Why is he so popular?

60 posts · Literature · 2 years ago

Why would anyone use this?

54 posts · Tech · 2 years ago

too stupid to read KJV

42 posts · Literature · 2 years ago

Why did he refuse the money?

45 posts · Tech · 2 years ago

Nvidia GeForce RTX

256 posts · Tech · 2 years ago

Planned obsolescence in action

316 posts · Tech · 2 years ago

Why are nuclear fanboys so autistic?

54 posts · Tech · 2 years ago

RTX 4000 series

288 posts · Tech · 2 years ago

Guys... Christianity is true...

118 posts · History · 2 years ago

Were the 50's really that bad?

321 posts · History · 2 years ago

Best books about addiction?

103 posts · Literature · 2 years ago