Why does this trigger christcucks so much?

Why does this trigger christcucks so much?

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  1. 2 months ago

    Ruined their country for their kids and now killing themselves lmao

    • 2 months ago

      frick off, Van Agt was one if not the most based dutch politician.

  2. 2 months ago

    Because christtards just want everyone to suffer. That's what happens when religion becomes a goal in itself, instead of a tool towards a goal

    • 2 months ago

      >Because christtards just want everyone to suffer. That's what happens when religion becomes a goal in itself, instead of a tool towards a goal
      No, it's just slave religions like Christianity and Buddhism that teach that it's good to suffer.

    • 2 months ago

      they don't care

      they don't

  3. 2 months ago

    Because struggle is growth and giving up is cringe and soulless.

    • 2 months ago

      Give up what you moron? They are going to die anyway in a couple years in a much more painful less dignified manner.

      • 2 months ago

        Ok well then you’re just presupposing a materialist view of the soul anyway, in that case go ahead and have a nice day.

        • 2 months ago

          he's busy fricking your mom

    • 2 months ago

      I really doubt you can do much growth when you have a condition that guarantees death in a few years at best

    • 2 months ago

      >Struggle is growth
      They are old. Their bodies are done and will only decay and grow more infirm with time. The only thing they will be struggling with is attempting to remember what year it is and attempting to recover in rehab after their 5th fall breaks their hip.

      • 2 months ago

        I guess the real personal growth was all the times you screamed incoherently at your husband of 50 years due to alzheimers corroding your synapses along the way

    • 2 months ago

      Probably one of the few things Christians and Nietzsche can agree upon.

    • 2 months ago

      souls don't exist moron

      • 2 months ago

        nice claim where is your evidence?

        • 2 months ago

          that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

          • 2 months ago

            nobody asserted anything, you came out of nowhere with this claim the burden of proof is on you

          • 2 months ago

            *sigh* do i really have to explain to you christcucks for the 10,000th time how burden of proof works?

          • 2 months ago

            *sigh* do i really have to explain to you christcucks for the 10,000th time how burden of proof works?

            Do I have to explain it's a two way street bucko? Atheism is also a truth claim

          • 2 months ago

            *sigh* concession accepted i guess. you'd think after getting BTFO thousands of times you'd correct your mistakes. i guess learning things isn't something christians hold in high regard

          • 2 months ago

            what mistakes I just got here and seen the same old reddit tier atheist cope

        • 2 months ago

          I'm fricking your mom right now with my gargantuan 9 incher. Where is your evidence I'm not?

          • 2 months ago

            Atheists don't know how to form basic arguments do they? Is this supposed to be some kind of gatcha moment

  4. 2 months ago

    vax status?

    • 2 months ago

      Unjabbed. They chose to kill themselves because of the horrific effects of long covid. It all could have been stopped if they just took it…

      • 2 months ago

        underrated b8

  5. 2 months ago

    >Don't worry, God knows that your grandma that was reduced to a drooling vegetable in the last month of her life due to dementia got it right with Him before she passed on..somehow

  6. 2 months ago

    They might feel like it's not in anybody's place to pull this kind of thing. Faith is the only thing that pleases God so whatever you do is "Yes, and amen".

    • 2 months ago

      Aw sweet, a live free gracer moron in this thread.

  7. 2 months ago

    I read this as 'dies in hand-to-hand combat with wife'.

  8. 2 months ago

    Because you can't tithe or give your time as effectively if you're dead. Of course the peons don't care about this, but those on the receiving end of tax free donations do, and they wield the power in their churches.

    Same concept with abortion. More potential churchgoers = higher potential income and power.

    • 2 months ago

      Dead people leave stuff to the church in their will all the time........


      • 2 months ago

        Yes but that's the last time they do. Ensuring more people attend your holy building means more money.

      • 2 months ago

        Not a continuous stream of income though. And not everyone does so.

  9. 2 months ago

    Next stop, the kebab shop.

  10. 2 months ago

    I understand killing yourself but it is moronic to try and get another person to kill you because you are too cowardly to do so yourself

    • 2 months ago

      actually kys

    • 2 months ago

      Eh, the doctor probably is more effective at killing than most people are. Tons of inexperienced dip shits fail suicide attempts due to a poor understanding of anatomy, chemistry, or material strength.

  11. 2 months ago

    Because suffering is the greatest virtue in the eyes of G-d.

  12. 2 months ago

    You’re supposed to suffer and give your priest a final piece of juicy gossip

  13. 2 months ago

    I fricking wish hell is real so damn much.

    • 2 months ago

      because you are a hateful person and want to see people around you suffer

      • 2 months ago


  14. 2 months ago

    >Destroy economy to save old people
    >Old people kill themselves anyway

  15. 2 months ago

    Didn’t they have any kids or grandkids that might want to see them alive?

  16. 2 months ago

    What an utterly continental story.

    • 2 months ago

      Silence Pajeet.

  17. 2 months ago

    I get why christcucks can be against abortion but What's their issue with euthanasia is beyond me

    • 2 months ago

      Basically, murder isn't a sin because it harms the person you killed. While that is true, it's not a huge deal. In fact, the person you killed is due to get precisely what they deserve - judgement from God on whether they shall go to Heaven or Hell (or Purgatory).
      The people you have harmed are their loved ones, who now have to suffer life without the person you killed.
      Thus, suicide is still murder. You haven't harmed the person you killed (yourself), since you consented to die, but you have still harmed your loved ones.
      Euthanasia is just suicide with a nicer name, so it's thereby prohibited.
      It is particularly triggering, though, because Christianity is an extremely pro-social religion. It emphasizes massively how you need to call out, shame, and ostracize evil. When state-sanctioned evil occurs (and this falls under that definition), they freak the frick out.

      • 2 months ago

        gay, that would make God a sinner for making us have mortal lives (and thus harming our loved ones when we inevitably and unwillingly die), you absolute moron.
        >inb4 muh "uh, achtually it was Adam and Eve" disobedience that caused mortality
        Punishing gazallions for the sins of their forefathers makes such perfect ethical and moral sense, kek. Goddamn christgays

        There is definitely something in the Christian psyche that abhors suicide, especially the idea of a socially-accepted suicide. I feel terrible for depressed people, but the idea of others celebrating their death is horrifying.
        But my main objection is the Pandora's box that it opens. If the terminally ill don't have lives worth living, what about the profoundly disabled? The miserably depressed? We're finding that the buck doesn't stop anywhere, with Canada trying to legalize euthanasia for minors.
        It's easy to support euthanasia in the abstract, but what if it was your child that was getting executed due to depression?
        There are other negative effects too, mostly in how it warps incentive structures for healthcare providers. Rather than providing quality care to terminal patients, those patients are pressured into suicide. There was one case where a pensioner was told it would take 3 weeks for a routine visit, but that he could sign up for euthanasia immediately if he wanted to. Additionally, think about all the terminal illnesses we have cured. Would those advancements have been made if not for the suffering the illnesses caused?

        Ultimately, there are cases of euthanasia that undeniably good. Someone living alone, with a terminal and painful illness, who is already over the age of 80? That is fine, if still regrettable. But it will never stop there.

        >muh slippery slope

    • 2 months ago

      it should be everybody's problem. I'm confused more so by people who hand this power over to the government. It's literally never worked out but we keep trying. There is a huge difference between a doctor giving someone an opiate overdose or stopping grandpa's heart medication to giving the incompetent buffoons in charge of your country who can't even give you enough hospital beds poison to kill people who are an inconvenience.
      What exactly is the end game here?

  18. 2 months ago

    Bot a Christcucks but this a sterile and uromantic way to go, compare this to dazai's death.

  19. 2 months ago

    There is definitely something in the Christian psyche that abhors suicide, especially the idea of a socially-accepted suicide. I feel terrible for depressed people, but the idea of others celebrating their death is horrifying.
    But my main objection is the Pandora's box that it opens. If the terminally ill don't have lives worth living, what about the profoundly disabled? The miserably depressed? We're finding that the buck doesn't stop anywhere, with Canada trying to legalize euthanasia for minors.
    It's easy to support euthanasia in the abstract, but what if it was your child that was getting executed due to depression?
    There are other negative effects too, mostly in how it warps incentive structures for healthcare providers. Rather than providing quality care to terminal patients, those patients are pressured into suicide. There was one case where a pensioner was told it would take 3 weeks for a routine visit, but that he could sign up for euthanasia immediately if he wanted to. Additionally, think about all the terminal illnesses we have cured. Would those advancements have been made if not for the suffering the illnesses caused?

    Ultimately, there are cases of euthanasia that undeniably good. Someone living alone, with a terminal and painful illness, who is already over the age of 80? That is fine, if still regrettable. But it will never stop there.

  20. 2 months ago


    >Was that a typo? Murder is a sin.
    No, you just have literally zero reading ability so you look at sentences in total isolation.
    This is common for people who like to do the line-by-line breakdown bullshit.
    Obviously murder is a sin and obviously it's still a sin even if no one liked the murdered person or will miss him. It's an explanation for why suicide is a sin.
    >If everyone got what they deserved, if everyone received justice, then everyone would be thrown into the lake of fires.
    Quit being a Protty Schizo. You know that's what I meant.
    >Also purgatory is a lie to sell indulgences and all sin is deadly/mortal.
    Matthew 5: 25-26
    Isaiah 6: 7-8
    Also it really wasn't to sell indulgences. It wasn't made official Church doctrine until the 13th century. And it was the Council of Trent itself, the same council that banned selling indulgences, which really established it.
    You're free to disagree, but it's not made up whole-cloth.

    • 2 months ago

      >say something that's an obvious lie
      >spew hate in return
      Okay, as typical of the Papist idolaters.

      American hands made this post

      Don't you have a Roman boylover cult to defend? Go try to earn your way into heaven, fool.

  21. 2 months ago

    Because the husband is literally being a cuck while his wife watches him kill himself. A real man lives longer than his wife and takes care of her before she dies. Then you run your race until the end like Jesus.

    • 2 months ago

      American hands made this post

      • 2 months ago

        God Bless America

    • 2 months ago

      Women tend to live longer than men, and it isn't uncommon for the wife to be younger than the husband in the first place. Statistically, your wife will outlive you.

  22. 2 months ago

    I just can't imagine my life being so boring that I just volunteer to kill myself, not even out of being suicidal, just from sheer boredome. They could've traveled the world or something at least. The Netherlands must be an extremelly boring, soulless place, no wonder everyone there is on antidepressants

    • 2 months ago

      Having a terminal disease being bedridden and delirious while you shit out your guts until you die is just peak entertainment. Why would anyone want to miss out on that experience?

      • 2 months ago

        It is better than non-experience that's why. You'll have an eternity of that anyway so why not maximize the time you do have?

        • 2 months ago

          I will A. skin you alive while shitting down your throat and ripping out your nails one by one then leave you tied up while the worms festering in your infested wounds slowly finish you off over the next couple days or B. shoot you now.
          Which one do you pick moron?

          • 2 months ago

            I pick option A easily. I would rather suffer in horrible pain and therefore get to experience things than not doing it and missing out on potential precious moments.

          • 2 months ago

            Okay cool.

          • 2 months ago

            No you won’t you moron. Extreme pain fricking sucks and there a reason so many people choose for hospitals to let them die instead of perform CPR on them and break all their ribs trying to bring them back to life.

          • 2 months ago

            Yes I will homosexual, I am aware that the weak seek to off themselves like a troony but don't impose that on me. This consciousness has a limited time of existence and I will not waste it because something hurts. If you are so desperate to go back to the void then do us a favor

          • 2 months ago

            >Yeah bro, I’m not weak, I’d gladly let you torture me for hours and days, I can take it, I’m not a trannie
            You’re a deranged childish moron who’s never so much as broken a bone in your entire life. True pain consumes your mind and makes it impossible to sleep or think straight. Without painkillers certain experiences are so agonizing that they can turn you insane. You’re a moronic homosexual who pretends to be tough online.

          • 2 months ago

            >let me tell you about yourself by pulling shit out of my ass
            I actually did break a bone so this sperging of yours is once again an irrelevant cope for your weakness. Just because you are an effeminate homosexual that can't take it doesn't mean other people won't be able to.
            >without painkillers
            where did I say you shouldn't take them or to reduce your pain whenever possible? All I am saying is that if you have no options but to endure it then it is preferable to not being alive.

    • 2 months ago

      >The Netherlands must be an extremelly boring, soulless place, no wonder everyone there is on antidepressants
      It is, that's why we needed more drugs legalized.

  23. 2 months ago


    >You’re insane
    Not an argument. explain how Grandma is going to get right with God when her brain is turned to mush and she’s attacking her family who she thinks are intruders in her house?

  24. 2 months ago

    Man choosing to end his life at his own discretion instead of dying when he is supposed to is insanely self-centered and egotistical, which is sinful. Only God has the authority to determine when a man lives and dies.

    • 2 months ago

      Imagine letting another man decide when you live and die, let alone being the neurotic controlling homosexual thst does that to another person. Do you ask YHWH permission to wipe your ass as well?

      >say something that's an obvious lie
      >spew hate in return
      Okay, as typical of the Papist idolaters.

      Don't you have a Roman boylover cult to defend? Go try to earn your way into heaven, fool.

      Using that logic, your clergy has raped and tortured more children than the roman empire ever has by virtue of higher numbers, longevity and secrecy. Your rituals of sex abuse go back before the renaissance with priests going back to gregory complaining about it in the 11th century. If heaven is full of decrepit pedophiles and people that learn of grace through decrepit pedophiles then it's nowhere worth "earning"
      >inb4 it was le outlier.
      Right, many people criticized these acts. So was sex abuse in pre-christian times, in fact it was seen as a decadent vice going back to the greeks writing about how it corrupted the aristocracy. Didn't spare them all from being generalized as child grooming sodomites did it?

      Atheists don't know how to form basic arguments do they? Is this supposed to be some kind of gatcha moment

      >original post asserts souls exist based off feeling
      >gets dimissed and bullied
      >starts talking about "basic argument"
      There was no argument going on. If your claim (soul existing) is based on what you feel and WANT to believe while demanding counter-arguments then your standards for reality are no higher than a troony that claims he's a woman because he thinks he is one and asks you to disprove it without providing any evidence himself. The most intelligent thing a person can do here is call you a homosexual. homosexual.

  25. 2 months ago

    They say life flashes before your eyes just when you are about to die.

    What if you are one of those people hit by a grenade, artillery shell or plane crash where you body literally disintegrates within seconds? Or in this case euthanized instantly? Does it still flash then?

    • 2 months ago

      >moron fails to comprehend metaphor episode #999

  26. 2 months ago

    >there is no slippery slope guys it's just Christcucks trying to force their religion on you

  27. 2 months ago

    people have been doing this on their own, why do you need to give the government so much power or celebrate killing yourself? Keep it to yourself, killing yourself or loved ones is your burden to bear

    • 2 months ago

      There are countless failed suicide attempts where the person ends up debilitated in a state worse than death or even successful ones that are done wrong and the person ends up in immense pain for hours before they die.
      The government has the ability to provide a quick, painless, guaranteed way out.

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