>a fucking talking snake

83 posts · 1 year ago

Post your stacks?

202 posts · 1 year ago

Why is it so boring?

26 posts · 1 year ago


19 posts · 1 year ago

Just got this kino

25 posts · 1 year ago


40 posts · 1 year ago


58 posts · 1 year ago

Thomas Mann was half Brazilian

52 posts · 1 year ago

Just bought a new book

36 posts · 1 year ago

How to get into Solzhenitsyn?

46 posts · 1 year ago

Best books for zoomer noob

24 posts · 1 year ago

What Author is a glorified pseud?

165 posts · 1 year ago

200 pages into it

22 posts · 1 year ago

when does it get good?

19 posts · 1 year ago

Books as brutal as this shit?

34 posts · 1 year ago

Have you guys read this book?

33 posts · 1 year ago

The Last Day's of Beckett's

114 posts · 1 year ago

What was the point of this book?

58 posts · 1 year ago

I didn't really like it.

23 posts · 1 year ago

Fucked-up book recs?

20 posts · 1 year ago

Aristotle's Four Causes

23 posts · 1 year ago


21 posts · 1 year ago


20 posts · 1 year ago