Post your Indian techie stories

78 posts · 2 years ago

Why is 3D printing a meme?

45 posts · 2 years ago

Tabs or Spaces?

79 posts · 2 years ago

Things went downhill from here.

104 posts · 2 years ago

ITT: technology hate thread

144 posts · 2 years ago

The Linux experience

27 posts · 2 years ago

>Atom died for this

53 posts · 2 years ago

dont care, still calling them gifs

68 posts · 2 years ago

Memes aside, was he right? Discuss

29 posts · 2 years ago

Apple Leaks Thread

51 posts · 2 years ago

Is this really the future of AI?

288 posts · 2 years ago

Is it THE GNU/Linux?

39 posts · 2 years ago

do you own a crt?

164 posts · 2 years ago

Tech Confessions

48 posts · 2 years ago

File organization

47 posts · 2 years ago

Why aren't you using Go?

150 posts · 2 years ago

Why did Linus reject C++ ?

67 posts · 2 years ago