So why does torvalds use a M1 again

241 posts · 2 years ago

Is Time actually the 4th dimension

29 posts · 2 years ago

Self teach math PHD

32 posts · 2 years ago

Why haven't we cloned humans yet?

49 posts · 2 years ago

pens and mechanical pencils

184 posts · 2 years ago

>one race the human rac-

43 posts · 2 years ago

So how did life on earth start?

78 posts · 2 years ago

Is what he says about academia true?

106 posts · 2 years ago


60 posts · 2 years ago

what's the verdict on Novavax?

99 posts · 2 years ago

Do Science & Math care about Ethics?

254 posts · 2 years ago

Quantum Computing

92 posts · 2 years ago

Vibrational mechanics

54 posts · 2 years ago

What's wrong with piracy forums?

25 posts · 3 years ago

Your GPU could die any second now.

46 posts · 3 years ago

What browser do you use?

44 posts · 3 years ago

What killed Perl?

29 posts · 3 years ago

Is evolution stupid?

24 posts · 3 years ago