What happened to Firefox?

104 posts · 2 years ago

Pajeet quits like a stud

51 posts · 2 years ago

Google Play Store

58 posts · 2 years ago

science prove trannys wrong again

74 posts · 2 years ago

LineageOS 19 sucks

55 posts · 2 years ago

Is man made climate change real?

311 posts · 2 years ago

Simple Gallery Pro

101 posts · 2 years ago

Uber Eats merging with Postmates

90 posts · 2 years ago


46 posts · 2 years ago

Macbook Air Thread

25 posts · 2 years ago

NixOS appreciation thread

36 posts · 2 years ago

post AI greentexts

39 posts · 2 years ago

Why aren't computers fun anymore?

163 posts · 2 years ago

What is Go used for?

59 posts · 2 years ago