ago

        >No, it's a loss for the employer because it's lost productivity.
        There's no measurable loss of productivity.

        • 4 months ago

          There is, which is why bosses have started cracking the whip and mandating on-site days where I am. Too many useless WFH people and the gravy train is about to stop very soon.

          • 4 months ago

            >which is why bosses have started cracking the whip
            Most managers are unnecessary, they mostly add negative value to the company.
            They need the office because they need office politics to keep their role. Do you really think that one guy who is friends with the CEO or the 80IQ Bimbo would keep their job if WFH stayed the standard?

          • 4 months ago

            My manager is literally useless, he's afk most of the time and only exists to give me a performance review every now and then.

      • 4 months ago

        When I used to go to the office me and the other swes would play smash/ ping pong for at least 2-3 hours a day. Sorry your job sucks. Misery enjoys company.

      • 4 months ago

        >You won't get away with playing video games at the office when you know the big boss is around.
        lol you've never actually worked an office job have you

    • 4 months ago

      Really there should be one of two laws implemented (ideally both)
      >adjustable tax rate depending on the percentage of man-hours that can be WFH but aren’t
      >a requirement that companies that require RTO provide a company car or per-mileage reimbursement to every employee
      This would be done under the guise of muh climate change, of course, but everyone knows what the real reason is

  30. 4 months ago

    The only people who oppose WFH are the ones that lose all their usefulness if the "managing people" is no longer an option and somehow people continue to work without them.

  31. 4 months ago

    >nocoder morons and boomers mad that people are making bank while basically doing nothing

  32. 4 months ago

    this man is stupid as frick, the only people who still like him are either boomers or israelites

    • 4 months ago

      He is both

  33. 4 months ago

    Crazy how people like him, Bezos, Zuckerberg live in a country where the vast majority of the population wants to kill them for their crimes, and they just assume the state will be able to protect them forever. Usually doesn't stay that way for long.

    • 4 months ago

      >the population wants to kill them for their crimes
      What crimes, anon? I think you're delusional, most people don't give two fricks about these dudes.
      Bezos' greatest crime was cheating on his qt wife with that goblina tho, he does deserve the death sentence for that.

  34. 4 months ago

    >work from home
    >jack off in the office

  35. 4 months ago

    The goal is to slow down the companies/corporations from within so that China can catch up. New world order is a marxist dream being implemented.

  36. 4 months ago

    Helldesk is phone service. My geographical positions adds zero value to the service. The cashier on the supermarket bags my groceries while I flirt with her.

  37. 4 months ago

    wait, elon said that? he hates the woke leftists so I have to agree with everything he says, I have no choice but to go back to the office because I have no self respect

  38. 4 months ago

    I'm sorry that we're not like you, bootlicker.
    Wagie get back in the cagie!

  39. 4 months ago

    WFH is good for everyone even Wagies that need to be physically present, it makes it so you have way less traffic commuting to and from work

  40. 4 months ago

    i wish all of you were dead

    • 4 months ago

      >T. Wagie

  41. 4 months ago


  42. 4 months ago

    1. I take less space on the road. Millions like me alleviate traffic jams.
    2. It is immoral to waste energy on transport (even with an electric car powered by nuclear) just to sit in a desk and have online meetings with people in other continents. I also spend less energy at home as I only heat one room and I keep the temperature quite low to the point I need to wear two layers, as opposed to the office where I have to wear a short sleeved shirt just not to sweat. They heat huge halls and meeting rooms.
    3. Most people used to work from home for most of human history after the agricultural revolution - smiths, fletchers, tanners, bakers, tailors, they all had shops basically on their porch or the bottom part of their house. Even farmers spent half the year inside their houses. The vast majority of female basically worked from home all the time (yes, actual labor other than raising kids - any chore you can think of today took some effort back then).
    4. Frick you in the ass c**t.

    • 4 months ago

      >Most people used to work from home for most of human history
      this is actually a great point. we've been psyop'ed into commuting hours everyday to great distances after the industrial revolution that this seems almost foreign to us

  43. 4 months ago

    There seem to be many reasons they want people back in the office, examples include:

    >higher-ups being narcissists and social parasites who crave company to feed on
    >neurotic micro-managing control freaks desiring someone to latch onto
    >late 20s to middle-aged females who need social interaction in 90% or more of their lives or they'll 'literally die'
    >Power business men/women with families that they've realized they can't stand for more than 2 weeks straight.

    People like this are common in higher business positions for the same reason psychopaths and sociopaths are common in CEO/political positions. You'd have to be mentally or emotionally damaged in order to be drawn to, thrive, and survive in these positions. I say let people stay home because WFH provides an opportunity to ease this absolutely fricked work/life balance tilt we've been subjugated to and (if you're smart enough) take it as a chance to build skills in better career fields so you can escape the hell that is working for someone else. Pic absolutely related.

    • 4 months ago

      >I say let people stay home because WFH provides an opportunity to ease this absolutely fricked work/life balance tilt we've been subjugated to
      This pretty much.

  44. 4 months ago

    So I should go to the office in solidarity with the people who can't work from home?

    Should I also work 12 hour shifts in solidarity with the people who have to work 12 hour shifts? Perhaps I should also accept minimum wage instead of being "an entitled brat"?

    Frick off, c**t.

  45. 4 months ago

    >billionaire whose social circle owns office buildings want people to return to office so that their investments don't lose value

    Shocker. Billionaire sociopaths can go frick themselves.

    I'll return to office once I see the fricking CEO psycopaths also work in free-seating open-office bullshit instead of being comfy in their huge own private office.

  46. 4 months ago

    Black person

  47. 4 months ago

    I will rto when he builds Hyperloop to take me there.

  48. 4 months ago

    The "moderators" and their goons are the immoral ones in tech.

  49. 4 months ago

    Morals are a spook.

    • 4 months ago

      Whatever. They're still trash "people" and would be better off turned into chum and used to bait sharks for tourism reasons.

  50. 4 months ago

    There's nothing immoral about working from home. If your job can be done remotely, why not? Who cares about one man's opinion? Ironically, Mr. Futurist needs to get with the times.

  51. 4 months ago

    Richgays say WFH isn't fair because everybody can't do it. But then is their salary fair? Not even is getting paid the same. Why don't they care about the fairness of that? It's almost like they only care about fairness when it benefits them...

  52. 4 months ago

    If it's knowledge work and doesn't deal with special instruments, hardware then it doesn't need physical presence. It's just a bullshit from managers, because they are too bad at remote and asynchronous work (skill issue), are power hungry or need "their social fix" (which is bullshit). Fricking boomers.

  53. 4 months ago

    >car manufacturer owner says that not commuting is bad

  54. 4 months ago

    > Climate change is real and the greatest threat to humanity
    > but you must continue commuting with your gas guzzlers
    > also don't stop consooming

  55. 4 months ago

    Musk has been having a breakdown over this for months because he no longer has access to the best engineers since they all now work from home and aren't going back.

  56. 4 months ago

    I'm a manager, and I actively promote doing the minimum possible, so long as we stay under the radar. There's no incentive to go above and beyond, the better solution is to slowly condition leadership to a gredual increase in mediocrity, until they're happy anything gets done at all. My home is paid for, I own my car, the job is nice, but go ahead and fire me, I'll take half the team with me to the next job.

    • 4 months ago

      you are the hero your men need

  57. 4 months ago

    I prefer the coziness of my home over a soulless corpo environment. Who wouldn't?

  58. 4 months ago

    I put myself in debt to go to college to learn desirable skills. This should give me advantages. I will not make as much a lawyer. My job security will never be as good as a doctor. There are benefits and there are tradeoffs. I can effectively do my job from home (where I’m working with a group of people spread across the world anyway).

    The real reason they want people back into the office is real estate value of offices and appeasement of shareholders. That’s it. That’s all it is.

  59. 4 months ago

    I worked from an office (a REAL office, with a window and door I can shut AND lock) for 5 years and then WFH for 5 years.

    Here's my analysis:

    >be officegay
    >drink a minimum of 3 bottles of Pure Leaf Unsweetened tea from the fridge per day
    >catered lunch free erryday
    >keep my office door 75% closed, blinds drawn and lights off for maximum cavedweller accommodation
    >3 large monitors and a nice big desk, all paid for and not taking up room in my house

    >be me now, WFHgay
    >sweatpants every day, wake up 3 seconds before work and still be on time
    >be late whenever I want for any reason including no reason and nobody notices or cares
    >still keep lights off, CAVEMAXXX harder than ever
    >slack emojis
    >have all my own appliances to make whatever I want for lunch, can use my own teaware for tea without having to keep stocked at work too
    >DESIGNATED SHITTING TOILET for my exclusive use.
    >seriously I fricking HATED using even semi-public restrooms
    >you would have to pay me a hell of a lot to go back into an office and have to have anyone else's shit particles ANYWHERE near my scent receptors
    >one downside is I did buy a larger house explicitly to have a 5th bedroom to use for an office in the basement. But also I can decorate my space however I want with nobody trying to police my shit

    I kinda miss being able to burdenmaxxx drinking all their teas but pure leaf is shit anyway, I only drink Adagio's Golden Monkey now. I seriously wonder if the office supply managing girls were like "wow that 1 guy left and now we go through tea like 20x slower".


    • 4 months ago


      Productivity-wise, I find how moronic the company is about process (like draconian code review meta game bullshit and having 50 different autists review all specs making different autistic nitpicks and taking any opportunity to obstruct, brag or otherwise be annoying) or being fricktarded about product direction (PMs making us spend time on features literally nobody is going to use. I spent 6 months working on a system because our PM thought it was going to be big. Then he quit, nobody ever used the thing and I might as well have spent all those 6 months jacking off rather than trying to be useful.) I think I'm going to look for a staff engineer position at my next company, at a place where staff engineers get to actually have some say in architecture and product direction. Even staff engineers at my current place are just seniors that the director of engineering likes, and don't functionally do anything different or have any extra responsibility or ownership. I want to be given a business problem and then told to go solve it, with fricking nobody trying to interject their autistic opinions into my shit unless I ask for them.

    • 4 months ago

      >wow that 1 guy left and now we go through tea like 20x slower
      Top kek, I wonder the same about my last job. But it was diet coke instead of tea.

  60. 4 months ago

    i've been ordering grocery delivery since 2005 because it was literally cheaper than the local stores. i have no idea why it's cheaper but it is.
    i've got nothing against going to the store but the store's just crap product selection so i dont buy from it

  61. 4 months ago

    >if you WFH and think that others should physically show up to their jobs
    I don't give a frick what other people do, why would I you moron?

  62. 4 months ago

    I'm convinced nobody doing this WFH shit is actually a productive member of society. You don't have a job. You are useless and society just gives you small tasks to keep you complacent at home.

    bunch of skinny seattle programmer gays who cant change their oil or defend their wives.

    • 4 months ago

      You sound like a Black person

      • 4 months ago

        millions of people go out into the world each day and produce tangible results building infrastructure, farming, transporting goods across the ocean, etc.

        WFH gays stare at a computer and fill out bureaucratic paperwork.

        • 4 months ago

          Is it 1940 again? Most jobs in the west are service jobs moron. Maybe 10% of the population does what 90 IQ boomers like you think of as "real" work.

          And I tend my garden on my wfh breaks.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm WFH and I do maybe MAYBE about an hour of actual work every week, but all the morons who work in office are so fricking incompetent that it still looks like I do more work than them so I get treated like a rockstar and everyone is happy. If I'm a lazy sack of shit but I still get more done than the people who are actually trying all day, then who's the productive one?

      • 4 months ago

        Everyone in the office does even less than that, but the moron managers see people sitting at desks and basically larp as an actual productive organization.

      • 4 months ago

        Everyone in the office does even less than that, but the moron managers see people sitting at desks and basically larp as an actual productive organization.


        Is it 1940 again? Most jobs in the west are service jobs moron. Maybe 10% of the population does what 90 IQ boomers like you think of as "real" work.

        And I tend my garden on my wfh breaks.

        whatever makes you feel better man.

    • 4 months ago

      >I'm convinced nobody doing this WFH shit is actually a productive member of society.
      I wfh and guarantee I make more money than you, why would anyone pay me if I wasn't adding value?
      >You don't have a job. You are useless and society just gives you small tasks to keep you complacent at home.
      Sounds like cope from a clueless blue-collar moron
      >bunch of skinny seattle programmer gays who cant change their oil or defend their wives.
      Almost every day during work hours I'll lift weights, tend to the garden or do some diy, and have sex with my wfh wife.
      My life as a wfh employee is unfathomably good, please continue seething about it.

  63. 4 months ago

    Musk is a fat deformed drug-addicted homosexual and he's going to die like a homosexual.

  64. 4 months ago

    actually i think WFH should be the new standard bbut you should also be legally required to own a computer that is ONLY for work and cannot be used for ANTHNG else if you want a computer for other things buy a seecond one

    • 4 months ago

      >legally required
      Why? If the company isn't fully moronic they'll buy you a work machine so they don't have to deal with every moron downloading ransomware onto the company network while looking for porn.

  65. 4 months ago

    i work from home
    today i slept for 8 hours while getting paid and watching webinars

    • 4 months ago

      did you buy a 1000 dollar phone?

      • 4 months ago

        no but i just bought some wet wipes since i have to travel at the end of the month and wont have my bidet

        • 4 months ago

          you should buy a 1000 dollar phone you deserve it not an apple though

          • 4 months ago

            my phone cost like $200 when i bought it 4 years ago. dont need a new one.

          • 4 months ago

            but 200 dollar phones are slow with shit battery life

          • 4 months ago

            nobody calls me. i barely use my phone

          • 4 months ago

            but you will be happy with an expensive phone

  66. 4 months ago

    good morning to all wfh class citizens

  67. 4 months ago

    >you are morally bankrupt.
    yes, and?

  68. 4 months ago

    >he thinks i roll out of bed at 8:59AM
    >he thinks i roll out of bed
    >he thinks i know what hours correspond to company time
    >he thinks i even remember the name of the company that i work for
    there are many joys of wfh. but my favourite aspect is quite hard to explain.

    It all begins, when it starts to dawn on normie wagies that wfh neets might, just might, quite possibly, as outlandish as it may be to claim, are infact... not working.

    and in their small wagie brains, they start ruminating how that might look: "Oh, he's probably watching youtube in another window", "i bet hes got no pants on", "doing his shopping on company time"...

    when infact the reality is several orders of magnitude outside of their limits of creativity. I am literally not even at my desk. I spend a total of 30 seconds checking emails in the morning, and that's it. that's my work day. at no point during the rest of the day do i open the lid of my laptop.

    the beauty of it, is that it is literally not within the ability of a wagies brain to comprehend this reality, anymore than that of a bird comprehending the C programming language. it is qualitatively, physically, objectively, impossible. but, unlike the bird, the wagie is not deterred, and in their quant little wagie brains they fantasize and try to image, as they may, what nefarious schemes those cheeky wfh neets are up to.

    • 4 months ago

      wtf are you doing?

      • 4 months ago

        don't they have copypasta on reddit?

        • 4 months ago

          I don't know, but you need to go back.

          >he thinks i roll out of bed at 8:59AM
          >he thinks i roll out of bed
          >he thinks i know what hours correspond to company time
          >he thinks i even remember the name of the company that i work for
          there are many joys of wfh. but my favourite aspect is quite hard to explain.

          It all begins, when it starts to dawn on normie wagies that wfh neets might, just might, quite possibly, as outlandish as it may be to claim, are infact... not working.

          and in their small wagie brains, they start ruminating how that might look: "Oh, he's probably watching youtube in another window", "i bet hes got no pants on", "doing his shopping on company time"...

          when infact the reality is several orders of magnitude outside of their limits of creativity. I am literally not even at my desk. I spend a total of 30 seconds checking emails in the morning, and that's it. that's my work day. at no point during the rest of the day do i open the lid of my laptop.

          the beauty of it, is that it is literally not within the ability of a wagies brain to comprehend this reality, anymore than that of a bird comprehending the C programming language. it is qualitatively, physically, objectively, impossible. but, unlike the bird, the wagie is not deterred, and in their quant little wagie brains they fantasize and try to image, as they may, what nefarious schemes those cheeky wfh neets are up to.


  69. 4 months ago

    Never. The rich can sell off their shitty office buildings for use as cheap housing. Not that anyone will want to live packed in like sardines if they don’t have to

  70. 4 months ago

    Elon runs factories and scientific labs, not sure what people he knows that even mentioned WFH to him? His opinion really isn't relevant.

  71. 4 months ago

    i will never work in an office again
    i rather be unemployed
    never ever

    • 4 months ago

      lest we forget, brother.

    • 4 months ago

      lest we forget, brother.

      I'll be honest lads, I'll fricking kill myself before ever working in an office again. The damage it has done to my soul is a price that is no longer worth.

      • 4 months ago

        pill me anons. i've been neet for about 3 years and about to start looking for work again. is the grass simply greener on the other side? living with family is a weight on the spirit that slowly mills you into dust.

        • 4 months ago

          >i've been neet for about 3 years and about to start looking for work again
          oh boy... you're in for a ride, anon. good luck.

          • 4 months ago

            it's cool i already sent out like 1000 applications over the course of a year and never got hired last time i tried after getting my degree (biochemistry lmfao) and thats how i wound up neet in the first place so im prepared to die

  72. 4 months ago

    My commute is a leasurely 20min bike ride instead of getting stuck in traffic, and I don't have the space at home to dedicate an entire room just for work stuff.
    I don't have micromanaging bosses or chatty co-workers.
    I also don't like to work at the desk where my personal computer is at, so I go to the office every day even though I could WFH everyday if I wanted to.
    I stay home when the weathers really really bad though.

  73. 4 months ago

    The guy b***hing about California taxes, is trying to run away to Texas and he wants people to "get off your work-from-home bullshit"

    Mhmmm.... Elon get off the drugs bud.

  74. 4 months ago

    I work customer service remotely and literally my entire day is spent taking calls. Elon should get his head out of his pasty slaver ass.

  75. 4 months ago

    i refuse to work in an office

  76. 4 months ago

    Reminder that my dick is not being sucked and Elon is falling behind in his duties

  77. 4 months ago

    Basically I'm just not gonna do it (RTO!!)
    I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....
    It's just that I'm never going back to the office is all!!!!

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